Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3777: Fire Ant

  Chapter 3777 Ice Fire Ant

  Ice and fire ants are very dangerous. If it weren't for Chen Xuan's preparation, he would definitely not be able to catch so many ice and fire ants.

After seeing the murderous aura revealed on Chen Xuan's face, Wang Yunbo said to several disciples beside him: "That kid is catching the ice fire ants there. I'm afraid he wants to use the ice fire ants to develop a pill."

  These disciples are not alchemists, they don’t know what Wang Yunbo’s words mean.

  "Brother Wang, you said that the kid used the ice and fire ants to refine the pill. Are you kidding? The ice and fire ants are very famous poisons, and ordinary people can't avoid it. How dare he use the ice and fire ants to make the pill?"

   "That's right, the ice and fire ants are so terrifying, he even dared to touch them with his hands!" The disciple said with disgust.

  Wang Yunbo felt that he had no common language with them, so he walked over with a cold face.

  A bunch of waste!

  Among these disciples, only Wang Yunbo is the alchemist.

  Before entering the magic sea secret realm, his master once asked him to pay attention to the ice and fire ants in the magic sea secret realm.

  If you can get the mixed element stinger of the ice fire ant, you can refine the pill that enhances the power of the soul.

  Wang Yunbo has been searching in the Secret Realm of Illusory Sea these days, but he has never found the ice fire ant. Until today, he saw the ice fire ant in the sky blue bone.

  There are not many ice and fire ants living in the azure bones, and the number is only more than 500 at most.

  Ice Fire Ants are very small, about the size of a little fingernail.

  Moreover, the mixed element stinger of the ice fire ant is even smaller, making it difficult to see even with the naked eye.

  Wang Yunbo was not going to let Chen Xuan catch more ice and fire ants, otherwise he would not be able to catch more.

  Although the ice fire ants are very dangerous, they do not have the cultivation base themselves. It is only because of the existence of the Hunyuan Stinger, so many people will not provoke the ice fire ants.

  Maybe only in the eyes of some alchemists, ice fire ants are very valuable. In the eyes of ordinary monks, they feel that there is no difference between ice fire ants and monsters.

  In fact, some people from the Blood Demon Sect also raise Ice Fire Ants, and they use the ice and fire poison of the Ice Fire Ants to improve their cultivation.

  Many magic sects practice very weird techniques. Ordinary people find it difficult to swallow food, they will eat with relish.

  Some demon martial artists can even use the ice and fire ants to improve their cultivation. According to legend, there is a five-poison sect, and their cultivation methods are basically related to various poisons.

  Chen Xuan has already obtained more than one hundred ice and fire ants, so he is not going to keep catching them.

   Just when Chen Xuan was about to turn his head and leave, a man's body suddenly stood in front of him.

  Wang Bo’s expression was very upset. He felt that he had warned Chen Xuan, but he did not expect that Chen Xuan was still holding the ice fire ant.

   "I have told you how many times, these ice and fire ants are all mine, if you are catching ice and fire ants, then don't blame me for being rude!" Wang Yunbo said coldly.

   "Do I have anything to do with you when I catch ice fire ants? These ice fire ants are not yours. Why do you care about me?" Chen Xuan asked with a cold face.

  Wang Yunbo didn't think so much. He felt that his cultivation level was high, and Chen Xuan should give him the Ice Fire Ant.

"Boy, I have given you a chance, but you don't know how to be sure. I will give you a quarter of an hour to think about it. If you don't take out those ice and fire ants, I will kill you now!" Wang Yunbo said with a cold voice. Said.

   Seeing the opponent's provocative eyes, Chen Xuan's face was very upset.

  He finally got the Ice Fire Ant, why should he let him go?

   "Since you want to catch ice fire ants so much, why not go by yourself?" Chen Xuan asked.

  Wang Yunbo wanted to catch, but he was very afraid of the icy fire poison.

  In his heart, he was very curious why Chen Xuan could ignore the Hunyuan stinger of the ice fire ant, and he had already caught more than one hundred ice fire ants.


  Since he couldn't catch so many ice and fire ants, Wang Yunbo might as well just grab it from Chen Xuan.

  Anyway, the cultivation base is strong, he can arbitrarily blackmail disciples who have a low cultivation base.

  Wang Yunbo believes that Chen Xuan must not dare to resist, after all, in his eyes, Chen Xuan's cultivation is only in the mid-eighth stage of the Shenluo realm.

  In the first two days, Chen Xuan's cultivation has broken through to the mid-eighth stage of the Shenluo realm.

In Wang Yunbo's eyes, Chen Xuan's cultivation is still not enough.

   "I heard that your name is Chen Xuan, right? A disciple of Jianyuezong?" He asked suddenly.

  Chen Xuan slowly shook his head, and then said, "What the **** is going on with you? Also, can you give me the Ice and Fire Ant?"

After feeling the murderous look on Chen Xuan's face, Wang Yunbo felt ridiculous in his heart.

  An eight-fold trash in the Shenluo realm, dare to look down on him so much.

"Are you looking down on me? Boy, do you know that I only need two rounds at most to kill him? I advise you to take out all the ice and fire ants as soon as possible, or I will kill you now!" Wang Yunbo Said coldly.

  He didn't believe Chen Xuan dared to violate his words.

  A young disciple of the eighth layer of the Shenluo realm, can it be turned upside down?

  The bottle that was snatched by Wang Yunbo just now contained more than fifty ice and fire ants.

  Chen Xuan was very angry. If it hadn't been for Wang Yunbo's cultivation to reach the Nine Major Consummation of the Shenluo Realm, he would have killed Wang Yunbo long ago.

   "Didn't you already have the Ice Fire Ant? These should be enough." Chen Xuan said slightly.

  He did not show the anger in his heart, because Chen Xuan knew that it was not the time for revenge.

  He knew how many catties he was, and he knew that his cultivation level could not deal with Wang Yunbo.

   Forbearance is calm for a while.

  Chen Xuan has been cultivating for so many years, he naturally knows this simple truth.

Since    was not Wang Yunbo’s opponent, Chen Xuan chose to be patient for the time being.

  As long as there is a chance, he will definitely choose to kill Wang Yunbo.

Seeing the look on Chen Xuan’s face, Wang Yunbo nodded very satisfied and said: “Very good, but next time you pay attention to me, don’t pretend to be deaf when you talk to you, or I will Cut your ears off!"

  After finishing speaking, he still looked at Chen Xuan viciously, as if to warn Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan didn't take it to heart. Anyway, he lost more than fifty ice and fire ants, and he can still catch them.

Everyone around    laughed, and then began to talk.

  "Have you seen him? Under the pressure of our brother Wang, he doesn't even have the courage to resist!"

   "That kid's cultivation is only the eighth layer of the Shenluo realm, which is not a bit different from our brother Wang!"

   "Our brother Wang can kill him in only two rounds at most, hahaha!"

   "But why did Brother Wang take away his ice and fire ants? These ice and fire ants are very dangerous. A single Hunyuan stinger can kill a monk..."

   "Don't you know that Senior Brother Wang is an alchemist? He must be alchemy with ice and fire ants..." these warriors said.

  Chen Xuan naturally heard their discussion.

  When Chen Xuan went to catch the ice fire ant, the group of warriors thought he was crazy, but Wang Yunbo snatched the ice fire ant from Chen Xuan's hand, and they thought that Wang Yunbo used it to refine alchemy.

  In a world where martial arts are respected, only cultivation is the standard to prove everything.

  If Chen Xuan's cultivation reached the realm of spirit and soul, they would definitely not use such a loud voice to discuss it now.

  A disciple deliberately yelled out in a very loud voice, “Look at that kid’s face, hahahaha, all the hard-caught ice fire ants have been taken away by our brother Wang, I really feel sorry for him!”

  "Why didn’t Brother Wang take away all his ice and fire ants? I'm afraid that kid will commit suicide in despair!"

   "Hey, I think it's better not to do it, it can be considered as a hope for him!"

  Chen Xuan smiled faintly, he continued to search for the whereabouts of the ice fire ants in the sky blue bone.

  Chen Xuan has already obtained more than twenty celestial bones, and these celestial bones are enough to use.

  Even if it was all ground into powder, it could last more than ten years for Chen Xuan to use it for alchemy.

  So Chen Xuan is not going to continue holding the Sky Blue Bone. What he needs most is to catch the Ice Fire Ant.

  Ice fire ants are very rare monsters after all, and ice fire ants are only found in certain places.

  According to Chen Xuan's knowledge, only on a certain mountain in the Autumn Frost Empire would there be ice fire ants, and there would be no ice fire ants in other places.

  In the next few hours, Chen Xuan caught many ice and fire ants one after another.

  He shook the bottle in front of him with satisfaction, and said with a smile: “Very well, I caught more than two hundred ice and fire ants at once, it’s enough for me to use.”

  Just put the ice fire ant bottle into the space ring, he found the little fire bird running out of his ring.

  Little Firebird chirped, his face seemed to show expectation.

   Chen Xuangang wanted to press the little Firebird back, and he felt a fierce breath coming from a distance.

  Wang Yunbo obviously noticed the little firebird that fell on Chen Xuan's shoulder, his face was full of greed.

   "This kid won't be passed on, right? That little firebird looks very strange, it should be a monster with the blood of ancient monsters..."

  Chen Xuan frowned slightly. If Wang Yunbo snatched his ice and fire ants, Chen Xuan could still bear it.

  But he actually hit the little Firebird's idea, Chen Xuan didn't need to bear it anymore.

   "What's wrong?" Chen Xuan said suddenly.

   "Hehe, nothing happened, I'm just a little curious, the little firebird on your shoulder looks a little weird!"

  Since the little Firebird has absorbed a large amount of high-grade spirit stones, its appearance has undergone an earth-shaking change.

  The little flamingo no longer looked like a little native chicken, but had two horns growing on its forehead, and at the same time its tail was burning with flames.

  There was even a burst of blue frost in the flame.

  Wang Yunbo decided in his heart that Little Firebird must be a very rare monster.

   "This kid has such a rare demon pet, I must find a way to get it!"

  Some monks will raise their own cultivation base by raising monster pets. After all, monster pets can play a huge role in battle.

  However, the cultivation base of the monster pets that most monks keep is very low. They must ensure that the cultivation base of the monster pets cannot be higher than their own.

  Otherwise, there is no way to suppress demon pets.

  After Wang Yunbo saw Little Firebird, his face was taken over by greed.

  Wang Yunbo wanted to get the little Firebird, but there were still many people around him watching, and he couldn't blatantly **** the little Firebird away.

  And once the demon pet has contact with humans, it will not easily betray.

  It might not be so easy for him to get the little Firebird.

  But Wang Yunbo was still not ready to let go of this opportunity. He felt that Little Firebird was very unusual.

  Little Firebird’s cultivation base has reached the Seven Major Consummations of the Shenluo Realm, and Little Firebird hasn’t fully grown up yet.

  Chen Xuan didn’t know what the little Firebird would look like when he became an adult, but his cultivation level was absolutely terrifying.

  When Chen Xuan discovered the Little Firebird, he thought it was just an ordinary monster beast, but it was not until a month ago that he discovered that the Little Firebird did indeed possess the blood of the monster.

  Little Firebird is a veritable Eudemons. Every Eudemon can awaken special abilities. Chen Xuan didn't know what special abilities the little Firebird in front of him had.

  He knew that Little Firebird's cultivation base was strong enough.

  Also, Chen Xuan was saved by Little Firebird. He would definitely not let Little Firebird go.

   Seeing Wang Yunbo approaching him, the little Firebird whispered a few times towards Chen Xuan.

  (End of this chapter)

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