Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3797: Song Wenxue and Blood Dragon Baoyu

  Chapter 3797 Song Clerk and Blood Dragon Baoyu

  Song Wenshu hadn't touched the Blood Dragon Baoyu, yet another wave of fierce spiritual power directly hit his body.

  He continued to get up from the ground, and then cursed at the blood dragon Baoyu: "Damn it, I don't believe I can't catch you!"

  In order for the Black Cloud Gate to defeat the Sword Moon Sect, Song Wenxue is now desperate for his life.

   "No, I have to get the Blood Dragon Baoyu." Song Wenxue's face was full of hideousness.

  Song Wenwen knew that this place was very dangerous, and Zhang Lingfang and Li Yuru were approaching quickly in their direction.

  Many disciples from the Black Cloud Gate gathered together one after another. They looked far away, and one of the disciples from the Black Cloud Gate whispered.

   "Brother Song, I feel that the people of the Blood Demon Sect are coming soon, can we still get the Blood Dragon Jewel?"

  The power of the treasure of inheritance is obvious to all. If they can get the blood dragon gem, they will surely make the cultivation base break through quickly, but they have been searching here for several days and still haven't caught the blood dragon gem.

   "Let's take a look again!" Song Wenshu roared, and then he got up and caught the blood dragon Baoyu again.

  Blood Dragon Baoyu suddenly burst out with dark red spiritual power, which directly knocked Song Wenshu's body into the air.

There is also Wang Yunbo who is as nervous as Song Wenxue. He really wants to get the blood dragon treasure. Although Wang Yunbo's cultivation in the inner door is already very strong, he feels that he is being despised by Chen Xuan, which makes him It feels unreasonable.

  An outer disciple dared to look down on him so much. Wang Yunbo thought that he was also an outstanding disciple of the inner sect, but Chen Xuan's cultivation level made him feel dangerous.

This is only a few days after entering the secret realm. Chen Xuan's cultivation base has already been promoted by two small levels. If left alone, Chen Xuan's cultivation base is destined to be promoted to the next level. He certainly cannot be Chen Xuan's opponent. .

  The relationship between Wang Yunbo and Song Wenxue is also bad, and there is an indelible contradiction between the two martial arts.

   "Don't let Wang Yunbo get the Blood Dragon Treasure, try to kill him!" Song Wenshu shouted to the surrounding Heiyunmen disciples.

  The number of disciples of Sword Moon Sect is still in the minority after all, so the expressions of these disciples of Sword Moon Sect are very horrified. They know their chances of winning are difficult.

  "Hurry up and get the Blood Dragon Treasure!" Wang Yunbo said loudly to these Sword Moon Sect disciples.

  Suddenly, a Jianyuezong disciple was hit by a sword gas, and then his body was directly knocked out.

   "Damn it, this Song Clerk is really nasty, kill Song Clerk first, don't care about the others!" Wang Yunbo shouted.

  All of a sudden, everyone began to **** the Blood Dragon Treasure Jade from the Moon Destruction Ruins.

  Chen Xuan had been watching with cold eyes from the side. At this moment, he suddenly discovered that there were bursts of light red aura in the sky.

   "No, let's not stay here any longer, the neighborhood is very dangerous!" Chen Xuan said to Cao Yunshen beside him.

  Cao Yunshen nodded frantically. If it weren't for Chen Xuan's side by side, I'm afraid he would have already flinched.

   "Brother Chen, shall we run away now?" Cao Yunshen asked.

   Just when his voice fell, there was a burst of weird aura in the air suddenly.

  Cao Yunshen's body suddenly turned into a cloud of blood, and then disappeared without a trace.

  Cao Yunshen?

   Chen Xuan’s face was full of shock. He knew that Zhang Lingfang had killed him, but he also knew that he was not Zhang Lingfang’s opponent, and now he could only escape the secret realm as soon as possible.

   Find a way to retreat!

  Chen Xuan no longer thinks about how to get the Blood Dragon Jewel, he knows it is very dangerous here.

  If you are not careful, you may be killed by Zhang Lingfang.

  A dark figure appeared in the sky, and a man in a black robe was full of murderous expression: "Good boy, I didn't expect to be in such a place, I haven't found you before!"

   Next to Zhang Lingfang, there was a very handsome woman.

  Chen Xuan knew that this was Li Yuru.

  Retreat quickly!

  Just Zhang Lingfang alone made Chen Xuan feel very tricky. If you add another Li Yuru, he has no chance of winning at all, so Chen Xuan quickly fled to the distance.

  Three days later, Chen Xuan left the ruins of the Moon Destruction.

  Time flickered, and more than a month passed in a blink of an eye. The Illusory Sea Secret Realm was finally about to be closed. Chen Xuan received a very rich return, and there was no need for him to continue to stay in the Secret Realm.

  As far as Chen Xuan knew, whether it was Song Wenxue or Wang Yunbo, all had been killed by Zhang Lingfang. If it weren't for Chen Xuan's fast running, he would definitely have been killed in it.

  The news that the Blood Demon Sect appeared in the secret realm finally spread. Later, many masters were chasing and killing Zhang Lingfang and Li Yuru.

  But Zhang Lingfang was very cunning. He had already anticipated that the people of various sects were chasing and killing him, so he had already escaped early.

  No one knows exactly where Zhang Lingfang went, but after this incident, it also reminded the people of various sects.

The people of the Blood Demon Sect have already obtained the Blood Dragon Baoyu. The most important thing is that Zhang Lingfang's status is not low. He is a protector of the Blood Demon Sect, and his cultivation has reached the realm of the soul.

After returning to Jianyuezong, Chen Xuan has been cultivating in the last few days, but he always felt that his cultivation level could not be improved.

  One morning, Lei Pojun suddenly found Chen Xuan. He mentioned that a magic weapon appeared in the Jianyue Mountain Range.

  Chen Xuan didn't take this matter to heart. In the next few days, he went to the Sword Moon Tower to practice and knew nothing about other things.

   "I don't know where Zhang Lingfang and Li Yuru fled, I have to catch them both..." Thinking of this, Chen Xuan immediately accelerated the pace of cultivation.

  Two people from the Blood Demon Sect escaped from the Illusory Sea Secret Realm. This is very bad for Chen Xuan. If Zhang Lingfang suddenly kills Sword Yuezong one day, he is likely to act on Chen Xuan.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan began to gather the spiritual energy around the world, and he was preparing to break through a small realm in his cultivation this evening.

   Waves of turbulent auras continued to gather beside Chen Xuan.

After feeling this fierce power, Chen Xuan's mouth curled up gently: "Very well, just continue to work hard to make the cultivation base break through a small realm, but now I still have to look for Lingxiao Baoyu. ."

  According to legend, when the first Genting Sword Sect leader founded the Genting Sword Sect, he once left a piece of Lingxiao Jade.

  It is said that Lingxiao Baoyu has many connections with Jianyue Tower.

  It’s just that no one knows where Lingxiao Baoyu fell.

  Chen Xuan’s pupils looked forward.

  After about two quarters of an hour passed, he suddenly opened his eyes.

  Chen Xuan released an extremely terrifying aura all over his body.

   "Finally, my cultivation level finally broke through. It seems that I must go to the Jianyue Mountain Range!"

  I am afraid that Lingxiao Baoyu has fallen into the Jianyue Mountain Range. Thinking of this, Chen Xuan quickly rushed towards the Jianyue Mountain Range.

  Two days passed in a blink of an eye. When Chen Xuan was looking for Lingxiao Baoyu in the Jianyue Mountains, he suddenly stared behind him.

   "It's weird, why did I just feel that someone behind me is following me?" Chen Xuan immediately took out the Liaoyuan sword, and then stared nervously at the direction behind him.

  He waited in place for a long time, but he didn’t find out who it was.

   Chen Xuan was very puzzled now, his dragon pattern perception had reached a certain level, and what Chen Xuan had just felt was definitely not an illusion.

"Is it a killer from the Blood Soul Clan?" Thinking of this, Chen Xuan's pupils suddenly showed murderous aura. He thought that the Blood Soul Clan had already given up on assassinating him, but who would have thought of these Blood Soul Clan members. Actually dared to come over and attack him.

  Chen Xuan knew that the blood soul gate technique was very mysterious and weird. If they were to be attacked by them, he might not be able to get out.

   "These blood soul gate people are really hateful, if I catch them, I must kill them all!" Thinking of this, Chen Xuan's face showed a hideous killing intent, and he was ready.

  In the Yunxiao Mansion of Nuo Da, the power of the Blood Soul Gate is very strong.

  If the blood soul gate wants to assassinate someone, no one can escape from their hands.

  At this moment, a dark figure in the distance is slowly watching Chen Xuan's back, with a long knife in his hand.

   "This kid seems to be very vigilant. Could it be that he has discovered me just now?" Lin Nanyun was full of doubts, and now he dare not act rashly.

  The power that Chen Xuan exploded just now made him even feel frightened.

  It's okay if you can kill Chen Xuan directly, but if he doesn't succeed, then he will be killed.

  As a top killer, he must ensure that he can retreat with his whole body, and he will never lose his life because of the assassination.

  He felt that Chen Xuan was very alert, if he did not succeed, he would have to pay the price of blood.

  While walking in the Jianyue Mountain Range, Chen Xuan had already released the dragon mark perception. With his perception ability greatly increased, few people could count him.

   But there is only one exception, and that is the sneak attack by the Moyun Fire Leopard.

  Magic Cloud Fire Leopard is a very powerful monster in the Sword Moon Mountain Range. It is very powerful. The most important thing is that the Demon Cloud Fire Leopard is very fast.

  Under normal circumstances, the magic cloud fire leopard is hidden in the tree, and can launch surprise attacks on its enemies at any time.

  Although Chen Xuan can display dragon pattern perception, once the magic cloud fire leopard rushes over, even if he is ready, he is likely to be attacked.

   Halfway through, he suddenly felt a strange breath coming from behind.

  Chen Xuan hurriedly raised his head.

  An orange figure flickered in the sky, and Chen Xuan immediately raised the Liaoyuan sword, and slashed a sword aura at the Moyun Huobao.


  The body of the Moyun Fire Leopard was repelled by several tens of meters, and Chen Xuan chased after victory, and a sword aura instantly hit the Mo Yun Fire Leopard.

The defensive power of   Magic Cloud Fire Leopard is also very terrifying.

  After all, the Demon Cloud Fire Leopard is the eight complete monster in the Shenluo realm.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan’s face was full of ferociousness: "I was still looking for you, but you just delivered it!"

  Chen Xuan's body released red spiritual power, and this aura was constantly strengthening, until Chen Xuan was covered with a circle of fiery red light before it stopped.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan exuded a ferocious aura. Even the body of Moyun Huobao was constantly trembling, and he obviously felt the power released by Chen Xuan was very terrifying.

   Suddenly there was a sword aura that directly hit Moyun Huobao's body.

  (End of this chapter)

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