Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3599: Carved dragon

  Chapter 3599 Dragon carving

  Xingyuezong, inside the sect.

This disciple felt the changes in his body, and there was a touch of joy on his face: "The power of the dragon mark is really strong. I now feel that the power has increased by 20%. This time we finally have a chance of winning. "

  As soon as these words came out, the other Xingyue Sect disciples began to gather towards Chen Xuan: "Chen Xuan, I'm the next one."

   "Brother Chen Xuan, how long can your dragon pattern last?" Many disciples expressed joy.

  If they can last longer, they will also have a permanent increase.

Although the time of   dragon pattern cannot be accompanied for a lifetime, after some special modulations, the dragon pattern can still be carved permanently, but some objects are needed for assistance.

If only through the power of divine consciousness, the dragon pattern is carved on the opponent’s body, it will last only a few months, but these few months are definitely enough. They will only deal with the White Elephant Sect in this half a year. Inside.

  After sculpting many dragon patterns continuously, Chen Xuan now feels that his consciousness is even a little fuzzy.

   "I have carved the dragon patterns of so many people at once. It seems that my soul can't bear it. I want to continue carving, I am afraid I can only wait until tomorrow." Chen Xuan whispered.

  With the power of his current soul, he can only carve the dragon pattern of fifty people in one day at most, but the number of disciples in the Xingyue Sect is many, almost three to four hundred.

  It takes at least three days to engrave all these disciples with dragon patterns.

Chen Xuan could only shook his head and said to them: "Everyone, I am a little tired today. Why don't we continue to sculpt tomorrow. Let me recover first. I feel that I have overdrawn a lot of physical strength. If I continue to use the dragon pattern. Power, it is very possible that I will faint directly in front of you."

  Many disciples of the Xingyue Sect nodded one after another, and some of the warriors who had gained the power of dragon markings all had joyful expressions on their faces.

   "I didn't expect dragon patterns to work so well. It's no wonder that people from the dragon blood tribe have tattoos on their bodies. This power has increased my cultivation base by 20%..."

  Other Xingyue Sect disciples who have not received the blessing of the dragon pattern, although they are somewhat lost in their hearts, but thinking that they still have a chance to get the increase of the dragon pattern power tomorrow, they all accept it frankly.

   "Brother Chen Xuan, you must have a good rest tonight."

   "Yeah, it depends on you whether we can win this time. As long as the power of the dragon pattern can increase our cultivation base, we must defeat the running dogs of the White Elephant Sect this time!"

  At night, Chen Xuan also came to the place where he lived. He was running the true energy and began to absorb the spiritual energy of the surrounding heaven and earth.

   "The soul power consumed today is too much, and now I feel a little dizzy." Chen Xuan originally wanted to continue practicing, but he only felt that his head was very unconscious.

   "Forget it, wait until tomorrow to continue practicing."

   At this moment, there was a knock on the door suddenly, and Chen Xuan could only drag his tired body and walk towards the front.

   "Who is it?" Chen Xuan asked.

   "Chen Xuan is me."

   pushed open the door, Chen Xuan found that it was Sect Master Liu standing outside the door.

  At this moment, Sect Master Liu was carrying a large bag in his hand, and Chen Xuan knew that he must have sent me the herbs for cultivation.

"Chen Xuan, I really troubled you today. I actually carved dragon patterns for so many disciples. You see, these are the cultivation herbs they sent you. You can eat them quickly, otherwise you will need to consume a lot of energy tomorrow. "

   Seeing the herbs that Sect Master Liu handed over, Chen Xuan nodded slightly, but did not refuse.

  He did consume a lot of physical strength. If he does not recuperate today, he will definitely not be able to continue carving dragon patterns tomorrow.

Sitting down, Sect Master Liu said: "Chen Xuan, how confident are you that you can win this time? The Zhuge Tianlang cultivation of the White Elephant Sect is very strong, even if I am not his opponent, in the original battle, It took me the lives of three elders to gain the safety of Xingyue Sect."

"What's more, we will take the initiative to attack after a month. Do you know that the White Elephant Sect's sect formation is very powerful, even if our Xingyue Sect's formation is far less than..." Sect Master Liu's face There was a touch of seriousness on it. This matter was about the survival of Xingyue Sect, and he didn't want to make any mistakes in this matter, so that the catastrophe was lost.

Chen Xuan smiled lightly, and said patiently: "My lord, you can rest assured. If you are not sure, I will definitely not mention it to you. With the blessing of dragon patterns, plus these star-moon sects. My disciples, all have a lot of hatred towards the White Elephant Sect, and our chances of winning are still very high."

  At this moment, Zang Feiyu and others also rushed over.

  The three people in the room sat on chairs with each other, gathered around the long table.

"Brother Chen, I know you must be sure to mention it to us, but we still have to be careful. After all, Zhuge Tianlang has reached the mid-sixth stage of the Shenluo realm. Even if the three of us are added together, I can barely beat him."

  Chen Xuan smiled disdainfully: "Although Zhuge Tianlang's cultivation is not weak, we only need to infiltrate the Baixiangzong formation in advance, and I can guarantee that he will be killed."

   "These disciples now have the blessing of dragon pattern power. They can definitely hold the warriors of the White Elephant Sect. It only takes the three of us to be the first to kill Zhuge Tianlang, and there is a chance of winning!"

  As the strongest sect master of the White Elephant Sect, Zhuge Tianlang must have two brushes, and his cultivation has reached the mid-sixth stage of the Shenluo realm. Even in the entire west, there are few people who are his opponents.

  The next morning, Chen Xuan continued to help many disciples carving dragon patterns, but they did not refuse. Everyone knew that the power of dragon patterns could increase their cultivation base.

  The Xingyue Sect disciple who was engraved with dragons on his body yesterday has improved a lot now.

  The disciples who have not been engraved with the dragon pattern are also very eager in their hearts.

  "I'm here, I'm here, Brother Chen Xuan, hurry up and help me carve a dragon pattern!" The disciple said hurriedly.

  The power of a dragon pattern appeared on the palm of Chen Xuan's palm, which was instantly engraved on the body of this Xingyue Sect disciple. In just a few seconds, a dragon pattern appeared on his body.

  One day passed quickly, and for the next two or three days, Chen Xuan was helping these disciples to carve dragon patterns.

  Chen Xuan was also more proficient in the power of dragon patterns while helping them to carve dragon patterns.

   "Yu Wentian said it is really good. Only by constantly carving dragon patterns for others can you improve your martial arts, which is the same as cultivation."

  One month has passed in an instant, and many of the Xingyue Sect disciples have already obtained the power of the dragon pattern, and most of them have entered the realm of Shenluo.

  Walking on the high platform, this time no disciple of the Xingyue Sect dared to question Chen Xuan's cultivation.

  Even if Chen Xuan's cultivation level is not strong, just being able to carve spiritual patterns is enough to arouse their respect.

"Senior brothers, we must teach the White Elephant Sect this time, let them know that our Xingyue Sect is not easy to provoke. If the time is right, we will directly destroy the White Elephant Sect, and we must kill Zhuge Tianlang! "

  Many sect disciples shouted ferociously.

   "That's right, we must kill this Zhuge Tianlang!"

   "He actually killed so many of our brothers, we must not let him go!"

   Surrounded by many Xingyue Sect disciples, Chen Xuan also led them towards the direction of the White Elephant Sect.

  White Elephant Sect and Xingyue Sect are both in the boundary between the west and the middle, and they are also in the northeast corner of the Tianlong Mountain Range.

  When they came to the mountain range where the White Elephant Sect was located, many monsters in the mountain surrounded the distance and did not dare to step forward.

  If it were just a small demon hunting group, these monsters might even rush to tear them to pieces.

  However, the number of all the disciples of the Star-Moon Sect has almost reached more than three hundred. These monsters, no matter how strong they are, will definitely not dare to challenge the authority of mankind.

  Chen Xuan suddenly stopped the large group and said to the Sect Master: “Sect Master Liu, let them stop first. I will use the Liaoyuan Sword to inquire about it and destroy the entire formation of the White Elephant Sect.”

  If the White Elephant Sect's formation was activated when they were attacking, even if the people of the Star Moon Sect had increased the power of the dragon pattern, it would be difficult for them to escape from under their hands.

Sect Master Liu nodded slowly, but there was still a hint of caution on his face: "Chen Xuan, you must be careful. Zhuge Tianlang's cultivation is very strong. Don't let him find out."

  Chen Xuan chuckled, “Sect Master, don’t worry, although Zhuge Tianlang has a strong cultivation base, he will never find my Liaoyuan Sword.”

  Chen Xuan knew very well that only a master who cultivated the power of the dragon pattern could know the position of his Liaoyuan sword. Just a Zhuge Tianlang would definitely not be able to find it.

  Through the Liaoyuan sword, Chen Xuan quickly transmitted his consciousness to the door of the White Elephant Sect.

  Chen Xuan has seen many disciples of the White Elephant Sect, wandering in front of the mountain gate.

  From one of the disciples of the White Elephant Sect in a white robe, his face was smiling, and the fat was squeezed into a ball.

   "Brother Li, look, I told you before that the people of Xingyue Sect were not beaten at all. Our Sect Master just went there and killed their three elders directly."

A thin disciple next to    also let out a wild laugh: "It seems that I was right to join the White Elephant Sect. Fortunately, I didn't enter the Star-Moon Sect. This sect is really useless!"

Hearing them talking next to him, another disciple of the White Elephant Sect approached: "You are right. I heard that our Sect Master killed their three elders in just one round. The Star Moon Sect was all a group. loser!"

  Chen Xuan bypassed these White Elephant Sect disciples, and then continued to go deep inside. After Liaoyuanjian's investigation, Chen Xuan quickly locked several senior White Elephant Sect leaders.

  These high-levels are all elders of the White Elephant Sect. At this moment, these old men are also talking with each other in front of a long table.

  At the end of the table, there is a middle-aged man wearing a black long dress and a serious face.

  Chen Xuan just glanced at it and knew that this person was definitely Zhuge Tianlang.

  When he participated in the five major sect competitions, Chen Xuan also witnessed Zhuge Tianlang and knew what he looked like.

Zhuge Tianlang glanced at the many elders of the White Elephant Sect beside the long table and let out a grin, and said to them: "Elders, it is really hard for you this time. I have already visited the Xingyue Sect before, and the whole Xingyue Sect is not there. One who can fight, even if Sect Master Liu is already seriously injured, this time I need you to join me to destroy their entire Xingyue Sect. By then, our White Elephant Sect will be the only first sect in the western region!"

  An old man wearing a red robe also let out a smirk: "My lord, you can rest assured, I will definitely spare no effort to cooperate with you, this time we will definitely annihilate the Star-Moon Sect."

   "This Xingyue Sect wanted to compete with us for the position of the first sect before. It is like a mangy arm. We want these Xingyue sects to know why our White Elephant Sect is number one in the west!"

  Many elders of the White Elephant Sect sneered. In their consciousness, the White Elephant Sect was a large sect. At least in this western part, there was no school that could be compared with them.

Zhuge Tianlang also smiled and nodded, then raised the wine glass and said to them: "Very well, this time we are bound to win. Now several elders of Xingyue Sect have been killed by me. When the time comes, you go directly to eradicate Sect Master Liu of Xingyue Sect, there will be no threat."

  The Liaoyuan sword that Chen Xuan relied on had already heard their discussion in the room, and there was a sneer on his face.

"This Zhuge Tianlang's mind is so vicious. Now Xingyue Sect has been maimed by them. It takes a long time to recuperate and regenerate. I didn't expect that they still want to destroy Xingyue Sect directly. I can't let This happened!" Thinking in his heart, Chen Xuan continued to control the Liaoyuan Sword and began to search the surrounding area continuously.

  (End of this chapter)

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