Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3601: Kill Zhuge Tianlang

   Chapter 3601 Killing Zhuge Tianlang

   Lying on the ground, Chen Xuan coughed desperately, and quickly took out a few pills from the ring: "Unexpectedly, his cultivation base would be so strong, he deserves to be a master of the Sixth Level of the Shenluo Realm."

  After standing up from the ground, Chen Xuangang wanted to get up, but found a thunderbolt, and once again killed him.

  At this critical moment, Sect Master Liu instantly picked up the long sword and came to Chen Xuan's body. A swift and fierce sword aura killed Zhuge Tianlang.


The light of thunder dissipated in an instant, and Chen Xuan also escaped from Zhuge Tianlang's attack.

  After taking a few pills, Chen Xuan didn't care about his injuries.

With a fierce look on his face, Chen Xuan said grimly: "Sect Master, Zang Feiyu, we must be united. You listen to my orders and wait for my sword to be condensed, and you are launching a fierce attack on him... "

  Liu Sect Master nodded hurriedly, but then he said: "Chen Xuan, I will help you defend first, you first accumulate the energy needed for the Ten Thousand Sword Art!"

  As soon as the voice fell, he rushed over and slammed towards Zhuge Tianlang in the sky.

Seeing Sect Master Liu rushing, Zhuge Tianlang was also full of blood: "Old man Liu, you are not my opponent at all, you are the only one here? Hahaha, this time you are dead, Chen Xuan has been beaten by me. I am seriously injured, I am afraid that the other elders of our White Elephant Sect do not need to come over, I can deal with you alone!"

  Liu Sect Master did not say a word, but stared at Zhuge Tianlang's actions.

  With the sudden release of Zhuge Tianlang's sword aura, Sect Master Liu also swung the long sword fiercely, and a fierce aura burst out.

  With the blessing of Chen Xuan's dragon pattern power, Sect Master Liu will at least not be as miserable as he lost two months ago, and it can help them delay time.

  This will give Chen Xuan time to run the dragon's pattern power and thousands of swords.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan's eyes gradually showed red light, and the fire of the Vermillion Bird slowly overflowed from his dantian, and finally gathered on the Liaoyuan Sword.

  In just two rounds, a sword aura soaring to the sky was immediately released, and he killed Zhuge Tianlang fiercely.

   "Impossible!" Zhuge Tianlang's face was full of shock.

   Realizing that Chen Xuan's sword aura carries a fierce and murderous aura, he hurriedly exercised his body refining.


  Sword Qi directly broke through Zhuge Tianlang's defense, and slammed into him.

  Blood fell, and Zhuge Tianlang's generation of suzerain also fell under Chen Xuan's sword.

  Three days later, after bidding farewell to Sect Master Liu.

In the middle of    Yunxiao Mansion, there are a total of nine big cities, each of which has a very wide range.

  And in the vicinity of these big cities, there are also nine very strong sects. These sects are simply not comparable to the sects near Tianlong City.

  As the most central area of ​​Yunxiao Mansion, there is not only a big city like Yunxiao City, but also a large number of sects nearby.

  Chen Xuan also inquired that these sects are of very high level. Although they are not very powerful in the Kamikaze Dynasty, they can definitely be counted in the top 100.

  As for the Kamikaze Dynasty, these sects also have ratings.

  The sects that can reach the one-star rating are basically very good. The sect that Chen Xuan joined at the beginning belonged to the one-star sect.

  As for the middle part of Yunxiao Mansion, there are two-star sects, two-star sects, indicating that the master's cultivation level has definitely reached the seventh level of the Shenluo realm, and even the spirit realm.

  Being able to enter this realm shows that the strength of this sect is very strong.

  Walking beside Chen Xuan, Zang Feiyu has become more cheerful since his revenge, "Chen Xuan, where are we going?"

  "Go to Jianyue Ancient City..."

  Chen Xuan's eyes looked far away.

  Jianyue Ancient City is also a big city in Yunxiao Mansion, which belongs to one of the nine cities.

  The nine major cities in the middle of Yunxiao Mansion, occupying an area of ​​the entire mansion, are considered second to none.

  Chen Xuan and the others just stood on the plain, they had already seen the edge of Jianyue Ancient City.

  Jianyue Ancient City is also located in the northwest of Yunxiao Mansion. Although it occupies a large area, it is also the bottom of the nine cities.

  Among these nine big cities, apart from Yunxiao City, which is the largest in scale, this Jianyue Ancient City is not bad, because there are many monster beast areas nearby, which also attracts many demon hunting groups and many practitioners.

   can be rated as two stars, but not only is the strength of its suzerain very strong, even an ordinary disciple in the sect can definitely reach the fifth level of the Shenluo realm.

  However, near Jianyue Ancient City, there is also a school.

The Sword Moon Gate ranks among the top ten in the Yunxiao Mansion. It is also a sword repair sect, but the sword moon gate has not existed for a long time. Compared with the other nine major sects, the sword moon gate has also existed for a long time. It's less than a thousand years, about nine hundred years.

  Many of the nine sects that exist in the middle of Yunxiao Mansion have existed for more than a thousand years.

  When Chen Xuan and the others came to the east, they immediately saw the edge of Jianyue Ancient City, and in the distance, there was the Jianyue Gate building.

The city in the middle of Yunxiao Mansion is really huge. Chen Xuan looked at the outline of the city in front, and his face was shocked: "It is worthy of being the nine cities, far more developed than the Sky Dragon City."

  Although Tianlong City is also well managed by Chen Xuan, it is insignificant compared with the nine major cities in the central region.

  Especially Jianyue Ancient City, which is not the largest among the nine cities, but the area of ​​this city wall is almost connected to the skyline.

  Chen Xuan had never been to other big cities in Yunxiao Mansion before, and he only went to Yunxiao City, not too far away.

  Looking from a distance, Chen Xuan discovered that there were waves of purple fire and demon thunder in the sky above Jianyue Ancient City, and he knew that this was definitely the spiritual formation of Jianyue Ancient City.

  With this purple fire demon thunder formation, you can ensure that the ancient city of Jianyue is not invaded by foreign enemies, and it can also ensure the safety of the ancient city of Jianyue.

  As they got closer and closer, Chen Xuan also discovered that a transparent sky spirit sword was vaguely above Jianyue Ancient City, covering the entire Jianyue Ancient City from the sky, suspended in mid-air.

  The ancient city of Jianyue is called Jianyue Ancient City because of the existence of the Sky Spirit Sword.

  Most of the cultivators in the ancient city of Jianyue worship the Sky Spirit Sword, and their weapons are basically reduced versions of the Sky Spirit Sword.

  Because the Sky Vault Spirit Sword can gather purple fire and demon thunder, it can perform very fierce techniques when attacking.

When Chen Xuan and the others walked near the city, Chen Xuan's face suddenly showed a touch of exclamation: "It's worthy of the ancient city of Jianyue, the surrounding aura is so strong, I don't know whether this sky spirit sword came from the hands of a skilled craftsman. Created such a magic weapon."

  The sky spirit sword suspended in the sky can definitely be among the ranks of the gods. Just approaching, Chen Xuan can feel an extremely fierce force, constantly surrounding it.

   "If someone can get the Sky Sky Spirit Sword, it will definitely improve his cultivation..." said a warrior.

Chen Xuan smiled softly: "It seems that you don’t know that this sky spirit sword can’t be used by people, because there is a spirit formation around the sky spirit sword. The formation is invalid, so the city lord will definitely not let people take the Sky Sky Spirit Sword down."

At this moment, Zang Feiyu came over and said, "Brother Chen, have you ever heard that this Jianyue Ancient City has a very amazing and dynamic history."

  "Is there a history?" Chen Xuan was slightly surprised.

When he saw the Sky Spirit Sword floating in the air, he felt that it must have been made by a skilled craftsman. Even Chen Xuan gathered the power of the dragon pattern, and he could feel the bursts of subtle energy converging inside. Gathered towards his dantian.

"It is rumored that the area of ​​this ancient city of Jianyue was very vast. Even the other eight cities combined are far inferior to the ancient city of Jianyue. But suddenly one day, the power of the Purple Fire Demon Thunder faintly rose from the ground. , And an extremely powerful monster appeared. In a moment, many people in Jianyue Ancient City were killed, and the entire Jianyue Ancient City was almost destroyed.” Zang Feiyu said slowly.

   "A very powerful monster, is it a legendary monster?" Chen Xuan asked in a low voice.

   "That's right. At the beginning, the entire Jianyue Ancient City and the nearby Jianyue Gate masters rushed out to deal with this monster, but in the end there were countless deaths and injuries, and only a few people were left alive."

"Later, another refiner came, and he used the bones of this monster beast to refine the sky spirit sword, and now there are waves of purple fire and demon thunder power under the ground of Jianyue Ancient City. This purple fire Although demon thunder is also a kind of heaven and earth aura, it is extremely special. It can not only swallow the body of others, but also greatly improve one's own cultivation..." Zang Feiyu slowly said.

Walking in this city, Zang Feiyu was still explaining it. Obviously he must have been here before: "Brother Chen, look, you can go to the other side of Jianyue Ancient City by going west, but it's basically there now. It is deserted, and after hundreds of years, no one has rebuilt it."

  "Why not build it?" Chen Xuan asked.

"When several masters were fighting here, they forcibly split the entire Jianyue Ancient City into two halves. At that time, the Sky Spirit Sword was just built. We are now in the Jianyue Ancient City, but it's just An area three hundred years ago."

   "The battle three hundred years ago caused countless deaths and injuries in Jianyue Ancient City, and it still hasn't recovered its vitality. However, the purple fire and demon thunder left by that mysterious monster is indeed a lot cheaper."

  After they walked into Jianyue Ancient City, Chen Xuan's face also wore a touch of surprise.

  People walking in Jianyue Ancient City are surrounded by waves of purple fire and demon thunder. Although they are not cultivators, they can also absorb the aura of heaven and earth.

   "Originally, Jianyue Ancient City had a total of four major areas, and now we are only in the east side. As for the other areas, the monster beast even blasted under the ground and disappeared."

  Zang Feiyu pointed to the bottom of his body, his eyes flickering and said: "That is, under us, there is an ancient city, and the Jianyue ancient city three hundred years ago is under this ground!"

"It's under the ground?" Chen Xuan's eyebrows were raised and lowered slightly. If there really were the ruins of Jianyue Ancient City under the ground, he really wanted to see it. The battle at the beginning was definitely a sensation, otherwise it wouldn't be direct. Let Jianyue Ancient City be divided into two.

  He can imagine how terrifying this battle is, unless the monster has reached the realm of the soul, I am afraid it will never cause such a terrible movement.

   "For a strong person who can deal with this monster beast, I am afraid that his cultivation is not weak." Chen Xuan whispered.

Zang Feiyu smiled: "That's right, that monster's cultivation base is indeed very strong. It is said that it had been sealed under the ancient city of Jianyue thousands of years ago. The seal was lifted three hundred years ago, which caused a sensation. The entire Yunxiao Mansion was shaken up. Even the few masters of the Yunxiao Mansion have all rushed over, but after they came here, the monster beast has been killed, and many masters have also fallen here."

   "Where did that monster beast come from?" Chen Xuan asked. "No one knows where the monster beast came from, or when it was sealed. I only know that since the monster beast was killed, there has been a world-famous one. The refiner created this sky spirit sword, and also let the sky spirit sword float over the ancient city of Jianyue, creating a formation." Zang Feiyu said patiently.

"Furthermore, everyone in Brother Chen in this Jianyue Ancient City can absorb the power of the Purple Fire and Demon Thunder, and there is also a sword field around here. If you practice here, you will definitely be able to gain your own cultivation. A lot of improvement, if I’m not mistaken, you must also be a sword repairer, right?"

  Most of the monks in the Kamikaze Dynasty were basically sword repairers.

  Although there are a few people who have practiced other exercises, in general, sword cultivation is still the main thing.

  Chen Xuan himself is a sword repairer. Hearing that the sword intent can be tempered in the ancient city of Jianyue, Chen Xuan did become interested.

  "Where is it?" Chen Xuan asked.

"I don't know too well. I just heard the rumors that a friend told me before. It is said that the ancient city of Jianyue three hundred years ago was originally a holy place for sword repairers. They would all practice sword art here. It's a pity that the original Part of the city has been blasted underground, and no one has been digging."

   "Why is no one going?" Chen Xuan asked.

  (End of this chapter)

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