Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3739: The killer of the blood soul gate is here again

  Chapter 3739 The killer of the blood soul gate is here again

  In the past few days, Chen Xuan has also refined a lot of pills. He wants to use the power of these pills to increase the power of the sword soul again.

  If the sword soul can break through a small realm again, Chen Xuan's cultivation level can be improved.

  In the next two or three days, Chen Xuan ate all the refined pills, but his cultivation level did not break through.

  This made Chen Xuan feel very distressed. Now that his cultivation has reached the bottleneck, it is very difficult to break through.

  Chen Xuan stopped practicing and simply lay in the courtyard to rest.

  One day, Chen Xuan just came out of the sword tower, but he felt a faint spiritual power released from a distance.

  Return to the independent residence from Jianyue Tower, passing a square in the middle. When Chen Xuan passed by the square, he felt a murderous aura blooming again.

  The power of the dragon pattern was always on, and Chen Xuan could feel this murderous aura faintly blooming, and also locked him in.

  If he had not practiced the power of the dragon pattern, Chen Xuan would definitely not find this murderous aura.

  Because it is already in the early hours of the evening, the sky is very dark, and it can be described with the invisible five fingers.

  Chen Xuan's pupils suddenly burst into flames, and he displayed the power of the dragon pattern.

   Chen Xuan walked two steps forward, but suddenly heard a voice whistling behind him.

  He hurriedly turned his head, and even took out the Liaoyuan Sword, but the movement suddenly disappeared without a trace.

   "The killer of the blood soul door is here again?" In this short period of less than a month, three blood soul door killers have come to assassinate him.

  Chen Xuan continued to march forward.

At this moment, Lin Nanyun in the darkness had already condensed the aura in his body, and his face was also surprised: "This kid is so guarded, it is possible that he has cultivated the power of the dragon pattern and can actually detect my existence... "

  When Lin Nanyun assassinated other enemies, he would not be spotted at all. Only when he was following Chen Xuan, he was keenly discovered by the other party, which made Lin Nanyun feel very bad.

  He must do a one-shot kill, otherwise the sound of fighting will definitely alarm the elders of Jianyuezong.

  Once he did not directly kill Chen Xuan, his mission would be equivalent to a failure.

  At the moment when Lin Nanyun's breath was reduced, Chen Xuan's pupils suddenly looked to the left.

  He felt the murderous aura emanating from the left, Chen Xuan had already noticed it, so he stopped, once again released the power of the dragon pattern, and began to keenly observe the murderous aura nearby.

  Lin Nanyun quietly disappeared, while still holding a sharp blade in his hand, ready to attack Chen Xuan at all times.

   Is it my illusion?

  Chen Xuan deliberately said in a loud voice.

  After walking a few steps forward, Chen Xuan suddenly felt a fierce murderous intent behind him, and killed him fiercely.

  Although he had known that someone wanted to assassinate him, Chen Xuan did not expect the power of this sword aura to be so terrifying.

  At the same time, Chen Xuan immediately swung the Liaoyuan sword, and at the same time displayed the power of the dragon pattern, urging his defense to the extreme.

   Layers of dark red lines appeared on the surface of his skin, making Chen Xuan exude a terrifying aura.


  The two sword qi collided with each other in the air, and Chen Xuan's body retreated several steps continuously before dissolving the strength of the opponent's sword qi.

  A sharp blade appeared in Lin Nanyun's hand, and a black aura exuded from this sharp blade. It was obvious that this was definitely not an ordinary spirit sword.

"Chen Xuan, you go to death for me, as long as you kill you, I can get one million high-grade spirit stones, hahaha!" Lin Nanyun let out a wild laugh, and then burst out the power of the nine layers of the Shenluo realm, wanting Kill Chen Xuan directly.

  Chen Xuan waved the long sword again, and slammed a sword aura at Lin Nanyun.


  The two sword auras collided again, but the Suzaku sword aura was suddenly swallowed, and then Chen Xuan's body was directly hit by the sword aura.

  After a short fight, Chen Xuan's body was blown away instantly.

  When he got up from the ground, Chen Xuan immediately covered his arm, a trace of blood was slowly flowing out of the wound, and his face was very pale.

  After being hit by this sword point, Chen Xuan felt that his qi and blood was unstable. If it were not because of Chen Xuan's good luck that he had not been hit by his sword qi, I am afraid that he would have been seriously injured by now.

   "Unexpectedly, he is a master of the Ninth Level of the Shenluo Realm. It seems that his cultivation is not that simple, damn..." If he was in his own independent courtyard, Chen Xuan would be confident to defeat the opponent.

  But in the square, Chen Xuan did not arrange a formation. After Lin Nanyun's sudden calculation, Chen Xuan weighed it up in his heart and knew that he was not the opponent of the other party, so he could only run away in the end.

  Because a wound was cut out of his arm, Chen Xuan could only continuously devour the Rejuvenating Pill, hoping to recover from the injury as soon as possible.

  He found that the cut was cut out, even if he had eaten more rejuvenation pills, there was no way to fully recover.

  After Chen Xuan stabilized his figure, he immediately fled towards the distance, but Lin Nanyun couldn't give Chen Xuan a chance. His body kept flashing, and the long sword in his hand swung again and attacked directly towards Chen Xuan's left leg.

  Chen Xuan immediately turned around to block, but Lin Nanyun's strength was too great, and he directly knocked his body out of hundreds of meters.


   Chen Xuan's body slammed on the square, and an oval-shaped pit began to spread around.

   There was a burst of breath in the square.

  The sound of fighting suddenly shocked the entire Sword Moon Sect's senior level.

   Zhuge Bai suddenly opened his eyes, immediately picked up the magic weapon, and rushed out toward the square.

  Zhuge Yun was cultivating originally, but he also heard the sound from the square, he immediately stopped cultivating and rushed over.

  Two people met at the door.

  "Did you hear the sound coming from the square?" Zhuge Bai asked.

  Zhuge Yun nodded slowly: "I don't know which disciple is cultivating? It's better for us to go and see!"

  When they came around the square, they suddenly heard a scream.

  It turned out that Chen Xuan's arm was pierced by Lin Nanyun's long sword. It was obvious that Chen Xuan was seriously injured now.

Lin Nanyun swung his long sword again and rushed towards Chen Xuan: "Good boy, you can hide every time, but next time your luck will not be so good. I will pierce your heart directly. I see you. How to hide!"

   Following his low drink, another sword aura full of murderous aura rushed towards Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan's pupils released flames, which burned to Lin Nanyun's body in a short span of time.

  Lin Nanyun is after all the top powerhouse of the Ninth Level of the Shenluo Realm, and even the Fire of Suzaku can't hurt him at all.


  I only saw the fire of the Vermillion Bird begin to be continuously resolved by Lin Nanyun's body-refining power. After a few seconds, the flame disappeared without a trace.

  Chen Xuan’s face was full of horror. He didn’t believe that the fire of Vermilion could not kill Lin Nanyun.

  The power of the Vermillion Bird that can burn even the soul, and now there is no way to deal with the killer of the blood soul door.

"Haha, boy, don't be too confident about your own cultivation base, even if you kill a few wastes? These people are the trash of our blood soul door!" Lin Nanyun directly reported to his family, he believed that he was already With a ten-percent certainty, Chen Xuan will be killed.

  Chen Xuan originally wanted to display the dragon pattern explosive body, but he was surprised to find that the power of the dragon pattern in his body had actually been suppressed.

How can it be?

  This is the first time Chen Xuan has encountered this situation.

   Chen Xuan desperately resisted, but Lin Nanyun's strength was still continuously strengthening.

   Just at this very moment, an old man’s voice suddenly came from the sky.

   "You beasts of the Blood Soul Clan, what do you want to do to our disciple of Jianyue Sect?" With his roar, Lin Nanyun's face changed slightly, and he knew that this was the high-level of Jianyue Sect who had come.

  Although Lin Nanyun is the top powerhouse in the Blood Soul Sect, it is insignificant compared to the super powerhouse of Jian Yuezong.

   Zhuge Bai only needs two rounds at most to kill him.

"Damn, he will be killed soon. This old man came over at this time and waited for me!" Thinking of this, Lin Nanyun immediately took out a magic talisman from the space ring and slammed it on the ground. throw.

Suddenly, his body disappeared without a trace.

   Zhuge Bai and Zhuge Yun came at the same time, they saw Chen Xuan lying on the ground, covered in blood.

   "Damn, these people from the Blood Soul Gate are so nasty, they dare to kill Chen Xuan under our noses!"

   "Why didn't Chen Xuan tell us before?"

   "Hurry up and see his injuries, Chen Xuan probably hasn't been killed yet!" Zhuge Yun said hurriedly.

  Zhuge Yun already wanted to train Chen Xuan to become the successor of the next suzerain. He didn't want Chen Xuan to die here.

  "Junior Brother, you are chasing that killer in the past, and you must catch him back!" Zhuge Yun said.

  Zhuge Bai thought for a while, he was very worried about Chen Xuan's injury: "Brother, you must not let Chen Xuan die, only this kid can revive our Jianyue Sect!"

  Zhuge Yun nodded and said: "Don't worry, I will definitely not let him die. Hurry up and chase the killer. Don't let him escape!"

   Zhuge Bai's body turned into a white light, and he quickly pursued and killed Jian Yuezong outside.

  Looking at Chen Xuan who had entered a coma, Zhuge Yun's expression was full of worries: "This boy has a big fate. He should not die here so easily. Let's take a look at his injuries!"

  At this moment, in a hidden bamboo forest outside of Jianyuezong, a man in a black robe was very pale, and he was constantly vomiting blood.

   "Just one blow left me severely injured, the powerhouse in the realm of Divine Soul is really terrifying!"

  The warrior who fled here was Lin Nanyun. The moment he left, he was hit by Zhuge Bai.

  If it weren't for his invisibility method, Zhuge Bai would have caught him long ago.

   Enduring the pain, Lin Nanyun once again displayed the invisibility method and slowly disappeared into the jungle.

  He felt Zhuge Bai chasing him again.

A few minutes later, Zhuge Bai appeared in the bamboo forest. He looked around and did not find Lin Nanyun's figure: "This **** blood soul killer, don't let me find him, or I will let him be broken into pieces! "

  Even at the ninth peak of the Shenluo realm, there is a world-wide gap between it and the Divine Soul realm.

  As long as you enter the realm of Divine Soul, you can completely awaken Divine Soul and let your soul power reach a stronger realm.

  Zhuge Bai is still searching in the jungle. He has been around here for several minutes, but he still can't find Lin Nanyun's whereabouts.

   "Where did this guy go? It's a bit weird. Is it possible that he knows where I came from?" Zhuge Bai whispered.

  Lin Nanyun naturally felt that someone was following him: "Damn, why is this old man not leaving? Is he going to spend it with me?"

  At the moment when Lin Nanyun escaped, he deliberately used a blind trick to create the illusion that he had left the bamboo forest, trying to trick Zhuge Bai into searching the north.

  As a result, Zhuge Bai was not fooled, but continued to search in the bamboo forest.

  Lin Nanyun was a little impatient. He knew that his mission had not been completed, but now he was seriously injured, and it was impossible to kill Chen Xuan.

   "The kid was stabbed by my sword just now, I don't know if I can poison him to death." Thinking of this, Lin Nanyun took out a magic talisman from the space ring and threw it into the sky.

   Zhuge Bai's eyes moved suddenly.

  A figure appeared in the sky, and quickly fled towards the distance.

   "Okay, you are actually hiding here, you wait for me, I must avenge Chen Xuan!" The next moment, Zhuge Bai immediately waved his sleeves and chased after the figure.

After seeing Zhuge Bai disappeared, Lin Nanyun finally let out a sigh of relief: "As expected, he is a powerhouse in the realm of Divine Soul. It is indeed very scary. With my current cultivation base, there is no way to deal with them."

   "Unfortunately, I can't get Chen Xuan's head, otherwise I can get more spirit stones. As long as I can break through to the realm of spirit and soul, I don't need to be afraid of these powerful people!"

  (End of this chapter)

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