Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3725: Fire Dragon Potential Grass

  Chapter 3725 Fire Dragon Potential Grass

  Unconsciously, twilight has fallen.

  Chen Xuan took out the alchemy furnace in the independent courtyard. He was not ready to directly absorb the power of the fire dragon potential grass, but was ready to refine the fire dragon potential grass into an elixir.

  Just after taking out the alchemy furnace, Chen Xuan felt the aura of several Jianyuezong disciples swirling around.

   Chen Xuan found it ridiculous.

  These Sword Moon Sect disciples had heard the news that he had obtained the Fire Dragon Potential Grass, and wandering around his independent courtyard, only to explain one problem, they also want to get the Fire Dragon Potential Grass.

   "Unfortunately, I will refine the Fire Dragon Potential Grass soon, even if they come over, they won't get it."

  Chen Xuan refining pills is very fast.

  After a quarter of an hour has passed, all the pills have been refined.

  The pill that is refined from the fire dragon potential grass can increase the power of refining the body, and it can also temper the soul.

  Although Chen Xuan's soul is already very powerful among monks of the same level, he must absorb the fire dragon potential grass if he wants to reach the realm of the soul.

  As soon as he took back the alchemy furnace, he heard the soft words of two disciples coming from outside the courtyard.

   "Brother Liu, Chen Xuan seems to have not slept yet, when shall we go there?"

  "Wait a minute, we are inquiring about the news outside his independent courtyard, and we must not disturb him!"

   Chen Xuan found it extremely ridiculous.

  The voice of these people's conversation is so loud, even if he does not display the power of the dragon pattern, he can hear it.

   "You can't even be a thief, it's a sigh, this kind of person can actually enter the Sword Moon Sect!"

  After speaking, Chen Xuan deliberately returned to his room and began to rest.

  Several Jianyuezong disciples did not realize that they had fallen into Chen Xuan's trap.

  When they saw that the light in the room had been turned off, they immediately took out the spirit sword, and under the leadership of Liu Lihui, they went into the independent courtyard of Chen Xuan one after another.

  Chen Xuan originally thought that they just wanted to steal the fire dragon potential grass, but he didn't expect that the group of sword moon sect warriors would actually kill him.

After seeing the magic weapon they were holding, Chen Xuan snorted coldly, "I really know how to live or die. If you come to steal something, I can tolerate you, but since you are going to kill me, don't blame me for being polite. Up!"

  Although he was lying on the bed, after Chen Xuan turned his wrist, the Vermillion Bird formation began to activate.

  These Sword Yuezong disciples had just slipped into the courtyard, and they felt a strange aura coming from the front, which was also mixed with the fire of the Vermillion Bird.

   "Senior Brother Liu, why do I feel something is wrong? Could it be that Chen Xuan has discovered us?" a disciple asked.

  Liu Lihui's expression is also very cautious. He had witnessed how Chen Xuan defeated Lei Pojun.

  "It shouldn't be there. We have already lost our breath when we came, and Chen Xuan will never notice it." Liu Lihui said cautiously.

   "However, I feel that the formation has already been activated. Chen Xuan's cultivation base is so strong, and we are not necessarily his opponents together!" This disciple had already become timid.

  Evil grows from the gall.

  Liu Lihui must kill Chen Xuan today. If this disciple quits now, if the news comes out, he will definitely not be able to eat.

   "Do you want to run?" Liu Lihui asked in a cold voice.

   "Brother Liu, it's not that I want to run, it's really..." The disciple's tone was choked, and he didn't know what to say.

   "Then you can't blame me!" Liu Lihui snorted coldly and immediately swung his long sword, directly harvesting the life of this disciple.

  The other disciples did not dare to speak anymore, but honestly followed Liu Lihui.

   "Brother Liu, when shall we attack?" a disciple asked again.

  Liu Lihui’s eyes were full of icy colors. He carefully observed Chen Xuan’s room: “Don’t hurry, I’ll set up a spiritual formation nearby, so that I won’t be discovered when I fight.

  He took out the inner core from the space ring, and then began to set the formation.

  Chen Xuan hooked his finger, and the Liaoyuan Sword suddenly appeared. He controlled the Liaoyuan Sword with his sword soul, and observed Liu Lihui and others in the independent courtyard.

When Liu Lihui set up his formation, his expression became hideous: "Very good, even if you kill Chen Xuan, you will definitely not leak the wind. You guys will come with me, and we must not be discovered! "

  "Chen Xuan must be killed this time to **** the fire dragon potential grass from his hand!"

   "As long as we kill him, our cultivation level can be improved, hehe!" The disciple said with a smile.

  They never thought about how Liu Lihui could give them the potential of the fire dragon.

  Fire dragon potential grass is only a small one, and it is not enough for more than a dozen people to share it equally.

  At this moment, in the independent courtyard, a biting flame burst out suddenly, and it burned towards them quickly.

  Liu Lihui's face was very shocked, but he still pretended to be calm and said: "Don't panic, let's do it together, and quickly kill Chen Xuan!"

  "He discovered it?"

  When these Jianyuezong disciples rushed into the room, they did not find Chen Xuan.

   "Strange, where did he go?"

   "Will you hide already?"

   "Who knows, why didn't anyone see it? Did Chen Xuan deliberately set a trap?"

  As soon as the two disciples' voices fell, a Suzaku sword aura suddenly attacked his back.


  The flame burned instantly, and the bodies of the two disciples were directly burned to ashes.

  The rest of the Jianyuezong disciples all showed horrified expressions. They thought they would definitely be able to grab the fire dragon potential grass this time, but they just came to the independent courtyard and they were killed two people.

  Chen Xuan wanted to punish this group of Sword Yuezong disciples, he was not in a hurry.

  There is still plenty of time anyway.

  Liu Lihui shouted out loud: "If you have the ability, just show me, Chen Xuan, what kind of a hero are you like this?"

   "I didn't say that I was a hero. On the contrary, you and the sect brothers wanted to grab and even murder me. I wouldn't let you go out here."

  Chen Xuan's voice floated out.

   Liu Lihui's eyes were extremely low. He felt the danger, but now there was no turning back.

   Either kill Chen Xuan to **** the fire dragon potential grass, or die under Chen Xuan's sword.

  A disciple yelled: "You coward, if you have the ability, you can come out and fight us upright!"

   "Why should I come out with so many of you? Think my IQ is the same as yours?" Chen Xuan said with a smile.

  At the same time, Chen Xuan swung the Liaoyuan sword once and began to control the Vermillion Bird formation.

  In the entire Vermillion Bird formation, there are red sword lights all over.

go to hell!


  Sword Qi suddenly killed a Sword Moon Sect disciple.

   Before this disciple could react, his body was pierced by sword energy.

   Seeing this scene, Liu Lihui felt very regretful.

  It's not good to provoke, but Chen Xuan happened again.

  This can be said to be stealing chickens but not pecking rice, and he lost his life without snatching the fire dragon potential grass.

  Several Jianyuezong disciples stepped back one after another, and no one dared to move forward.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan's body slowly walked out of the corner of the house.

   "You are really courageous, and even dare to set foot on my turf, want to **** the fire dragon potential grass, right?" Chen Xuan sneered.

After seeing the killing intent on Chen Xuan's face, several Jianyuezong disciples stepped back, their faces full of regret.

   "Chen Xuan is so strong, Brother Liu, we are not his opponents when we join forces."

   "What do we do now? I'm afraid we can't get out of here alive..."

  Liu Lihui’s voice was very angry: "You rubbish, if we do it together, there is definitely a chance of winning. I don’t believe that Chen Xuan can stop so many of us. Come with me!"

  He rushed out first, swung his long sword, and stabbed Chen Xuan's forehead.

  Faced with his attack, Chen Xuan just gently swung the Liaoyuan sword, forming a body-refining aura in front of him.

   Liu Lihui has no way to go further.

"How can it be……"

  Chen Xuan stretched out his palm, and an invisible force immediately covered Liu Lihui's surroundings.

  His body was caught in the sky.

"Hehe, you bewitched these disciples to kill me, right? If I didn't guess wrong, your name should be Liu Lihui. How did I defeat Lei Pojun? Didn't you see?" Chen Xuan laughed Tao.

  But his smile looked cold.

   Liu Lihui felt a chill spread from the soles of his feet, and his teeth began to tremble.

   "I beg you not to kill me, Chen Xuan, I can give you whatever you want, my space ring..."

  "Where..." Liu Lihui was a little flustered, he hurriedly grabbed his wrist.

  But Chen Xuan was not ready to let him go.

  Under the bloom of a Vermillion Bird fire, the other sect disciples covered their eyes one after another.

  When they opened their eyes again, they found that Liu Lihui had been burned to ashes.

   "Brother Chen, we were all deceived by Liu Lihui!"

   "Even if we give us ten thousand courage, I dare not do anything to you, this is all a misunderstanding, please don't kill me!"

and then?

  Chen Xuan said flatly: "You want to kill me, so why can't I kill you?"

   "I thought you were just trying to steal things. It seems I was thinking really good."

During the conversation, Chen Xuan's body turned into a red light.

  In just a few seconds, the body of these Jianyuezong disciples suddenly splashed with blood mist, and then they lay neatly on the ground.

After    killed them, Chen Xuan began to clean up the independent courtyard.

   "It's really okay to find trouble. You dare to provoke me with your three-legged cats' cultivation skills. Isn't this looking for death?"

  After all their bodies were burned, Chen Xuan returned to his room and began to rest.

  The next morning, the news that a dozen disciples were missing from the outer door spread immediately, but no one knew where they went.

   When the sky was dark, Chen Xuan stretched.

   Then he heard a knock on the door outside.

  Chen Xuan opened the door and found that an outer disciple was standing outside.

   "What's the matter?" Chen Xuan asked curiously.

  The outer disciple immediately replied: “Brother Chen, there are more than a dozen disciples mysteriously missing from the outer door. Elder Zhuge asked me to remind you that you must be cautious recently and never let your guard down.

  Chen Xuan said: "Okay, you go back and tell Elder Zhuge that you can come to me if you have time."

  "Brother Chen, what do you mean?" The disciple showed a puzzled expression.

   "It doesn't mean anything, you just need to report it to Elder Zhuge." Chen Xuan said with a smile.

  Although the disciple had a puzzled expression, he did not question.

  Afternoon hour.

  Elder Zhuge really came to Chen Xuan’s independent courtyard.

  Chen Xuan was refining the pill, but when he saw the arrival of Elder Zhuge, he immediately stopped working and walked towards Elder Zhuge.

   "Elder Zhuge, I have one thing to tell you." Chen Xuan said solemnly.

  (End of this chapter)

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