Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3824: Deeds of Long Tianyun

  Chapter 3824 Long Tianyun's deeds

  Thousands of years have passed, but these corpses are still lifelike, and the scars on the corpses are vivid, and the blood is flowing on the ground. Although they have been air-dried long ago, they seem to have died soon.

   "These corpses are all strong men of those sects at the time. It seems that this battle must be thrilling. I don't know whether the blood demon sect won or the people of these sects won." Chen Xuan muttered.

Lei Pojun smiled slightly: "Does this still need to be said? It must have been won by the people of various sects, but I think this should be a tragic victory. People from the Blood Demon Sect can make themselves immortal through exercises. The strong of the school won, but they sacrificed their lives."

   "Not many blood demon guardians died. As far as I know, after the war, the number of blood demon guardians still alive is still a lot, about 25 people, Lin Tingqiong is one of them."

  Lei Pojun has always been concerned about the Blood Demon Sect.

  He knew everything about the blood demon sect, at least better than Chen Xuan, and Lei Pojun had also heard of the name Lin Tingqiong, he was a very strange character in the blood demon sect.

  Although Lin Tingqiong has also practiced the Gorefiend Technique, his appearance is not the same as that of other Gorefiends. He has become neither human nor ghost, but a little human.

   "If Lin Tingqiong is really here, it means that there must be other Gorefiend warriors living in this area, I suspect..." Lei Pojun whispered.

   "What do you suspect? Is it possible that there are other blood demon guardians here, this should be impossible." Chen Xuan said.

"I don't doubt this. I just think that since there are people from the Blood Demon Sect here, it means that there must be unknown risks nearby. The strong sect who participated in this battle at the beginning may have already died. "

   "By the way, did you know that our Jianyue Sect once had an elder?" Lei Pojun said.

  Chen Xuan’s pupils flashed with a hint of light, he did not expect Lei Pojun to mention this person.

   "You mean Long Tianyun?"

"Yes, it is him. In the history of our Jianyue Sect, it was said that Long Tianyun came to the Jianyue Mountain Range, but no one knows where he went. I suspect there must be a mark left by him here. ."

   Chen Xuan thought, he not only left a mark here, Long Tianyun even hid here, and left a kamikaze picture here.

Chen Xuan didn't mention the divine wind picture scroll to Lei Pojun. He just said: "I know that the house we entered before has the mark left by Long Tianyun. Why do you suddenly mention him? "

  "How do you know where Long Tianyun is hiding?" Lei Pojun's face was full of doubts. He didn't expect Chen Xuan to see the mark left by Long Tianyun.

   "I'm just guessing, because I saw a token from the elder Jianyuezong there, why did you suddenly mention Long Tianyun? Does it have anything to do with this?"

Lei Pojun didn't think too much, he said directly: "The reason why Long Tianyun was mentioned is because I saw his information in the library at the time. It is said that Long Tianyun had united with several other powerful men. There was a battle with the people of the Blood Demon Sect."

  "Didn't it mean that Long Tianyun didn't take part in that battle?" Chen Xuan asked suspiciously.

  In fact, he can now guess why Long Tianyun did not participate in the war against the Blood Demon Sect.

  Long Tianyun came out of Shenlie Mountain after all.

Shenlieshan is a great power, if Long Tianyun really participated in this war, it is very likely to be discovered by the people of Shenlieshan, so Long Tianyun avoided participating in this war because he was worried that he would be caught. Find.

   "I'm just guessing. These people may have been used by Long Tianyun. Let's go ahead and take a look. Maybe Ling Xiao Baoyu is really here."

  An hour later, Chen Xuan's gaze was focused on a corpse, and a gleam of light radiated from his pupils.

   "Lei Pojun, look at this corpse. Is this Lingxiao Baoyu next to him?" Chen Xuan pointed to a token made of jade on the ground.

After Lei Pojun came over, he first looked at the tokens on the ground, and then showed a happy expression: "It's probably Lingxiao Baoyu. I didn't expect that we would find it so soon. It seems that those Yunding swords The people who sent it are going to be disappointed. They will probably not find anything when they come over!"

Chen Xuan squatted down, then picked up Lingxiao Baoyu. After carefully observing Lingxiao Baoyu, he came to a conclusion: "I feel that this piece of Lingxiao Baoyu contains a **** atmosphere. It may be an evil thing, we should be more careful."

  Lei Bianjun didn't take it to heart. He only felt that after taking Lingxiao Baoyu, he would be able to make a breakthrough in his cultivation, and he could also use Lingxiao Baoyu's power to deal with the powerhouse of the Blood Demon Sect.

  In order to take revenge, Lei Pojun simply couldn't take care of that much.

  But Chen Xuan's thoughts were not so simple. While he had to take into consideration Lei Pojun, he also had to think about whether someone from the Blood Demon Sect had done something.

  After all, there have been blood demon sect warriors in the Ruins of Luo Qiong. If Ling Xiao Baoyu is really touched by the blood demon sect, if they get the Ling Xiao Baoyu, they are likely to be in danger.

  "It's better to be more cautious and don't get confused." Chen Xuan said while holding Ling Xiao Baoyu.

  Lei Pojun walked over quickly, his gaze always stopped on the top of Lingxiao Baoyu, obviously wanting to get the power of Lingxiao Baoyu.

   "Brother Chen, let's quickly use Lingxiao Baoyu's power to kill those people from the Blood Demon Sect, and then the two of us will leave here as soon as possible."

Chen Xuan shook his head slightly: "Don't act rashly. This piece of Lingxiao Baoyu feels very bad to me. There is an evil spirit in it. If you can use the power of Lingxiao Baoyu, it will be the best. This Lingxiao treasure will be destroyed."

  Lei Pojun said with an unbelievable look: "Brother Chen, it took us a lot of hard work to find Lingxiao Baoyu. How can you destroy this kind of treasure?"

   "As long as we have Lingxiao Baoyu, both of us can break through our cultivation base. At that time, let alone Lin Tingqiong, even if there is another blood demon sect protector, we can both kill them!"

  Chen Xuan tried his best to appease Lei Pojun and said: "I know, but I feel that Lingxiao Baoyu has been stored here for hundreds of years, and it has already been bloody. Let's see if it can be used."

  He really didn’t know how Lingxiao Baoyu was used.

  When Chen Xuan took the Lingxiao Baoyu, he suddenly felt a strange breath coming out of it, and then a red light and shadow appeared in the sky.

  "Who are you?" The human voice was heard from the light and shadow.

  Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun showed surprised expressions. They originally thought that Lingxiao Baoyu was just an ordinary magic weapon, but it may not be that simple now.

  Lingxiao Baoyu is likely to have the soul of the former sovereign of the Genting Sword Sect hiding in it.

  "We are disciples of Jianyuezong." Lei Pojun answered honestly.

  The red light and shadow snorted, and then the face of a middle-aged man emerged from the red light: "I didn't expect you to find this place. Didn't the Genting Swordsman hear the signal from me?"

  After hearing what he said, Chen Xuancai finally understood why people from the Genting Sword Sect suddenly came to the Jianyue Mountain Range to look for Lingxiao Baoyu.

"Senior, I have already talked with the elders of the Genting Sword Sect. I am here this time to help them take the Lingxiao Baoyu. You should know that there is a blood demon protector in the Ruins of Luoqiong, right? Elder Li and they have been The guardian of the Blood Demon Sect was stopped, so I came here to look for Lingxiao Baoyu." Chen Xuan explained.

  He knew that the other party would definitely not believe what he said casually, after all, this was the former sovereign of the Genting Sword Sect.

  But Chen Xuan must say so now, otherwise he would not only not be able to get the Lingxiao Baoyu, he might even be targeted by this strong man.

  After hearing what he said, the red light and shadow were puzzled for a moment, but then a voice came out: "I don't believe what you said, but now I have to rely on your strength."

  "What do seniors need me to do?" Chen Xuan said.

"Hehe, I don’t need you to do anything for me. I sent a signal to the Genting Sword Sect before, but they didn’t find this place. Instead, two Sword Moon Sect people found this. Don’t you think it’s a bit Is it weird?"

  Chen Xuan smiled coldly, he lowered his voice and said, "Now you are no longer eligible to bargain with me, you should know that you are a soul now, right?"

  The next moment, a burst of fiery red light burned from Chen Xuan's body, after the Vermillion Bird's fire was displayed.

  The red light and shadow suddenly showed a look of fear.

  He knew that this flame could burn him into ashes, and the Suzaku fire, which can burn even the soul, did make the red light and shadow show worry.

   "Boy, you dare to threaten me, do you know who I am?"

  Chen Xuan squinted his eyes, and he whispered to Lei Pojun: “Don’t believe what he said, I suspect that this is probably Lin Tingqiong’s hands and feet. The original owner of Ling Xiao Baoyu is already dead.”

  As soon as these words came out, the red figure showed a cruel smile.

"Hehe, I didn't expect you guys to guess it, good boy, you are really smart, but you can only find here, and now both of you will be absorbed by me!" The figure shouted, agitated. His aura was released immediately.

   Then the blood fog array started.

  Red auras began to spread throughout the sky, Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun both stepped back two steps, and both of them showed doubts.

   "What a strong power, it seems that your guess is correct. Lin Tingqiong was really involved in it. Fortunately, I didn't have the impulse at the beginning!" Lei Pojun said.

  If he used Lingxiao Baoyu rashly at first, he might be swallowed by the energy of Lingxiao Baoyu.

  Even Chen Xuan did not expect that Ling Xiao Baoyu had been tampered with by Lin Tingqiong. If it hadn't been for this red figure to appear from among Ling Xiao Baoyu, he would certainly not have reacted so promptly.

   But this was just a barrier left by Lin Tingqiong. Even though there was a large blood mist formation around, Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun joined forces and finally broke the blood mist formation.

  Five hours later, Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun gasped for breath.

"It seems that it is not as simple as I thought. There is definitely a danger ahead. Now that we have obtained the Lingxiao Baoyu, we should leave here as soon as possible. It is not appropriate to stay here for a long time!" Chen Xuan immediately performed the exercises after finishing speaking. Then he drove out to the outside of the hall.

  At this critical moment, the entire Genting Hall began to sway continuously, and a shocking force was suddenly released.

  In a moment, the original magnificent Genting Hall collapsed in an instant.

  Elder Li, who was originally walking on the Avenue of Genting Hall, also showed a puzzled look. He didn't even know what was going on.

  Many Jianyuezong disciples hugged their heads to prevent them from being hit by falling rocks.

  (End of this chapter)

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