Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3651: Moon Sky Sword Spirit

  Chapter 3651 Moon Sky Sword Spirit

  Only the magic weapon that has been passed down for thousands of years will produce sword spirits.

   Chen Xuan also had a surprise on his face, and raised the Moon Sky Sword in his hand: "Are you talking?"

Sword Spirit’s voice came out again: “Of course it’s me. There are still a lot of fairy grasses around here. You can eat all of these herbs to increase the strength of your dantian and make your cultivation breakthrough faster! "

   Looking around, Chen Xuan indeed found a lot of precious fairy grass around the altar, with joy on his face, he took all these fairy grass away: "Thank you!"

   "No thanks..." Sword Spirit's old voice came.

The ability to carry the sword spirit in the Moon Sky Sword means that this weapon has existed for more than a thousand years, otherwise it would never be possible to form a sword spirit.

   "Since you can come here, it means that you have collected all the two moon sky swords." The sword spirit's voice came.

  Chen Xuan nodded: "Yes, I did find all the two moon sky swords."

   Sword Spirit smiled: "Of course I know, otherwise you can't stand here today..."

  "Do you know the origin of this moon sky sword"

  Chen Xuan shook his head.

"You should have heard of the name Yuekong. The Yuekong sword was made by a master refiner three thousand years ago. This is a magic weapon that surpasses the average sky-level magic weapon. The name of the master refiner is called Yuekong. He is also my master, but at the beginning my master was framed by others, and eventually fell, and I also formed a wise mind 1,500 years ago. In these long years, I have always been trapped here. , By virtue of my cultivation base, this moon sky sword was divided into two parts by me, the purpose is to disperse the power..."

  Chen Xuan listened from beginning to end.

"If you can enter here, it means that you and I are destined. In fact, I have noticed you as early as when you stepped into Jianyue Forest. I will give you a chance. If you can seize the opportunity, you can get it. If you can't grasp it, this fate will leave you far away!" Sword Spirit's voice came.

Chen Xuan’s face is full of respect. He knows that a sword spirit who has been cultivating for more than a thousand years can survive without relying on entities, especially since the cultivation base of these sword spirits is not weak, he must have reached the realm of souls. Otherwise it would never be possible to form a spiritual body.

   "I don't know what Senior wants to give me?" Chen Xuan asked in a low voice.

  At this moment, he suddenly noticed that his eyes were dark, and then Chen Xuan could no longer feel the surrounding breath.

   "I was brought into your domain?" Chen Xuan asked in a low voice.

  Sword Spirit smiled: "That's right, whether you can seize the opportunity depends on your good fortune, you see, the opportunity is by your side, if you can go out from here, maybe you can get the treasure!"

  Chen Xuan looked around and found that the surrounding area was pitch black and there was nothing to see.

When the Suzaku fire was released, it completely dissipated within a few seconds: "Senior, I don't know how you want me to seize the opportunity. I can't see anything here, and I can't even use the Suzaku fire. "

  Walking inside the dark moon sky sword, Chen Xuan's face was filled with exclamation. He always felt a mysterious energy nearby, but when he reached out to touch it, he couldn't touch anything.

   "It's so weird, why I obviously feel a force by my side, but I can't see anything..."

  Unconsciously, five minutes have passed, but Chen Xuan still did not find the opportunity that Jian Ling said.

Having been in this mysterious area for several minutes, Chen Xuan sighed helplessly: "This old man is really weird. He obviously has nothing. He even told me that there is a chance. Could it be that these beings are all spirits. of?"

   Thinking of this, Chen Xuan's face was full of joy.

  When he was preparing for the spirit body to go out of his body, he was surprised to find that his body was still in the outside world, only his consciousness had come here.

   Sword Spirit’s voice came again: "When my master died, let me take good care of the magic weapon. If you are destined, you must feel it with your heart to know what happened that year."

  What happened that year?

  Chen Xuan’s face was full of shock. When he closed his eyes, he suddenly felt a wave of extremely fierce energy surrounding him.

  The next moment, Chen Xuan slowly opened his eyes, and he found himself in a dark cave, and in the distance there were many strong men fighting.

  But in the next second, these strong men all turned into bones, lying motionless on the ground, and everyone was killed.

   Chen Xuan’s face was full of shock: "Where is this, I have never been here!"


Suddenly a fierce spiritual energy descended in the sky, directly surrounding Chen Xuan's whole person, a long sword, with a total of sixteen, exuding a fierce sword energy, making Chen Xuan absolutely unable to move his body. .

  Chen Xuan only felt that his head hurt instantly.

  The sound of sword chants continued to radiate. These sword auras were really too strong. Chen Xuan had never felt such a powerful force before. Only when he heard a sword chant, Chen Xuan felt a headache.

  The bones that were originally on the ground have also been slowly sinking into the ground. From the mountains in the distance, a man in Tsing Yi gradually walked over, holding a long sword in his hand.

  A fierce aura was released from this long sword. Chen Xuan took a closer look and found that it turned out to be the Moon Sky Sword.

   "Ah, no, he turned out to be the Moon Sky Sword, what is his origin!?" When Chen Xuan was surprised, he heard the sound of sword chanting again.


  Chen Xuan let out a scream, Jian Yin's voice is too strong, his cultivation level can't resist at all.

  Even Chen Xuan's nostrils began to bleed, but in this instant, he found that this figure disappeared quickly.

  Chen Xuan opened his eyes, feeling that his eyes were extremely painful, his eyes were blurred, and his front became dark again.

   "What happened? Where is the opportunity? This old sword spirit is not deliberately lie to me, right!" Chen Xuan's face was also filled with anger after returning to his consciousness.

  But his heart was very shocked. The illusion just now was too real, as if it happened in front of him.

   "I seem to have seen something..." Chen Xuan carefully recalled the illusion he had just seen.

  From the sword aura that the man in Tsing Yi wielded, Chen Xuan saw the sword technique of swallowing mountains and rivers with qi, and there were even spiritual lines in it.

  "Could it be that!?" Chen Xuan, whose face was full of incredible color, opened his eyes wide.

  When he entered the Sword Moon Forest, he inquired about the origin of the Moon Sky Sword, and knew that this Moon Sky Sword had existed thousands of years ago.

This sword moon forest was opened once two hundred years ago, and some warriors once entered this sword moon forest, and they also got the opportunity to enter the illusion secret realm, but unfortunately, everyone did not bear the last sword. Qi, was killed in the illusion.

  The corpses that Chen Xuan saw just now were the people who entered the secret realm.

  The more he recalled the sword aura of the cyan figure, the more Chen Xuan felt that the power of his sword art was increasing: "Could it be that I have realized it before I know it..."

Chen Xuan's own cultivation is good, and now it is only suppressed by the heavens. Seeing the sword aura wielded by the cyan figure, the corners of Chen Xuan's mouth are also gently tilted back: "It seems that it is really the same as I thought, if You can watch it again, my sword soul level can definitely go further!"

  In the illusion of the Moon Sky Sword, Chen Xuan began to search for the most inherited treasure in this area, but for several days, he did not find anything valuable.

   "It's really weird. Why didn't I see anything? Didn't it mean that there is a treasure of inheritance hidden in these two moon sky swords? It has been used for so long, or nothing is found!"

   Just when Chen Xuan was lost, he heard a fierce breath coming from a distance.

  In the very center of a lush green tree, a bird's nest caught Chen Xuan's attention.

  When he walked, he found that there were spirit patterns carved on the upper part, and at the end of the extension of these spirit patterns, a bird egg caught Chen Xuan's attention.

   "Is this the treasure of inheritance?" Chen Xuan looked at the bird egg in his hand disgustingly, and prepared to put it back.


  Chen Xuan suddenly turned his head and put his ears on his head: "What's the matter?"

   "It looks like a bird was calling just now?"

  The bird's egg had a crack, and Chen Xuan found a flaming bird emitting red fire light all over, squeaking towards him.

  As the spiritual pattern above the bird egg was gradually broken, Chen Xuan found that the surrounding scene had returned to its original appearance, and he was holding a bird egg in his hand.

  "This is an ordinary bird egg. After working so hard to find the Moon Sky Sword for so long, I will bring me a plate of feast..."

"Forget it!" Chen Xuan shook his head helplessly: "It doesn't matter how much, I don't know what the origin of this little bird is, it is really a treasure left by the senior!!? No matter how you look at it. Like..."

The little bird in front of    flapped its wings, although it was just born, but its strength was not small, it directly lifted Chen Xuan away, seeming to complain that Chen Xuan looked down on him.

"Forget it, don't worry about this bird. I don't have much meat!" Chen Xuan got up from the ground. Just when he was about to leave, he suddenly saw the little bird's body, suddenly blooming. There was a swift breath.

  Chen Xuan hurriedly turned around. He thought it was the bird who was going to plot him, but found that a demon claw fox was directly burned into ashes by the flames of the bird before it rushed to the bird.

   "No, I didn't read it wrong, right!?" Chen Xuan stared at this scene dumbfounded, his face full of exclamation.

   "What is the origin of this little bird?" Chen Xuan's face was full of shock. It was the first time he saw such a terrifying bird.

  Obviously, the newly born bird can easily kill a demon claw fox.

   "This little bird may not be that simple..." Chen Xuan thought in his heart.

  Little bird also noticed Chen Xuan, and continued to squeak at him, flapping his wings, and flew out of the bird's nest.

   Chen Xuan felt a splitting headache. This little bird was already so terrifying. If the little bird’s parents came over, he could be killed in an instant.

  What level of monster is this? Will such a terrifying bird be born?

  The demon claw demon fox is, after all, the beast at the peak of the sixth level of the Shenluo realm, but this little bird has just been born and has reached the sixth level of the Shenluo level.

   Is this talent?

  In the sky, fierce auras once again emerged, and Chen Xuan suddenly discovered that there was an extremely terrifying monster beast in the distance, rushing frantically in their direction.

   "It's not good..." Chen Xuan was shocked. He was just about to escape, but found that the little bird was already standing on his shoulder.

   "What are you going to do?" He rolled his eyes at the bird.

  Chen Xuan did not pause, but evacuated quickly.

  In the end, this little bird escaped the crisis on Chen Xuan's body.

  (End of this chapter)

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