Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3670: Fantasy World Autumn Dragon Beast

  Chapter 3670 Magical World Autumn Dragon Beast

  The magical autumn dragon beast that has reached the realm of the soul, the power that bursts out is extremely fierce, only half an hour, many disciples have been killed.

  At this moment, at the end of the sky, two men in black were full of fierce faces. If Chen Xuan were here, one of them would definitely be recognized as Li Jiuyuan.

   "Damn it, this fantasy Qiulong Beast has not broken the seal from where we expected, otherwise Chen Xuan will definitely not survive now!"

   "I shouldn't kill him this time, Master Li Jiuyuan, let's go back quickly. If the people of Jianyuezong find out, they will definitely come to us for trouble." A young man's voice came out.

After hearing this, Li Jiuyuan's face was full of murderous intent, but he could only nodded and said: "Alright, we still have no way to fight the Sect Master of Jianyuezong. He is about to leave the customs. When he succeeds in cultivation, I am afraid that even Our Patriarch is not his opponent."

  Chen Xuan was also in the spirit sword area. His gaze was very stunned. Seeing the bursts of spiritual energy in front of him constantly washing the ground, Chen Xuan could only hold the Liaoyuan sword in a daze, ready to fight back at any time.

He knew that his cultivation base could not fight the Fantasy Qiulong Beast. After all, this was a powerful monster in the realm of Divine Soul. If he fought against the Fantasy Qiulong Beast, Chen Xuan would be caught by the Fantasy Qiulong beast for a few seconds at most. Qiulong beast swallowed.

  The Magical Autumn Dragon Beast is a monster with a thunder attribute. To be precise, the Magical Autumn Dragon Beast has reached the level of a fairy beast.

However, among the fairy beasts, the Dragon Beast is very irritable. They will aimlessly attack everyone around. As long as they appear next to the Dragon Beast, they will be attacked by this monster. .

   "You can't continue to delay, you must quickly seal the Magic World Autumn Dragon Beast, otherwise the loss will be even greater!" An Inner Sect elder said angrily.

  Zhuge Bai didn't think so, his hands were constantly waving, and he began to think of Fajue.

  With the concerted efforts of several Inner Sect elders, the power of the Magic World Autumn Dragon Beast was finally sealed.

   Feeling that there is still a burst of terrifying power in front of him, Chen Xuan's heart is also full of exclamation: "Is the magic world autumn dragon beast already sealed?"

  At this moment, an inner disciple also rushed over: "What happened here?"

  Many disciples shook their heads one after another. They could only feel an extremely terrifying force coming, but they didn't know who did it.

  "It's a magical autumn dragon beast!" a disciple said.

   "What is it? It's a magical autumn dragon beast. Is it true that the legend is?"

  Sword Moon Sect has a legend that a phantom Qiulong Beast was sealed under the spirit sword area, but the outer disciples had never witnessed it with their own eyes. No one believed it as long as it was a rumor.

  People who are willing to believe in the existence of the Magical Qiulong Beast are basically inner disciples. They have been practicing in the spirit sword area for a longer time, and some people even have seen the Magical Qiulong Beast three years ago.

  The light of thunder in the sky continued to dissipate, and then the dark clouds disappeared.

  All the disciples showed their heads from where they were hiding, their faces were shocked, and there was joy after a catastrophe.

  The power of thunder flashing in the sky just now was too terrifying. If it weren't for they ran in time, they would have been hit by this power.

  Zhuge Bai saw that Chen Xuan was here, and his face was also filled with joy: "Fortunately, you were not killed by the Huanshiqiu Dragon Beast, otherwise, I don't know how to explain to Yuwentian."

   Hearing this, Chen Xuan also walked over, arched his hands and said, "Elder Zhuge, is there really a magical autumn dragon beast under this seal?"

   Zhuge Bai’s expression became serious in an instant: "Yes, this Fantasy Qiulong Beast has been sealed for 320 years. At the beginning, I and a few juniors personally sealed the Fantasy Qiulong Beast here."

"It is precisely because of the existence of the magical autumn dragon beast that there will be a spirit sword area, but I did not expect that the magical autumn dragon beast actually broke the seal today, probably because someone deliberately wanted to release the magical autumn dragon beast... …" Zhuge Bai whispered.

  Someone has the idea of ​​attacking Jian Yuezong?

  Unless his cultivation is extremely strong, he will accept the revenge of Jianyuezong. Jianyuezong is also a large sect in Jianyue Ancient City. No one in Jianyue Ancient City dares to provoke Jianyuezong.

  "Li Jiuyuan did it?" Chen Xuan's eyes were full of killing intent.

  Zhuge Bai lightly grasped his beard and replied, “I can’t make a statement yet, but in the last few days, I’m afraid that the only thing I provoke is Li Jiuyuan. Among so many people, only Li Jiuyuan’s cultivation is enough to open the seal.”

   "It must be him!" Chen Xuandao.

Zhuge Bai nodded slowly: "What you said is indeed reasonable. I am afraid Li Jiuyuan has been sending people here to monitor you. He wants to kill you by the hand of Qiulong Beast. Chen Xuan, I thought you were there. Jianyuezong is very safe, but you must be careful recently, Li Jiuyuan may have to do it on you."

"He wants to do something to me, hehe, even if he has his eyeliner in this Jianyue Sect, I can pull it out, elder, don't worry, I must investigate this matter." Chen Xuan's face It was full of killing intent.

  Li Jiuyuan troubled him again and again, and even nearly killed Chen Xuan.

  This time, the Fantasy Qiqiu Dragon Beast suddenly broke free from the seal. Most of it was made by Li Jiuyuan. In the entire Jianyue Sect, there were many disciples bought by him, but most of them were outside disciples.

  The inner sect disciples didn’t need to inform the Li family at all. As the inner sect of Jianyue Sect, they were all the pride of heaven, and their status in Jianyue Sect was also very important, which attracted the attention of many elders.

  Unless the Li family pays them very high, so high that they can betray their teachers.

   But for these disciples who practice in the sect, they are loyal to their sect, and few people will betray.

  Once he betrays a sect, even if he joins a stronger sect in the future, he will still be turned away. No matter how strong the cultivation base is, few sects are willing to accept him as a disciple.

  In the following time, Chen Xuan also temporarily returned to his home.

  Because of this incident, he specially set up a dragon pattern near his courtyard.

  With the existence of the dragon pattern formation, he believed that if someone was watching him around, he would definitely be able to spot it.

  Two or three days have passed, but still no clues are revealed, and Chen Xuan is not in a hurry, he believes in the truth of waiting for nothing.

  As long as you wait patiently here, Li Jiuyuan’s eyeliner will definitely show his feet, and Chen Xuan will grab it directly, and he will be able to ask Li Jiuyuan’s plan from the opponent’s mouth.

  Time is fast, three months later, winter is already in the blink of an eye.

  Heavy goose feathers fell in the sky. When Chen Xuan was meditating in the courtyard, he vaguely felt something was wrong.

  He almost forgot about it, but found a sneaky figure in the distance, hiding behind a tree and observing him.

  With a smile on Chen Xuan's face, he said, "Hehe, I thought I couldn't see you hiding there? I'm looking for death!"


  Chen Xuan's body instantly turned into a red light. Before this disciple could react, he was directly grabbed by Chen Xuan's arm.

   "What are you doing, Chen Xuan?" The disciple in Tsing Yi had a panic on his face, and his eyes were a little dodgy.

"Haha." Chen Xuan sneered and replied directly: "What do you think I would do?? You have been staring at me sneakily for a long time. If I didn't guess wrong, it should be the Li Jiuyuan faction. Did you come here?"

   "Li Jiuyuan, I have never heard of this name, Chen Xuan, don't spit people!" the Jianyuezong disciple said angrily.

  Chen Xuan shook his head slightly: "I know you won't say it."

   "What exactly did Li Jiuyuan give you? Let you be willing to accept it and betray your teacher?"

  This disciple, Chen Xuan had also encountered it in the Jianyue Ancient Vein.

  When Li Jiuyuan wanted to kill Chen Xuan, he was also there.

  "Could it be that you are the eyeliner that Li Jiuyuan put in before, three months have passed, you are quite cautious, I thought what happened at the beginning were hallucinations." Chen Xuan said with a smile.

   "Brother Chen, I don't understand what you are talking about..." This disciple just wanted to explain.

  However, he found that Chen Xuan's body released a red dragon pattern, and his body was full of murderous aura. An extremely terrifying force burst out in an instant, directly suppressing his body.

   "What the **** are you going to do? If you want to trouble me, don't blame me for being rude, I'm not something you can bully casually!" the disciple said suddenly.

Hearing that, Chen Xuan slapped him directly, then drove the long sword and placed it on his neck: "I only give you three seconds to think. If you don't tell the truth, don't blame me. I am very cruel to kill you. After I kill you, I will hang your head on the mast, and maybe I will divide you into five horses..."

  "Don't stop, don't say anything, Chen Xuan, I beg you to let me go, I will tell you everything I know, please don't kill me!" The disciple's face was full of horror.

   Seeing that the other party was showing his feet, Chen Xuan slowly nodded and smiled: "Very well, it's best to tell me all the news you know."

   "Li Jiuyuan just asked me to monitor you, I don't know about other things." The disciple's body was shaking, and he felt desperate murderous aura from Chen Xuan.

  Under the suppression of this force, his body could not move, just like the fish on the chopping board, he had to be slaughtered.

Chen Xuan smiled softly: "You are talking nonsense. I ask you, did you release the magical autumn dragon beast in the spirit sword area? How many eyeliners are still in the Sword Moon Sect, Hurry up and say five to ten, otherwise I won't forgive you!"

   Being pointed at the neck by Chen Xuan's sword, no matter how strong this outer disciple was, he knew how far he was from Chen Xuan.

   "I will tell you everything..."

   "At the time, Master Li once gave me a mysterious magic weapon and asked me to take me to the spirit sword area. I don't know what it is..."

   "The second question." Chen Xuan said coldly.

   "I'm the only one, no one else!" The disciple's eyes were a little evasive.

  Chen Xuan smiled slightly, and the long sword in his hand released a red flame: "I will give you three seconds to reflect and see what went wrong with what you just said."

  The disciple was so frightened that he almost screamed: "Don’t, I’ll tell you, I’ll tell you everything..."

  After asking something from the opponent's mouth, Chen Xuan directly swung the long sword, and a burst of red light was released instantly, cutting the disciple's body in half.

  Sword Moon Sect, there are a total of three inner ghosts, and they all benefit from Li Jiuyuan, and have been monitoring Chen Xuan for more than three months.

  As long as Chen Xuan leaves Jianyuezong, these disciples will be notified to Li Jiuyuan, and Li Jiuyuan is hiring a killer to find Chen Xuan trouble.

   "Very good, very good, I dare to betray the teacher, these people are really tired of life." Chen Xuan did not go to their troubles directly, but sent a message to the elder Zhuge through the sound transmission jade pendant.

  It didn’t take long for the three inner ghosts to be arrested.

   betrayed Jian Yuezong, and their fate was very cruel. Although Chen Xuan had killed the disciple and there was no evidence in his hands, Zhuge Bai trusted Chen Xuan extremely.

  Directly name and name, and arrest all the three inner ghosts.

   Chen Xuan didn't know what happened afterwards, he only knew that he would be very comfortable for the next period of time.

  For a whole month, no one came to trouble him, and Chen Xuan also naturally practiced in the spirit sword area.

  (End of this chapter)

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