Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3837: Plan started

  Chapter 3837 Plan begins

  As long as Chen Xuan can rescue Yu Wenqiu first, then Yu Wenqiu and Dugulun will join forces, and with the power of Little Firebird, they will definitely be able to deal with that warrior.

  As for the other snake **** martial artists, it is even less worth mentioning. Among them, the strongest cultivation base is only about the sixth layer of the Shenluo realm, and Li Dongchen can deal with it alone.

  Everything is proceeding according to Chen Xuan's plan.

  Chen Xuan must kill this group of snake gods this time, and he must not let these people continue to threaten him.

  Thinking about it carefully, the people of the Zombie Sect suddenly entered the Sky Dragon City and not only captured Yu Wenqiu, but also took away many of Sky Dragon City’s heritage treasures.

  This is very dangerous for Chen Xuan.

  He also knows that the Zombie Cult is not easy to mess with, after all, this is a force that straddles the major empires.

  Since he had turned his face with the people of the Zombie Cult now, Chen Xuan would not care too much.

When    provoked him, Chen Xuan would never stand still.

   Chen Xuan thought, the people of the Serpent God Sect must have a lot of preparations this time. Zhao Zhiyun's cultivation level is indeed not weak, but he did not calculate that Chen Xuan had already made plans in advance.

   "Let's go there as soon as possible tomorrow, maybe it can dispel Zhao Zhiyun's worries." Chen Xuan said.

  In the evening, after Chen Xuan casually ate a little dish, he hurriedly started practicing.

  As a monk, he doesn’t need to sleep every night at all, just one day every other week.

  For most cultivators, they can stay for a long time without rest. Although it will deplete their spirit, Chen Xuan will not care about that much at this critical juncture.

  In addition, Chen Xuan himself had cultivated the Vermillion Bird Heart Technique, and he would not have any effect on his body without taking a rest for a month.

  Dugulun is different.

  He has never practiced the Vermillion Bird Mind Technique. Although the Dugu Family's Mind Technique is equally powerful, it still has a big gap with the Vermilion Bird Mind Technique.

  Dugulun hasn't had a peaceful rest for several days, so Chen Xuan specially asked him today to let him sleep well at night, and get up to see Zhao Zhiyun tomorrow morning.

  Chen Xuan knew that tomorrow was destined to be a deadly battle, so he was going to stay up late to refine the pill.

   After taking out the alchemy furnace, Chen Xuan silently recited a few tactics, and finally bursts of light red flames began to burn from the bottom of the furnace.

  As the flame continued to burn, Chen Xuan began to meditate.

  He threw a strain of medicinal materials into the alchemy furnace, and then began to refine all these spiritual materials into pills through the Suzaku Fire.

  After two quarters of an hour, there was a burst of aroma in the alchemy furnace, and Chen Xuan walked to the alchemy furnace very satisfied, and then opened the lid.

  After taking out the elixir from the inside, Chen Xuan filled all his medicine bottles.

  "Very well, as long as you have these pills, you will have more confidence to win tomorrow when you deal with Zhao Zhiyun." Chen Xuan thought secretly.

  He knew that Zhao Zhiyun’s cultivation level must be very strong, and fighting against the strong in the Divine Soul Realm was something that Chen Xuan could not even think of before.

  Since he came to the world of Black Rock, Chen Xuan has a deeper understanding of the cultivation rules of this world.

  The powerhouses in the realm of souls have already begun to cultivate their souls.

  Most of the monks in the Shenluo realm have not yet come into contact with the soul level. Although many exercises can also temper the strength of the soul, the strong people in the divine realm begin to awaken the divine soul.

  Each person’s power of the soul is different, and they can greatly increase their strength through the power of the soul.

  That’s why the Divine Soul Realm and the Shenluo Realm are far apart.

  Chen Xuan did not dare to relax his vigilance. He knew that Zhao Zhiyun would be difficult to deal with. After all, the opponent was a master of the Soul Realm, and he did not know what special abilities Zhao Zhiyun had.

Since    is a strong man in the realm of Divine Soul, it shows that Zhao Zhiyun must have exclusive skills, otherwise he would definitely not be able to get to this point.

  Zhao Zhiyun is already well-known in Leizhou. He is a small leader in the Snake God Sect, and he is currently guarded in the Demon Snake Tower.

  Chen Xuan now has a better understanding of the Demon Snake Tower.

  He found that the base areas of the Zombie Sect were scattered in various places, just like pearls scattered all over the world.

  However, the base areas of these Zombie Sects are different, just like this Demon Snake Tower, only the tip of the iceberg built in the Demon Wind Empire.

  If even the Demon Wind Empire has people from the Zombie Sect, it means that their power is definitely not that simple.

  Chen Xuan originally thought that the power of the Serpent God Sect would only appear in Leizhou and the Qiushuang Empire at most, but now the news before coming is definitely out of date.

Since the people of the   Snake God Sect have appeared in the Demon Wind Empire, it means that in other cities of the Demon Wind Empire, it is very likely that there will be people of the Serpent God Sect.

The reason why the   Snake God Sect has developed is because Leizhou belongs to the three-regarding zone, and the people of the Kamikaze Dynasty do not want to control Leizhou.

  Because Leizhou used to belong to the Qiushuang Empire.

  But now the Qiufeng Empire also does not want to rule Leizhou, mainly because of the extreme danger in this area of ​​Leizhou.

  At night, Chen Xuan couldn't sleep all the time. After he had just refined the pill, he then moved his eyes out of the window.

  Chen Xuan always felt something was wrong, but he couldn't even tell where the problem was.

  At this moment, he walked out of the room, and the sky was filled with red blush.

what happened?

  Chen Xuan's face was full of doubts. He immediately displayed the power of the Vermillion Bird, then ran the Liaoyuan Sword, looking for the past in the sky.

   At this moment, he suddenly felt a faint red breath directly emerge.

  Chen Xuan noticed two warriors of the Zombie Sect walking from a distance.

  "Could it be because of the aura they exude?" Thinking of this, Chen Xuan immediately followed. If the warriors of the Zombie Sect knew the location of the Jiuding Inn, they might discover Chen Xuan's plan.

  Chen Xuan has been planning for a long time, he can't let people who plan to be taught by the snake **** know.

  At this moment, two warriors of the Zombie Sect walked and talked in a low voice.

  "You said, why did Master Zhao let the two of us come over, aren’t they going to deliver the food tomorrow? Why do we have to make the two of us work harder?"

   "Who knows, but this is an adult's decision, we can't say anything, let's take a look inside the magic wind town..." The two men walked, watching behind them vigilantly.

Chen Xuan frowned slightly. He did not expect that the members of the Zombie Cult would come back. Chen Xuan has encountered many warriors of the Zombie Cult in recent days. Although their cultivation skills are not very strong, Chen Xuan is worried. It was seen by them.

  Since there is a warrior of the Snake God Sect in Devil Wind Town, it is exactly the same as Chen Xuan thought.

The people of   Snake God Sect must have thought of something, otherwise they would definitely not appear in the town of magic wind.

  Chen Xuan felt very confused. A few days ago, a few warriors of the Zombie Sect entered the Devil Wind Town, and Chen Xuan didn’t know what they were looking for.

  As a result, today he saw several people of the Zombie Cult.

  The most important thing is that the clothes worn by these two Zombie Sect warriors are very strange, as if they are deliberately hiding their identities.

  So Chen Xuan immediately cheered up.

  The food will be delivered to the Demon Snake Building tomorrow.

  If these two Zombie Cultists came to inquire about the news, it means that they must have felt the wind.

  After the two zombie warriors walked to the door of the magic wind town, they looked at the magic wind town with suspicious eyes, and then the two of them walked in together.

   "By the way, we have been walking here for so many days, why did the adults still not contact them?" said a zombie warrior.

   "As far as I know, it seems to have written to them, Master Zhao naturally has a plan, we don't need to think about it so much, it is better to do as the adults said!" Another warrior of the Zombie Sect said.

  Two zombies taught the warrior, one tall and the other short, and one of the warriors released a light red aura. This power was so strange that even Chen Xuan felt threatened.

At this time, Chen Xuan showed the perception of dragon patterns, because he found that the strongest cultivation base of these two snake gods was only in the mid-seventh stage of the Shenluo realm, and the other one's cultivation was slightly weaker, only reaching the Shenluo realm. Six late stage.

  This kind of cultivation is nothing to Chen Xuan. He only needs two rounds at most to kill them.

But Chen Xuan felt very weird. The two Zombie Cultists came to Mofeng Town and were still deliberately hiding their identities. If it weren't for Chen Xuan's very strong perception, they would definitely not be aware of them. identity of.

  "Let's go and take a look first..." Thinking of this, Chen Xuan immediately thought of Fajue, and then quietly followed them behind.

  The two snake gods teach martial artist completely unaware of Chen Xuan.

  Suddenly a warrior of the Zombie Sect turned around, his face was full of doubts: "How do I feel that someone is following us behind?"

"You don’t think too much, do you? This small town only has the cultivation bases of the few people in Jiuding Inn. The cultivation bases of the others are nothing. They will send us food tomorrow. Don't be so vigilant, maybe they are just curious about our origins!" said another zombie warrior.

  When these snake gods taught the martial artist to talk, Chen Xuan's body turned into a red light, and in a blink of an eye he rushed forward.

  The two zombie warriors showed expressions of surprise.

   "What I just noticed is not an illusion, it is exactly the same as I thought, someone is following us behind!"

   "Look at who he is!"

After the voices of the two of them fell, Chen Xuan's face showed a hideous murderous intent, and then he opened his mouth and said: "I thought you were dressed up in disguise, and I wouldn't recognize you as members of the Zombie Cult. Pretend to be a little bit too, haha!"

   Hearing Chen Xuan's sneer, the faces of the two snake **** martial artists suddenly showed panic expressions. They did not expect Chen Xuan to appear here.

  "Who are you?" The snake **** warrior immediately took out his weapon, and red spirits bloomed from the scimitar in his hand, and he instantly killed him in the direction of Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan showed a calm expression at them, and then gently waved the Liaoyuan sword.

A dark red aura was released from the   Liaoyuan sword, and it instantly hit the bodies of two Zombie Sect warriors.

  The two zombie warriors showed surprised expressions on their faces. They did not expect that Chen Xuan's cultivation level would be so terrifying.

  "Has he reached the realm of souls?!

   "It is actually the power of the Divine Soul Realm, is his cultivation really that strong?"

  The two snake **** martial artists showed horrified expressions, because Chen Xuan's displayed strength was so terrifying, they had to unite to deal with Chen Xuan.

   "Hurry up, what do you want to do in Mofeng Town?" Chen Xuan asked loudly.

  The two warriors of the Zombie Sect knew that Chen Xuan’s identity might not be simple, especially judging from the opponent's shots, they must be a martial artist of the Yunxiao Mansion.

   "We are still very curious, who are you!" said the warrior of the Zombie Sect.

  Chen Xuan just replied: "You don't need to know my identity. If you don't say anything today, you will all die here. I don't think you want to confess your own lives here, right?"

  No one dared to say a word, they felt the cold killing intent from Chen Xuan's body. This was the aura produced after Chen Xuan suppressed his own cultivation.

  (End of this chapter)

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