Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3673: Celestial Crystal

  Chapter 3673 Heavenly Spirit Crystal

  The next moment, Chen Xuan began to continue to absorb the energy in the Heavenly Spirit Crystal!

  A burst of spiritual energy continued to revolve around his body.


  Under Chen Xuan's desperate absorption, the energy in the Heavenly Spirit Crystal weakened little by little.

  A burst of cyan light surrounded his body.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan slowly exhaled, and a white light suddenly appeared in the air.

  After the spirit body came out of the body, Chen Xuan obviously felt that his vision was also clearer.

   "What's the matter? I have swallowed all the power of the Heavenly Spirit Crystal, and still haven't broken through to the next small realm..."

  He thought that after swallowing the Heavenly Spirit Crystal, he could help him reach the second realm.

  It seems that it is still a bit difficult to break through a layer of soul.

  Chen Xuan slowly stood up from the ground, his gaze also scanned in the Jianyue Ancient Vein: "Did they find the Heavenly Spirit Crystal from here?"

   "If the Heavenly Spirit Crystal was really found here, there might be several pieces inside..." Chen Xuan thought in his heart, with joy on his face.

  Generally speaking, the Heavenly Spirit Crystal will only exist in the treasures of Fengshui.

  Unless it is a place that contains a strong aura, the Heavenly Spirit Crystal will be born.

  If the place where the Heavenly Spirit Crystal was born can be found, Chen Xuan can absorb more of the power of the Heavenly Spirit Crystal, allowing his cultivation to directly break through.

  Exhibited the power of the dragon pattern, Chen Xuan began to search through the entire Jianyue ancient vein.

  Two hours later, Chen Xuan did not intend to continue to waste time.

  He knew that there were still many people who were going to kill him in the Jianyue Ancient Vein, so Chen Xuan looked for a direction and hurried forward quickly.

   Coming to the depths of Jianyue Ancient Vein, he felt a fierce aura constantly coming.

  Take out the Liaoyuan Sword, and Chen Xuan enters the state of combat readiness.

There are still many monsters in the depths of the Jianyue Ancient Vein.

  But with Chen Xuan's current cultivation base, it was very easy to deal with.

  It only takes three rounds at most before he can kill these monsters.

  When he came to a mountain stream, Chen Xuan felt an extremely fierce aura around him, faintly coming.

  He felt that this breath was extremely depressed. If it hadn't been for the increased perception of the power of the dragon pattern, he would definitely not have noticed this breath.

   "Why is it so quiet here..." Chen Xuan looked around.

The   Sword Moon Ancient Vein is very dangerous. If you encounter a quiet place, there is only one reason.

  There is definitely a very powerful monster here. This area is the territory of that powerful monster.

   Chen Xuan frowned slightly, and said to himself: “There must be a strong monster in the jungle, and the other monsters seem to be very afraid...”

  At this moment, Chen Xuan saw bursts of blood flashing in the jungle ahead.

   A behemoth full of violent violence, also raised its head high, looking at him from a distance.

  Chen Xuan did not step into the jungle, nor did he enter the territory of this monster.

   Chen Xuan swallowed, and his face was full of surprise. The power of this monster is really terrifying.

  Absolutely reached the eighth level of the Shenra Realm!

  My current cultivation base is definitely not an opponent, so I slipped away.

   made up his mind, Chen Xuan quickly left here.

  But at the moment he turned his head, Chen Xuan felt a familiar breath coming from the jungle.

  This is the power of the Heavenly Spirit Crystal!

  Chen Xuan opened his eyes, a burst of fiery red light radiated from his pupils, and then the Liaoyuan Sword broke free from the spatial ring.

  Relying on the soul of the sword, Chen Xuan controlled the Liaoyuan Sword from a distance, quietly looking at the jungle.

  Three minutes later, Chen Xuan found out the whereabouts of Tianri Lingjing.

  But the Celestial Crystal is very close to the monster, only more than 500 meters.

  Chen Xuan dripped cold sweat on his head, quietly closed his eyes, and controlled the Liaoyuan sword.

After   Sword Soul reaches the second stage, the Liaoyuan sword he controls can be airtight.

  Without a sound, the Liaoyuan Sword rushed out in an instant, and plunged straight into the Heavenly Spirit Crystal.

  The Heavenly Spirit Crystal was originally very strong, but the Liaoyuan Sword was extremely sharp.

  After bringing the Heavenly Spirit Crystal with the Liaoyuan Sword, Chen Xuan hurriedly left here.

  When he came to a safe place, Chen Xuangang wanted to absorb the power of the Heavenly Spirit Crystal, and he felt an extremely terrifying power slowly emerging from a distance.

   Chen Xuan's face sank, the power he felt had a great relationship with the magic door.

  "Are they from the Blood Demon Sect?"

  As the top demon gate of Yunxiao Mansion, the existence of the Blood Demon Sect is also very strong.

  It is said that two hundred years ago, several masters of the Blood Demon Sect had jointly dispatched and turned the entire Yunxiao Mansion upside down.

   "Definitely people from the Blood Demon Sect. I didn't expect them to be alive!"

   is different from the Black Blood Sect!

  Blood Demon Sect has existed for longer, and its strength is more terrifying.

  At this moment, a figure wearing a red robe is floating in the distant sky.

"Hehe, I didn't expect a monk to come here. It's great. I haven't tasted fresh human blood for a long time. Aha, it seems that his cultivation level is pretty good, and he can definitely restore my strength! "

  As soon as the red figure appeared, it turned into a red light, rushed towards Chen Xuan's direction, and launched a fierce attack.

  Chen Xuan's expression was also extremely low, his wrist was shaking slightly, and the Liaoyuan Sword appeared instantly.

  A fierce sword aura tore the entire sky, and under the collision of the two sword auras, Chen Xuan's body stepped backwards two consecutive steps.

   "What a strong power..." His face was full of surprise.

  The blood demon sect master’s face was also full of blood: "Hahaha, it’s great, this kid’s cultivation is really good, his blood is absolutely delicious..."

  Chen Xuan's expression was extremely low, and the long sword in his hand also released waves of fierce flames: "Who are you?"

   "Hehe, isn't it obvious? You have already fought me for two rounds, don’t know who I am?"

   "Our Blood Demon Sect has been hidden in the rivers and lakes for a long time, ha ha, when my cultivation base is restored, I must go out and make the world upside down!"

  This blood demon sect warrior, once again exuded a blood-red breath, and slayed fiercely towards Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan had also dealt with the blood demon sect at the time, and knew that these blood demon sect warriors would transform into blood demon once they practiced magic skills to the top level.

  It’s not that simple to kill me!

   Chen Xuan shouted violently, and jumped into the air.

  Wrists were swaying constantly, and bursts of fierce aura were released, and it hit him in an instant.

  The body of the master of the blood demon sect was knocked off for several steps, but in the next moment, a red ball of light appeared on his body.

   Chen Xuan stared at this scene dumbfounded, and found that the red light disappeared instantly.

  When he reacted, the body of the blood demon master suddenly appeared, and a sharp sword aura pierced Chen Xuan's back.

   His face was full of surprise, Chen Xuan instantly displayed the power of refining his body, and a fierce aura condensed around his body.

   "Hehe, boy, today you are destined to die in my hands!" This blood demon sect warrior's palm once again released a wave of blood.

   Feeling the strong smell of blood, Chen Xuan's face also became low.

  He felt that he was going to be stunned by this **** smell.

   "This smell is too unpleasant!" Chen Xuan cursed in a low voice, and his body instantly jumped into the air.

  A terrifying sword aura continuously floated around his body.

   is actually the Thousand Thousand Sword Art?

  The blood demon sect warrior's face is full of surprise. He has been walking the rivers and lakes for many years, knowing that the power of thousands of swords is extremely terrifying.

  If he is hit by the sword art, no matter how strong his cultivation is, there is absolutely no way to defend him.

"Good boy, I didn't expect you to have practiced in Wanjian Villa, and the old man had been to Wanjian Villa. Alas, that was all a hundred years ago, hahaha!" The strong blood demon sect uttered a loud voice. With a grinning smile, his body once again turned into a red blood mist, and he rushed towards Chen Xuan in an instant.

   Although Chen Xuan had dealt with the blood demons, all those blood demons were clones and had no level.

  Cultivating to the realm of the blood demon, the warriors of the blood demon sect can continuously replicate themselves.

  They can use these cloned blood demons to create a terrifying army and level the whole world.

  The blood demon sect warrior in front of him must have not cultivated to the blood demon realm, otherwise Chen Xuan could not be his opponent.

  Once you reach the Gorefiend, you can enter the realm of Divine Soul.

  The long sword in Chen Xuan's hand was constantly swinging, and bursts of dazzling sword light began to flicker.

Once the   Thousand Thousands of Sword Techniques are used, they can no longer stop.

   "Today I will let you see the power of thousands of swordsmanship, ha ha, no matter how strong your cultivation is, it is absolutely impossible to be my opponent."

   Following Chen Xuan's violent shout, his body was suspended in mid-air instantly, carrying bursts of terrifying power on his body.

After being hit by Chen Xuan's sword qi, the blood demon sect warrior's body was instantly knocked out and rolled on the ground several times in a row.

"How can it be!?"

   No matter how strong Chen Xuan's cultivation is, it is impossible to defeat him in such a short time.

   However, Chen Xuan did it, and the power of thousands of swords is obvious to all.

  When the sword light burst into the sky with a burst of dazzling light.

  This blood demon sect warrior, in the end, was unable to withstand such a terrifying sword aura, and his body was instantly knocked out several hundred meters before falling directly to the ground.

After a sigh of relief, Chen Xuan's face also showed a touch of surprise: "His cultivation is indeed very strong. If it weren't for me to display thousands of swords at the moment of my death, there would really be no way to kill him. !"

  In an instant, Chen Xuan almost fell.

  The blood demon sect's technique is very terrifying, and this blood demon sect warrior is also very cunning, and he escaped from the danger several times and escaped from Chen Xuan's swordsmanship.

  A simple search for the other party’s ring, Chen Xuan found that there was actually a diary he had written in it.

   Looking through it casually, Chen Xuan discovered that this person had also practiced in Wanjian Villa.

  He believed that ordinary cultivation techniques could not allow him to quickly improve his cultivation, so he switched to practicing magic skills fifty years ago. Although his cultivation has increased, it also cost him a great price.

  Two hundred years ago, the people of the Blood Demon Sect once united and launched a fierce attack on Yunxiao Mansion.

  The battle was thrilling.

   Yunxiao Mansion directly dispatched the top ten masters, and finally wiped out all the people of the magic door.

  Blood Demon Sect was also greatly injured in that battle, and has not fully recovered until now.

  In addition, more than ten years ago, the Blood Demon Sect was still all over Yunxiao Mansion.

  When Chen Xuan first entered the Black Rock Continent, he was attacked by the people of the Blood Demon Sect. At the beginning, his cultivation base was not strong enough, and he won the battle against these people of the Blood Demon Sect.

  He also learned later that many of the warriors of the blood demon sects he dealt with were basically clones of the top blood demon, not the real blood demon.

  Only those who have cultivated to the blood demon can become a truly powerful monster in the blood demon sect.

  Blood Demon Sect has not only human monks, but also many practitioners of monster races.

  These monster races are even more unwilling to kill humans.

  The cultivation speed of the monster race is also very fast.

  They once killed tens of thousands of humans in just two years.

  By absorbing human blood, the cultivation base can quickly break through.

  The blood demon sect warrior killed by Chen Xuan was only human beings who had cultivated magic skills, and the threat was not great.

  After searching for the storage ring from his body, Chen Xuan opened it and found that there were a lot of spirit grasses stored in it.

   "Unexpectedly, this person has been cultivating here for so long, and he has hidden so many spirit grasses." Chen Xuan grinned, just in that instant.

  (End of this chapter)

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