Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3702: Power of the soul

  Chapter 3702 Soul power

  Once you enter the realm of Divine Soul, everyone can get the power of Divine Soul.

  There are many different kinds of spirits.

  The spirit released by the blood demon in front of Chen Xuan is very powerful.

  As soon as the blood demon spirit appeared, Chen Xuan felt a shocking force.

  The Gorefiend clone suddenly rushed in his direction.

  The speed has almost surpassed Chen Xuan's limit!

   Chen Xuan’s face was full of shock, and he instantly lifted the Liaoyuan Sword and slashed towards the Gorefiend clone.


  But this sword aura did not bring any damage to the clone of the Gorefiend. Instead, his body was knocked out hundreds of meters, directly hitting the distant void.

  Chen Xuan hurriedly got up from the ground and covered his bleeding chest: "His power is so strong..."

"Hehe, this is just the tip of the iceberg. If I display all my cultivation bases, it only takes two or three rounds at most to kill you, boy, you still don’t know the difference between the two of us, one is God Luo Realm, the other is Divine Soul Realm, it is too easy to kill you!"

   "Even your Sword Moon Sect's Sect Master is not my opponent. With you now, how can it be possible to deal with me, even if there is a clone of Flood Dragon, hahaha!" The blood demon clone laughed.

   At this moment, a wild light suddenly radiated from the Liaoyuan Sword, and there was also a burst of light orange dragon pattern power in it.

what happened?

   Chen Xuan was slightly surprised: "Are you helping me?"

  The mysterious strong snorted: "Nonsense!"

  I only saw the Liaoyuan Sword flying out suddenly, continuously killing towards the Gorefiend clone.

Feeling this fierce energy, Chen Xuan's face was also full of shock: "No, I didn't expect the power of this mysterious strong man to be so strong, it is far beyond my expectations!"

  In this short instant, the light released from the Liaoyuan Sword instantly hit the body of the Gorefiend clone.

  More than two hundred meters apart, Chen Xuan could feel the fear on the face of the Gorefiend clone.

"how can that be!"

  In fact, the real Gorefiend is thousands of miles away, he just came to the Jianyue Ancient Palace of Jianyuezong through his clone.

  Chen Xuan could feel that the blood demon's heart was already very surprised.

  Although it is only a clone, this clone also carries a part of the power of the soul, if the clone is destroyed.

  The life span of the Gorefiend will also decrease.

   "This is impossible, absolutely impossible!" The blood demon let out a scream.

  He is a strong man in the realm of Divine Soul, and even the clone has reached a major consummation in the realm of Divine Soul.

  As a result, he was now defeated by Chen Xuan, and he was unwilling.

   "This must be fake. Why can a junior of the seventh level of the Shenluo realm break my clone? I will never believe it. This must be an illusion!" The Gorefiend clone shouted loudly.

  A smile appeared on Chen Xuan's face: "Senior, it seems that what you said is really good!"

   "Of course, I will definitely not lie to you!" In the Liaoyuan Sword, the contented voice of the mysterious strong man came out.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan only heard a scream, and the clone of the Gorefiend began to be constantly squeezed by the spiritual energy of the surrounding heaven and earth.

  Chen Xuan did not let go of the opportunity, he instantly raised the Liaoyuan sword, one after another, the Suzaku sword aura, quickly slew towards the Gorefiend clone.


  The Gorefiend let out a scream.

  Even if it is only a clone, the pain can be transmitted to his body through the soul.

  The blood demon did feel the pain, otherwise it would not make such a scream.

   "I must kill you, kid, you wait for me!" The Gorefiend clone roared.

  Finally, after a few minutes, the power of the clone gradually weakened.

  The original red light also began to dissipate.

   Chen Xuan's face was a little horrified: "Have you been killed?"

  He didn't go over, and Chen Xuan didn't dare to make sure whether the blood demon's clone had dissipated. In case the opponent suddenly kills a carbine, Chen Xuan definitely has no way to defend.

The   Liaoyuan sword returned to Chen Xuan's hand again, and the mysterious powerhouse's voice came out: "Boy, I just overdrawn my strength forcibly. I'm afraid I won't be able to help you in the next few months."

   "What?" Chen Xuan still wanted to ask.

   but found that there was no sound in the Liaoyuan sword.

  The mysterious powerhouse helped Chen Xuan deal with the Gorefiend clone, allowing his cultivation to be overdrawn forcibly. Even though he is a top powerhouse who can kill Divine Soul Realm in a second, his cultivation has not been fully restored now, he just recuperates in the Liaoyuan Sword.

  After overdrawing his power, this mysterious strong man will naturally fall into a deep sleep before he can restore his cultivation base to its previous level.

  Chen Xuan sighed helplessly: "Since he has fallen asleep, I don't know when he will wake up. I will definitely rely on myself in the next few months, and I don't know if this blood demon was killed!"

  Chen Xuan still did not act.

  After a few seconds, he found the place where the Gorefiend clone had dissipated, without revealing the slightest aura, and finally Chen Xuan cai walked over with confidence.

  Suddenly, a red light condensed from the spot where the Gorefiend clone dissipated.

  The red ball of light was suspended in the air.

   Chen Xuan's face was slightly surprised, and he immediately walked towards the red ball of light: "What is this? Could it be that the Gorefiend clone was left behind after the clone was destroyed?"

  When he got closer, he discovered that the red ball of light contained extremely terrifying energy, but this force was somewhat evil.

   "No wonder, after all, this is the red light ball left by the Gorefiend clone. It is not surprising that there is residual power in it." Chen Xuan thought as he stretched out his hand to take the red light ball down.

After holding the red light ball, Chen Xuan suddenly felt an extremely evil force flooding the sky.

  With his current cultivation base, the power of this red light group can be easily destroyed.

  When the Suzaku's fire burned from his palm, the red light group completely dissipated until nothing was left.

  After finishing all this, Chen Xuan nodded in satisfaction, and then began to scan the Jianyue Ancient Palace.

  Because the gorefiend clone had dissipated, the Sword Moon Ancient Hall restored its original appearance.

  Chen Xuan heard a voice coming from the Jianyue Ancient Palace.

  Because of overdrawing too much power, Chen Xuan's head suddenly sank, and then he fainted to the ground.

   "His cultivation base is very strong. If it weren't for him this time, we might be controlled by the blood demons."

  "This kid's cultivation is indeed very strong. I have practiced in the Sword Moon Sect for so many years, and I have never seen anyone who can use the power of the Seventh Level of the Shenluo Realm to destroy the clone of the Blood Demon!"

   "Thanks to him this time, give him a little benefit!"

  Several light groups suddenly got into Chen Xuan's body.

  However, Chen Xuan knew nothing about it.

  At the same time, in the ancient city of Jianyue, within the mansion of the Li family.

An old man in a white robe was full of cold killing intent: "Damn, this kid's cultivation level has made a further breakthrough, and he has also become an inner disciple. Why does his strength break so quickly? "

   "Elder, Chen Xuan has broken through two major levels in a short time. We must hurry and kill him!"

  The old man wearing a white robe is Li Jiuyuan.

  He had been thinking of a way to kill Chen Xuan. Three months ago, he finally found a chance to kill Chen Xuan, but Zhuge Yun came out of retreat.

  Zhuge Yun is a first-class strong in Jianyue Ancient City, even in Yunxiao Mansion, he can't be considered weak.

  Even if Li Jiuyuan wanted to kill Chen Xuan, he had to weigh it. If it didn’t succeed, the Li family might also be at risk.

   "Elder, what surprised me most was Lei Pojun..." said a disciple of the Li family.

  Li Jiuyuan's pupils were low, and then he asked, "Who is Lei Pojun?"

The disciple smiled: "Like Chen Xuan, he is an outer disciple of Jianyue Sect, but Lei Pojun’s reputation is much greater than him. Lei Pojun was young in Jianyue Ancient City two years ago. Among the disciples of a lifetime, they can already be regarded as a strong cultivation base!"

  Lei broke the army?

  Li Jiuyuan grabbed his beard, and then said: "What level has his cultivation level reached?"

"As far as I know, Lei Pojun's sword soul has reached the third major consummation. I am afraid it has now entered the fourth level, and the cultivation base is not weak, entering the eighth level of the Shenluo realm." This disciple replied respectfully. Tao.

  As soon as these words came out, Li Jiuyuan's face suddenly became gloomy: "Isn't he even Chen Xuan's opponent?"

   "Yes, according to the information I have now, it is indeed the case. Lei Pojun was defeated by Chen Xuan..."

  Making a fool!

  Li Jiuyuan roared, a fierce aura condensed in his palm, and he slapped it fiercely on the marble table on the left.

  The marble table suddenly shattered to pieces.

  The few Li family disciples standing next to them dare not say a word.

  Li Jiuyuan only felt that he was in a very bad mood. In the last two months, he heard many rumors about Chen Xuan.

  The results are all news of Chen Xuanxiu's promotion.

"This kid's potential is really terrifying. You can't let him continue to grow. He must be killed within a year. If one day his cultivation reaches the realm of spirit and soul, I am afraid that my old bones will not be able to survive. He's tossing about it!"

   Just as he was thinking, suddenly a disciple ran in.

   "Elder, I heard that Chen Xuan is cultivating in the Jianyue Ancient Hall of Jianyue Sect!"

   "What did you say?" Li Jiuyuan's face was very surprised.

  Chen Xuan’s original cultivation base was already very strong. If he were allowed to practice in the Sword Moon Ancient Temple, he would likely rise to a great level within half a year.

  In the past few days, Li Jiuyuan has to go back to his home, and there is no time to delay here.

"You continue to search for Chen Xuan's news for me. In the past few days after I go back, you must inform me of Li Gongfeng. You must always keep abreast of Chen Xuan's first-hand news. Once you have the opportunity, you must notify me. I will definitely come back to him. Killed." Li Jiuyuan said suddenly.

  The disciple nodded quickly: "Don't worry Elder Li, I will definitely keep staring at Chen Xuan."

  Li Jiuyuan waved his sleeves, then gave a cold snort and left here.

  He still has something to do and cannot stay in Jianyue Ancient City forever.

  For the past six months, Li Jiuyuan has been staying in Jianyue Ancient City, so much so that he even missed the time to practice.

  When Li Zhufeng received the news of Li Jiuyuan’s return, his face also showed a touch of surprise: "What you said is true?"

   "That's right, Elder Li seems to have something to go back, so let me tell you." The disciple said.

  Li Jifeng nodded slowly: "I was practicing a few days ago. Since Elder Li has already gone back, let's wait patiently!"

   "By the way, to enshrine adults, Elder Li mentioned to us when he went back, he would send someone to help us monitor Chen Xuan!" the disciple said.

  In a flash, more than half a month passed in a blink of an eye.

  While Li Zhufeng was drinking tea in the mansion, a disciple hurried in.

  "The good news is coming to enshrine adults, Li Qianyuan is here from our Li family headquarters!" A disciple said suddenly.

  After hearing this, Li Gongfeng immediately put the teacup on the table and quickly got up and stood up: "What did you say? Li Qianyuan is here?"

  Li Qianyuan's position in the Li family's headquarters is also very high, and the cultivation base is very strong.

   After hearing the news that he was here, even the head of the Li family branch hurried over to greet him.

  In Yunxiao Mansion, the Li family is one of the top powers.

  Although they are not sects, they are also equivalent to two-star sects.

  It is rumored that the Li family has been passed down for fifteen generations. It has a high status in Yunxiao Mansion and has many branches. The ancient city of Jianyue is only one of them.

  But Jianyue Ancient City is also the strongest branch in the branch, but it is not as good as the Li family headquarters in Yunxiao City.

  The head of the Li family casually brought out a disciple, and the cultivation base was very strong.

Li Qianyuan is just one of the young talents in the headquarters. His cultivation has reached the mid-eighth stage of the Shenluo realm. Although he cannot be regarded as the top powerhouse of the younger generation in Yunxiao City, he can definitely be regarded as a master after he has obtained Jianyue Ancient City. Up.

  Someone once predicted that Li Qianyuan’s talent is rare in 300 years, and it is difficult for anyone in the entire Li family to surpass him.

  In less than three years, Li Qianyuan’s cultivation level will definitely enter the realm of Divine Soul, and it is even possible that his sword soul’s power will be further improved to the fourth level of Consummation.

  (End of this chapter)

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