Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3867: Lin Nanyun kills

  Chapter 3867 Lin Nanyun is here to kill

  Chen Xuan just felt a breath, but this power seemed to be detached. If he were not concentrated, he would definitely not be able to find Lin Nanyun's breath.

  Now Chen Xuan is still busy dealing with the things in Demon Wind Town. He is not worried that someone would dare to rush into Demon Wind Town unless the other party feels that he is living a long time.

  Lin Nanyun is proficient in assassination techniques. He also knows that Chen Xuan's strength is very strong. He was not Chen Xuan's opponent in the Illusory Sea Secret Realm, not to mention that Chen Xuan's cultivation level must have been enhanced now that he left the Secret Realm.

  He knew that he was not even Chen Xuan's opponent now, so Lin Nanyun prepared to disguise.

   and a few blood soul gate warriors mixed into the magic wind town.

  He didn't know that the Vermillion Bird Spirit Formation had already been set up near Mofeng Town.

After seeing the black smoke from the burning corpses of these Tiansha Demon Wolf, Lin Nanyun was constantly thinking about it.

  He has asked someone to report the news to Elder Liu.

  Lin Nanyun wanted to try, he had to kill Chen Xuan with his own hands.

   "Brother Lin, your thoughts are a bit dangerous, what if you get caught by Chen Xuan when you get in." A warrior asked.

  Lin Nanyun smiled solemnly, his expression a little disdainful: "Don't think so much, even if Chen Xuan finds out what will happen? I can definitely escape from his hand."

  He felt that even if he was not Chen Xuan's opponent, he could definitely run away from Chen Xuan's hands.

  If Chen Xuan knew his thoughts, he would definitely laugh at Lin Nanyun for some reason.

  If it were in the wild, Lin Nanyun might really be able to escape from his hands, but once Lin Nanyun entered the Mofeng Town, his every move was monitored by Chen Xuan.

  No one can escape from the Vermilion Array.

  Chen Xuan believes that his current cultivation base can easily kill Lin Nanyun in seconds.

  Lin Nanyun did not enter the Divine Soul Realm, and Chen Xuan's current cultivation was already equivalent to a warrior in the middle stage of the Divine Soul Realm.

  As long as the opponent does not reach the first peak of the Shenluo realm, Chen Xuan has a 90% chance of winning.

   Lin Nanyun disdainfully said: "Are you not going to go in with me?"

  Several warriors did not dare to refuse, but they also knew that entering the Devil Wind Town would definitely be more fortunate.

   "Brother Lin, let's be more vigilant. Wait for Elder Liu to come over. After all, his old man's cultivation has reached the realm of souls. Chen Xuan certainly cannot be our elder Liu's opponent." A warrior said softly.

  After hearing his voice, Lin Nanyun's expression was very impatient. He felt that this person must be afraid of death, so he didn't want to go in with him.

  "Hurry up and prepare it for me, we must find where Chen Xuan is today."

   "As long as Elder Liu is here, I think Chen Xuan will not be able to escape from our hands no matter how strong his cultivation is."

   "Hehe, no matter how strong his cultivation is, I can run away." Lin Nanyun was very confident in his escape skills.

  He believed that Chen Xuan could escape secretly when attacking him.

  For Lin Nanyun's thoughts, many blood soul martial artists are very disdainful in their hearts. They think Lin Nanyun is too confident, and Chen Xuan's cultivation is very strong, and he is not a character that Lin Nanyun can deal with.

   "Brother Lin, are you really confident to run away from his hand?" the warrior asked.

Lin Nanyun did not answer, and then he looked deeply in the direction of Demon Wind Town: "As long as we enter Demon Wind Town quietly and kill Chen Xuan before we know it, we will definitely not Anyone found out."

  A few warriors of the blood soul door could only temporarily agree.

  Among these killers, Lin Nanyun has the oldest qualifications, and he is still loved by Elder Liu, no one dares to refuse his orders.

  So these blood soul martial artists reluctantly followed behind Lin Nanyun.

  After burning the body of the monster beast, Xiao Liuzi cursed and returned to the Jiuding Inn.

  Just walked into Jiuding Inn.

  Li Dongchen saw Xiao Liuzi's unhappy expression on his face.

   "What's the matter with you? I asked you to burn the body of the Tiansha Demon Wolf, how can you show this look?" Li Dongchen asked.

  Xiao Liuzi's heart is indeed very upset now, he feels that he has to do these dirty work every time.

   "Brother Li, I have burned all the bodies of the Tiansha Demon Wolf, what else is there?"

  Li Dongchen smiled and said, "Come on, drink this Guixue Liquor."

  Hearing Li Dongchen invite himself to drink, Xiao Liuzi's face suddenly showed a smile. He usually doesn't like to do anything else, but likes to drink, and he can drink several kilograms of Gui blood wine at a time.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan sat on a chair in Jiuding Inn.

  The Jiuding Inn was full of people, some of them were the warriors of the Jiuding Inn, but some of them were some of the more outstanding monks in Mofeng Town.

  Although their cultivation base did not reach the realm of the gods, these warriors also played a role at the critical moment just now.

  Many warriors in Demon Wind Town have only entered the Eighth Layer of the Divine and Demon Realm. This kind of cultivation is simply not enough.

   "What's the situation in Mofeng Town now, I'm afraid everyone already knows." Chen Xuan said.

  Everyone nodded, and then they remained silent.

  Some people began to talk quietly.

   "Magic Wind Town is very dangerous, shall we move our position? What if we are attacked by monsters?"

  "There are not only the people of the Serpent God Sect but also the warriors of the Blood Demon Sect nearby. These people of the Blood Demon Sect are not that easy to provoke. If they really kill it, we must be very dangerous."

   "What you said is that we must avoid being attacked by the people of the Blood Demon Sect." Several warriors said.

Chen Xuan paused. He now has a plan: "All the monsters who came to attack Demon Wind Town this time were created by the Zombie Sect. I think everyone has already seen the cultivation base of the Tiansha Demon Wolf. "

   Mentioned the Tiansha Demon Wolf, but the warrior in Demon Wind Town didn't say a word.

   Their cultivation bases simply cannot deal with the Tiansha Demon Wolf.

  A Tiansha Demon Wolf can easily kill more than a dozen warriors in Demon Wind Town.

  If it weren’t for Chen Xuan’s defense here, I’m afraid the town of Mofeng would have been destroyed by the snake god.

   "Master Chen, this time it is really thanks to you. If it weren't for you to help us in Devil Wind Town, we would definitely not be able to survive just now..." The warrior of Demon Wind Town said with shame.

  A few days ago, they even blamed Chen Xuan for everything.

  As a result, Chen Xuan saved their lives today.

"Okay, let's not say so much, let's think about the future. I will stay in this small town in the last few days. You are all prepared and you must not relax your vigilance." Chen Xuan said .

   "Don't worry, Mrs. Chen, we will definitely raise our spirits."

  "The people of the Zombie Cult will never enter our magic wind town!"

   "By the way, who is on duty today?"

  A warrior volunteered to stand up and said: "Let us go on duty today."

  Chen Xuan nodded and said, "Although the people of the Zombie Sect have just launched an offensive, you still can't relax. I am afraid that you already know about the people of the Blood Demon Sect appearing nearby?"

  After hearing his words, several warriors nodded one after another. They knew that the current crisis had not been resolved, and there were still many dangers around.

  Blood Demon Sect is one of them.

"The blood demon sect people are very strong, but the most important thing is that one of these blood demon sect warriors is named Zhang Lingfang. According to the information I received, Zhang Lingfang has not yet come to the Demon Wind Nation, he should still be in Yunxiao Mansion. , So everyone don't worry so much." Chen Xuan said openly.

  If Ling Fang is really here, they will definitely meet the people of the Zombie Cult.

  Chen Xuan was worried at first that Zhang Lingfang and Zhao Zhiyun would unite, but after his careful consideration, he felt that this possibility was very low.

  Blood Demon Sect and the Snake God Sect are incompatible with each other.

  Zhao Zhiyun's character is very arrogant and domineering, he will definitely not choose to unite with people from the Blood Demon Sect.

  If Zhang Lingfang does come to Devil Wind Nation, maybe he will fight Zhao Zhiyun. Zhao Zhiyun's cultivation is one level lower than Zhang Lingfang, and he certainly cannot be Zhang Lingfang's opponent.

  The most important thing is that Zhang Lingfang is also assisted by Li Yuru, the devil.

  In spite of this, the Demon Snake Tower is still relatively close to the Qiushuang Kingdom. If other warriors of the Zombie Sect come over, it will be difficult to handle.

  Chen Xuan lowered his head and thought. He was thinking about how to make Demon Wind Town safer. The danger nearby has not been eliminated. People from the Blood Demon Sect will come to attack at any time.

   "Don't think about it so much, no one can tell what will happen by that time, even if the blood demon sect warrior comes, we can just kill him directly?" Du Gulun said very carelessly.

   Chen Xuan thought to himself, it’s easy to get it.

  If it's just a few ordinary blood demon sects, they are indeed very easy to deal with, but if Zhang Lingfang comes, Chen Xuan really can't say that the Vermilion Array can stop Zhang Lingfang.

  Two powerful souls, they will definitely pose a huge threat to Chen Xuan.

   While Chen Xuan was meditating, he suddenly heard the voice of a mysterious strong man in his mind.

   Chen Xuan's spirit was immediately lifted.

  This mysterious strong man has disappeared for a long time, but Chen Xuan suddenly heard his voice now.


  Liaoyuan sword began to sway constantly, as if trying to break free from the space ring.

   "Senior, did you wake up?" Chen Xuan asked in a low voice.

  The voice of a middle-aged man came into his mind: "Hehe, I didn't expect that I had been asleep for so long. I just woke up, only to find that you have actually come to the Devil Wind Country.

  Chen Xuangang wanted to ask more questions, but he found that the voice of the mysterious strong man gradually decreased.

   "What's going on? I didn't see the figure after a few words, where did I go?" Chen Xuan's heart was full of doubts. He originally thought that the mysterious powerhouse would help him solve the crisis, but the other party suddenly disappeared.

  Chen Xuan immediately took out the Liaoyuan sword from the space ring, then lowered his head in thought, "Senior, are you still there?"

  He asked carefully.

The mysterious strongman’s voice still didn’t come. After two quarters of an hour, he suddenly said, "Boy, I was hurt by helping you once. I need to take a good rest in the last few days. Don’t talk to me if I’m fine. Up."

  Chen Xuan did not continue to question.

  But at this moment, the mysterious strong man’s face showed joy: "What's the matter? There is a kamikaze scroll in your space ring. Where did you get it?"

After hearing the voice of the mysterious strong man, Chen Xuan was a little surprised. He did not expect this mysterious strong man to know about the kamikaze scroll.

   "Senior, do you know Kamikaze scrolls too?" Chen Xuan asked curiously.

  The mysterious strong man snorted coldly: "Aren't you nonsense? This kamikaze scroll is my thing, I didn't expect you to get it!"

  As soon as these words came out, Chen Xuan's face was full of shock.

  All the warriors in Jiuding Inn stared at Chen Xuan suspiciously.

  They wondered what happened to Chen Xuan and why they stared at the Liaoyuan sword in their hands, and they were still talking to themselves.

  Dugulun didn't know what happened to Chen Xuan, he thought Chen Xuan was demented.

   "Chen Xuan, what are you talking to yourself about here? I said your head is not stupid, right?" Du Gulun walked over and patted Chen Xuan on the shoulder.

  Chen Xuan slapped his hand directly, then opened his mouth and said, "You are demented."

  Everyone burst into laughter.

  Yu Wenqiu also smiled sweetly: "It seems that Chen Xuan is normal. After all, why did you show such a shocked look just now? Did you think of something?"

  (End of this chapter)

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