Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3653: Li Jiuyuan

  Chapter 3653 Li Jiuyuan

  At the same time, a strong man descended from Jianyue Ancient City.

  An old man in a white robe walked into the Jianyue Ancient City, and when he heard of his arrival, Li Zhufeng’s face was respectful, and several seniors hurried over.

   "It turned out to be Lord Li. I don't know why you are here?" Although this Li is enshrined in Jianyue Ancient City and is considered very famous in Li's family, he must show respect to the person in front of him.

  The white-robed old man in front of him is the elder of the Li family, Li Jiuyuan.

  Li Jiuyuan is the elder of the Li family, not to mention the tyrannical cultivation, and the status is also very high.

   Li Jiuyuan’s face was full of coldness, and he whispered: "What else can I come here for? Tianpo has been killed. I must find the culprit!"

   "What did you say? Tianpo was killed?" Li Zhufeng's face was full of shock, and said very sadly.

  Although he also took care of Li Tianpo because of Li Jiuyuan’s entrustment, since Li Tianpo entered his door, he has shown extraordinary talent, and his cultivation has reached the six major consummations of the Shenluo realm.

  Now that Li Tianpo has been killed by someone, Li Zhufeng’s face also has a touch of anger: "He must be killed, Elder Li, do you know who did it?"

  Li Zhufeng asked suspiciously.

   "Chen Xuan!" After the brief words were over, Li Jiuyuan and Li Zhufeng immediately set off in the direction of Jian Yuelin, ready to wait for Chen Xuan's appearance.

  This time, Li Jiuyuan and Li Zhuofeng did not bring any entourage, only they were standing on a high mountain, looking sullenly at the Jianyue Ancient Vein in the distance.

  "Li Gongfeng, this time I must avenge Tianpo. This kid dares to kill my son. I must cut him a thousand times!"

  Li Zhufeng also nodded, his status is one level lower than Li Jiuyuan, but his cultivation is also very strong.

   When these two powerful men appeared in the Jianyue Ancient Vessel, they immediately caused a shock in other sects, and some people in the sect were paying attention to them.

   "Look, isn't this the elder of Li Gongfeng and the Li family!"

   "This should be the elder of the Li family, his cultivation level should be very strong, it seems to be called Li Jiuyuan..."

   "The two of them appeared in Jianyue Ancient Channel together. Is it because something happened?"

   "Who knows what happened, it has nothing to do with us anyway, but even Li Jiuyuan was dispatched, I am afraid it should be because of Li Tianpo!"

"Could it be that Li Tianpo was killed by someone? His cultivation level is pretty good, who can kill Li Tianpo..." Many disciples of sects are discussing with each other, and they are always paying attention to everything here. .

  The sudden appearance of Li Jiuyuan and Li Gongfeng are both top-notch cultivation bases, and their gaze at Jian Yuelin’s direction has already explained the problem.

  Surely waiting for someone?

   Could it be Chen Xuan?

  Although these sect disciples were full of exclamation in their hearts, they did not ask, they all knew that Li Jiuyuan had a bad temper.

   Chen Xuan, who was looking for treasures in Jianyue Forest, had no idea what was happening outside.

  Chen Xuan has found the most inherited treasure in Jianyue Forest. If he wants to continue searching for other treasures, it is difficult to find it in one or two days.

   Chen Xuan was very surprised by the little bird in front of him.

  This is the heritage treasure of the Sword Moon Forest area?

  Ten thousand Chen Xuan didn't believe it. Although this little bird was very powerful, he could kill a five-tiered monster in the Shenluo realm just after he was born.

  But this little bird doesn't look like a divine beast. It looks very ordinary, just like a sparrow, except that there are waves of subtle flames burning on its body, giving this little bird the clues of a divine beast.

  But the flame is also very weak, only a trace of flame can be seen.

Chen Xuan covered his head: "The most important thing is that this little beast eats so much raw. It's only a few days before I ate all my middle-grade spirit stones. How can I have so many spirit stones? Give him food!"

  In the next half month, Chen Xuan has been in the Jianyuelin to comprehend the way of heaven, and hunted monsters to enhance the power of the dragon pattern.

As time passed bit by bit, Chen Xuan clearly felt that his cultivation level had improved a lot, and his pupils looked far away. Chen Xuan gently lifted the long sword in his hand, and a fierce sword aura suddenly moved away. Kill the past.


After the sword energy fell on the ground, it immediately caused an explosion.

"It seems that my swordsmanship has been upgraded to the realm of Dacheng, but this is only the fifth level. It will take some time to further improve the swordsmanship..." Chen Xuan closed his eyes slightly, and he was practicing in the sword moon forest. Swordsmanship, obviously feels that the speed has increased a lot.

  The Suzaku swordsmanship that hadn't been improved for half a month before, just a few days in the sword moon forest, it was almost reaching the state of miniaturization.

  In a blink of an eye, one day passed, and Chen Xuan suddenly opened his eyes, revealing a fierce light in his pupils.

   "I did not expect that the sixth level of swordsmanship has been enlightened by me, the sixth level of the Suzaku swordsmanship... It's just that this swordsmanship has just been cultivated to a basic state..."

   Chen Xuan whispered.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan gently waved the long sword in his hand, and another fierce sword aura was released, and he looked at the distance and killed him fiercely.

  Suzaku Swordsmanship's six-fold power has become stronger.

  Although Chen Xuan could also display the nineteenth level before, his power was greatly reduced. Chen Xuan now re-understands the way of swordsmanship and finally understands the complete Suzaku sword technique.

Now his cultivation level has been further improved, especially since Chen Xuan has hunted down several monsters in Jianyue Forest. After the power of these monsters has increased the power of the dragon pattern, Chen Xuan believes that his cultivation level can be improved. And the masters in the mid-seventh stage.

  As long as he doesn't encounter the powerhouse of the seven peaks of the Shenluo realm, Chen Xuan can easily deal with it now. Even the original Zhao Zhilong, Chen Xuan now only needs two rounds to kill him at most.

The sword soul has reached the second level, Chen Xuan’s overall swordsmanship power has risen a step, plus the sixth level of the Suzaku swordsmanship, it is very powerful in itself, Chen Xuan is about to test the power of the swordsmanship, and he sees the front. There was a roar of the demon claw demon fox.

  A huge monster appeared, and it was still emitting fierce red flames. The flames released from this demon claw demon fox suddenly rushed in his direction.

With a disdainful smile on Chen Xuan's face: "Even if my sword soul does not break through, I can easily kill you, not to mention that my current sword soul has reached the second stage, and I have also realized the first level of the Suzaku sword technique. Six layers, you are not my opponent at all!"

  While speaking, Chen Xuan's wrist quivered slightly, and a fierce aura suddenly emerged, and he slashed out his sword aura directly in the direction of the demon claw demon fox.


  The thing that made Chen Xuan shocked, the sword energy fell on the demon claw demon fox, and there was no change.

   And the body of this demon claw demon fox soared into the air, a burst of fiercer flames slashed towards Chen Xuan's direction.

With a disdainful smile on his face, Chen Xuan whispered: "A demon claw demon fox wants to hurt me. I don't know that the sky is high and the earth is thick!"

  Suzaku's fire ignited again, and directly hit the demon claw demon fox.

  The flame of the demon claw demon fox, no matter how strong it is, it will never be able to compare to him. After Chen Xuan displayed the Suzaku fire, the demon claw demon fox's body was shot out hundreds of meters and fell directly to the ground.

   Just when Chen Xuan was about to take advantage of the victory, he saw a phantom quickly coming from behind him.


After the demon claw demon fox's body was hit by a fierce breath, the body suddenly fell 100 meters away, lying on the ground motionless.

Chen Xuan was stunned to watch the little bird eat the devil's claw demon fox completely in only three minutes, and his face was full of shock: "No, this bird woke up unexpectedly and wanted to eat my spirit again. It's stone..."

Sure enough, after the little bird had eaten the meat of the demon claw demon fox, he came to Chen Xuan's body pitifully, chirping.

   "I have taken you. If I don't give it to you, will you eat me?" Chen Xuan's face was horrified, and he could only take out the middle-grade spirit stone from the ring.

  A full 250,000 middle-grade spirit stones!

  It only took three minutes for the bird to eat clean!

  Chen Xuan stared at the fragile body of the little bird with a stunned mouth. At most, he was only a slap in the hand. How could he have such a big appetite? One mouthful can swallow a spiritual stone.

   sighed, Chen Xuan can only calculate the time, find an opportunity to go to Liu Yuanjian again, to see if he can get a medium-grade spirit stone from him, otherwise Chen Xuan really can't afford this little bird's appetite.

  Because of the bird's shot, Chen Xuan did not fully release the Suzaku swordsmanship. His breakthrough in cultivation made Chen Xuan a little itchy, so he looked for monsters in the Sword Moon Forest area.

  Three minutes later, Chen Xuan finally locked on a huge demon claw demon fox. The cultivation base of this demon claw demon fox has reached the early stage of Shenluo's seventh stage.

   Gently shaking his wrists, Chen Xuan was like a leopard ready to go, his face was full of gazes: "It's time to shoot!"

  The next moment, I only saw a fierce sword aura shot out from Chen Xuan's direction, madly killing towards the demon claw demon fox.

  Suzaku swordsmanship sixth!

  After Chen Xuan Shen realized the Suzaku sword technique thoroughly, he did discover that the power of this sword technique was indeed terrifying.

  Although he entered the Sword Moon Sect, Chen Xuan did not specifically study the swordsmanship of Sword Moon Sect. He himself had practiced thousands of sword arts, as well as the Suzaku sword technique.

   These two swords are very powerful, especially the Suzaku swordsmanship. Long before Chen Xuan was suppressed by the heavens, he accidentally obtained a secret method.

  Suzaku swordsmanship can also cooperate with the power of Suzaku, and the damage caused can be doubled.

  As for the Ten Thousand Sword Art, it is very useful when dealing with multiple enemies. After all, these illusioned sword shadows themselves have substantial attacks.

  Even when Chen Xuan and Ren are singled out, Thousand Thousands of Sword Art can play a huge role, and the power of these sword shadows is also very strong. If you use your full strength, it will make the enemy inevitable and take him a blow.

  But one shortcoming of Wanqian Jianying is that it needs the cultivator's continuous Dantian Qihai as the support. After changing to another person, there is no way to display thousands of swords one after another.

Although the power of the Ten Thousand Sword Art is strong, it will also consume the aura of the cultivator. Even if Chen Xuan's stored aura far exceeds the powerhouse of the same realm, he can only use it seven times at most.

  After resting here for a few days, Chen Xuan suddenly heard a voice in his mind.

   "Your talent is indeed very strong. Among the people I have seen, there are very few people with such a talent as you." The sword spirit's voice rang.

   "Thank you for the compliment!" Chen Xuan said, knowing that it was the sword spirit guiding him.

   "Very good, now your cultivation level has broken through. When you reach the seventh level of the Shenluo realm, I can give you tips on the cultivation of swordsmanship!"

  At this moment, Chen Xuan also nodded and said: "Then thank you senior!"

After    left here, Chen Xuan found that many martial artists of the sect were waiting outside Jianyuelin.

   "He actually came out!?" Zhang Tinghe's face was shocked, and then he showed a hideous murderous aura.

  He has been waiting here, in order to kill Chen Xuan and obtain the Moon Sky Sword from his hand.

  This Moon Sky Sword had no other effect, so Chen Xuan could only enter the secret realm of Moon Sky Sword to improve his sword soul.

Wei Tianlun was also blocking Zhang Tinghe. He said to all the Jianyuezong disciples: "Listen to me. We must protect Chen Xuan now. Only Chen Xuan has the inheritance of the Moon Sky Sword. If they dare Doing it is to be an enemy of our Jianyue Sect!"

  With the help of Wei Tianlun, many Jianyuezong martial artists also surrounded Chen Xuan, walked in front of him, and looked at the many Feiyun Sect disciples with enthusiasm.

  Hearing Wei Tianlun's voice, Zhang Tinghe's face was full of murderous aura.

   "What are you afraid of? It's just Wei Tian's theory, don't you think I can't deal with him!?"

  (End of this chapter)

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