Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3665: Return to the spirit sword area

  Chapter 3665 Return to the spirit sword area

   Chen Xuan, who was cultivating in the spirit sword area, did not know that Li Wenlong was getting closer and closer to him.

  At this moment, Li Wenlong had just arrived at Jianyuezong, and several disciples in cyan long clothes approached.

   "Brother Li, didn't you go back? Why did you come again?" the disciple asked.

  Li Wenlong's face sank: "What does it have to do with you? I am going to kill Chen Xuan now? You are with me!"

  The faces of these outer disciples suddenly showed a shock. They knew that Chen Xuan's cultivation was very strong.

   But Li Wenlong's cultivation is even stronger than Chen Xuan.

   "I don't know who is strong and who is weak when the two of them fight."

  "Then shall we go there?" The disciple said in shock.

  This battle is just a cannon fodder no matter which side he is on.

   "It's better to go and take a look, that is, join in the fun!"

  Having been cultivating in the spirit sword area for six hours, Chen Xuan finally felt tired, so he was about to leave here.

  When he just got up, he found a man in a red shirt in the distance, slowly walking towards him.

Feeling the murderous aura from the opponent, Chen Xuan also slowly took out the Liaoyuan sword.

   "Chen Xuan!" Li Wenlong had just arrived, with a sweeping murderous look on his face, and said coldly: "I heard that your cultivation is very strong, why don't you come to learn from me?"

  "Talk to you? Time is money, I don't talk to the unknown." Chen Xuan raised his foot and prepared to leave here.

  Li Wenlong gritted his teeth, with a **** look on his face: "Well, Chen Xuan, I'm Li Wenlong who is also in the top 20 of the Sword Yuezong Outer Gate, why don't you look at me so much?"

  Chen Xuan could only gently shook his head: "Are you sure you want to challenge me?"

The appearance of Li Wenlong caused the disciples in the entire spirit sword area to exclaim.

   "Li Wenlong is here, and he still wants to challenge Chen Xuan?"

   "I heard that Chen Xuan showed great power in the Jianyue Ancient Vein, not to mention the breakthrough in cultivation, and he also got the treasure of inheritance. Now his strength must be improved a lot, right?" a disciple said.

   "It's hard to tell, even if Chen Xuanxiu's rank is improved, it may not be Li Wenlong's opponent!"

   "Li Wenlong can be ranked in the top 20 of our outer door, and his cultivation has already reached the seventh peak of the Shenluo realm. No matter how talented Chen Xuan is, it is impossible to compete with Li Wenlong in such a short time!"

  Everyone talked about it, but Li Wenlong's face always had a mocking smile, and he was very confident.

   "Chen Xuan, have you heard? If you don't accept my challenge, you are a coward!" Li Wenlong laughed wildly.

  Chen Xuan squinted his eyes, and immediately said: "If you want to challenge me, I have to accept it? Do you think I'm a fool?"

After    finished speaking, Chen Xuan was about to leave here.

  Don't say that Yu Wentian and Qiao Lixiao are here, even if Chen Xuan is alone, he can completely deal with him.

  It's just that Chen Xuan has been cultivating in the spirit sword area for a few hours, feeling that his soul is very exhausted, so he doesn't want to challenge.

  If it were normal, Chen Xuan would show Li Wenlong a good face.

Seeing Chen Xuan preparing to leave, Li Wenlong's expression suddenly became ferocious, and his pupils were full of irony: "I thought you were very strong. It seems that you are also a soft-footed shrimp. I dare not accept my challenge. There is no difference for cowards!"

  Li Wenlong really thought that Chen Xuan's cultivation skills were very strong, so he came to challenge Chen Xuan this time and brought his magic weapon here.

  He thinks that Chen Xuan did not dare to accept it, and it must be because of inner fear.

  Li Wenlong instantly became unscrupulous, and laughed wildly again: "Chen Xuan, you are a coward, you really think you are very strong, I think you are usually crazy, why don't you dare to discuss it with me?"

  The competition is just a guise, and he wants to kill Chen Xuan in this competition.

  If Chen Xuan can be killed, his position in the family can be far higher, and he can even inherit the position of the patriarch.

   "When I kill you, my good days will come, hahahahaha!" Li Wenlong smiled grimly: "However, you Chen Xuan, you are destined to die by my sword!"

   Hearing this, Chen Xuan also showed a disdainful smile: "Li Wenlong, if you have time to trouble me, you might as well practice well. If I kill you with two swords, wouldn’t it be very embarrassing?"

After    cast aura, Chen Xuan disappeared very quickly.

  Li Wenlong just wanted to answer. Seeing Chen Xuan’s back disappearing bit by bit, he could only grin grinningly, and his heart was full of murderous intent: “Sure enough, I’m scared!”

   "Chen Xuan, don't let me seize the opportunity, I will definitely kill you then and avenge my cousin!"

After returning to the independent courtyard, Chen Xuan continued to practice dragon patterns.

  Dragon pattern and spiritual power are two completely different systems, but they also have something in common.

The power of the   dragon pattern also needs the aura of heaven and earth, but more depends on the power of the dragon pattern in the body to release the dragon pattern technique.

  Dragon pattern exercises are varied, but basically you need to look for a dragon pattern stone tablet to improve.

  Ice Soul Heaven Broken, under Chen Xuan's continuous cultivation, his level also increased rapidly.

  Time passed bit by bit, and more than a month passed in a blink of an eye.

  On this day, Chen Xuan vaguely felt that the power of his dragon pattern was about to break through to the next level.

   "As long as I reach the next level, my Ice Soul Skybreaker will be able to cultivate to the entry level. Unfortunately, I haven't reached the Divine Soul Realm, otherwise it will definitely increase my strength a lot!" Chen Xuan thought to himself.

  In this month, he was not only cultivating the power of the dragon pattern, but also accelerating the speed of his own strength improvement.

   While cultivating in the room, Chen Xuan raised his head and felt a burst of red light in the sky.

   reached out his hand, and a sound transmission jade pendant fell on his hand.

  Dugulun brought it here?

  Chen Xuan was slightly surprised, and then he held the sound transmission jade pendant, and slightly released his spiritual power, which penetrated into the jade pendant.

  Afterwards, Du Gulun was like a silly chatter, chattering about a bunch of nonsense to Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan couldn't help having a headache, and returned to the independent courtyard, eating grapes while placing the sound transmission jade pendant next to him.

  After half an hour, Dugulun finally reached the point.

   Chen Xuan's face was suddenly surprised, and he sat up from the chair with a sigh: "What, when Li Qiuyu was arrested, he left a token?"

  No, you have to go back to Sky Dragon City!

  Reminiscent of Li Qiuyu's lovely face in his mind, Chen Xuan packed his things non-stop, and prepared to set off in the direction of Tianlongcheng.

  That night, Chen Xuan was about to leave, and he saw two figures descending quickly in the sky.

  "Chen Xuan, where are you going?" The man who spoke was Qiao Lixiao, and he had already noticed Chen Xuan's sneaky.

   Hearing this, Chen Xuan turned his head awkwardly and said: "Master Qiao, there is something wrong, I have to leave Jianyuezong."

   Yu Wentian also slightly angrily said: "You kid, didn't you bring us to Jianyuezong at the beginning? You said it's safe here, why did you run out alone now?"

   sighed, he told Li Qiuyu about it.

  Chen Xuan trusts Yu Wentian and Qiao Lixiao. After several months of getting along, Chen Xuan found that Qiao Lixiao’s temper is very straightforward, so he can say anything if he wants to.

  In addition, Qiao Lixiao also helped him a lot, and Chen Xuan would definitely not hide this matter.

  If Qiao Lixiao knew about Li Qiuyu's whereabouts, it would save Chen Xuan a lot of time.

   "Master Qiao, do you know?" Chen Xuan asked.

  Qiao Lixiao shook his head: "I have never heard of the name Li Qiuyu, but there are many people outside who want to kill you, so you left with such a sassy way. Isn't it very dangerous?"

   Chen Xuan's expression also sank. He knew that Li Jiuyuan would never give up, and would definitely come back and kill him.

   "Let's do this, our two old guys are fine lately. Why don't we send you there." Qiao Lixiao said.

   Hearing the words, Yu Wentian suddenly gave a blank look: "Old man Joe, I am not an old guy, my age is very young among you old monsters!"

  Seeing these two people, you choked with each other, Chen Xuan did not continue to waste time here.

  He was not going to continue to trouble Qiao Lixiao and Yu Wentian, but while the two people were talking, his body turned into a red light and disappeared into Jianyuezong instantly.

  Two days later, Chen Xuan returned to Heavenly Dragon City, and some monsters were asking him for trouble along the way.

  Using Chen Xuan's cultivation base, it only takes one or two rounds at most to solve some low-level monsters.

  On the way back, Chen Xuan also reduced the aura in his body, and he was also worried that Li Jiuyuan would send someone to kill him.

  If Li Jiuyuan was caught outside, Chen Xuan had absolutely no way to escape.

The power of   Ice Soul Heaven Breaking was cultivated to the first level by Chen Xuan. This technique requires both hands to form a seal to be displayed. It is neither a boxing method nor a boxing method, and it has nothing to do with swordsmanship.

   is very suitable for use in times of crisis, and the power released by the ice soul can also condense the surrounding air, and even freeze the soul of the enemy.

  After arriving at Sky Dragon City, Chen Xuan also exclaimed, and had not been here for half a year.

  After the renovation, the scale of Sky Dragon City has become more grand, and the decoration is also very luxurious.

  Walking to the gate of the city, Chen Xuan was stopped by a guard.

   "Our Master Yuwen has an order, all those who enter the city must search carefully!" the guard said.

  Chen Xuan smiled slightly, and just entered the city directly with his cultivation base.

  But Chen Xuan wanted to experience it. After all, he was also the lord of Skydragon City, and entering the city directly would inevitably cause panic among the guards.

  After searching, Chen Xuan walked into Sky Dragon City.

  In the City Lord’s Mansion...

  Yu Wenqiu's face was furious, and he pointed to Dugulun’s nose and cursed: "Where did you go yesterday? Did you find out what I asked you to investigate?"

   Dugulun smiled awkwardly: "Ms. Yuwen, who do you think of me Dugulun? I have found out this matter clearly, and it has become clear that I have written to Chen Xuan!"

   "If something happens to Qiu Yu, I will never let you go!" Yuwen Qiu Jiao groaned.

  Dugulun hurriedly said: "Don't blame me, I really didn't pay attention when Qiu Yu was arrested!"

   Hearing this, Chen Xuan withdrew the power of the dragon pattern, and Chen Xuan heard everything they were talking about.

   turned into a red light and fell on the city lord’s mansion, causing Dugulun and Yuwenqiu to take out the magical artifacts, their faces full of tension.

After seeing Chen Xuan, Yu Wenqiu's pupils showed surprise: "Chen Xuan, you still know that you are back!"

  It was a complaint, but Chen Xuan also knew that Yu Wenqiu was very happy in his heart.

  This woman is a tofu heart with a knife mouth.

  The women of the Dragon Blood Empire are basically like this, and Chen Xuan is also used to it.

   "Dugulun, I heard that Qiu Yu was taken away because of you?"

  As soon as these words came out, Dugulun suddenly cried and said: "Chen Xuan, you really can't blame me at that time, there are wolves before and tigers, I really can't help it.

   "But don't worry, those people who caught Qiu Yu will definitely not hurt Qiu Yu." Du Gulun said.

   "You said in the sound transmission jade pendant that Qiu Yu left something, where is it?" Chen Xuan asked.

  (End of this chapter)

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