Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3603: Thousand Fate Magic Leaf

  Chapter 3603 Thousand Fate Magic Leaf Grass

   "I didn't expect the pill to be so valuable, but Chen Xuan, you really can afford it!?" Zang Feiyu asked suddenly.

Seeing Zang Feiyu’s skeptical gaze, Chen Xuan laughed: "Zang Feiyu, you are suspecting me. When I lied to you, you can rest assured. Although these Thousand-Fate Devil Leaf Herbs are expensive, I still have them. If you have money, you can definitely buy it, so don't worry about it."

   Seeing that the price had risen to 1.5 million, Zang Feiyu and the others showed horror.

   "Ah, no, it's already so expensive, 1.5 million yuan, who can afford it? Brother Chen, do you have enough funds?" Zang Feiyu asked in a low voice.

  Chen Xuan always strategized, he knew that the price of Thousand Fate Devil's Leaf would not continue to rise, and could only maintain at around 1.7 million at most.

"Wait a little longer, I'm afraid that the price will rise again, and no one wants to buy the Thousand Fate Devil Leaf Grass. The price of the Thousand Fate Devil Leaf Grassland is more than 1.5 million yuan. When it reaches 1.7 million, they must feel that there is no Necessary." Chen Xuan's face was full of plain color. He knew that the Thousand Fate Devil's Leaf Grass would only grow to 1.7 million at most.

  Below the auction table, everyone's eyes were on the top of the Thousand Fate Devil Leaf Grass.

"I gave out 1.62 million. Everyone, you still don't want to grab it from me. The price of this Thousand Relation Devil Leaf Grassland is about 1 million. You have already fried the Thousand Relation Devil Leaf Grass to 170. One hundred thousand, I see who else will buy it in a while!" The warrior said suddenly.

   "I, I, I will pay 1.65 million."

   "1.67 million."

  When the price stopped at 1.68 million, many people stopped increasing the price anymore. They knew that it was not worth it. If the Thousand Fate Devil's Leaf has reached more than 1.7 million, it is better to buy other herbs.

  Seeing that the price had stopped, Chen Xuan smiled slightly. He knew that it was time now, so he gently pressed the wooden board next to him, and bursts of light suddenly released.

   "I'm out of one hundred and seventy-five million." Chen Xuan said.

   "Someone has paid out 1.75 million, and has anyone continued to increase the fare!" At this moment, the white-bearded old man shouted loudly from above.

  After a while, no one continued to raise the price. Chen Xuan finally bought all the Thousand-Fate Devil's Leaf Grass at a price of 1.75 million.

  However, not far away, a middle-aged man in black showed a fierce murderous look on his face.

   "It's really unexpected to me. Chen Xuan is here. This time is really great. We must take this opportunity to kill him directly..."

Standing next to the man in black, there is a woman in a red long dress with a mask on her face. You can’t see what she looks like, but the breath revealed from her body is definitely a master. .

   "My lord, it's better not to act rashly. This Chen Xuan's cultivation is very strong. He killed all the previous guardians. We must be careful." The woman whispered.

The middle-aged man seemed to have not heard it, and a pair of murderous eyes kept staying on Chen Xuan's body: "I don't believe that this kid can turn the sky upside down. His cultivation is at the highest level in the Shenluo realm, and he definitely never surpassed me. This time, Lord Sect Master has already issued an order that Chen Xuan must be killed, and he must not be allowed to live."

   After Chen Xuan killed many warriors of the Black Blood Sect, he also made him a member of the Black Blood Sect's blacklist.

  For the Black Blood Sect, the appearance of Chen Xuan is a great variable. If Chen Xuan is not eliminated, if they want to come back from the Black Blood Sect in the future, they will definitely be retaliated by Chen Xuan.

  The auction is going on in full swing, but none of the items on display later can attract Chen Xuan's attention.

  Today’s auction ended soon. After getting the Thousand Relation Magic Leaf Grass, Chen Xuan and Zang Feiyu also came to an inn.

  When Chen Xuan returned to his room, he took out the Thousand Fate Devil's Leaf Grass. Seeing the thousand-fate devil's leaf blooming on the table, Chen Xuan immediately smiled.

  "It is worthy of being a Thousand Fate Devil's Leaf Grass. The pill made from the Thousand Destiny Devil's Leaf will definitely increase its efficacy several times!'

Just do it, Chen Xuan's wrist quivered slightly, and the alchemy furnace suddenly appeared. A burst of golden and red aura swam around his body, but within a few seconds, a shock of Vermillion Bird's power began to burn. Alchemy furnace.

  When Chen Xuan gathered the power of the Vermillion Bird, his gaze suddenly floated to the distance, displaying the power of the dragon pattern, and he vaguely felt a fierce aura staying nearby.

   "It seems that someone is nearby?" Chen Xuan suddenly raised his head and stared carefully forward.

  This force is extremely fierce, and even Chen Xuan feels a strong threat, which also shows that there must be people with black blood nearby.

"No? I'm just preparing for alchemy, these people from the Black Blood Sect are here, what are they trying to do..." Chen Xuan's expression was slightly low, he hurriedly ran the power of the dragon pattern, his wrists were gently turned. Liaoyuanjian suddenly rushed out.

Under the release of the power of the dragon pattern, everything in the surrounding fifty kilometers could not escape Chen Xuan’s perception. It didn’t take long for Chen Xuan to see two mysterious people in black long clothes, staying near the inn. .

  The black-clothed man kept looking over the inn. After a while, he said: "We must kill him today, be prepared, and we will pass later."

   "From my point of view, my lord, we don't need to kill Chen Xuan for the time being. Didn't he get the Thousand Fate Devil's Leaf Grass just now?"

   "And then." The man in black asked suddenly.

At this moment, Chen Xuan was listening to what they were saying, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly towards the back: "I didn't expect that these remnants of the Black Blood Sect hadn't given up on chasing me. It has been so long, and they dare to come over. , This is Jianyue Ancient City, aren't these people of the Black Blood Sect afraid of being killed?"

  In the ancient city of Jianyue, there are so many powerful people, even if the people of the Black Blood Sect come here, it is absolutely impossible to shake the sky.

  Even if the Black Blood Sect Master is resurrected, he can only deal with a few ordinary masters in Jianyue Ancient City. The strength of some top powerhouses has reached the realm of Divine Soul, which is simply not the Black Blood Sect Master can deal with.

  Liaoyuan sword had just been recovered, the black-clothed middle-aged man suddenly felt a strong sword aura and released it beside him.

   "I didn't expect to be discovered by him, let's go quickly!" The black man said suddenly.

The woman next to    also hurriedly shook her long sword, and a wave of fierce black spiritual energy was immediately released, bursting out into the sky, instantly repelling Chen Xuan's Suzaku sword aura.

  "Hurry up!" A few seconds later, the two people disappeared one after another.

   Chen Xuan's face was full of shock, and Zang Feiyu and the others hurriedly followed in their direction.

  The black-clothed man and the mysterious woman next to him escaped very quickly. In just a few minutes, Chen Xuan discovered an extremely terrifying spiritual power, released it toward the surroundings, and directly knocked his body back.

"Unexpectedly, the cultivation base of these two people is quite good, I will see where you can go, today you are dead!" Chen Xuan said grimly, and then the speed increased again, before the two of them have not yet When the reaction came, a sword aura suddenly killed the past.


  The middle-aged man in black just ran outside the city wall, he felt a fierce aura, forming an encirclement in front of him.

After   Zang Feiyu rushed over, the long sword in his hand also burst out with a blue light, and his face was full of viciousness: "These people are all from the Black Blood Sect?"

  "They are all from the Black Blood Sect. You must be cautious. These Black Blood Sect people are not so easy to deal with." Chen Xuan whispered.

It’s not once or twice that I have dealt with the Black Blood Sect. Chen Xuan knows that the Black Blood Sect’s techniques are extremely mysterious. They can launch a fierce attack on their enemies by absorbing the spiritual energy of the surrounding world, and they can also absorb the blood of others. , Even the soul, used to improve one's own cultivation.

   "Be careful of the black air, that black air can let his power pass." Chen Xuan said.

   Soon Chen Xuan and the others chased to a mountain range near Jianyue Ancient City.

  In this great mountain range, Chen Xuan, Zang Feiyu and others kept searching.

   "Where did they go? Why have we searched for so long and haven't seen them yet." Zang Feiyu walked over and said.

  Chen Xuan released the power of the dragon pattern, but he still did not perceive where the two black blood sect warriors had escaped: "It's really weird. I clearly saw them just now, why have they disappeared now."

   "Could it be that we were in an ambush?"

   "It should be impossible. I saw them by chance. These two people just wanted to assassinate me while I was asleep, and they would definitely not set up an ambush here."

  Not far from here, there is a quiet cave.

  Two black blood sect killers, one male and one female, with a touch of pain

   "This Chen Xuan's cultivation level has actually improved so fast, this time, it can't be his opponent..."

The middle-aged Black Blood Sect warrior wearing black clothes was full of embarrassment on his face. After he left, he immediately stroked the lines on the wall: "We must set up a spiritual formation here, otherwise, absolutely can't stop him. Live in Chen Xuan."

   Several days passed, Chen Xuan and the others still did not find where the two Black Blood Sect warriors had escaped.

   "Brother Chen, let's retreat. It's not a problem to guard here. What if we can't find them." Zang Feiyu said.

  Chen Xuan shook his head slightly: "You don't know, these people from the Black Blood Sect are very dangerous, and you must not let them go back. If we wait for them to attack, it will be too late for us to fight back."

After    released the power of the dragon pattern once again, Chen Xuan could clearly feel that there were two breaths in front of him, being in a cave.

   "I seem to have found them!?" With the power of the Vermillion Bird running in his body, Chen Xuan suddenly opened his eyes, his face was full of seriousness.

   immediately displayed his true energy, and Chen Xuan's body flew into the sky and began to catch up with him in the direction he perceived.

  In just a few minutes, Chen Xuan suddenly found a ferocious aura that was rapidly condensing, and this terrifying aura instantly permeated in front of him, directly knocking Chen Xuan's body several meters away.

   "It seems that they have found us." Chen Xuan whispered.

  A secluded cave, Chen Xuan saw these two black blood sect warriors, staring at him with murderous expressions on his face.

"It seems that you really have two brushes. It's no wonder that the two inner guardians of our Black Blood Sect were killed by you, but don't be proud, don't think you killed those two wastes, just It can be compared with me!" The Black Blood Sect warrior roared, and turbulent black clouds suddenly appeared in front of him, and he saw Chen Xuan's side.

   "Zang Feiyu, be careful, these black blood warriors are not so easy to deal with." Chen Xuan said coldly.

  I could only see black clouds and mists appearing in front of them again, and in an instant, more turbulent powers were directly gathered, which directly knocked their bodies into the air.

Chen Xuan swung the long sword once again, and another terrifying spiritual power was released. With the assistance of the power of the dragon pattern, the sword aura suddenly tore the sky and directly hit the two black blood. Zongwu's body.

  In a few seconds, both of them were killed.

  Zang Feiyu walked over and looked at the two corpses on the ground: "Chen Xuan, I didn’t expect these people from the Black Blood Sect to come to chase and kill you, why are they killing you?"

  Chen Xuan also shook his head slightly: "Who knows, maybe I killed them before."

"The origins of these two people are very mysterious. I don't know if they are high-ranking members of the Black Blood Sect, but it can be seen from their costumes that they both definitely have strong cultivation skills. Unfortunately, they have been taken by me now. It was killed, and no useful information was asked," Chen Xuan said slightly.

  Zang Feiyu retracted the long sword, and several people beside him also retracted their weapons without saying a word.

   "Let's go back to Jianyue Ancient City first."

  (End of this chapter)

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