Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3668: Competition with Li Wenlong

  Chapter 3668 Competition with Li Wenlong

   Following the order of the ring official.

  Li Wenlong's body suddenly exudes a terrifying aura, a long sword suddenly appeared in his hand, bursts of golden sword aura, attacking Chen Xuan from different directions.

   Chen Xuan's face was full of disdain, and the next moment he directly displayed the Suzaku sword technique.

  "Suzaku Swordsmanship is the sixth step!"

  Just yesterday, Chen Xuan devoted himself to studying the Suzaku Heart Technique and also raised his Suzaku sword technique to the next level.

  The power of the Suzaku swordsmanship of the sixth layer is obvious to all, but just after it was displayed, bursts of fierce aura suddenly burned the air and made a crackling sound.


   Suddenly, the wind raged, and the sword aura of the two collided fiercely in the sky.


  Chen Xuan and Li Wenlong each took two steps back, but there was already a huge void of spiritual power between them, and even the formation was trembling.

  The two sides stared, not moving.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan's fingers gently hooked the Gouliaoyuan Sword, and a fierce aura was released instantly.

   "Are you very surprised now? I can easily block your blow?" Chen Xuan said with a smile.

   Hearing this, Li Wenlong did not speak, his face was full of silence: "This is impossible, how did you do it?"

  Chen Xuan shook his head slightly: "You don’t know a lot, let me see your cultivation base, Shenluo Realm Seventh Level? In the end, he can only become a ghost under my sword!"

  As soon as these words came out, Li Wenlong rushed over, waved his long sword, and severely chopped down at Chen Xuan's head.

   Seeing that this sword edge was about to cut in front of him, Chen Xuanfei jumped into the air, and then violently swung his long sword.

   "The Fifth Thousand Sword Art!" Along with Chen Xuan's anger, bursts of blue sword light quickly raged around him.


   Sword Qi made a crackling sound, and there was even a sound of dragon chanting, killing Li Wenlong fiercely.

  Under the entire competition stage, many disciples were in an uproar.

   "It's too strong, it turned out to be the swordsmanship of Wanjian Villa!"

  "Does Chen Xuan have a connection with Wanjian Villa!?"

   "This Chen Xuan has already cultivated the power of the dragon pattern. I didn't expect that he had actually practiced in the Wanjian Villa. His identity is really too mysterious..." A disciple's face was full of shock.

  In the ensuing battle, Chen Xuan's body was suspended in the air, and his sword aura violently impacted Li Wenlong's defense.

  At this moment, Li Wenlong's head has dripped a drop of cold sweat. This force is too strong, even he can't defend it.


  As the sword gas exploded, Li Wenlong's body was constantly shaking.

   Li Wenlong, who was pale, vomited a mouthful of blood, and he knelt on the ground, unable to move.

   "I don't believe it!" Li Wenlong let out a long howl, just about to fight back.

  But found Chen Xuan kicked him.

  Li Wenlong was kicked out hundreds of meters, fell on the edge of the formation, and almost fell off the competition stage.

   "You can't admit defeat in a life-and-death battle, Li Wenlong, let me die!"

  A sword aura pierced Li Wenlong's body instantly.

  In the horrified eyes of everyone, Li Wenlong slowly fell to the ground.

   "No way, he defeated Li Wenlong at the seventh peak of the Shenluo realm in only twelve rounds?"

   "Li Wenlong was really killed by him?"

  This scene was seen by Huang Tianlong.

  At this time, Huang Tianlong's face was black and purple. He thought that Li Wenlong could solve Chen Xuan, so that he wouldn't do it again.

  As a result, Li Wenlong died under Chen Xuan's sword in the twelfth round.

  It was only about twenty minutes, and Li Wenlong was not Chen Xuan's opponent at all.

  If it weren't for Li Wenlong lying motionless on the ground, he would definitely not be reconciled. As the top 20 of Sword Yuezong's outer sect, Li Wenlong actually died in the hands of Chen Xuan, a new disciple.

  "How did Chen Xuan break through his cultivation? He clearly only has the sixth level of the Shenluo realm. Why is Li Wenlong not his opponent?!

   "Could it be because he has cultivated the power of the dragon pattern?!"

   "Have you noticed the flames he released just now? It's different from any fire practice in our world!" said a sharp-eyed disciple.

"Before I heard Wei Tianlun tell me that Chen Xuan's cultivation reached the sixth stage of the Shenluo realm. Only a few months have passed, and he has already broken through to the middle of the sixth stage, even the seventh stage of the Shenluo realm. Li Wenlong is not his opponent..."

   "It turns out that what Chen Xuan said before is true. He is indeed capable of killing Li Wenlong!"

   Judging from the surprised expressions on the faces of these disciples, they didn't think Chen Xuan could win, they all thought Li Wenlong would win easily.

  The shock to these disciples in this life-and-death battle is too strong.

  With the six levels of cultivation in the Shenluo realm, you can easily kill a powerful person who is one level higher than your own...

  How far is this cultivation base?

After slaying Li Wenlong, Chen Xuanfeng lightly jumped off the stage of life and death, his face was full of disdain, as if he had just killed a bug.

Chen Xuan turned his head, Leng Sheng said with a smile: "Huang Tianlong, if you want to trouble me, I am welcome at any time, but you have to make sure that you have two lives. Don't die under my sword like your nephew. !"

  As soon as these words came out, Huang Tianlong's expression was gloomy. He just wanted to take action, but found that several Jianyuezong disciples in the distance had gathered beside Chen Xuan.

  The news of killing Li Wenlong spread throughout the entire Jianyue Ancient City in one afternoon, and even many of the outer disciples of Jianyue Sect knew about it.

   "Li Wenlong is not Chen Xuan's opponent. I think Chen Xuan's current cultivation level has definitely reached about fifteen, right?

   "He killed Li Wenlong so easily, his cultivation might be within ten!"

  Chen Xuan killed Li Wenlong with super strong cultivation skills, which attracted the attention of many elders of the outer sect.

  The most important thing is the outstanding disciples of the outer door. Because Li Wenlong was killed, they knew that they still had a talented and enchanting junior.

  In the beginning, they had never heard of Chen Xuan's name. They only felt that the name was familiar, as if they had heard it somewhere, but they had never seen Chen Xuan in person.

  For the top disciples of these outer sects, they rarely go to the spirit sword area to practice, but have their own dedicated practice space.

  Once you can make it into the top ten at the outer door, you will be trained by Jianyuezong. It is only a matter of time before you enter the inner door.

   Chen Xuan never paid attention to the gossip behind him, but continued to practice in the spirit sword area as usual.

  But at this moment, he found a white figure flickering in the distance.

  After Zhuge Bai fell on the ground, there was a flash of joy in the corner of his eyes: "Chen Xuan, even Li Wenlong is not your opponent. Your cultivation level is indeed improved very quickly. Is it because Yuwentian and Qiao Lixiao helped you improve the dragon pattern?"

   Hearing this, Chen Xuan smiled and nodded and said: "Thanks to them indeed, by the way, Elder Zhuge, why are you here?"

  Zhugebai coughed: "Chen Xuan, I have been practicing in retreat in recent days. Several elders reported this to me, so I came here to see how you are doing!"

  "You must be careful, Huang Tianlong will report to you, and he will definitely come to trouble you again!"

   "Don't worry, elder, I will definitely try my best to improve my cultivation recently, Huang Tianlong, right? I will definitely make him pay the price in the future!" Chen Xuan's eyes flashed with strong killing intent.

  "Chen Xuan, you have to improve your cultivation level as soon as possible. There is still half a year to be compared to the outer disciples. Anyone who can win will be able to enter the ranking list. If you enter the inner sect, your cultivation resources will be more abundant!"

   "Oh! Although I also want to focus on cultivating you, I must wait for you to enter the inner door!" Zhuge Bai said.

   Hearing this, Chen Xuan nodded gently: "Don't worry, Elder Zhuge, I will definitely improve my cultivation in the next few days."

  On the surface, Chen Xuan is really not sure that he can reach the seventh level of the Shenluo realm in half a year.

  Chen Xuan always cultivated the Vermillion Bird Heart Technique, including the power of Vermillion Bird.

  In addition, he is also a sword cultivator, and he is also cultivating the soul of the sword. He awakened the power of the dragon pattern by accident. Such a complicated technique also slowed down Chen Xuan's cultivation speed.

  He has to spend a lot of time to digest multiple powers, so that the original different abilities can be completely integrated.

  On this day, Chen Xuan was practicing, but he found bursts of red light shining in the space ring.

  The bird emerged from the space ring, chirping at him.

  Two months ago, the bird fell into a deep sleep after eating Chen Xuan's three million middle-grade spirit stones at once.

  Little Bird wakes up again, and his purpose is very simple, he must have come to eat again.

  Chen Xuan smiled helplessly: "Okay, okay, I'll give it to you if I want to eat it. It just so happened that I also got a lot of spirit stones at Sun Moon Fort a few days ago.

  One million middle-grade spirit stones were taken out at a time, and they fell on the ground sprinklingly, so that the little bird was full.

  More than one million middle-grade spirit stones, this little firebird took more than ten minutes to finish eating.

  After drinking and eating, the little flamingo turned into a red light and plunged directly into the storage ring.

   "This guy ate and slept all day, why didn't he see him?" Chen Xuan couldn't help having a headache.

  The little Firebird is still the same as before, looking mediocre, and at first glance he thinks it is an ordinary demon pet.

  Yu Wentian once told him that this little Firebird is an Eudemons.

  Now, Chen Xuan only knows that this little firebird is especially good for eating.

  "The strength is quite big, but there is nothing special. Doesn't it mean that Eudemons will master very special abilities? Why does this little firebird not show it at all?" Chen Xuan said in a low voice.

  In recent days, Chen Xuan has not left Jianyuezong either.

  Because of Jianyuezong's formation, Li Jiuyuan didn't dare to come to Jianyuezong to make trouble.

  As for Huang Tianlong, he was the patriarch of a small family in Jianyue Ancient City, and he dared not come to Jianyuezong to trouble him. At most, he would only kill him when Chen Xuan left.

  A light red light appeared on his body, and Chen Xuan slowly gathered the power of the Vermillion Bird.

   "The Vermillion Bird Mind Technique has finally been upgraded to the seventh level before, but it has become a little difficult to go further."

  Under Chen Xuan's unremitting efforts, the Vermilion Heart Technique finally broke through, and the bonus it brought was also very obvious.

  The power of the Suzaku sword technique has been greatly increased. Even the monk at the Seventh Peak of the Shenluo will be directly beheaded after being hit by his Suzaku sword aura.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan was holding the Liaoyuan sword, and he exuded a terrifying aura.


  Liaoyuan Sword suddenly heard a shock, and Chen Xuan was also a little surprised.

  He discovered that the demon soul in this Liaoyuan sword had actually swallowed the power of the original one-claw golden dragonfly.

   "No way, does this demon soul want to break the seal from my body?" Chen Xuan's face was full of surprise.

  When the demon soul was constantly throbbing, Chen Xuan's mind suddenly appeared in the memory of the past.

  It was he who met the mysterious blue-haired girl in the Black Rock Forest.

  Although Chen Xuan had met this mysterious girl once, they didn't get along for a long time. Since then, he has never seen a blue-haired girl.

  The memory that emerged in his mind seemed to vaguely tell Chen Xuan that the reason why he was able to awaken the power of the dragon pattern was because of the spiritual pattern that the girl left on him.

  (End of this chapter)

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