Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3753: Ice fire

  Chapter 3753 Ice Fire

  Although Lei Pojun envied Chen Xuan's ability to cultivate dragon patterns, he has gained a deeper understanding of Chen Xuan after these days of getting along with him.

  What's more, Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun have to cooperate with each other in the Secret Realm of Illusory Sea.

Although Jianyuezong had many other inner disciples, Lei Pojun didn't believe these disciples.

  "Open the Magic Teng Fangdian and take a look, there must be many exercises recorded in it."

  Chen Xuan smiled slightly, and then gently pressed his palm to slowly open the Magic Vine Cube.

Suddenly, there was a terrifying aura in the Magic Vine Fangdian, even Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun stepped back several steps.

   "There is such a strong power, it seems that the secret of the magic vine's prescription is not as simple as we thought!" After opening the magic vine's prescription, Chen Xuan began to constantly check it.

"No way!"

  There is no record of the exercises in the Magic Vine Cube Code, but the ice fire released in the middle, which made them both show surprise expressions.

   "The power of the fire of ice is so powerful, I heard others say that if you can refine the fire of ice, you can directly improve your cultivation to a great realm, and you can even have the power of water and fire!"

The power of   Ice Fire is not only terrifying, it can also be used by monks to improve cultivation.

After Lei Pojun mentioned it, Chen Xuan's attention was immediately drawn.

  Chen Xuan gently placed his palm on the ice and fire, but at this moment, he felt a terrifying force spreading from his palm.

   "What a strong power, Lei Pojun, what you said is true? As long as the fire of ice is absorbed, can the cultivation base break through?"

  Chen Xuan desperately wanted to raise his cultivation to a level. For a period of time before, he had been practicing desperately in order to break through to the eighth level of the Shenluo realm. Only in this way could he get more magic weapons in the secret realm.

Lei Pojun slowly nodded and said: "Of course we can make the cultivation base breakthrough, but we must be careful. The power of the ice fire is not so easy to absorb. If the ice fire penetrates into the dantian accidentally, even No matter how strong your cultivation is, it is very likely that this flame will swallow your body!"

  Chen Xuan didn't take it to heart. Anyway, he had practiced the Vermillion Bird Heart Technique, and as long as he was not fatally wounded, he would not be swallowed up by his soul.

   "Try it then!" Chen Xuan smiled slightly, and then sat cross-legged on the ground.

  Chen Xuan's wrist began to slide gently in the air, and after bursts of light blue light were released, Magic Vine Fangdian was immediately locked in the barrier of space.

  The Magic Vine Fangdian constantly exudes the power of ice and fire.

Seeing the changes in the Magic Vine Cube Code, Chen Xuan’s face showed a smile: "Sure enough, it’s not much different from what I thought. As long as I can absorb the ice and fire spreading out of the Magic Vine Cube Code, he will be able to Let my cultivation level improve!"

  Lei Pojun also sat cross-legged, absorbing the power of the ice and fire with Chen Xuan.

About two quarters later, Lei Pojun felt a little uncomfortable in his body, so he stood up: "Brother Chen, my body can no longer absorb the ice and fire. I want to see if I can control water and fire. Spiritual power!"

  For a monk, if he masters the water and fire spiritual power, he can definitely increase his cultivation level, and may even comprehend the frost mood.

  Chen Xuan already has the fire of the Vermillion Bird, he naturally does not need to comprehend the mood of fire, but as long as he comprehend the mood of frost, nine can make a lot of breakthroughs in his cultivation.

  Chen Xuan was still absorbing the power of the ice and fire emanating from the Magic Vine Fangdian, and two more hours had passed.

  Chen Xuan slowly breathed a sigh of relief, and took the Magic Vine Cube Code back and said: "This Magic Vine Cube Code has a very scary magical energy, I feel something is wrong."

"Then let's return the Magic Vine Cube Code as soon as possible. Didn't the woman at the entrance of the cave say that if the Magic Vine Cube Code is taken away, there will be no way for the two of us to get out from here?" Lei Pojun asked tentatively Tao.

  Chen Xuan could see that he was now anxious to take the Magic Teng Fangdian out.

  When Chen Xuan displayed the dragon pattern perception, he immediately noticed a strange breath coming from nearby: "We should go back, otherwise we may not really be able to leave it."

   Anyway, having absorbed the power of the ice and fire, Chen Xuan faintly felt that his cultivation was about to break through.

  After placing the Magic Teng Fangdian on the central hall, Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun turned their heads and left.

  It didn’t take long for the two of them to appear outside Xiaoding City.

  But at this moment, Chen Xuan felt a sharp pain, which came out of his Dantian Qi.

it hurts!

  Chen Xuan felt extremely painful. He did not expect that the ice and fire could cause such huge damage to his body.

  Is there no way for my Suzaku's power to absorb the power of ice and fire?

   Although the fire of ice is a good thing, Chen Xuan just absorbed too much, not only did not allow his cultivation base to break through, it even brought huge damage to his body.

Lei Pojun also covered his dantian, his face was full of pain. He did not absorb as much ice fire as Chen Xuan, but Lei Pojun did not have a dragon-patterned body, and his defense power was lower than Chen Xuan. Much.

are you OK?

  Chen Xuan looked in the direction of Lei Pojun and found that he was already kneeling on the ground with one knee, completely unable to support his body.

  Lei Bianjun stammered and said: "Damn, we just absorbed too much power of the ice and fire. If we can't dissolve the ice and fire from the Dantian Qi Sea, it is very likely that we will die here!"

  Chen Xuan did not dare to relax his vigilance, he immediately displayed the Suzaku Fire, and finally ran the power of the divine consciousness, and dived into his Dantian Qi Sea.

  In the past two quarters of an hour, Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun felt that their injuries had healed a lot, so the two of them rushed towards the resting place.

  There are many warriors who cultivate dragon patterns to make breakthroughs by continuously hunting monsters and absorbing the spirits of these monsters.

  After Chen Xuan absorbed the spirit of the blood lotus mane puppet, he discovered that the power of the Vermillion Bird's Soul had increased.

  You must know that the Vermilion Heart Technique has not been broken for many years. Since Chen Xuan has practiced the Vermilion Heart Technique, he has been deliberately trying to raise the level of this mind technique.

"After absorbing the magic formula and the monster spirit, my understanding of the Vermillion Bird Heart Technique has improved a bit. I don't know if my cultivation level will break through, allowing me to understand the next level of the Heart Technique!" Chen Xuan said secretly. .

Just as he was about to digest this power, Lei Pojun suddenly turned his head and whispered to Chen Xuan: "I feel a lot of green-headed golden-eyed rats approaching us, so be careful, although the green-headed mouse is approaching us. The golden-eyed rats are not particularly strong in cultivation, but these blue-headed golden-eyed rats are highly poisonous and must not be bitten by them!"

   Suddenly, the earth trembled, and several green-headed and golden-eyed rats emerged from the ground, madly biting towards Chen Xuan.

Facing the attack of these blue-headed and golden-eyed mice, Chen Xuan's expression was very flat. Just lightly waving his long sword, a hurricane gathered from his body and killed the blue-headed and golden-eyed mice. past.

  After a few rounds, Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun killed all the green-headed and golden-eyed mice, and he continued to absorb the spirit of the green-headed and golden-eyed mice.

   Chen Xuan felt that bursts of light red aura gathered in his body, and bursts of light and shadow appeared in the Dantian Qi Sea. This is exactly the scene that will only appear when the cultivation base is about to break through.

Chen Xuan sat down cross-legged and began to dissolve the aura absorbed in the dantian. Time passed bit by bit. Chen Xuan felt that the aura in the sea of ​​qi had been backlogged to a certain level. He only needed to continue to absorb it, and it would definitely make Cultivation base breakthrough.

"Lei Pojun, let's go back first. I still need to continue to practice. I must make my cultivation reach the eighth level of the Shenluo realm tomorrow morning..." Chen Xuan turned his head and looked towards Lei Pojun's direction.

  Lei Pojun’s face was very surprised. He suddenly looked forward and said to Chen Xuan: “Brother Chen, have you seen the body of the green-headed golden-eyed mouse in front of you that is a bit wrong.”

  Chen Xuan looked over and found that the body of this green-headed golden-eyed mouse was full of frost, and bursts of extremely cold frost suddenly radiated out.

   "It's a bit weird indeed, let's go and take a look!"

After arriving next to the corpse of the green-headed golden-eyed mouse, Chen Xuan suddenly felt a surge of spiritual power radiating from the corpse.

"What a strong aura of cold ice, why is this green-headed golden-eyed mouse covered with a thousand-year-old ice? Could it be said that this green-headed golden-eyed mouse has eaten something?" Chen Xuan said slightly, and he walked over. He took the corpse of the blue-headed golden-eyed rat into his hand.

  From the corpse of the green-headed golden-eyed mouse, bursts of extreme cold power were exuded. Just grabbing the green-headed golden-eyed mouse, Chen Xuan felt a burst of frost aura from his hand.

  He hurriedly gathered the Suzaku Fire to resist the force of the ice.

  What a strong power!

Chen Xuan sighed: "Lei Pojun, the body of this green-headed golden-eyed mouse must be weird. Let's take this green-headed golden-eyed mouse back first. We still have important things to do. Don't waste time here. !"

   He just wanted to leave, but found that Lei Pojun's face was a bit strange.

  At this time, Lei Pojun was like being frozen into an ice sculpture. He couldn't move his whole body, only his eyes could turn.

  Chen Xuan, wait a minute!

  Chen Xuan looked at Lei Pojun in surprise: "What's wrong with you?"

  Lei Pojun’s face was full of panic, but after a while, he couldn't move.

  Chen Xuan also felt an extremely cold air released from the corpse of the blue-headed golden-eyed rat, which was constantly eroding his body.

   "Damn it, why does this blue-headed golden-eyed mouse emit such terrifying force of extreme cold?" Chen Xuan hurriedly gathered the Vermillion Bird Heart Technique to resist the infiltration of extreme cold force.

  Not long after, Chen Xuan's body was also covered with a layer of frost, and even on his eyebrows there was a layer of frost.

  Chen Xuan finally knew why Lei Pojun stopped moving. This force was indeed terrifying. No matter how he used the Suzaku Fire, he couldn't break free from the power of frost.

   "I don't believe it anymore!" Chen Xuan roared, and the fire of Vermillion Bird overflowed from the pubic field again, and the frost on the body began to be constantly impacted.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan even felt his soul trembling.

The power of   Frost was terrifying, and it was only now that Chen Xuan barely resisted this layer of frost.

  Finally after three quarters of an hour, Chen Xuan slowly opened his eyes. He had successfully dispelled the power of Frost, but Lei Pojun was not so lucky.

  At this time, Lei Pojun didn't have the slightest breath of life on his body, just like an ice sculpture, standing still on the spot.

  Chen Xuan immediately walked over, trying to run the Suzaku fire to help Lei Pojun dissolve the power of ice, but when his hand touched the frost, Chen Xuan suddenly felt a force that was so fierce as to suffocate.

"This icy air is so terrifying, you have to think of a way!" Chen Xuan immediately sat cross-legged on the ground, he didn't dare to act rashly. If the force of frost is broken by force, it is very likely that Lei Pojun will be affected. Died.

   Seeing Lei Pojun's breath weakening bit by bit, Chen Xuan's face was full of anxiety.

"How can this frost be so terrifying? My Vermillion Bird's fire can't be resolved, I don't believe it. With my cultivation base, there is still no way to get rid of the power of frost!" Chen Xuan's face was full of low, and he raised it again. After breaking his wrist, bursts of light red aura spread out and began to permeate Lei Pojun's body.

  (End of this chapter)

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