Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3744: Defeat the Black Cloud Gate Warrior for the first time

  Chapter 3744 Defeat the Black Cloud Gate Warrior for the first time

  All of a sudden, the scene became very tense.

  Chen Xuan was not ready to give in, he knew that the pill he refined was worth the money.

   "How about the three of you come over together, and I can deal with you easily with only one hand." Chen Xuan said with a smile.

  The three warriors of the Black Cloud Gate tickled their teeth with hatred.

   "Okay, you are so arrogant. Today, the three of us will teach you a lesson!"

"The three of us will definitely not go together. Don't worry, I only need me to clean up and obey you. Hey, all of you Sword Yuezong's clutter will kneel on the ground and kowtow. !"

  This Black Cloud Gate warrior took out his weapon and walked towards Chen Xuan full of murderous aura.

  "Do you need my help?" Lei Pojun asked.

  Chen Xuan slowly shook his head: "No need, I can defeat them all by myself."

  The warrior of the Black Cloud Gate just wanted to attack, but he saw a flash of light rushing over.

  At this critical moment, Chen Xuan released the power of the Vermillion Bird, and the fierce flame immediately enveloped his body.

  This Black Cloud Gate warrior was full of shock. He originally thought that his cultivation level could easily deal with Chen Xuan, but at this moment, he realized how great the gap between him and Chen Xuan was.

   "Damn it, this kid's cultivation is so strong!"

  Suzaku's fire enveloped his body in an instant, no matter how much he resisted, there was no way to break free from this power.

Chen Xuan was holding a long sword, with a calm expression on his face: "I told you a long time ago that even if the three of you go together, you will be defeated by me, not to mention that you only have you alone!"

  The warrior of the Black Cloud Gate shouted, "You **** dog thief, wait for me, I will kill you now!"

  He swung his long sword, and dark red sword aura burst out all over his body.

  But when these sword auras hit the Suzaku Fire, they were directly swallowed by the flames.

  His sword aura disappeared without a trace.

  This Black Cloud Gate disciple was a little surprised. He knew that he could not be Chen Xuan's opponent. If he continued to fight, there would only be one fate waiting for him, and he would definitely be killed by Chen Xuan.

  But he is not ready to concede, after all, this is about the face of Heiyunmen.

   "This **** kid, why isn't Junior Brother his opponent?"

   "Brother, do you want us to go over and kill him?"

"Don't worry!" The Black Cloud Clan warrior took down the disciple behind him and said softly to him: "I don't know if Junior Brother can turn defeat into victory. We can't lose the face of Black Cloud Clan, this kid has nothing but One person, if the three of us go to a meeting together, we will be ashamed of Black Cloud Gate!"

  But they looked very anxious. Judging from the power of the Vermillion Bird released by Chen Xuan, they knew that their strength could not be Chen Xuan's opponent.

  The stalemate went on like this. Chen Xuan was not going to kill him directly. After all, this person was a disciple of the Black Cloud Gate. If he were killed, he would very likely cause trouble.

  It's only a short day since the mysterious sea secret realm opens. If you get too stiff with the Black Cloud Gate, it will affect them to enter the secret sea secret realm.

   "How is it? Now you know it's not my opponent, right?" Chen Xuanfeng said calmly.

Lei Pojun also hugged his arms, and said sarcastically to several Black Cloud Sect disciples: "It seems that you are not my junior's opponent. Tell you the truth, my junior disciple is just an outside disciple, you rubbish. It's ridiculous that even Junior Brother Chen can't deal with it!"

  These Black Cloud Gate disciples were itching with hatred, but they couldn't say a word.

  Finally after a few rounds, the body of the Black Cloud Gate disciple who was fighting with Chen Xuan was directly knocked out.

  From beginning to end, Chen Xuan's performance was very calm, as if defeating this disciple was a matter of common sense.

  "The cultivation base is really too weak, can I change to a better one? I haven't gotten hooked yet." Chen Xuan said.

  Everyone let out a cry of exclamation, they couldn't imagine that Chen Xuan would win so easily.

  In their impression, Black Cloud Gate is higher than Jianyuezong.

   After all, the Black Cloud Gate is the top existence of the two-star sect. Even if the Sword Moon Sect is also among the upper and middle reaches, it is destined to be far from the Black Cloud Gate.

  In this battle, the disciples of other sects discovered that Jianyuezong had such a strong presence, and their hearts were also sighing that it was definitely more difficult to obtain the treasure of inheritance this time.

"He didn't expect the cultivation base of the disciple of the Sword Moon Sect to be so strong. The cultivation base of the Black Cloud Sect martial artist he just defeated has reached the mid-eighth stage of the Shenluo realm. This cultivation base is not his opponent. The cultivation of Jianyuezong disciples is much more than that!"

   "It's weird, he clearly only has the Seven Great Consummation Realm of the Shenluo Realm. Why can't that disciple beat him?"

   "It's really out of common sense, is it because his sword spirit has cultivated stronger?"

  Among the many disciples’ discussions, the faces of the remaining two Black Cloud Sect disciples were ashen.

  They felt very embarrassed, especially when they were defeated by the Sword Yuezong disciple.

  Before they came here, the Sect Master of the Black Cloud Gate had told them that the Sword Moon Sect was all a group of soft persimmons, and they could easily defeat them as long as they raised their spirits.

  But who would have thought that Chen Xuan won so easily, and as if not using much effort, he defeated one of their Black Cloud Sect disciples in just three rounds.

  The defeated disciple protected the injury on his arm and returned to his brother.

   "Brother, his cultivation is very strong, I am not his opponent." The disciple said.

  The two warriors from the black-clothed door dared not continue to pester Chen Xuan, they both gave a cold snort, and then left here.

   These two people knew that Chen Xuan was not easy to provoke, especially Lei Pojun, who was standing next to him, never made a move.

  They felt fierce spiritual power from Lei Pojun's body, indicating that his cultivation might even be stronger than Chen Xuan.

  On the way to leave, the Black Cloud Gate warrior turned his head and looked closely at Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun.

   "We must go back and report to the Sect Master. These two people have very strong cultivation bases. We must be vigilant when we go in."

   "Brother Liu, we are not necessarily his opponents."

   "Don't worry, you go back and tell Lord Sovereign first!"

  "Where are you going, Brother Liu?" the disciple asked.

   "I'm going to find out what the origins of the two of them are. You can go back first. I have a sense of measure!"

  Liu Yongchang spent several laps in Xiaoding City, but still did not know the origins of Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun.

   "The two of them must be disciples of Jianyuezong. I heard that one of them is an outer disciple. This should be impossible..."

After returning to the resting place of Black Cloud Gate, Liu Yongchang just wanted to report, but suddenly a warrior walked towards him.

   "Senior Brother Liu, the head is going to summon you."

  Liu Yongchang nodded slightly, he followed the disciple and walked towards the campsite.

  The Sect Master of Black Cloud Gate was sitting beside a round table, and he beckoned to Liu Yongchang.

   "Tell me carefully about the battle today."

  Liu Yongchang suddenly said: "The person I met today is indeed very strong. The junior was defeated by him in three rounds. I am afraid that even if I take the shot, it is not necessarily his opponent."

The Sect Master of the Black Cloud Sect bowed his head for a moment, and then raised his head again and said, "If I didn't guess wrong, he is very likely to be the newly joined disciple of Jianyuezong. I heard that his cultivation is indeed very strong. With the sixth level of cultivation, you can defeat a warrior who is a realm stronger than one's own!"

real or fake?

  Many of the disciples of the Black Cloud Gate let out a cry of exclamation. They couldn't believe that anyone could leapfrog a great opponent.

   "This is a big level, is his cultivation really that strong?"

   "I definitely don't believe it, it must be a false rumor, his cultivation level is definitely exaggerated by others!"

   "The sixth level of the Shenluo realm, how could it be possible to deal with a monk of the seventh level of the Shenluo realm? This must be a rumor!"

   "I don't believe that his cultivation is really that strong, unless I ask him to do two tricks with me personally, I will believe it!"

After pacifying many disciples, the Sect Master of Hei Yimen continued: "Of course, these are all I heard. After all, I have never seen that mysterious disciple, but he actually dared to humiliate me in front of so many people. Cloud Gate, I will never let him go!"

   "Liu Yongchang, your cultivation level has reached the mid-eighth stage of the Shenluo realm, you go to challenge him, I want to see what realm his cultivation level has reached."

   Liu Yongchang nodded timidly. He watched all the battle.

  Others don't know, he must know Chen Xuan's cultivation skills.

  His younger brother's cultivation reached the eighth stage of the Shenluo realm, which was only a small realm away from him.

  If you put him in the realm of Chen Xuan, he knew that he could not win so quickly.

   "But the master, his cultivation is really strong, what if the disciple doesn't know his opponent?" Liu Yongchang said.

  The Sect Master of the Black Cloud Gate coldly snorted: "You don't need to think too much, I will definitely rescue you in a crisis, but we must be shameless, and we must not let these Sword Moon Sect people be so proud."

   "In that case, when should I challenge him?"

"Hehe, spread the news first. Don’t worry. His cultivation only has the Seven Major Consummation of the Shenluo Realm. It is absolutely impossible to be your opponent. At that time, you only need to secretly kill him in the challenge. We The probability of the Black Cloud Gate getting the treasure is greatly increased." The Sect Master of the Black Cloud Gate said.

  The news that Liu Yongchang wanted to challenge Chen Xuan quickly spread throughout Xiaoding City.

  The people who came to Xiaoding City to rest were basically monks from various sects. When they heard about the challenge, their faces were full of excitement.

  Waiting for the opening of the mysterious sea in Xiaoding City, this process is very boring.

  Anyway, the Secret Realm of the Magic Sea will take a day to fully open, and they have plenty of time to watch the game.

The Sword Moon Sect and the Black Cloud Sect have been grudges for a long time. The two martial sects had a conflict before. Although the Sword Moon Sect failed in that battle, the disciples of the other sects wanted to know. After so many years of recuperation, will Jianyuezong's strength increase?

  At this moment, near the resting place of Sword Moon Sect.

  Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun just came back, they heard the voices of several disciples.

  They never thought that the news would spread so quickly.

   "Have you heard? Liu Yongchang from Black Cloud Gate is going to challenge Chen Xuan."

   "These people from the Black Cloud Gate are not good, I don't know if Junior Brother Chen is his opponent." said an inner martial artist.

  In the eyes of these inner martial artists, Chen Xuan is a well-deserved junior apprentice. After all, he is only an outer disciple, which is different from Lei Pojun.

   Although Lei Pojun joined the Inner Sect, it hasn't been too long, but his cultivation level has been recognized.

  Now, Lei Pojun has reached the eighth major consummation of the Shenluo realm, even in the inner sect, it cannot be regarded as a weak person.

  In the face of everyone's discussion, Chen Xuan's performance was very flat.

   "Liu Yongchang actually wants to challenge me?"

  He had never heard of Liu Yongchang's name. Under the explanation of the two inner disciples, he finally guessed it.

   must be one of the three Black Cloud Gate disciples they met in the downtown area.

   "Unexpectedly, he would dare to trouble me!" A cruel smile appeared on Chen Xuan's face.

The reason why    didn't kill the three of them in the downtown area was because Chen Xuan wanted to give them a chance.

  Otherwise, Chen Xuan would have killed them a long time ago, and would not wait until now.

"He actually wants to challenge you, which means that it must have been instructed by the Sect Master of Black Cloud Gate. You must be careful. These Black Cloud Gate people are very insidious. Maybe they will use any tricks!" Lei Po Jun reminded.

   "Don't worry, with my current cultivation level, I can defeat him in just a few rounds, but it's just Liu Yongchang!"

  (End of this chapter)

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