Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3635: The power of swordsmanship

  Chapter 3635 Sword Jue Power

With the power of the Liaoyuan Sword, coupled with the burning of the Suzaku fire, the fierce flames turned into sword auras, and there were hundreds of sword lights floating around Chen Xuan's body. The next moment, Chen Xuan's fingers shook slightly, and he rushed out with the Liaoyuan Sword.

   Feeling a majestic sword aura, Guo Yujie's face also showed a touch of surprise, and he swung his long sword quickly, trying to crush all these sword shadows.

The speed of the sword aura was too fast. Even though Guo Yujie was already prepared, the sword aura still caused serious damage to his body, causing his body to retreat straight back for five or six meters before stopping. Down.

Guo Yujie, whose face was full of surprise, also felt how powerful Chen Xuan's burst of power was. His eyes flickered, and he said cruelly: "Very well, it seems that your cultivation level is a breakthrough. No wonder you came to look for it. My trouble, has reached the five major consummation of the Shenluo realm, right?"

Chen Xuan smiled lightly, the meaning is self-evident. His cultivation level broke through to the Dzogchen realm last night, and his sword soul also reached the second level. When facing Guo Yujie, he was absolutely Will not fall into the wind.

  In the current battle, Chen Xuan has gradually gained the upper hand, and Guo Yujie also feels itchy scalp. Each of his attacks fell on Chen Xuan's body, but Chen Xuan was easily resolved by Chen Xuan.

  The Thousand Thousand Sword Art is not only huge in scale, but also terrifying in lethality. Every time Guo Yujie comes over, he has to defend in a hurry. Between the electric light and flint, he was suddenly hit by a Suzaku sword aura.

  A fierce flame was immediately released, which directly knocked Guo Yujie's body several hundred meters away. After Guo Yujie hurriedly withdrew a few steps, he barely resisted this force.

Guo Yujie’s face was full of horror. He could feel how powerful this force was. Originally, he wanted to cultivate in the Spirit Sword area and let his cultivation reach the seventh level of the Shenluo realm, but he didn’t expect Chen Xuan to actually Come and take the initiative to trouble him.

"But it doesn't matter, I don't believe that I displayed my assassin, and I can't kill you!" Guo Yujie roared, and the long sword in his hand swayed quickly, bursts of fierce aura instantly released, killing in the direction of Chen Xuan Past.


   Chen Xuan felt a wave of fierce energy, and his body hurriedly retreated several steps to the back, finally blocking this force.

  From beginning to end, Chen Xuan's face was always calm. Even though Guo Yujie was a senior disciple of Jianyuezong, Chen Xuan's face was full of pride and even mocked him.

  Guo Yujie felt unbearable. He had been cultivating in Jianyuezong for several years, but he couldn't deal with even a new disciple. If Chen Xuan really snatched the training resources, he would not be able to raise his face and behave in his next life.

   "Damn it, what the **** is going on with Chen Xuan? Didn't he only reach the fifth level of the Shenluo Realm? Why am I not his opponent?" Guo Yujie exclaimed again and again.

Chen Xuan did not have a trace of fear on his face, and his expression was very flat and said: "Guo Yujie, you know the gap between the two of us, right? I advise you to give out your cultivation resources and don't make me angry, otherwise today I will scrap one of your hands!"

   Saying this is a mockery of Guo Yujie, and it is clear that he is not regarded as a human being.

  A new disciple is so arrogant, if Guo Yujie can’t win, I’m afraid there will be no way to raise his head in the future.

  He once swore that he must kill Chen Xuan, but now he is not Chen Xuan’s opponent.

"Very well, Chen Xuan, you are really naive and arrogant. A rookie disciple can actually do this step. Your talent is indeed quite strong, but you didn't expect it, I still haven't used a killer! "Guo Yujie smiled back in anger, waved the long sword in his hand, and bursts of breath surrounded him.

   "I don't believe you can stop me!"

  The next moment, he suddenly displayed the flame sword.

  This sword technique is also a unique skill of Jian Yuezong. Although it can't be regarded as the top sword technique, it has been cultivated to a very high level by Guo Yujie.


   Fierce fireballs were continuously released in the air, quickly killing in the direction of Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan gave a low cry, his wrists trembling slightly, and the long sword in his hand swung out fiercely.

   Relying on the soul of the sword to control the long sword to run in the air, and kill directly in the direction of Guo Yujie.

  Two rays of sword light collided in the air, and even the surrounding air escaped everywhere.

  Under all eyes, Chen Xuan's Suzaku sword aura did not decay in the slightest, and it was even consuming Guo Yujie's sword aura.

   "What the **** is going on..." Guo Yujie's face was full of shock. He showed his utmost knowledge, but it turned out that he was not Chen Xuan's opponent.

   On the surface, Chen Xuan was calm and calm, but he also sighed in his heart: "Fortunately, the fireball that his sword tactics has been swallowed by the power of my Vermillion Bird, otherwise, it would be really difficult to deal with..."

   After receiving this sword, Chen Xuan even felt his soul tremble.

   "No wonder he has been trained to the realm of Dacheng, the power of this sword technique is really terrifying..."

  Guo Yujie's pupils widened, and he is completely discouraged now.

  Chen Xuan's swordsmanship is really too subtle, and coupled with the cooperation of the Suzaku Fire, even if he attacks, he can't break through Chen Xuan's defense.

  Guo Yujie can't control that much anymore. He is like a sleepy beast, and must win this battle, because dignity is everything to him.

  The wrist was shaking quickly, and Guo Yujie's offense became disorderly, but in the sky, a giant beast emitting a red light appeared faintly.

  When this light and shadow appeared, a burst of fierce energy squeezed in the direction of Chen Xuan, and a sound of thunder also slammed down in the direction of Chen Xuan from the sky.

   Feeling this terrifying energy, Chen Xuan's pupils also released a touch of brilliance, and at the same time, the long sword in his hand was also dancing quickly.

  Only heard a click!

  Guo Yujie looked at the long sword in his hand in surprise, and a crack appeared on the top: "How is this possible? I am also the magic weapon of the ground level, why was it broken by his Liaoyuan sword? How is it possible!"

  Guo Yujie couldn't believe it in his heart, but the facts before him made him have to believe it. In the end, he could only take the long sword back in despair.

  The ability to easily destroy his long sword indicates that the Liaoyuan Sword has definitely reached the heavenly rank. This level of magic weapon is really too easy to deal with him.

  Many of the outer disciples, now all exclaimed, some people marveled that Chen Xuan actually had the upper hand, but some people marveled that Chen Xuan actually held a heavenly magic weapon in his hand.

  As a heavenly weapon, the Liaoyuan Sword is indeed full of power. In this weapon-to-weapon confrontation, the Liaoyuan Sword's solidity has been fully demonstrated.

  All the disciples in the entire cultivation area were in an uproar, and they started talking again.

   "No way, he is not Chen Xuan's opponent..."

   "It seems that Chen Xuan should win. Senior Brother Guo Yujie has already used all his assassins just now, but he is not yet Chen Xuan's opponent!"

   "Chen Xuan's cultivation level is really terrifying, I really can't see it now, what level has his realm reached!"

   "If I meet Chen Xuan, I am afraid I will not be able to hold on for two rounds. It is really a terrifying cultivation level!"

  Guo Yujie's heart was also full of surprises. He originally wanted to resist Chen Xuan's attack, but in the end he couldn't defend even one round, but in an instant, Chen Xuan rushed over again.

  Because the weapon in his hand had been shattered, Guo Yujie had no defense at all, so he could only watch the Liaoyuan sword rush to his neck.


   Chen Xuan released a fierce aura all over his body, and his voice became provocative: "I have already told you just now, give up your cultivation time, otherwise I will make you unable to eat and walk around today!"

  Guo Yujie’s face was full of injustice, a pair of spiteful eyes staring at Chen Xuan, his heart was full of unwillingness, but he was still very sensible, knowing that his weapon had been broken, and there was no chance of winning against Chen Xuan.

  "Very well, you did a great job. It really made me unexpected that you actually have a heavenly magic weapon, but don't be proud. If I also have this magic weapon, it will definitely be me if I win this battle!"

  Anyone can see that Chen Xuan has completely suppressed the opponent now.

"Damn it, why his cultivation level has improved so much in these short few months, it must be because of the magic weapon he took out, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to defeat me!" Until now, Guo Yujie does not think Chen Xuan suppressed him in strength.

  On the surface, Chen Xuan's cultivation level is only the five major consummations of the Shenluo realm, and he is a whole realm higher than Chen Xuan. If he can't even win this, Guo Yujie might as well go straight to eat shit.

   Feeling the tip of the sword in his throat, there was a burst of hot Suzaku's power. Guo Yujie's face was full of unwillingness to shook his head, and finally, he took the sign that he had entered the training area and took it out of his arms.

   "Chen Xuan, don't be proud."

   "Why can't I be proud?" Chen Xuan's face released a murderous intent, and the long sword was closer to his neck.

  Guo Yujie was so frightened that he didn't even dare to breathe: "Well, well, you won today, **** it, as long as I get to the next level, I will take your life, don't give me pride!"

   Chen Xuan snatched the token to enter the training area from his hand, then turned his head and left here.

  Guo Yujie could only watch Chen Xuan leave here, his face was full of anger: "I will never let you go!"

  All the disciples were surprised to see how Guo Yujie was defeated.

  Guo Yujie also bullied many new disciples in the previous year, and these people were only temporarily forced by Guo Yujie’s deterrence to follow him.

  Now that Guo Yujie is defeated by Chen Xuan, they also know whose side they should stand on.

  "Let’s go and find Brother Chen quickly!"

   "He is no longer Chen Xuan's opponent, and there is nothing promising to follow him!"

  Several disciples immediately followed, trying to follow Chen Xuan.

  However, Chen Xuan turned his head and glanced at them coldly, and suddenly stopped these disciples from moving.

  "Don't follow me." After Chen Xuan left a voice, he immediately came to a safe place in the training area, sat down cross-legged here, and began to cultivate the power of the sword soul.

  At the same time, in a luxurious mansion in Jianyue Ancient City, a middle-aged man in a white robe had a tea cup in front of him, and Guo Yujie stood beside him.

   "Yujie, sit down and have a few drinks first, I am also trying to kill Chen Xuan about Yunhong being killed..."

  This person is Huang Tianlong.

  After Huang Yunhong was killed, although he had always tried to find Chen Xuan and punish Chen Xuan with his own hands, he had no choice but to find no chance.

   Huang Tianlong’s cultivation is not weak, but he is far away from Elder Zhuge, and it only takes one turn for Elder Zhuge to kill him.

Picking up the tea cup, Huang Tianlong took a sip, but he was in a very bad mood. After taking a sip of tea, he fell directly to the ground: "Damn, this Chen Xuan's talent is so strong, you are not his. opponent!?"

Guo Yujie stood aside respectfully and said honestly: "Master Huang Tianlong, this Chen Xuan not only possesses the power of the dragon pattern, but also his sword soul has reached the second stage, and his defense is also very strong. The practice of Jue is also very delicate, and the defense is impervious. I tried to attack several times, but it was blocked by him."

   "The most important thing is that he has a heavenly magic weapon, that is, the original Liaoyuan sword. This magic weapon can release a very fierce flame. I am not his opponent at all..."

  (End of this chapter)

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