Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3714: Lin Renhong

  Chapter 3714 Lin Renhong

  Chen Xuan's face was slightly surprised. Of course he had heard of Lin Renhong's name, and he knew that Lin Renhong was one of the three people who worked on him in Jianyue Tower.

   "Unexpectedly, Lin Renhong wanted to send someone to kill me. What is he doing?"

  Chen Xuan and Lin Renhong have no grudges.

  Since Lin Renhong wants to kill him, there is probably an internal cause.

  Chen Xuan was not ready to continue thinking, since he already knew who sent someone to assassinate him, then the lives of these three people were of no value.

  After the red light flickered, the lives of these three warriors were harvested.

  Because of the evidence of Tianyun Demon Poison, even if Chen Xuan killed two outer disciples, this matter would not be held accountable to him.

   After all, these two outer disciples took the initiative to assassinate him.

  At the same time, Chen Xuan's heart was also thinking: "Lin Renhong definitely wants to kill me. In Sword Moon Sect, I definitely can't kill him. If you want to kill him, you must find a way..."

  On this day, Chen Xuan deliberately pretended to go to Jianyue Tower, but in fact he stayed in the independent courtyard.

  After Chen Xuan’s investigation, Lin Renhong was indeed following him.

"This Lin Renhong really knows life and death. After my cultivation base breaks through, even Lei Pojun is not my opponent. He actually wants to provoke me. Hehe, it only takes two or three rounds at most, and I can kill him. Up!"

  Since it was determined that Lin Renhong wanted to kill him, Chen Xuan was about to sneak into Jianyue Tower and find an opportunity to kill Lin Renhong.

  Although the sect disciples can't fight each other at will.

  But as long as he got inside Jianyue Tower, Chen Xuan still had a lot of confidence to kill him.

  You wait for me!

  Three days later, Chen Xuan refined some pills, and then set off in the direction of Jianyue Tower.

  At this moment, outside of Jianyue Tower.

  Lin Renhong is also a disciple of the outer sect, although he is also qualified to enter the inner sect, but he is not in a hurry.

  If you are weak and enter the inner gate, you will definitely be squeezed or even bullied by other old disciples. They will only choose to enter the inner gate after ensuring that their cultivation level is raised to the corresponding realm.

  But this is not to say that outer disciples cannot enter Jianyue Tower to practice.

  Only outer disciples with outstanding talents can enter Jianyue Tower.

  Chen Xuan is naturally one of them. His cultivation has been recognized by Elder Zhuge. Even in the history of Jianyue Sect, no one is more talented than him.

  When he entered Jianyue Tower, he began to look for Lin Renhong's whereabouts.

  The space inside Jianyue Tower is very huge, after all, there are independent spaces inside Jianyue Tower.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan began to constantly look for Lin Renhong inside.

  He saw an inner disciple in white clothes, so he walked over and asked, "Brother, do you know where Lin Renhong has gone?"

  The disciple snorted coldly, and didn't put Chen Xuan in his eyes at all.

  After all, he is an inner disciple, and an outer disciple can't enter his eyes at all.

  "Don't ask me, you should ask others." After answering, the disciple immediately performed the exercises and left the independent space.

  Chen Xuanpo shook his head helplessly. These inner sect brothers were proud and arrogant, and all of their cultivation bases reached the mid-eighth stage of the Shenluo realm. There are also some disciples with outstanding strength who can enter the realm of souls.

  In their eyes, the outer disciples are all rubbish, and it only takes two rounds at most to defeat them.

  Chen Xuan could only continue to search for the next inner disciple and ask about Lin Renhong's whereabouts.

  Fortunately, Chen Xuan's body still contains a lot of high-grade spirit stones.

  No one will have trouble with money.

  When he took out the spirit stone, he finally learned the exact location of Lin Renhong.

There are a total of thirty-six spaces in the Jianyue Tower, and each space is different.

  There is an area dedicated to practice for outer disciples, and Lin Renhong is here.

  When he entered this space, he suddenly found a young man in a white long coat in the distance.

  There are no other disciples who can enter this space for cultivation except for Lin Renhong.

   "What a coincidence, we met again." Chen Xuan said with a smile.

  After hearing the sound coming from behind, Lin Renhong's eyes were a little erratic. He knew who made the sound, and even knew that Chen Xuan was approaching him.

   "Chen Xuan, haven't you been killed?" In fact, after Lin Renhong handed the Sky Cloud Demon Poison to the two outer disciples, he went to Jianyue Tower to practice.

  Lin Renhong believed that Chen Xuan would definitely not be able to withstand the devil poison of the sky cloud, and even thought that Chen Xuan had already turned into a pool of blood, and he could not die anymore.

  As a result, Chen Xuan suddenly appeared, which really made Lin Renhong unexpected.

   "Absolutely impossible, why did you show up? Didn't you get killed?"

Is not this nonsensical? If Chen Xuan was killed, how could he stand here intact.

Seeing the murderous look on Chen Xuan's face, Lin Renhong felt that his body was trembling constantly.

  When they were in Jianyue Tower, the three of them could not kill Chen Xuan when they joined forces. Now he was the only one left, and it was impossible to be Chen Xuan's opponent.

"Chen Xuan, this is Sword Yuezong after all. If you kill me, this matter will definitely not end so easily!" Lin Renhong's expression gradually became ugly: "Do you know who sent me here? Killed you? If you know it, you won't be so arrogant!"

  The corner of Chen Xuan's mouth raised slightly, even if Lin Renhong didn't say it, he could guess at least who was behind to kill him.

   "Forget it, I don't want to talk nonsense to you, go to death!"

  In the next second, a layer of red light radiated from Chen Xuan's body, and a burst of fire-red spiritual power gleamed in his pupils.

The   Liaoyuan sword was immediately taken out by him, and after a burst of fierce Suzaku, it burned quickly and quickly killed Lin Renhong.

  As the flame spread, Lin Renhong displayed the power of refining his body, which formed a light blue protective film on the outer layer of his body.

   No matter how he defended against the Suzaku fire, the flames burned in along the gap after all.

  At this moment, the corners of Chen Xuan's mouth rose, and his whole body was filled with murderous intent.

  This strong killing intent spread throughout the entire space, and even the entire Jianyue Tower was constantly trembling.

  Lin Renhong's expression became very shocked. He had fought against Chen Xuan and knew that Chen Xuan's cultivation level was very strong, but he did not expect that Chen Xuan was already so tough.

   "It's absolutely impossible. Why did your cultivation level improve so quickly?" Lin Renhong shouted angrily. He just wanted to fight back, but a sword aura had already come to his face.


  Sword Qi directly hit him, and instantly knocked him out of several hundred meters.

  Lin Renhong slowly got up from the ground, his expression was full of ferociousness: "Die me!"

  He didn't want to be killed by Chen Xuan in Jianyue Tower.

  Although Lin Renhong's cultivation base is not as good as Lei Pojun, as long as he is diligent, he won't have any difficulty in entering the inner gate.

  If Chen Xuan was killed here, his life's hard work would be all over.

  Chen Xuan will naturally not relax his vigilance, after all, Lin Renhong is one of the three powerhouses in the outer door.

  Once he relaxes his vigilance, there is still a very low chance that he will be planted here.

  In order to ensure that he could suppress Lin Renhong, Chen Xuan instantly displayed thousands of swordsmanship.

  A burst of sword light emerged from all around him, and he swiftly killed Lin Renhong.

   Feeling the killing intent released from the sword aura, Lin Renhong hurriedly waved the long sword in his hand, and displayed the Heaven-extinguishing Sword Technique, trying to defend against Chen Xuan's attack.

  It's only a pity that the sky is not fulfilled.

Chen Xuan's cultivation base surpassed him, and Chen Xuan's understanding of swordsmanship has reached a deeper level. Thousands of swordsmanship itself is a very high-level swordsmanship. Even if Lin Renhong's defense is very strong, he does not have it. Ways to withstand the impact of thousands of swordsmanship.

  After three rounds, Chen Xuan still killed Lin Renhong.

  He didn't plan to stay in Jianyue Tower any longer, but took away Lin Renhong's storage ring and quickly returned to his independent courtyard.

   That night, Chen Xuan was also thinking about how to further improve his cultivation.

  Now, although his understanding of the sword soul has reached the third level, it is very difficult to break through the next small realm.

Each breakthrough of the sword soul requires a lot of spirit grass, but because the little firebird is in the storage ring, all the spirit grass that Chen Xuan previously stored was swallowed by this beast, and there is no excess on his body. Of lingcao.

   Thinking of this, Chen Xuan was still ready to continue to the Jianyue Ancient Vein.

There must be many treasures of heaven and earth in the   Sword Moon Ancient Vein. If treasures are found in it, Chen Xuan's cultivation level will definitely be improved.

  Although many people wanted to kill him these days, Chen Xuan remained vigilant.

  As long as there is this magic weapon given to him by Zhuge Yun, he can leave Jianyuezong unconsciously and go to other places.

  The next morning, Chen Xuan took out the magic weapon and hurried in the direction of Jianyue Gumai.

  Before, Chen Xuan had already obtained an inheritance spirit sword from the Jianyue Ancient Vein, but in recent days, he vaguely heard the news that the secret realm of the Jianyue Ancient Vein had opened again.

  In normal times, the Jianyue Ancient Vessel usually only opens the outer periphery, and there are still many mysterious spaces in the inner periphery that have not been opened.

  If you want to go to the depths of the Jianyue Ancient Vein, you not only need to cultivate a high strength, but also need to meet the level restrictions of the deep secret realm of the Jianyue Ancient Vein.

  The secret realm opened by the Jianyue Ancient Channel can only be entered under the seventh level of the Shenluo realm. Beyond this level, there is no way to enter.

  When Chen Xuan arrived in the Jianyue Ancient Vein, he immediately felt a shocking force in front of him, which was coming to him quickly.

  Chen Xuan had dealt with the blood demon, he could perceive this breath, and there was a vague power of the blood demon sect.

  Blood Demon Sect, as Yunxiao Mansion, even the evil sect distributed in the Dragon Blood Empire, Chen Xuan did not have any favors with them.

  At the beginning, he had encountered people from the Blood Demon Sect, and slaughtered an entire village, killing all men, women, old and young, and draining their efforts to become the nourishment for his cultivation.

  These magic gates have been shouted and beaten by everyone since ancient times, just like mice crossing the street.

  But the magic sect cultivation method makes their power very powerful. If they are just ordinary sect disciples, there is really no way to deal with them.

  Chen Xuan lowered his brows and looked forward carefully.

  After Chen Xuan released the power of the dragon pattern, he felt the power of the blood demon further strengthened.

   "Something is wrong, the Black Blood Sect should not appear in the Jianyue Ancient Vein, it must be a member of the Blood Demon Sect!"

  In the Blood Demon Sect, only those who have cultivated to the highest level can be called Blood Demon.

  If he has not reached the realm of Divine Soul, he is not qualified to cultivate into the blood demon form at all.

  The blood demon form can be transformed into a clone, and it can walk between heaven and earth only by relying on the power of the clone.

  Even if you kill the clone, you can’t kill the Gorefiend’s body.

  Killing the clones of the Gorefiend will only affect their souls.

   Therefore, the Gorefiend is very tricky.

  If you want to completely kill the blood demons, you must find their local location.

  Just half a month ago, Chen Xuan encountered the blood demon and broke the clone of the blood demon, making Jian Yuezong safe again.

  He didn't expect that he would be able to detect the blood demon's breath just after entering the Jianyue Ancient Channel.

   "It should be just a few warriors of the Blood Demon Sect, I'll go ahead and take a look." Thinking in his heart, Chen Xuan mentioned the Liaoyuan Sword.

  His face is full of guard.

  (End of this chapter)

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