Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3756: The secret calculation of the blood soul gate

  Chapter 3756 The conspiracy of the blood soul gate

  Little Firebird chirped, but Chen Xuan's body still did not respond.

   At this moment, Little Firebird's face suddenly changed, and a more raging flame gathered on his body.


  The power of the flame directly covered Chen Xuan's body. After feeling this fierce aura, Chen Xuan's left hand moved slightly.

  The little flamingo chirped, obviously very pleased.

   At this moment, the little Firebird opened his mouth and spit out a crystal-clear spar from his belly.

  This spar was about the size of a fingernail, and then the little Firebird held the spar in his mouth and slowly put it into Chen Xuan's body.

  Chen Xuan still did not wake up, but he felt a wave of heat spreading among his limbs.

  Unconsciously, more than an hour passed, the sky was almost bright, but Chen Xuan still did not wake up.

  Little Firebird has been waiting by Chen Xuan's side during this period of time, and did not go anywhere else.

  Although Chen Xuan moved his fingers, he did not wake up. This still made Little Firebird very worried.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly emitted a burst of fire, and this flame began to swallow the power of frost around him, and then the two forces violently collided in the air.

   Another heat wave came into Chen Xuan's mind, and he gradually felt that his consciousness had become clearer.

  A wave of fierce Suzaku's power slowly gathered outside from his dantian.

  Because of practicing the Suzaku Heart Technique, Chen Xuan can display the power of Suzaku Fire even if he does not deliberately absorb the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth.

  Suzaku's fire suddenly spread all over the surface of Chen Xuan's body, becoming stronger and stronger with the power of the flame.

  The aura on Chen Xuan's body began to increase gradually.

  About three quarters of an hour later, the flame of the Vermillion Bird that had been surrounding Chen Xuan's body began to continuously absorb the power of the surrounding ice.

  After the flame of the Vermillion Bird had absorbed all the surrounding ice, Chen Xuan slowly opened his eyes, but he did not fully wake up.

His whole body was condensed with bursts of strong Vermillion Bird Fire. Originally, Chen Xuan’s Dantian Qi Sea had been sealed by the Ice Fire, but as the power of the Vermillion Bird Fire awakened, the power of the Ice Fire was being lost A little bit of eviction.

  The Vermillion Bird Mind Method has been cultivated to the top level, which is almost equivalent to the immortal body.

   can even achieve Nirvana rebirth.

  Unconsciously, Chen Xuan has awakened the second level of the Vermillion Bird Heart Technique.

  Chen Xuan knew that as long as the Vermilion Heart Technique reached the second level, he could gain the power to resurrect the dead.

  But in his previous period of time, the Vermillion Bird Heart Technique has never reached the second level.

  Although this made Chen Xuan puzzled, fortunately, the Vermillion Bird Heart Technique finally came into play.

  In the blink of an eye, a majestic aura suddenly burst out of Chen Xuan's body, and instantly began to burn towards the surrounding frost fire.

  Chen Xuan's mind was also filled with waves of Vermillion Bird's power, and immediately after, his Dantian directly sealed the ice fire.

  Fifteen minutes later, Chen Xuan slowly opened his eyes, and his breath of life became vigorous again.

  Chen Xuan had clearly noticed a burst of majestic power coming from his body, and a burst of dark blue frost suddenly gathered in his pupils.

   "Unexpectedly, accidentally hit and bump, let me realize the power of ice fire..."

  The fire of Vermillion Bird and the fire of ice merge with each other, making his power stronger.

  Under the blessing of these two powers, the flames that burned out of Chen Xuan's body even had a faint blue color.

  At the moment he opened his eyes, all the surrounding ice and snow was burned into drops of water.

  After a long time, Chen Xuan finally got up from the ground, but his body almost fell to the ground in a flash.

it hurts!

   Chen Xuan felt severe pain in his head, and he patted his head violently, which relieved the pain a lot.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan slowly raised his palm.

  On his palm, a burst of blue and red light kept spinning.

   "It seems that I have mastered the aura of ice and fire, and I can control it at will!" Chen Xuan's eyes curled.

  He just woke up, he felt the terrifying force released from these two forces.

   "I didn't expect my luck to be so good. The Vermilion Heart Technique is indeed a top-level technique. It not only reborn me from Nirvana, but also allows me to master the aura of ice and fire. Now, my cultivation level must have been further improved..."

  After Chen Xuan absorbed the ice and fire in his body, he not only broke through a level in his cultivation, but also mastered stronger spiritual power.

  After being attacked by Liu Changtian and Lin Nanyun, Chen Xuan's condition was close to death, but because the power of Vermillion Bird helped him open up his spiritual veins, Chen Xuan finally saved his life.

   "The luck is not bad, but those two dare to plot against me..."

  At this time, Chen Xuan had already thought of Lin Nanyun and Liu Changtian who had come to assassinate him.

  This is the closest time to Chen Xuan's death. When he was fighting the ice and fire, he didn't have the slightest sense of resistance at all, but Chen Xuan knew that someone had come to attack him in the first place.

   Suddenly, a spar slowly floated out of Chen Xuan's body. After seeing the spar, Chen Xuan turned his head and looked at the little Firebird.

   "Thank you, I will definitely get you more monster meat next time, so you can have a full meal..."

  Chen Xi finally discovered the use of Little Firebird.

  If it weren't for the mysterious spar that Little Firebird helped him get, he might really be killed.

  After seeing Chen Xuan's recovery, Little Firebird whispered at him, seemingly wanting to ask for his spar.

  Chen Xuan smiled slightly, then threw the spar into the sky.

  The spar began to hover around his body continuously.

  The little firebird flew to Chen Xuan's shoulder, opened his mouth, and instantly swallowed the spar into his stomach.

  Chen Xuan knew that this was the inner alchemy of Little Firebird.

  Little Firebird was willing to use his inner alchemy to help him recover from his injury, which moved Chen Xuan very much.

   For a long time, Little Firebird has been responsible for eating and drinking Lazard every day.

  In addition, this little flamingo has a very large appetite, and can eat a large amount of monster meat at one time. If Chen Xuan had not become the lord of Sky Dragon City, he would really not be able to support the little flamingo.

   "It's really unexpected to me, the power of the ice fire is so terrifying, I don't know how Lei Pojun is now..."

  Chen Xuan did not continue to think about it. After all, Lei Pojun did not absorb too much power from the ice and fire, and he would definitely not die because of it.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan wanted to see how strong the ice and fire spiritual power was.

  His heart moved, and there was a layer of red and blue light around him. Under his control, the frost and flames began to condense.

After putting away the ice and fire spiritual power, Chen Xuan smiled satisfied: "Very good, now my cultivation has broken through a level, and I can already control the power of frost. If suddenly the aura of frost is released, It can definitely cause unexpected attacks to the enemy!"

  The air of frost can instantly freeze within a hundred miles. Unless the enemy is fast, there is definitely no way to escape the spread of frost.

  Sunlight gradually shone on Chen Xuan's cheeks, and he realized that it was already the next morning, and the Secret Realm of Illusory Sea was about to open.

  Chen Xuan is not ready to wait any longer,

  He heard the words of two blood soul killers when he was in a coma, so Chen Xuan knew who his enemy was.

   "Liu Changtian, you wait for me, I will definitely kill you!" Chen Xuan thought secretly, his pupils were full of killing intent.

  In the past few days, the Blood Soul Sect has been sending killers to make trouble for him. If it weren't for Chen Xuan's fate, they might have killed him.

  Thinking of this, Chen Xuan felt very angry. This was his closest death.

"Fortunately, the Vermillion Bird Mind Technique has been cultivated to the second level. From now on, even if they want to kill me, it will not be so easy!" After reaching the second level Vermillion Bird Mind Technique, as long as it does not destroy his physical body, they will not be brought to Chen Xuan. Come fatally wounded.

  The Vermillion Bird Heart Technique can rebirth from Nirvana. After entering this level, ordinary swords can't hurt him at all. Unless it is destroying Chen Xuan's soul, he can be killed.

  Although Chen Xuan had been in a coma just now, he had displayed dragon pattern perception from beginning to end, so Chen Xuan heard the conversation between two blood soul killers.

"They still want to go to the Secret Realm of Illusory Sea to find the treasure of inheritance, ha ha, I am afraid that I will not find you, no matter what, I will kill both of you!" Chen Xuan clenched his fists tightly .

  The sky gradually brightened, and the morning sun was very dazzling. In the dilapidated Xiaoding City, the warriors of various sects woke up one after another.

  They knew that today was the day when the Secret Realm of Fantasy Sea was opened, and the eyes of all warriors revealed excitement.

   "Great, today I can finally go to the Secret Realm of Fantasy Sea, it is definitely our Li family who can get the treasure of inheritance!"

   "Hehe, as long as we can go in, we can definitely get the treasure of inheritance!"

  The disciples of the major sects are very confident, and they believe that they can get inherited treasures.

  But the treasure of inheritance is definitely not so easy to obtain. Only people with strong cultivation base and stable temperament can get the treasure of inheritance.

  After dawn, Chen Xuan realized that all the people of Jianyue Sect had already left.

   "Strange, where did they go?" Chen Xuan's expression was very surprised.

  During the time he was in a coma, Zhuge Yun believed that Chen Xuan did not have the power to support the ice and fire, so he could only give up temporarily.

   "Forget it, don't think about it so much. Go inside and have a look. Maybe you can get the treasure of inheritance..." Chen Xuan whispered.

  He didn't waste time here, but was ready to rush towards the place where the sea of ​​illusion opened.

  Xiaoding city, outside the city gate, Zhuge Yun's face was very melancholy.

  Because Zhugeyun helped him heal his injuries, Lei Pojun was about to recover.

  Although Lei Pojun had already completely burned his dantian by the power of the ice and fire, the ice and fire he absorbed did not actually have as many as Chen Xuan.

  So there was no serious injury, just a slight injury. With the help of Zhuge Yun, Lei Bianjun took only one night to fully recover from his injuries.

  At this moment, the team of Jianyuezong is marching on the great plain.

   "Zhuge Sect Master, Chen Xuan is still alive and dead now, shall we go back and have a look?" Lei Pojun said, he was indeed very worried about Chen Xuan's safety.

  Sect Master Zhuge can only sigh helplessly: "I have left a spiritual circle near him, I hope to protect his safety!"

  He knew very well that Chen Xuan had absorbed the power of the ice and fire, and he must have not fully recovered.

   "Our top priority is to find the treasure of inheritance in the Secret Realm of Fantasy Sea. You go in first, and I will naturally come back to take care of Chen Xuan later!"

   Zhuge Yun said.

  Just as his voice fell, the whole earth suddenly began to tremble continuously, and then from the direction of the Secret Realm of Illusory Sea, there were bursts of roaring sounds, and a burst of wild storms suddenly resounded throughout the sky.

  (End of this chapter)

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