Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3658: Chiyang Demon Tiger

  Chapter 3658 Red Sun Demon Tiger

The   Liaoyuan Sword still broke through the Red Sun Demon Tiger’s body-refining defense, and slew straight towards the Red Sun Demon Tiger’s body.

   Sword Qi made a huge roar, and blood was shed from the body of the Red Yang Demon Tiger.

Seeing the red sun demon tiger let out a more violent roar, Chen Xuan's eyes also showed a horror: "No, I have already used the power of the dragon pattern and the Suzaku. The monster tiger will be killed."

   "Red Sun Demon Tiger's defense is really that strong?"

  One minute later, the roar of the Red Sun Demon Tiger weakened little by little.

   "It seems that the defensive power of the Red Sun Demon Tiger is not that strong, and I finally killed it!" Chen Xuan walked over, and at this moment, the little firebird appeared from Chen Xuan's ring.

   rushed in the direction of the Red Sun Demon Tiger with lightning speed.

  Chen Xuan was shocked, and just wanted to step forward to stop him, only to find that the little Firebird had spent a few minutes gnawing on the body of the Red Sun Demon Tiger.

  Chen Xuan stared at the body of the Red Sun Demon Tiger in amazement, with no flesh on his body: "Why did this guy come out again? It must smell of the Red Sun Demon Tiger..."

  When Yu Wentian saw the little Firebird, his face was also surprised: "Chen Xuan, where did you meet this little guy?"

  After the little flamingo was satiated and satiated, she also whispered around Chen Xuan's side.

  Chen Xuan helped his forehead helplessly: "I got it by chance before. I didn't see any special place about this bird, except that it can eat it, it's of no use for anything else."

  Yuwentian laughed and said, "Chen Xuan, you have picked up a big bargain. This little firebird is a very rare monster. It is your blessing to be encountered by you."

   "What did you say? This little Firebird is an Eudemon?" Chen Xuan's face was full of surprise.

  There are not only monsters and spirit beasts between heaven and earth, but also fairy beasts and phantom beasts.

  Compared with fairy beasts, phantom beasts have even stranger power. Many phantom beasts have very special energy, and even some phantom beasts can reverse time.

  Chen Xuan walked over and gently stroked the little flamingo on the ground that was chirping towards him: "Really? This little beast is actually an Eudemon?"

Yu Wentian nodded gently: "Of course my eyes can't go wrong, but I don't know what the origin of this firebird is. I can feel it. There is a very magical power in his body. You must cultivate this. A little flamingo."

As soon as these words came out, this little flamingo looked like a treasure in Chen Xuan's eyes, and his saliva almost flowed out: "No, I thought it was a stronger monster, but I didn't expect it to be a monster. Eudemons."

  The rarity of Eudemons is even greater than that of Fairy Beasts. After all, the abilities of some Eudemons are extremely special. Even though some Fairy Beasts have stronger cultivation bases, they are not as good as Eudemons.

"Don't say so much, Chen Xuan, the most important thing is to improve your personal cultivation level. If you meet Li Jiuyuan and Li Gongfeng, you have a countermeasure. I won't be by your side at any time. You will always be alone. Time." Yu Wentian whispered.

  Chen Xuan also nodded slowly.

  Then they continued to practice in the Jianyue Ancient Vein, time passed bit by bit, and half a month passed in a blink of an eye.

  On this day, Chen Xuan was tempering his body by a waterfall: "After so many days of cultivation, my physical strength has been improved by a notch, but the cultivation level is still the sixth level of the Shenluo realm, and there is no further.

Yu Wentian came over and said: "Chen Xuan, all I can point you to is the cultivation of the power of dragon patterns. All those who practice dragon patterns must temper the strength of their physical body. With your current body strength, it is far from reaching To two stars."

  To achieve the two-star Dao body, it must be done through great efforts.

  Although Chen Xuan was also tempering the strength of his physical body before, he also had an upper limit on the tempering of his physical body with the power of the demon soul.

  The power of the dragon pattern is different.

  Chen Xuan only cultivated the strength of the dragon pattern for more than half a month, and he clearly felt that his body strength had doubled compared to before.

   "Even if my cultivation level continues to improve, both of them are masters in the realm of spirits, how can I deal with them?" Chen Xuan asked the doubt in his heart.

  Yu Wentian chuckled softly: "Don't worry, I will definitely teach you how to escape from them."

  "Escape from their hands?" Chen Xuanbai glanced.

  So what else do you want to do?

Yu Wentian walked over angrily and directly knocked on Chen Xuan’s head and said, “Boy, it’s pretty good to let you escape from their hands. People are masters in the realm of spirits and souls, so it’s hard for you to want to be with them. Kill a fish and break the net?"

  Chen Xuan shook his head: "It doesn't mean that."

   While practicing in the Jianyue Ancient Vein, Chen Xuan felt a fierce breath coming from a distance.

   Yu Wentian also frowned tightly, and said in a low voice: "Are they two again?"

  "Is it Li Jiuyuan and Li Gongfeng?" Chen Xuan asked suspiciously.

  Yu Wentian nodded: "Yes, it is the two of them. I thought they retired when they were in trouble, and they would definitely not come again. I didn't expect to feel the breath of them again today..."

  Three minutes later, two black shadows landed in the Jianyue Ancient Vein, and the leader was Li Jiuyuan.

  Since Li Jiuyuan suffered a loss last time, he has been thinking of ways to kill Chen Xuan. Today, he finally found the opportunity before they came to Jianyue Gumai again with Li Gongfeng.

   "You two are really here, and my news is quite accurate." After Li Jiuyuan appeared, the murderous look on his face was clear.

  The scene fell into silence. Yu Wentian glanced at Li Jiuyuan and Li Jiuyuan coldly, and his breath surged: "What's the matter? I didn't kill Chen Xuan last time. Do you still want to trouble us today?"

  Li Jiuyuan also spoke: "Yu Wentian, if you don’t hand over Chen Xuan to me today, you won’t be able to leave here!"

  Yu Wentian laughed wildly: "You really don't see me in your eyes. I want to trouble Chen Xuan under my nose. It's not that easy!"

   Hearing this, Li Jiuyuan turned his head and glared at Yu Wentian and said, “We really can’t deal with you with the cultivation base of the two of us, but what if you are a master?”

  While he was speaking, a ripple appeared in the sky, and a fierce aura instantly emerged.

   Immediately afterwards, a black figure appeared out of thin air, as if torn apart the void.

   "Yu Wentian, do you really think that your cultivation level is very strong?" After this figure appeared, Chen Xuan felt tremendous pressure, and there was also a shock of shock on his face.

   "No way, what realm is the strong man who exudes such terrifying power..."

  After he gradually walked out of the shadows, even Yu Wentian was shocked.

  Chen Xuan also saw what this person looked like, carrying shocking spiritual power on his body, wearing a mask on his face, wearing a white robe, and a shocking aura exuding his gestures.

"Yu Wentian, I don't want to embarrass you either. After all, the two of us have no hatred or hatred. You only need to stay Chen Xuan and leave here. I will naturally not bother you." The man smiled slightly on his body. Shrouded in a strong aura, full of threats.

At this moment, Yu Wentian also directly used the power of the dragon pattern, with a joking smile on his face, he said word by word: "It really makes me unexpected. The two of us had played against each other twenty years ago. Are you Lin Dechang?"

  On the list of strong players in Yunxiao Mansion, Lin Dechang is definitely already ranked in the top ten strong players.

  Lin Dechang and the Li family have a very good family relationship, and occasionally met Li Jiuyuan.

After Li Jiuyuan suffered a loss last time, he tossed and turned, and finally thought of Lin Dechang.

  He sent a lot of magic weapons to Lin Dechang, and he wanted Lin Dechang to avenge him, but Lin Dechang finally agreed.

  The appearance of Lin Dechang made the situation suddenly reversed. For Yu Wentian, although he can deal with Li Jiuyuan and Li Gongfeng at the same time, if Lin Dechang is added, the chance of winning is not very big.

However, Yuwentian’s face was not afraid, and even showed a sense of war. This is something that the fighters of the Dragon Blood Empire naturally possess, even if they encounter a strong person whose cultivation base is stronger than their own, or they are in a very difficult situation. Unfortunately, they will not shrink back.

  When the three big powers confronted each other, Chen Xuan suddenly stepped aside.

  The entire Jianyue Ancient Vein was filled with a layer of horror.

  Chen Xuan dared not say a word, but looked at the four of them carefully.

  When this breath formed a spiritual pressure in the sky, the people in the entire Jianyue Ancient City felt that the four terrifying forces were facing each other, and many people were also surprised.

   "What happened? Why is there such a terrifying power from the Jianyue Ancient Vein..."

   "Isn't there a strong person standing in there? Shall we go over and take a look?"

There are many sect martial artists who are not far from the Jianyue Ancient Vein, and even the elders of these sects, have rushed in the direction of the Jianyue Ancient Vein. They want to get a closer look and see who is the strong one here. Against the enemy.

  After they came here, they suddenly saw Yu Wentian, especially Lin Dechang, who was standing in front of Li Jiuyuan and others, and everyone uttered a shocked voice.

   "No way? Lin Dechang is the top ten powerhouse in Yunxiao Mansion!"

   "His cultivation level has reached the realm of spirits and souls. I didn't expect that I could meet him today!"

   "Why are they facing off here?" A sharp-eyed warrior also saw Chen Xuan hiding in the distance, and his face was suddenly surprised.

   Is it because of him?

  He did not expect that because of a small disciple of the Sword Moon Sect in the early sixth stage of the Shenluo realm, Lin Dechang, the top ten strongest in Yunxiao Mansion, would come over.

   "Or is it because of the original thing?" a warrior asked.

   "It should be. I heard that Chen Xuan killed several people in the Li family. I'm afraid Chen Xuan is more ill-tempered this time..."

  The super powers who can rank in the Yunxiao Mansion are usually difficult to see. Even these martial artists of Jianyue Ancient City, they basically can't see them.

   "I heard that he and Li Jiuyuan have a good relationship, and that Lin Dechang and the Li family also have ties. They must have come to help Li Jiuyuan deal with Chen Xuan!"

   "Even if Yu Wentian is here, he may not be able to keep Chen Xuan, Lin Dechang alone may be able to hold Yu Wentian, they can kill Chen Xuan at will!"

  (End of this chapter)

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