Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3676: The next treasure of inheritance

  Chapter 3676 Next Legacy Treasure

  On this day, Chen Xuan took advantage of the darkness and rushed in the direction of Jianyue Ancient Channel.

   Feeling a burst of fierce energy coming from the front, Chen Xuan closed his eyes and found that a magic lake appeared in front of him.

  Blood Mist Demon Lake?

   With a surprised look, Chen Xuan came to the side of the Bloodmist Demon Lake: "It seems that the treasure of inheritance is here!"

  Sure enough, he found several blood demon sect warriors wearing red long clothes slowly approaching here.

  The two people from the Blood Demon Sect have long no longer looked like humans.

   "I heard that the inheritance treasure in the Jianyue Ancient Vessel is about to be unlocked. Let's go and take a look. You will definitely find a lot of good treasures."

   "Haha, the two of us are the fastest, and these treasures are all ours!"

   While the two of them were discussing, Chen Xuan quietly looked at it, and the Liaoyuan sword also appeared.


   Chen Xuan's speed suddenly increased, and when the two blood demon sect warriors did not react, they directly cut off their heads.

After killing two blood demon sect warriors, Chen Xuan also thought about the Bishui Jue, and red rays of light appeared on his body.

  After walking into the Blood Mist Demon Lake, Chen Xuan felt the subtle spiritual power coming from the front, and there was also joy on his face.

   "Very good, there really is an entrance inside!"

   sneaked into the bottom of the Blood Mist Demon Lake, Chen Xuan found that there was a huge stone gate on the ground.

  The top of the stone gate is carved with extremely complicated spirit patterns.

  Chen Xuan couldn't understand either, he lightly thought of Fa Jue, and the stone gate suddenly opened.

  After walking into the Moon Dragon Secret Grotto, Chen Xuan began to search inside.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan saw a strange breath suddenly coming from the front, and a magic ice poisonous toad appeared.

  Demonic ice toads are monsters that live in the water, and usually they don’t appear on land at all.

  This kind of Demon Ice Poison Toad has poisonous thorns on its body. Once it is hit, even the top six masters of the Shenluo realm will be killed directly.

  Chen Xuan did not dare to relax his vigilance.

The   Liaoyuan sword released a dazzling light, and Chen Xuan's speed suddenly increased, and he slayed fiercely towards the Demon Ice Poison Toad.


   Sword Qi directly hit the Devil's Ice Poison Toad, knocking the Devil's Ice Poison Toad back two or three steps.

  The Demon Ice Poison Toad let out a roar, and the body shook quickly, and extremely fierce power continued to erupt, and it slammed into Chen Xuan's direction.

  The long sword in his hand vibrated, and Chen Xuan's speed increased again.

  The long sword stood fiercely on the body of the Demon Ice Toad.

  What surprised him happened.

Lines suddenly appeared on the skin of the Demon Ice Poison Toad. When the Liaoyuan Sword fell on it, it directly bounced Chen Xuan's body for several tens of meters.

  Chen Xuan's face was also full of surprise, staring at the Demon Ice Toad in amazement: "Impossible, why is his defense so strong?"

  The Demon Ice Toad has the upper hand.

  Relying on the super defensive power, Chen Xuan couldn't kill the Demon Ice Toad.

  The body of the Demon Ice Toad is soft, but its defense power is surprisingly terrifying.

   Waves of water patterns also appeared from the body of the Demon Ice Toad, Chen Xuan only felt a terrifying force released, and instantly knocked his body out of hundreds of meters.

   Two red lights were also shot out of his pupils, and Chen Xuan began to shake the Liaoyuan sword, and another terrifying force was released.

  One of the sword energy shot at the Demon Ice Toad, causing a violent explosion in the sky.

  "Go to death for me!"

   Sword Qi fell directly on the body of the Demon Ice Poison Toad, but still did not break the defense.

"The defensive power of this Demon Ice Poison Toad is not that terrifying? Why can't I break the defense with the Suzaku sword aura!" Chen Xuan, whose face was full of surprise, also displayed thousands of swordsmanship at this moment. power.

The power of the Thousand Thousand Thousands of Sword Art is indeed terrifying. In this narrow Moonlong Secret Cave, Chen Xuan's body is filled with a layer of light red light.

  Liaoyuan Sword let out a sword chant, its speed instantly increased, and it shot at the Demon Ice Poison Toad fiercely.


  The body of the Demon Ice Toad is directly penetrated by the Liaoyuan Sword.

  At this moment, the whole earth trembled.

   Chen Xuan's face was also full of surprise, he vaguely felt that this place was about to collapse: "No, I didn't expect the foundation here to be so unstable, making such a loud noise, this Moon Dragon Secret Grotto may not be able to hold on."

   Thinking of this, Chen Xuan instantly got the demon pill from the Demon Ice Poison Toad, and hurriedly left here, looking for the depths of the Moon Dragon Cavern.

  Ten minutes later, Chen Xuan appeared outside a room, and he vaguely heard the voices of two men in front of him.

  Chen Xuan can conclude that these two are definitely members of the Blood Demon Sect.

   "We must have arrived in the first batch, hahahaha, they must have arrived earlier than us."

  "When they came here, we took all the treasures inside, hahaha, we won't even leave a feather!" The two blood demon sect warriors smiled and walked forward.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan's body released a red light, and the speed suddenly increased.

  Unexpectedly, there are two blood demon sects here, all of them will die for me!

   Sword Qi flew into the air, and a fierce dragon pattern was also released from his body.

  When he displayed the Ice Soul Skybreak, the entire Moon Dragon Cavern was filled with a layer of frost.

  The Moon Dragon Secret Cave was originally filled with a layer of water mist. When the power of the frost was released, the entire Moon Dragon Secret Cave was frozen.

  The bodies of the two warriors of the Blood Demon Sect were also directly wiped out by the power of the Ice Soul Heavenly Soul.

  The power of Ice Soul Heaven Break is indeed as powerful as that, even this power has brought side effects to Chen Xuan's body.

  "Fortunately, my physical strength has reached a terrifying point, and I haven't suffered too many side effects..."

  After beheading these two blood demon sect warriors, Chen Xuan searched their spatial ring, but found no valuables.

  "Not as rich as the two people before, but also two poor ghosts." After a curse, Chen Xuan continued to walk forward.

  In this Moonlong Secret Grotto, there are still many Demon Ice Toads constantly moving.

Seeing so many demon ice poison toads moving in the front room, Chen Xuan's face was also surprised: "I can't think of so many demon ice poison toads. This is terrible. If you want to pass, you must Go through this room..."

   Chen Xuan, who was thinking about a solution, suddenly found a button next to the room.

   "A good way!" Chen Xuan's face also showed a touch of joy.

  At this moment, he once again displayed the Ice Soul Skybreaker, and froze directly into the room.

  A burst of chill instantly filled the room, and all the demon ice poisonous toads in the room were frozen by frost.

  Chen Xuan hurriedly pressed the button.

  The room was directly controlled, and Chen Xuan's body also rushed past.

  With the thunder, before a few Demon Ice Poison Toads could spit out their poisonous thorns, they saw that Chen Xuan's body had disappeared.

  Just after landing, Chen Xuan suddenly noticed that there were two demon ice toads in front of him, staring at him eagerly.

   Chen Xuan also had a panic on his face. It was already very difficult to deal with a Demon Ice Toad, let alone there are two Demon Ice Toads.

  He did not run away.

  The two Demon Ice Toads have inner alchemy on their bodies.

  If you kill the two Demon Ice Toads, the inner alchemy you get can also allow Chen Xuan to improve his cultivation.

  Suddenly, one of the Demon Ice Toads began to move towards him.

  The Demon Ice Toad itself is a monster that lives in the water. Although there is also a part of water in the Moon Dragon Secret Cave, it is far from enough for the Demon Ice Toad.

  Because of this, the movement speed of the magic ice toad is very slow.

  Chen Xuan squinted his eyes and looked at the two Demon Ice Toads: "It seems that your actions here are blocked. This is the best opportunity for me!"

  In an instant, the long sword in Chen Xuan's hand burst out with a fierce light, and instantly killed in the direction of the Demon Ice Poison Toad.

After being hit by Chen Xuan's sword qi, the body of this demon ice poisonous toad was directly knocked out hundreds of meters.

  Chen Xuan's body floated in the air, his speed directly increased, and a terrifying sword aura slashed at the Demon Ice Poison Toad.

   Before the demon ice poisonous toad had time to react, it was discovered that its body had been cut in half, and a stream of green blood flowed out of it.

  Chen Xuan did not relax his vigilance, and there was a demon ice toad that was not killed by him.

   Wielding the long sword, Chen Xuan's face showed cruelty: "There are two Demon Ice Poison Toads, one is used to make medicinal pills, and the other is used to improve cultivation."

  At this moment, Chen Xuan originally wanted to kill the Demon Ice Toad, but found that his spatial ring was glowing with a red halo.

  The little Firebird ran out of the space ring, and instantly rushed towards the direction of the Demon Ice Toad.

  Chen Xuan did not stop either. He knew that Little Firebird could improve his cultivation by absorbing the inner alchemy of the monster beast.

  When fighting an enemy, if the little Firebird suddenly appears, you can definitely kill the opponent by surprise.

  Although the little flamingo's body size did not grow at all, Chen Xuan vaguely discovered that the little flamingo had changed.

  Originally, the little flamingo was like a little yellow chicken, but now the little flamingo has two bone spurs growing on its forehead. Although it is still similar to the little yellow chicken, it has the clues of a fairy beast.

  In just one round, the bone spurs on the head of the little Firebird directly pierced the body of the Demon Ice Toad.

  The little Firebird opened its mouth wide, and then began to devour the body of the Enchanted Ice Toad.

  The little flamingo swallowed very fast, and in just thirteen minutes, it ate the Devil's Ice Poison Toad completely.

  The body of the Demon Ice Toad is very large, almost two to three meters long.

  After Chen Xuan walked over, he only saw the skeleton of the Demon Ice Toad and an inner pill floating inside.

  Little Firebird is very benevolent, knowing that he has eaten a lot of spirit stones from Chen Xuan.

  He left the inner alchemy, but did not swallow it.

  Chen Xuan also nodded in satisfaction, and gently stroked the little Firebird with his palm: "Very well, it seems that you still have a conscience and didn't eat the inner alchemy."

  As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Xuan discovered that the aura in the inner alchemy was slowly dissipating.

  And the little Firebird breathed contentedly the spiritual power in the inner alchemy.

   "You shit, I actually absorbed all the inner alchemy, and I was so good to you before!" Chen Xuan complained.

  Although the aura in the inner alchemy was absorbed by the little firebird, the inner alchemy of the Demon Ice Toad still exudes bursts of weak spiritual power.

   "Forget it, let's take the inner pill back, maybe it can be used to refine the pill!"

   Thinking of this, Chen Xuan also packed up his things casually, and continued to move forward.

  In the gloomy Moon Dragon Secret Grotto, Chen Xuan never let go of his vigilance.

  In the Moon Dragon Cave, there are not only the extremely terrifying Demon Ice Toad, but also the warriors of Xu Blood Demon Sect.

  If one is not careful, it is very likely to be discovered by the blood demon sect.

  With Chen Xuan's current cultivation base, it is okay to deal with two or three blood demon sect warriors.

   But if it is a master of the blood demon sect, Chen Xuan can only deal with one at most. If the opponent has too many people, Chen Xuan can't eat it.

  He did not tell the high level of Jianyuezong about the Yuelong Secret Grotto.

  Chen Xuan prepared to swallow the most inherited treasure in the Moon Dragon Cave by himself.

   "If you can get the treasure of inheritance, you may be able to break through to the six major consummations of the Shenluo realm. At that time, the entire outer door, I am afraid that not many people will be my opponent!"

  At this moment, Chen Xuan vaguely saw a red figure in front of him.

  A middle-aged man wearing a red robe slowly landed on the ground.

  The more you go forward, the wider your eyesight.

  The originally narrow Moon Dragon Cave has also become vast.

  (End of this chapter)

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