Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3723: Strengthen

  Chapter 3723 Strengthening

  The dragon pattern on Chen Xuan's body began to gleam with dark red light. With the increase of this power, he has clearly felt the power of the dragon pattern to his body.

"Unexpectedly, the strength of the dragon pattern will increase so obviously. This dragon pattern stone stele has once again increased my perception of power a lot. I am afraid that the strength of my punch now has reached 70,000 jin." Chen Xuan Opening his pupils, a fierce aura was released from all over his body.

After absorbing all this power, Chen Xuan began to ripple with layers of light.

Li Hanyi walked over and said, "How? I didn't lie to you. This dragon stone stele can be absorbed twice by us. Now your power perception should also be improved. When we meet Zhang Youqing, we will have a higher chance. Win."

  Before this, Chen Xuan's punch had reached more than 50,000 jin. After absorbing the power from the dragon stele, his strength had been significantly increased.

  "Unfortunately, it cannot be tested here. It would be bad if it is discovered by Zhang Youqing and others." Chen Xuan said.

  Chen Xuan now really wants to test the level of the strength of his punch. If it can reach 70,000, it means that his strength has doubled.

  Among cultivators of the same level, there will be no one whose strength can be compared with him.

   "Li Hanyi, I am really curious how much your strength has reached?" Chen Xuan asked suddenly.

  Li Hanyi is a dragon pattern cultivator after all, and their physical strength is far greater than that of ordinary people. Even a monk of the same realm, it is far from being comparable to a dragon pattern cultivator.

   "Probably it's almost 100,000 catties." When he said this, Li Hanyi's expression was obviously very proud, and he turned his head and looked at Chen Xuan quietly.

  Although Chen Xuan also thought that Li Hanyi's strength must far exceed him, Chen Xuan did not expect that he could reach one hundred thousand catties.

   "It seems that the power of the dragon pattern is very obvious for the increase in strength." Chen Xuan whispered.

  "Let’s not stay here anymore. After the Dragon Stone Stele is activated, they will definitely be attracted. These Blood Demon Sect warriors will definitely come." Li Hanyi said.

  Chen Xuan thinks what he said makes sense.

   "That's right, let's retreat as soon as possible." Now that he has obtained the dragon stele, whether he can get the treasure of inheritance here is no longer so important.

   Just when Chen Xuan was about to turn his head and leave, suddenly bursts of red blood mist gathered in the sky.

"You two boys can find this place. It's quite lucky. It's a pity that even if you absorb the power of the dragon stone stele, you are not my opponent at all!" Zhang Youqing's expression was extremely savage, and the whole body was exuding. Evil breath.

  As a guard of the Blood Demon Sect, his cultivation is indeed very strong.

   Feeling a layer of red blood surging in the sky, Chen Xuan immediately took out the Liaoyuan Sword and stared at Zhang Youqing in the sky with a guarded look.

   "You have to be careful, Zhang Youqing's cultivation base is very strong, we two must not be separated, there are many blood demon sect warriors in the Moon Sword Cave." Li Hanyi said.

  Chen Xuan nodded slowly, and a murderous aura burst out from his pupils: "These blood demon sect people harm the world. You can't let them continue to run wild. Let's go together and kill him!"

  After Li Hanyi nodded, he quickly took out the Moon Slashing Great Sword and rushed over quickly.

  All of a sudden, in the Moon Sword Cave, the three began to fight.

   Even if Chen Xuan burst out with the power of the Vermillion Bird, there was no way to do a one-shot kill.

  Zhang Youqing's defensive power is very terrifying. After he turned into a state of nothingness, Chen Xuan's sword aura could not attack him at all.

  "You two juniors, really underestimated me. You want to deal with me with your three-legged cat's swordsmanship. It's a foolish dream. Today I will let you see what the real blood fog magical skill is!"

  A **** aura exuded from Zhang Youqing's body, and this smell even made Chen Xuan feel like he wanted to vomit.

  After the strong smell of blood exuded, Zhang Youqing's body suddenly condensed with a dark red light.

   "Haha, all die for me!" Zhang Youqing yelled angrily, and an extremely fierce aura immediately rushed towards Chen Xuan

After feeling this fierce spiritual power, Chen Xuan hurriedly swung the Liaoyuan sword, displaying the power of thousands of swordsmanship.

  I have to say that the lethality of Thousand Thousand Sword Art is very terrifying.

  Even if Chen Xuan displayed the Suzaku Fire, there was no way to threaten Zhang Youqing, but when the Ten Thousand Sword Art was released, a series of sword shadows flickered beside Chen Xuan.

  This made Zhang Youqing feel very surprised.

"He is actually a member of Wanjian Villa, haha, even if you are a warrior in Wanjian Villa? Today is not going to die on my hands!" Zhang Youqing yelled, his body was rippling with fierce spiritual power again, quickly Killed in the direction of Chen Xuan.

   Feeling the horror of this power, Chen Xuan immediately swung the Liaoyuan sword and killed Zhang Youqing.


  Sword Qi directly hit Zhang Youqing's body.

  Even though Zhang Youqing had turned into a blood mist state, there was no way to resist Chen Xuan's sword aura.

  Zhang Youqing's face was very surprised. He obviously didn't expect Chen Xuan to burst out such a terrifying sword aura, and even at that moment, he felt danger.

  Zhang Youqing’s cultivation has reached the initial stage of the Ninth Layer.

   Chen Xuan's sword aura can threaten him, indicating that the lethality of this sword aura is comparable to that of the martial artist of the Shenluo realm nine layers.

"Good boy, it seems that I really underestimated you. Unfortunately, there is a realm gap between us. No matter how powerful your swordsmanship is, it can't be my opponent!" Zhang Youqing roared sharply, and spread out again all over his body. After the fierce light group came out, and a wave of **** aura spread out, Chen Xuan suddenly felt a terrifying spiritual power emanating from the opponent's body.

   "Li Hanyi, attack quickly, now is a good opportunity!" Chen Xuan shouted loudly.

  If you attack Zhang Youqing now, it is definitely the best opportunity.

  Li Hanyi's body turned into a red light, and he rushed towards Zhang Youqing quickly.

  The Moon Slashing Great Sword exudes waves of dragon patterns. Li Hanyi's strength has reached 100,000 catties. After he absorbed the dragon pattern stele, his strength increased again, and now it has almost reached 150,000 catties.

  This terrifying force, even the entire sword vein may be destroyed.

   "Be careful, don't be caught by his blood-splitting claws!" Chen Xuan said hurriedly.

  He once fought with the warriors of the Blood Demon Sect. Once he was hit by their blood shattering claws, he would even hurt his soul.

"Hahahaha, if you want to avoid my blood-broken claws, what you think is so simple. Today you two juniors will all die in my hands. Hehe, just kill you to be able to absorb stronger Spiritual power, so that my cultivation base can break through!"

   "Then I will refine you into blood demon pill, haha, it's perfect!" Zhang Youqing laughed wildly.

  At the same time, many blood demon sect warriors have rushed over here.

  When Chen Xuan saw them, the expression on his face also became surprised.

   "It's not good, I can't continue to pester him here, these blood demon sect people have rushed over, we are not their opponents."

  Li Hanyi immediately retracted the Moon Slashing Great Sword, staring at an exit next to him, and said: "Let’s retreat quickly, don’t stay here for long!"

While the blood demon sect warrior chased over, Chen Xuan and Li Hanyi disappeared instantly.

After escaping to a safe place, Chen Xuan's expression became very nervous.

   "I didn't expect Zhang Youqing's cultivation base to be so strong, I underestimated him." Chen Xuan whispered.

  He originally thought that Zhang Youqing’s cultivation was at most only the eighth major consummation of the Shenluo realm, but in fact Zhang Youqing had reached the early stage of the ninth level of the Shenluo realm.

"Of course, Zhang Youqing was already very strong before he fell into the magic way, not to mention that he also practiced magic power. He had already practiced the power of dragon patterns, and his body strength was far beyond ordinary people. He wanted to kill him. We must discuss and discuss." Li Hanyi said.

   "If the two of us join forces, we still have a high chance of beheading him, but there are still many blood demon sect warriors nearby. There are too many of them, and we do not have the advantage."

   "That's the same, let's observe here for a few days. When other people from the sect come over, we will attack again, and we will surely kill him at that time."

  Time flickered, and soon, people from various sects had poured into the Sword Moon Secret Realm.

  The blood demon sect and the warriors of the major sects are fighting each other, which is just cheap for Chen Xuan.

  As far as he knows, the heritage treasure in the Sword Moon Secret Realm is the Fire Dragon Potential Grass.

  Fire Dragon Potential Grass is a very precious herb, far more rare than Dragongrass.

  Compared with the dragon pattern grass, the fire dragon potential grass can not only be used to improve cultivation, but also can temper the soul.

  For every warrior who wants to rise to the realm of spirits, fire dragon potential grass is a very scarce magic weapon.

   "Brother Chen, you help me kill Zhang Youqing, and I will help you find the fire dragon potential grass. What do you think of this?" Li Hanyi said.

  Chen Xuan nodded slightly: "Of course, I wanted to kill Zhang Youqing. He must have many treasures on him."

  The news that the secret realm of Jianyue had opened suddenly spread throughout the ancient city of Jianyue, and many disciples of the sect began to flood here.

  But when these sect disciples came in, they were immediately attacked by the blood demon sect warriors.

  As far as Chen Xuan is concerned, the life and death of these sect disciples has nothing to do with him. Chen Xuan only needs to ensure that his cultivation level is improved.

  Because of the appearance of many sect disciples, Zhang Youqing no longer pursued Chen Xuan and Li Hanyi, but desperately attacked the disciples of the major sects.

  Chen Xuan knew very well in his heart that once Zhang Youqing killed more sect disciples, they would refine the blood demon spirit pill.

  Zhang Youqing’s cultivation level has reached the initial stage of the Ninth Level of the Shenluo Realm. If he eats the Blood Demon Spirit Pill, his cultivation level will further break through.

  At that time, even if Chen Xuan and Li Hanyi join forces, they will not be his opponent.

  One day, Chen Xuan destroyed the wall in front of him. Just as he was about to continue exploring in front, he suddenly heard the voices of two Li family disciples coming from behind.

   "Why do these people from the Blood Demon Sect set up spiritual formations here?"

   "I heard that there is a dragon stone stele in the Moon Sword Cave, and there is a treasure of inheritance."

"Hahaha, this so-called inheritance treasure is the fire dragon potential grass. It is certainly not that simple to get the fire dragon potential grass. Moreover, I heard that there is only one fire dragon potential grass. It is definitely not the two of us who can get this magic weapon. , I think, let's leave here as soon as possible."

  "It is said that so many blood demon sect warriors appeared, if you still search for the fire dragon potential grass here, they will definitely be killed!"

   Seeing these two Li family disciples, Chen Xuan's body immediately shuttled out.

   Turning his wrist, the Liaoyuan sword suddenly appeared, and then a fierce sword aura killed him.


  The two Li family disciples did not react at all.

  Then the two of them fell straight to the ground, and no breath of life was revealed.

After doing all this, Chen Xuan's expression was very flat: "These Li family people have been chasing me down, this time I just show them a little bit of color, I want to let the Li family know that if you provoke me, you will What are the consequences for them."

  Li Hanyi clapped his hands, walked over and said, "Okay, I think this group of Li family is not a good thing."

  (End of this chapter)

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