Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3656: Find you revenge

  Chapter 3656 Find your revenge

  Li Jiuyuan's body released a fierce force, and a terrible spiritual pressure was suppressed on Chen Xuan's body.

  Although the Feiyun faction had withdrawn, Li Jiuyuan was not at all afraid. Although their Li family was not as good as Jianyuezong in Jianyue Ancient City, in the entire Yunxiao Palace, the size of Li's family was comparable to the two-star sect.

   "Old man Zhuge, you can't keep him alone. I advise you to hand over Chen Xuan. If I wait for my action, I will kill him directly!"

   "Chen Xuan, come to my side." Zhuge Bai said.

  Chen Xuan walked over cautiously, knowing that he might be affected by the confrontation of a strong man in this realm.

  For a time, many other Li elders also gathered together, with murderous faces on their faces.

  An elder Li came out and said, "Master Li, let’s stop talking nonsense with this kid, and kill him directly. I don’t believe that Old Man Zhuge can stop so many of us!"

As soon as this remark came out, Li Jiuyuan nodded in satisfaction. He was also worried that these elders were unwilling to take action: "Very well, I will stop Zhuge Bai, you go and kill Chen Xuan, remember that I must let this kid Suffered from the pain of thousands of knives!"

Suddenly, Li Jiuyuan flickered and appeared directly in front of Zhuge Bai.

  Looking at Li Jiuyuan attacking, Zhuge Bai's expression also sank. He knew that Li Jiuyuan's cultivation base was very strong, so he also took out the long sword and stood together with Li Jiuyuan.

  The battle between the two people was very fierce. They were both first-class strong men. The aura released quickly spread to the surrounding area. Some of the weaker disciples were immediately knocked out, and there was no way to defend them.

   "Dare to kill my son Li Tianpo, no one can keep you today!" At this moment, Li Jiuyuan's face was full of shocking murderous aura.

   Seeing Li Jiuyuan temporarily blocking Zhuge Bai, Li Zhifeng suddenly laughed, and his figure flashed quickly before appearing in front of Chen Xuan.

With a gloomy smile on his face, Li Gongfeng said grimly: "Chen Xuan, you never dreamed that there would be today. You provoked me at the beginning and caused us to blow up Li Mansion by you. I won't let you go today! "

  Chen Xuan can even hear the sound of aura repelling the air.

   was suppressed by his breath, and could not move his body.

  Li Jifeng was very strong in his cultivation. At the beginning, Chen Xuan relied on the dragon body to have a ray of life.

  The power of the dragon pattern released by Chen Xuan can be directly killed even when facing the eighth-level powerhouse of the Shenluo realm, but Li Zhufeng was only slightly injured, enough to imagine how strong his cultivation is.

   "Kill my disciple, I will take your skin today, draw your muscles, and avenge my disciple!" Li Gongfeng said angrily.

  All of a sudden, the Li family had the upper hand.

  They also don't care about the Sword Moon Sect's Sect Master, whether they will come to trouble them after the retreat.

  Li Jiuyuan had already fallen into madness, his only purpose was to behead Chen Xuan.

  Li Zhufeng did not rush to kill Chen Xuan, but said with a joke: "Chen Xuan, do you now know the gap between the two of us? Haha!"

  A burst of spiritual pressure descended once again, and Chen Xuan heard his own bone crackling and his face was full of pain.

  He didn't even have room to fight back, and was completely suppressed by Li Zhuofeng.

   Hearing the scream from Chen Xuan, Zhuge Bai frowned: "Damn it!"

   Chen Xuan wanted to use the power of the dragon pattern to resist, but to no avail.

  Li Zifeng had suffered a loss before, and this time he has made sufficient preparations, and will not give Chen Xuan time to display the power of the dragon.

   "If you have the ability, you will kill me. As long as you don't kill me now, one day I must kill you. I will take your skin and twitch your muscles and make you feel pain!" Chen Xuan said angrily.

a ha ha ha!

  Li Zhufeng let out a wild laugh, his wrists trembling slightly, and a more fierce aura emerged, suppressing Chen Xuan's body.

   "Boy, you seem arrogant, do you really think you are my opponent?"

   "At the beginning, I ate you once and I thought I would be a second time. Do you feel that your body can't move at all? Hahaha!"

   Seeing that Li Gongfeng had not killed Chen Xuan, Li Jiuyuan frowned: "Li Gongfeng, what are you doing? Hurry up and kill this kid to avoid accidents!"

Li Zongfeng was not in a hurry, but smiled and replied: "Master Li, don’t worry, this kid is now at the end of his life. I just need to turn my hands and crush him into a pool of meat sauce. Don’t worry. I want to torture him first!"

  On the outskirts of Jianyue Gumai, walked into a man. Although the beard on his face was mad, he took care of it in an orderly manner.

   Judging from the dark beard, this man is only about forty years old at most, but the breath that blooms on his body is very terrifying. If Chen Xuan can definitely see it here, he is Yu Wentian.

   Yu Wentian pinched his fingers, and under the release of the power of the dragon pattern, he also felt a familiar power: "Chen Xuan is here?"

  Since Yuwentian entered the Yunxiao Mansion, he has not cared about the battle between the two empires.

  As a dragon-marked master, the battle between empires has little to do with him. He only needs to take action when the dragon-blood empire is destroyed.

  After bidding farewell to Chen Xuan, Yu Wentian has also been active in Yunxiao Mansion. His purpose is not to observe Chen Xuan, but to hear that two sets of dragon stone steles have appeared here.

   Yu Wentian has fallen into a bottleneck, and his cultivation has not been improved, although Yu Wentian's talent is definitely ranked first among all the dragon masters.

  Most of the dragon masters are basically old monsters who have lived for more than five hundred years, but Yu Wentian has reached the stage of the dragon master at only about three hundred years old.

  He was also traveling around the world at the same time, wanting to make a thorough breakthrough in Yunxiao Mansion, so after leaving the Dragon Blood Empire, he has been wandering nearby.

  Before, Yu Wentian had come to Jianyue Ancient Vein, and found a dragon stone stele here, and also attached the power inside to the bamboo and gave it to Chen Xuan.

However, it is rumored that there is a second dragon stone stele in the Jianyue Ancient Vein. Originally, he was not planning to enter the Jianyue Ancient Vein. However, after pinching his fingers, Yuwentian clearly felt that Chen Xuan's breath was losing rapidly, and Also suffered a crisis.

   "I'm close at hand, I don't know where he is..." Yu Wentian thought in his heart, then his figure flashed, and he rushed in the direction of Chen Xuan.

  After arriving in the Jianyue Ancient Vein, he felt the fluctuation of the battle.

   Yu Wentian is a realm powerhouse, even if Chen Xuan is a thousand miles away, he can easily detect it.

"When I entered the Jianyue Ancient Vein, I forcibly opened the seal, which caused a scramble for the Jianyue Ancient Vein's treasures. Could it be that Chen Xuan also passed by?" As the Dragon Vein Grandmaster, Yu Wentian can clearly feel his power. Is weakening.

  As he got closer and closer to Chen Xuan, he also felt that Chen Xuan's breath weakened faster.


  "Who would dare to do something to me!" Yu Wentian cursed, but found a middle-aged man in a white robe in the distance, releasing a frightening atmosphere to suppress Chen Xuan.

  Faced with his spiritual pressure, Chen Xuan didn't even have a chance to resist.

  Seeing this situation, Yu Wentian's face suddenly showed a terrifying expression. After so many years of life, he has never been so angry as he is today.

   "People who dared to do something to me really didn't put me in the eyes!"

  Although the two empires are fighting with each other, these big sects do not ask much about mortal matters, nor do they have much hatred for each other.

  In an instant, Yu Wentian's body burst out with tyrannical power, the long sword in his hand was constantly shaking, and a wave of extreme sword aura instantly killed in the direction of Li Gongfeng.


  Li Gongfeng also turned his head, feeling this killing intent, he hurriedly jumped out towards the distance.

After a loud noise, Li Gongfeng immediately hid in the sky, with shocked expressions on his face.

  Who is it?

  Under careful observation, he found a middle-aged man in a red robe slowly approaching Chen Xuan.

"Chen Xuan, are you okay?" Yu Wentian asked: "I heard that you joined the Sword Moon Sect, why were you beaten so badly? If it weren't for me, you might be killed. Right."

  Chen Xuan coughed up blood from the corner of his mouth. When he saw Yu Wentian coming, he knew that he could not die.

   "Master Yuwen, I accidentally killed a few people and caused misfortune." Chen Xuan whispered.

  As soon as these words came out, Yu Wentian's face was filled with a hideous expression: "Even my people dare to kill, do these people want to live?"

  This blunt sentence has attracted the attention of Li Jiuyuan and others.

  They were shocked all over their faces, and they couldn't think of a dragon-patterned master of Yu Wentian's level, actually coming to help Chen Xuan.

   "I was wondering where Chen Xuan's dragon pattern power came from. It turned out to be taught to him by Yu Wentian..."

   "No way, Chen Xuan actually knew him as well. Could it be that Chen Xuan is Yu Wentian's apprentice!"

"This news is really horrible. Yu Wentian is the dragon pattern grandmaster of the Dragon Blood Empire, and his cultivation must have reached the realm of Divine Soul, and it is absolutely top-notch..." Several disciples watching the battle nearby revealed one after another. Amazed.

   After hearing what they said, Yu Wentian smiled lightly, and replied to everyone: "Chen Xuan is not my Yu Wentian's apprentice, but he and I have many connections!"

  Even Zhuge Bai is shocked now. Although he knows the power of Chen Xuan to cultivate dragon patterns, he can't imagine that Chen Xuan is actually connected with Yu Wentian.

  At this moment, everyone's eyes are on Chen Xuan's body, wanting to know the inside story.

But Chen Xuan stared at Li Gongfeng with bitter eyes, "I have to make you repay a hundred times for what happened today. As long as I break through my cultivation level one day, you will never escape from my hands alive!" "

  As soon as these words came out, Li Zhuofeng's expression also sank. When he knew that Chen Xuan and Yu Wentian were in contact, he knew that he would definitely not kill Chen Xuan today.

  All the disciples of Jianyuezong are also discussing.

   "I once heard that Grand Master Dragon Mark can skillfully use the power of Dragon Mark, and their cultivation has basically reached the realm of Divine Soul, it must be very scary."

   "Yuwentian has come to help us, this time we will definitely be able to win!"

Li Jiuyuan’s face was full of murderous, and he said angrily: "Even if you are Grandmaster Longwen, this is not a place where you can set foot. This is Yunxiao Mansion. I advise you to think about it, if you really insist on keeping it. Chen Xuan, don't blame me for being impolite!"

  Li Jiuyuan can be regarded as desperate, he must kill Chen Xuan here.

  Even after Zhuge Bai saw that a Grand Master Yuwen wanted to help Chen Xuan, his face was full of joy.

  I don’t know the relationship between Chen Xuan and Yu Wentian, but with Yu Wentian here, at least Chen Xuan can’t be killed.

A murderous aura was released from Yu Wentian’s pupils, and he said in a cold voice, "Your name is Li Jiuyuan, right? I heard that you are the elder of the Li family in Yunxiao Mansion. You actually provoke Chen Xuan and want to kill him, you Are you looking for death?"

  (End of this chapter)

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