Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3613: Exchange top grade spirit stone

  Chapter 3613 Exchange for high-grade spirit stones

  At this moment, an old man wearing a black long coat in the hall is sitting in front of a stone table.

After Chen Xuan walked over, he immediately asked: "Excuse me, I would like to change to a high-grade spirit stone. Can I exchange it here?"

  After seeing Chen Xuan walking over, the old man suddenly laughed: "Of course, I don’t know how much you want to exchange?"

   "I want to exchange 50,000 pieces, can I?" Chen Xuan asked.

The old man laughed: "Of course, it depends on whether your middle-grade spiritual stones are enough. You have to know that high-grade spiritual stones are very expensive. Just a medium-grade spiritual stone may not be able to change so many. !"

After taking out the spirit stones, the old man first took a look in front, then took a magnifying glass, and carefully observed: "Little brother, the purity of these middle-grade spirit stones is not that high. If you want to exchange them, you must take them. Only a high-level spirit stone will work."

   "What?" Chen Xuan was very surprised. He only knew the difference between middle-grade and top-grade, but he didn't know the purity of middle-grade spirit stones.

  "Isn't the purity of the middle-grade spirit stones that I took out so high?" Chen Xuan asked.

The old man patiently explained: "Of course, these spiritual stones are made for the spiritual aura of heaven and earth, and the circulating spiritual stones have auras themselves. The middle-grade spiritual stones you just took out contain very few auras. , If a martial artist in the Shenluo realm absorbs it, I am afraid it will take more than 300,000 pieces to raise a realm."

   "Look at me..." The old man suddenly took out a middle-grade spirit stone from the drawer below.

   Chen Xuan fixed his eyes and showed a look of surprise: "This is a middle-grade spirit stone?"

  Chen Xuan discovered that the middle-grade spirit stone that the old man had just taken out was already almost comparable to the top-grade spirit stone he had previously obtained.

  "This old man didn't mean to make things difficult for me..." Chen Xuan began to think in his heart: "There are only so many, no matter how much he can exchange, there is no need to think about so many, buy the pill first."

  After learning a lot, Chen Xuan found that these middle-grade spirit stones in his hand could only be exchanged for a high-grade spirit stone at most 100,000.

  "My middle-grade spirit stones are not so cheap, are they? Why can one change for one hundred thousand?" Chen Xuan asked.

The old man smiled again: "Little brother, don't you know, the purity of our top-grade spirit stones is very high, don't worry, I will never lie to you, I think you should be the first time you came to our sword Moon Ancient City, the spirit stone we exchange here is not only of high purity, but also allows you to cultivate. Don't let the opportunity go!"

Chen Xuan also knows that the other party must blackmail himself a sum, but Chen Xuan urgently needs high-grade spirit stones, and will not care about these. He and Liu Yuanjian have signed an agreement and can get tens of millions of middle-grade stones every year. Lingshi, it's really not bad for this little money.

Seeing the 10,000 top-grade spirit stones that the old man took out, Chen Xuan also walked over and carefully looked at the spiritual stones placed on the table: "It is indeed different from the top-grade spirit stones I encountered before. It's a counterfeit, and the aura of this high-grade spirit stone is indeed very abundant."

   Chen Xuan also discovered that the spirit stone that the old man had just taken out indeed contained very sufficient spiritual power.

   Feeling the aura rushing over his face, Chen Xuan took these high-grade spirit stones in his hand, and found that there were not many spirit stones left, and an area was suddenly empty in the storage ring.

After    was replaced with high-grade spirit stones, Chen Xuan could only sigh: “The high-grade spirit stones are indeed very precious, far more expensive than the middle-grade spirit stones.”

  At this moment, there were two men in black long clothes in the distance, with hats on their heads and two long knives in their hands, full of fierceness.

   "This kid actually changed more than 10,000 top-grade spirit stones, hurry up and see where he is going."

  "Brother, I saw the token on his waist. This kid must be from Jianyuemen. If we do something to him, we will definitely attract Jianyuemen's idea, right?"

The man with the double knife in his hand smiled suddenly: "When did you become so timid? I don't believe that this kid can be better than the two of us. You can rest assured, from his hand. After all the high-grade spirit stones are taken away, we will leave Jianyue Ancient City directly. Even if the strength of Jianyue Gate is strong, it will never be possible to find us."

  "But big brother..." The short, fat man next to him just wanted to speak, and he realized that his big brother had already left first, so he could only follow him helplessly.

  Chen Xuan had just walked out of the city gate, and did not realize that he had been followed by someone. After displaying the aura, Chen Xuan began to fly in the air, preparing to return in the direction of Jianyue Gate.

  When passing a bamboo forest, Chen Xuan vaguely noticed that his body was suddenly suppressed by a powerful force, and the speed of his flight also instantly slowed down.

   "What's the matter?" Chen Xuan's face was full of doubts. They thought that someone was near Jianyue Gate, and they dared to do something against him.

   At this moment, a fierce middle-aged man with a black cloak and two double knives in his hands appeared directly in front of Chen Xuan: "Boy, hand over all your spirit stones, and spare you not to die."

   "You still want to rob, trouble me, you are looking for death!" Chen Xuan didn't say much, shaking his wrist lightly, the Liaoyuan sword appeared directly, and a fierce sword aura was immediately released.

  Fifth Suzaku Sword Technique!

   Chen Xuan let out a roar, a layer of light red spiritual power agitated on his body, and he immediately killed the two men.

"Be careful, big brother, his cultivation seems to be very strong!" The man yelled loudly, and he also noticed an extremely fierce power from the Suzaku sword aura, even though both of them reached the five peaks of the Shenluo realm. But there is no way to resist the attack of this sword energy.


  The man with double knives in his hands just wanted to resist, he found his body flew hundreds of steps directly, and a stream of blood spilled out of his dantian.

  Chen Xuan saw another short, fat man who rushed towards him quickly, kicked him directly, and kicked him fiercely on the chest.

  The body of the short and fat man was also shot hundreds of meters away, and even his ribs were kicked and broken by Chen Xuan.

   Facing Chen Xuan's heavy attack, he had no chance to resist, and the spiritual energy that Chen Xuan had gathered burned onto their bodies in a flash.

  In just a few minutes, another warrior's body was shot and flew out more than 20 meters, his face was full of blood.

   "How is it possible? Why is his cultivation so strong."

   "As expected to be a disciple of Jianyuemen, let's retreat as soon as possible..."

When they were talking, Chen Xuan's body moved once again, and fierce sword auras continued to revolve around his body, and another fierce Suzaku fire was directly entangled by these few people who wanted to escape. On the body of the warrior.


  After Chen Xuan cleaned up all these people, he found a lot of middle-grade spirit stones in their rings, and there were not many valuable things. Chen Xuan quickly left here.

After returning to the Sword Moon Gate, Chen Xuan went to the spirit sword area.

  As a sacred place for disciples outside the Sword Moon Gate to practice, this area is not something anyone can come here casually, unless there is time for cultivation.

  But the two hours that Chen Xuan had accumulated before have not been used up, and now he still has two hours to cultivate in the spirit sword area.

After    walked in, he took out the Liaoyuan Sword, relying on the soul of the sword, began to continuously control the Liaoyuan Sword, launching an attack on the huge stone in front of him.


  A swift sword aura hit the boulder, and Chen Xuan flipped the long sword in his hand again.

   made a bang, and the boulder suddenly fell apart.

  Two consecutive sword auras blasted the huge stone into slag, making all the disciples look surprised.

   "No way, who is he? He is a new face."

   "Never saw him before, this kid wouldn't be the disciple who just joined our Sword Moon Gate."

   "The cultivation base is so strong that even the huge boulder was crushed by him. He must have reached the early stage of the sixth level of the Shenluo realm. This is definitely not a new beginner!"

In the hearts of these Sword Moon Sect Outer Sect disciples, Chen Xuan's cultivation level could not be so strong. It was just not long after joining Sword Moon Sect that he had already reached the sixth level of the Shenluo Realm. It was not that they dared to imagine of.

Chen Xuan didn’t care at all about their views. How strong his cultivation was, it had nothing to do with these outer disciples. After all, Chen Xuan’s purpose was to find the helm of the Li family and ask Li Qiuyu in the end. where.

  One day, Chen Xuan suddenly saw a warrior wearing an orange shirt on a quiet path in the distance, with mockery on his face.

   "Boy, I heard that you bought a lot of Concentration Pills. I don’t think you can use them. Why don’t you give me all these pills. What do you think?"

  As soon as these words came out, Chen Xuan suddenly sneered: "Is your head kicked by a donkey? This is the pill that I bought. Why should I give it to you?"

   "Boy, don't talk to me. If you don't give it to me, believe it or not, I will kill you now." The disciple said suddenly.

Chen Xuan laughed loudly, and a cold glow appeared in his eyes: "What's wrong? Do you still want to **** the pill from my hand? If your cultivation is strong enough, maybe I will give it to you, relying on your rubbish. If you want to rob, you should go home and practice for a few days!"

   "You are looking for death!" The disciple roared, and the long sword in his hand suddenly slew towards Chen Xuan's face.

   "Since you are looking for trouble, then don't blame me." After Chen Xuan finished speaking, his true energy was running, and a fierce sword aura immediately killed the disciple.


  The opponent couldn't resist at all. In just one round, Chen Xuan directly defeated the disciple.

   "Funny, you still want to fight with me based on your cultivation. You can't live or die." After that, Chen Xuan left here.

  He knew that Guo Yujie must be doing the trick behind this. Chen Xuan's current cultivation base is not necessarily Guo Yujie's opponent, and now he can only swallow his anger. One day he breaks through his cultivation base and will definitely go to Guo Yujie's trouble.

  In the past few days, Chen Xuan was also preparing to go to Jianyue Ancient City, but he had just walked to the gate of Jianyue Ancient City, only to see two people arguing, one of them seemed to be Zang Feiyu.

   "Zang Feiyu, I heard that you bought a lot of concentrating pills, I think, it is better to give me all these pills, you should also know what level of my cultivation level has reached?"

  The man who spoke was named Lin Tingyuan, who was also a sword repairman. He also wanted to join the Sword Moon Gate before, but unfortunately he was not strong enough and failed the assessment. In the end, he could only join the Feiyun faction.

The Feiyun Sect is also a large sect in Jianyue Ancient City, but it is far from Jianyue Sect. If Jianyue Sect is the number one, few other sects dare to compete with Jianyue Sect for the first place. The location of the name.

  Looking at the concentrating pill held by Zang Feiyu, Lin Tingyuan’s face suddenly showed a fiery look: “This kid has taken so many pill, and he doesn’t come to honor me. He is looking for death!”

The concentration pills that   Zang Feiyu took were originally intended to be given to Chen Xuan. He also knew that Chen Xuan was a sword repairer. After joining the Sword Moon Gate, his cultivation level had not been improved.

  As for the Feiyun Sect, there are many alchemists in this sect. Although the quality of these spirit pills obtained by Zang Feiyu is not as good as the elixir refined by the Sword Moon Sect, they are fortunately large in number, twelve in total.

Seeing these concentration pills, Lin Tingyuan's eyes were about to lighten: "Boy, don't blame me for being polite. Although I will take you on the mission this time, you must give me these pills. Otherwise, now you Just get out."

  Zang Feiyu's face was black and purple, and he knew that his cultivation base was not the opponent's opponent.

  Lin Tingyuan is at the outer door of the Feiyun Sect, and can be regarded as a leader. In addition, he still has a relationship. Few disciples in the entire Feiyun Sect dared to provoke him.

  (End of this chapter)

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