Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3869: Zhao Zhiyun and the Temple of the Demon Snake

  Chapter 3869 Zhao Zhiyun and the Demon Snake Temple

Dugulun pondered for a while: "Brother Chen, you have to be more careful this time. The people of the Snake God Sect do not know if there will be any conspiracy. This Zhao Zhiyun has been conspiring for a long time, although there have been no snakes in recent months. The people of the gods came here, but these monsters were definitely sent by them."

   Thinking of the Tiansha Demon Wolf wandering in the desert, Chen Xuan was so angry.

  The defensive power of the Tiansha Demon Wolf is not to mention, and it can also use the soul fire. A small part of the villagers have been killed by the Tiansha Demon Wolf.

  When these villagers went to fetch water, many Tiansha demon wolves were onlookers near the Moshui Lake. Once they seized the opportunity, they would launch a surprise attack.

  At the beginning, Chen Xuan and Du Gulun went to the vicinity of Moshui Lake, and he personally killed a lot of these Tiansha demon wolves.

  Chen Xuan knew that the current situation was urgent.

   "I will think of a way to go there now, and see if I can kill all the weird monsters in the Demon Snake Temple."

  The most helpless thing for Chen Xuan is that there has been a strange phenomenon in Mofeng Town recently. Some people will suddenly go crazy without warning.

  Chen Xuan felt very dangerous.

  He guessed that this must be caused by the body of the Tiansha Demon Wolf, otherwise these villagers would never go crazy somehow.

  "Do you want me to accompany you over there?" Yu Wenqiu whispered.

  Chen Xuan shook his head slightly. Yu Wenqiu's cultivation is not Zhao Zhiyun's opponent. If he meets Zhao Zhiyun, he may be able to run away, but once Yu Wenqiu meets Zhao Zhiyun, he will definitely be more ill-fortuned.

"No, this time you just stay by my side and leave it to me. This is the key to unlock the Vermillion Bird Spirit Formation. You must be careful recently. If someone from the Blood Demon Sect comes over, just Open the Zhuque Lingyuan directly."

  The power of the Vermillion Bird Spirit Array set up by Chen Xuan has been seen by everyone. At the beginning, many people from the Zombie Cult wanted to get in and were directly killed by the Vermillion Bird Spirit Array.

  This is just the tip of the iceberg.

The power of the Vermillion Bird Spirit Formation has not been fully demonstrated, unless Zhao Zhiyun personally comes to attack the Demon Wind Town, Chen Xuan will completely open the last major battle of the Demon Wind Town.

  As long as the last heavy Vermillion Bird Circle is opened, no one can escape from the Vermillion Bird Circle.

  In other words, Magic Wind Town is currently safe.

  It's just that some villagers will suddenly go crazy for no reason, which makes Chen Xuan puzzled.

  "When are you going to go there?" Yu Wenqiu asked.

   "I am going to go over tonight, let Li Dongchen and the others prepare."

  Now their plan is for Li Dongchen and others to deliberately create movement, and then attract the attention of the Blood Demon Sect and the Zombie Sect.

  The Snake God Sect and the warriors of the Blood Demon Sect met together. They would never sit down and talk to each other, but would fight directly.

  According to Chen Xuan's inference, Zhang Lingfang will come over soon, after all, Zhang Lingfang already knows the whereabouts of Chen Xuan.

  After Zhang Lingfang comes over, Li Yuru will definitely come with him.

  Li Yuru's cultivation base is also not weak. Chen Xuan may be able to deal with Li Yuru now, but he is definitely not Zhang Lingfang's opponent.

During this time.

   It is extremely dangerous to sneak into the Demon Snake Temple quietly, and Chen Xuan naturally knows this truth.

  But he has no other way. Only Chen Xuan has the strongest cultivation base in the entire Demon Wind Town, and only he can escape from the opponent's hands when facing Zhao Zhiyun.

  No one else can escape from Zhao Zhiyun's hands.

  As long as Chen Xuan displays the power of the dragon pattern, his speed and defense power will be greatly improved, and it is not difficult to escape from Zhao Zhiyun's hands.

  Time flickered, and night fell in a blink of an eye.

  The white moonlight shone on Chen Xuan's cheeks.

  Chen Xuan is full of thoughts.

  "Two hours will pass. I don't know if the people of the Zombie Sect are ready." Chen Xuan thought secretly in his heart.

  In the wee hours of the morning, Chen Xuan took the space ring, and then rushed in the direction of the Demon Snake Temple.

  There must be many snake **** martial artists guarding the Demon Snake Ground Hall. At the beginning, Li Dongchen had mixed into the Demon Snake Ground Hall.

  I have to say that Li Dongchen’s memory is very clear. After entering the Demon Snake Temple, he drew a map.

  The map that Chen Xuan is holding now records in detail the various rooms in the Demon Snake Temple.

With this map, Chen Xuan can find the monsters in the Demon Snake Underground Hall more quickly, as long as the source is cut off, or all the Tiansha Demon wolves in the Demon Snake Underground Hall are killed. These Tiansha Demon Wolf would definitely not threaten Chen Xuan.

Tiansha Demon Wolf’s cultivation base is very strong. When facing the Tiansha Demon Wolf, Chen Xuan dare not ensure that his cultivation base can be crushed 100%, because there are so many Tiansha Demon in the Demon Snake Temple. Wolf.

Just when Chen Xuan was about to leave here, in a secret room not far from Demon Wind Town, the blood demon sect warrior wearing a red robe showed joy. He has been waiting here for a long time. , And finally waited for Zhang Lingfang.

   "Master Zhang, you have finally come here. We have been waiting here for a long time." said the warrior of the Blood Demon Sect.

  Zhang Lingfang smiled coldly, his current thoughts are all on Chen Xuan's body: "Where is that kid Chen Xuan? Is he really in this magic wind town?"

The blood demon sect warrior nodded and said: "Of course Mrs. Zhang, we have been here for a while. Chen Xuan is indeed in the Demon Wind Town, but you must be careful. There seems to be a Vermilion Array nearby. We have tried to attack before, but several brothers have already been killed."

   Hearing this, Zhang Lingfang's pupils revealed deep disdain. He felt that his cultivation had reached the first level of perfection in the realm of spirit and soul, and it was very easy to break through the Vermillion Bird Spirit Formation.

   "You don't need to worry so much. You will come in with me in two days. I must personally capture Chen Xuan and kill him." Zhang Lingfang whispered.

"This Chen Xuan is very cunning. I don't know where he went now. The area of ​​this magic wind town is quite large. We haven't eaten or drink in the past few days, but there is a magic water lake nearby. , I feel that there should be treasures in the Demon Water Lake." said the blood demon sect warrior.

   "What magic water lake?" Zhang Lingfang came to the Demon Wind Country for the first time, so he didn't know what the Demon Water Lake was mentioned by the blood demon sect warrior.

"My lord, Moshui Lake is a freshwater lake in the desert. Several of our previous brothers have been around Moshui Lake. They found a weird aura in the Moshui Lake. If I am not mistaken, inside There is probably a magic weapon..."

Zhang Lingfang paused. He has no intention of looking for a magic weapon now: "Don't say so much. I think there are many people from the Zombie Cult nearby. You must be careful. The people of the Zombie Cult are not so annoying. of."

The Blood Demon Sect warrior smiled: "Master Zhang, I have killed a Zombie Sect person two days ago, and their cultivation is not as strong as I thought. Anyway, these Snake God Sect warriors practiced. The exercises are really weird, they can actually control the Po Yuan Spirit Snake."

Zhang Lingfang once dealt with the people of the Snake God Sect: "Isn't this nonsense? You must be careful of the Snakeskin. The power of the Snakes is very powerful. If you are bitten by these snakes, no one will Can't save you."

After hearing his words, the blood demon sect warrior showed a cautious expression. When he was fighting with the snake **** warrior, he was really almost bitten by the broken element spirit snake, if not because of his quick response. , Now his life is already gone.

   "My lord, what shall we do now? The people of the Zombie Cult are not far away. If they find out, these warriors of the Zombie Cult will definitely come over and make trouble for us." The warrior of the Blood Demon Sect worried.

  While they were talking, a charming woman suddenly walked into the door, and this person was Li Yuru.

   "Brother Zhang, we don't need to worry so much, I have a way to get rid of the Po Yuan Ling Snake."

"Do you have a way?" Zhang Lingfang's face was full of surprises: "Very well, we can directly kill all the people of the Zombie Cult this time. If we can absorb the warriors of the Zombie Cult, it will definitely make you and me both. The cultivation base becomes stronger."

  The snake **** teaches warriors different from other ordinary monks.

After the people of the Blood Demon Sect absorb the snake **** martial artist, they can condense a large amount of essence, and then they can condense these vitality in their dantian, so that they can improve a small realm at one time.

  Because of this, the Blood Demon Sect and the Snake God Sect will have antagonisms, but in most cases, the people of the Blood Demon Sect will basically not meet the warriors of the Snake God Sect.

  Because the foundation of the Blood Demon Sect is in Yunxiao Mansion, there is still a distance from Leizhou.

  Except in some specific circumstances, the people of the Blood Demon Sect will meet the people of the Snake God Sect.

  Time flies quickly, and Chen Xuan has already left Mofeng Town.

  He knew that he would be in danger this time. The people of the Zombie Cult had already prepared to attack the Demon Wind Town. In recent days, many Zombie Warriors have been guarding the vicinity of the Demon Wind Town.

  As long as the defense of Mofeng Town becomes loose, they will definitely report the news to Zhao Zhiyun, and then Zhao Zhiyun will bring people to kill.

  I have to say that Zhao Zhiyun’s idea is really good.

  He thought that Chen Xuan had not noticed that there were many snake gods around Mofeng Town, but in fact, they were all under Chen Xuan's control.

   Chen Xuan's perception power far exceeds that of ordinary monks.

  Zhao Zhiyun didn't know that Chen Xuan had cultivated the power of dragon patterns. The strongest cultivation level of the snake gods taught by him was only the Seventh Level of the Shenluo Realm, and Chen Xuan could easily kill them.

  But Chen Xuan must kill all these people without knowing it. According to Chen Xuan's inference, there are a total of 13 snake gods around the town of Mofeng.

The number of snake **** martial artists in the Demon Snake Building suddenly increased. Chen Xuan knew that this must be because Zhao Zhiyun was aware of his threat, so he transferred some snake **** martial artists from Leizhou.

  Chen Xuan was not worried, he could kill all these snake gods and martial artists just by relying on his sword soul.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan closed his eyes slightly, and then a dark red light burst into his pupils.

   Waves of fierce sword aura condensed in an instant.

  Behind a hidden boulder not far away.

  A few warriors of the Zombie Sect set up a tent here, and they didn’t know what they were eating.

   "We have all endured here for so many days, but there is still no movement in Mofeng Town. If you want me to see, let's think of a way to go back."

"How can we go back now? Lord Zhao gave us the sound transmission jade pendant, saying that as long as the defense of the magic wind town is slack, the jade pendant will be broken directly, but we have been waiting here for so many days, this The defense of Zou Mofeng Town is still very tight."

At this moment, a warrior of the Zombie Sect got up and stood up. There was joy on his face: "Look, there is no one defending the gate to the south of the town. Isn't it the most attacking one we have attacked in the past? good time?"

  Several zombie warriors suddenly let out a cheer.

   "That's right, we have waited here for so many days, and finally found an opportunity."

   "What are we eating these days? I haven't had any drinks. I finally found a chance to invade Magic Wind Town..."

These warriors of the Zombie Sect were so excited that they were about to cry. They couldn’t even find a drink. After all, Chen Xuan had already set up a Vermillion Bird Spirit Formation near the Moshui Lake. To kill.

"Hurry up and report the news to Master Zhao, saying that the defense of Mofeng Town has been slack. This is the best time for us to attack the past!" A warrior of the Zombie Sect immediately broke the sound transmission jade pendant, bursting into flames. A red breath emerged, and then passed in the direction of the Demon Snake Tower.

  (End of this chapter)

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