Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3633: Huang Tianlong

  Chapter 3633 Huang Tianlong

In an instant, an old man wearing a white robe appeared with anger on his face. If this person comes a little later, Chen Xuan must have been hit by Huang Tianlong’s sword energy just now, even if he is. If you don't die, you will be seriously injured.

"Huang Tianlong, you have been cultivating in Jianyue Ancient City for many years. Don't you even understand this. The magic weapon you gave to your son is very poisonous, but now Chen Xuan is the blame?" The old man in the white robe yelled loudly.

   Chen Xuan looked at him, and there was also a touch of joy on his face. This old man with white beard is no one else, but the elder of the inner door of Jianyuezong, elder Zhuge.

  After seeing Zhugebai coming over, he naturally didn't dare to do it.

  He knew who the other party was, but that was the younger brother of Jianyuezong who was obviously in charge. His status was a little lower than that of the head, but his cultivation base was very powerful, even compared to the head of Jianyuezong.

  Seeing the anger on Elder Zhuge’s face, Huang Tianlong immediately took back the long sword in his hand: “Elder Zhuge, don’t know what is his relationship with you?”

  Elder Zhuge laughed: "If you care about so many things, this matter has nothing to do with you."

   "But Elder Zhuge, don't worry about it, my son died in his hands!" Huang Tianlong said in a low voice, his face still revealing murderousness, and he kept moving on Chen Xuan's body.

   "Hehe, don't you even understand the rules, he is a disciple of Jianyuezong, what about you? Your son is a disciple of Jianyuezong, you can fight Chen Xuan life and death, but you are not qualified at all!"

  As soon as these words came out, Huang Tianlong also stopped talking. He obviously did not dare to offend the elder Zhuge. After all, Zhuge Bai had a high status and great power in the entire Jianyue Sect.

  If Elder Zhuge is provoked, he only needs to wave his hand to destroy their family.

Huang Tianlong nodded helplessly: "Elder Zhuge, since you are here today, I will naturally not trouble this kid anymore. I also failed to control my inner anger because of the murder of my son. You can do it with him, don't worry, I won't trouble him in the future!"

  Anyone with a discerning eye can hear that Huang Tianlong's heart is full of ferociousness, and his spiteful eyes scan Chen Xuan from time to time, as if to say that as long as he finds a chance, he will definitely kill you.

  Chen Xuan also sneered, anyway, now with the help of Elder Zhuge, he doesn't need to be afraid of Huang Tianlong at all.

   coldly snorted, Zhuge Bai walked to Chen Xuan's side and said to him: "Chen Xuan, why did you take his game privately? Look, there is a crisis now, right?"

Chen Xuan stretched out his hands helplessly: "Elder Zhuge, you can't blame me for this. Who made Huang Yunhong want to challenge me? Since life and death are over, he has troubled me again and again. If I don't give him some color Look, there will be no peace in the future!"

  Elder Zhuge did not say too much, but left Jianyue Ancient City with Chen Xuan.

  In Jianyue Ancient City, Huang Tianlong still has a lot of power, and he can even mobilize his family’s guards to kill Chen Xuan.

  Elder Zhuge was afraid of this, so he personally brought Chen Xuan to Jianyuezong.

   also knew that the current crisis had not been resolved yet, and Huang Tianlong was still looking for opportunities to kill Chen Xuan.

At this moment, in the courtyard, Chen Xuan swallowed a pill, and finally said: "Elder Zhuge, don't worry, Huang Yunhong will not bring me danger at all, and I haven't suffered much injury. However, Fortunately, you dare to come very timely, otherwise I will be in danger..."

  When Chen Xuan was fighting Huang Yunhong to death, he did not notice that Elder Zhuge had already arrived.

  So, Elder Zhuge smiled and said: "Boy, I have already come to Jianyue Ancient City. I also watched it when you were fighting Huang Yunhong. Otherwise, do you think I will pass so soon?"

   "So you passed before. Do you know the life and death battle between me and Huang Yunhong?" Chen Xuan asked suddenly.

  Elder Zhuge waved his hand and asked Chen Xuan: "Don't tell me this nonsense, I ask you, what is the contradiction between you and him?"

After Chen Xuan briefly talked about the future of the dragon, he complained again: "If I guessed right, Huang Yunhong was probably sent by Guo Yujie, because I didn't throw away the training time, so I was jealous of them. hate!"

Elder Zhuge also took a fancy to Chen Xuan’s talent, so he would protect him in all aspects. After hearing this, Elder Zhuge was not angry, but reminded Chen Xuan: “Then you have to be careful recently. Follow you, but you have to be careful with Huang Tianlong. This person will report to Huang Yunhong. If you kill Huang Yunhong, he will definitely not give up. He must have a grudge against you. If you meet him, you will definitely not be Huang Tianlong's opponent!

  Chen Xuan nodded. At the beginning, Huang Tianlong rushed over very fast on the competition stage. If it weren’t for Elder Zhuge’s arrival in time, Chen Xuan would definitely be seriously injured now.

   "Of course I know that his cultivation is really strong. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I would have been killed by him." Chen Xuan said softly.

Looking at the speed at which Chen Xuan's injury was recovering, Elder Zhuge also showed a look of wonder: "Good boy, your cultivation level has recovered quite quickly. It has only been more than two hours, and your strength has been recovered. It’s all seven or eight, and I’ve never seen anyone recovering from their injuries so quickly.”

  Chen Xuan smiled. The fact that he possesses the power of the dragon pattern cannot hide from Elder Zhuge.

  "What do you think this is?" Chen Xuan didn't wait for Elder Zhuge to ask questions, and directly sacrificed the power of his dragon pattern.

A burst of red lines spread rapidly on the surface of Chen Xuan’s skin. A total of three stripes also symbolize the three dragon stone steles that Chen Xuan has found now. Although one of them was given to him by Yuwentian, it was also given to Chen. Xuan brought a lot of help.

   After seeing the power of the dragon pattern, Elder Zhuge grabbed the gray beard and exclaimed: "Very good, that's the truth, but I have never witnessed the power of the dragon pattern. I don’t know how powerful it is?"

  Chen Xuan smiled: "Elder, the power of the dragon pattern is very strong. You see, I was injured so badly before, and I fully recovered within a day."

  Before leaving, Elder Zhuge also admired him and left a few pills for cultivation. For this, Chen Xuan also felt very grateful.

  Not long after entering the Sword Moon Sect, Chen Xuan was able to defeat a powerhouse whose cultivation base was a great level higher than himself, enough to see how terrifying Chen Xuan's talent was.

  Although Chen Xuan was Huang Yunhong who was beheaded in Jianyue Ancient City, the incident finally spread within a few days. There were also many disciples of Jianyue Sect who were watching the battle, and their hearts were full of shock.

   "No way? How long has Chen Xuan entered our Sword Moon Sect before he can beat Huang Yunhong, who is in the top 100?"

"His cultivation base is really strong to this level. It's impossible. If his talent is really so terrifying, maybe even our number one master in the outer door may not necessarily be his opponent..." A disciple's face was full of shock, and he couldn't imagine how Chen Xuan's cultivation level had been improved in such a short time.

  Since he killed Huang Yunhong, Chen Xuan did not leave Jianyuezong easily. He knew that Huang Tianlong was also looking for an opportunity to kill him.

If you accidentally encounter Huang Tianlong in Jianyue Ancient City, you will definitely be hunted down by this strong man. Time has passed bit by bit, and ten days have passed very quickly. Recently, Chen Xuan has been staying with him. In the independent courtyard, he did not follow far away.

  The day before yesterday, Elder Zhuge also personally came to Chen Xuan's independent courtyard, and helped him set up a spiritual formation. What he feared was that Huang Tianlong would come here to kill Chen Xuan regardless of three or seventy-one.

  In a blink of an eye, it's almost time to compete for allocation in the spirit sword area.

  Chen Xuan has also entered the spirit sword area several times, knowing that practicing here can temper his understanding of the sword arts, and the thousands of sword arts he has cultivated before have broken through here.

"It seems that I still have to fight, maybe I can get more time to improve my cultivation..." As a rookie disciple, Chen Xuan can get extra time to practice spirit sword, if his ranking can continue to improve. , The training time will be further extended, even reaching forty-eight hours.

Coming to the square, the first powerhouse at the outer gate Yiqi Juechen, the name of this person Chen Xuan is not clear, but he also knows that this person directly played more than 50,000 catties at the beginning, and his cultivation is very strong .

   And this time, his strength has been further improved, and it has reached 60,000 jin. They have been testing their strength for a full morning.

   Chen Xuan's strength has also increased, but it has only reached thirty-nine thousand catties, only a little before he can enter forty thousand.

   "It seems that we still need to work hard..." Chen Xuan thought in his heart, and then the game entered the next stage.

  All the disciples will also learn from each other, but basically they will not use their full strength. This is a competition of swordsmanship, not a fight with real swords and guns.

  After the afternoon, everyone has finished the test, and Chen Xuan has just reached the 100th place this time, and this result has already amazed many outsiders for the first time.

  This kid is simply a genius. He could enter the top 100 in such a short time and even defeated Huang Yunhong!

  I don’t know if Guo Yujie is his opponent. Although Guo Yujie’s cultivation base is also very strong, his confidence in winning is also very low.

  Many disciples are now starting to talk about it. They know that Guo Yujie and Chen Xuan have some contradictions, but Guo Yujie has long been a veteran disciple of the Outer Sect. He has joined Jianyuezong two years ago. Not only is he talented and powerful, but his cultivation is also very strong.

  Although some disciples believed that Chen Xuan would definitely be able to break through his cultivation base and surpass Guo Yujie in the future, they still don’t think Chen Xuan can beat the opponent.

   Just when Chen Xuan was about to go in, he found a young man in a white long dress in the distance. His pupils were gleaming, and his face showed a strange murderous aura.

  Chen Xuan just looked at it and found that it was Guo Yujie.

   didn't care too much. Chen Xuan was about to go in for cultivation. The top priority was to improve his cultivation level. He was not necessarily Guo Yujie's opponent right now. If the opponent came to trouble, Chen Xuan would probably be eliminated by him.

   "Chen Xuan, you wait for me." Guo Yujie said in a cold voice.

Chen Xuan turned his ears to the side and heard Guo Yujie’s threat, so he turned around and replied with a smile: "What's wrong with Guo Yujie? You are here to trouble me. You think your current cultivation level can help me To kill?"

  Suddenly, Chen Xuan walked directly towards Guo Yujie.

   Originally, Guo Yujie was not planning to do anything here. After all, this is the spiritual sword training area, and the time for training is very scarce. If you fight here, you will definitely be alarmed to the top.

  (End of this chapter)

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