Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3873: Zombie Religious Sacrifice

  Chapter 3873 Zombie Sect Sacrifice

  The snake **** priest just raised his head and looked at the lantern in the distance. He felt that the torch in the lantern had burned the outer leather cover, and he did not feel that someone had sneaked in.

  This is an opportunity for Chen Xuan, so he is still observing in secret.

  After being stabbed by the silver needle, the Tiansha Demon Wolf suddenly screamed.

After hearing the cry of the Tiansha Demon Wolf, Chen Xuan couldn't help but cursing these people of the Zombie Sect was too cruel.

   At this moment, he found that there was a corpse next to the sacred cult of the Serpent God, and the acupuncture point on the corpse had already been filled with silver needles, and the blood was still infiltrating.

  After seeing this corpse, Chen Xuan frowned. He knew that this must have been done by a member of the Zombie Sect.

  Snake God teaches warriors to catch many warriors in nearby towns, and then use them to conduct experiments.

  The experimental bodies created by the sacrificial cults of the Zombie Sect are not only extremely powerful, but also very difficult to kill.

  Chen Xuan was not ready to wait any longer, he locked in the Serpent God Sect sacrifice, and then swung the Liaoyuan Sword towards the opponent to cut out a sword aura.


The priest of the   Snake God Sect hurriedly raised his head. After he felt the breath coming from behind, he immediately took out the silver needle.

  Only heard the Tiansha Demon Wolf let out a low growl, and then his **** eyes looked in Chen Xuan's direction.

  The power of the Tiansha Demon Wolf has increased a lot. The silver needle covers the body of the Tiansha Demon Wolf, causing the Tiansha Demon Wolf to condense a burst of light red aura.

  Chen Xuan squinted his eyes, he sensed the danger from the Tiansha Demon Wolf: "I didn't expect that the people of the Zombie Cult could actually create such a terrifying monster."

The priest of the    Snake God Sect chuckled coldly: "Unexpectedly, you dare to come to the Demon Snake Earth Temple, you are really looking for death, feel my masterpiece, Tiansha Demon Wolf will make you very satisfied!"

After   's voice fell, the Serpent God Sect priest immediately fled towards the distance. His cultivation was not strong, only the early stage of the Ninth Layer of the Shenluo Realm.

  If you fight with Chen Xuan, he will never be your opponent. After seeing this zombie warrior quickly fleeing, Chen Xuan's expression is extremely hideous.

  He thought that if he has the ability, don't run, come and fight with me for two hundred rounds.

  At the moment he left, Tiansha Demon Wolf rushed towards Chen Xuan.

  The aura released from the Tiansha Demon Wolf is very terrifying. After Chen Xuan's body paused slightly, he cut out a fierce sword aura in the direction of the Tiansha Demon Wolf.

  This sword aura instantly hit the Tiansha Demon Wolf's body, and then drove this terrifying monster back several steps.

  Chen Xuan did not dare to relax his vigilance. The Tiansha Demon Wolf's cultivation base was very terrifying. Just now, he had already sensed from the body of the Tiansha Demon Wolf that the powers of the Soul Realm could exude the breath.

  If it weren't because Chen Xuan's dragon pattern power was already very strong, he would definitely not be able to block the blow of the Tiansha Demon Wolf.

  Fortunately, Chen Xuan has now fully grasped the trajectory of the Tiansha Demon Wolf. At the moment when the Tiansha Demon Wolf rushed over, Chen Xuan’s Liaoyuan sword directly hit the Tiansha Demon Wolf’s head.


  The body of the Tiansha Demon Wolf was instantly knocked into the air. The Tiansha Demon Wolf’s cultivation had reached the initial stage of the first stage of the Divine Soul Realm, but Chen Xuan was still able to easily knock him back.

  The power of the Vermillion Bird's fire ignited instantly, and bursts of fierce aura continued to surround Chen Xuan's side.

  Tiansha Demon Wolf seems to have also noticed that Chen Xuan's cultivation is not simple, so this beast did not rush to attack, but secretly observed from a distance, as if looking for an opportunity to attack.

This Tiansha Demon Wolf was completely different from the one that Chen Xuan had encountered before. Not only was its size increased by a circle, but its strength was also amazing. When that sword aura hit the Tiansha Demon Wolf just now, it just smashed it. The head monster repelled a dozen steps.

  It seemed that it did not cause him any harm. Although the Tiansha Demon Wolf was not injured, the monster obviously noticed the pain, so he did not come to attack, but licked the wound from a distance.

  A slight crack has appeared on the skin of the Tiansha Demon Wolf, and blood is emerging. Chen Xuan still kept his hand just now.

  Even if Chen Xuan can't do a one-shot kill, he can definitely pose a threat to the Tiansha Demon Wolf.

  This Tiansha Demon Wolf obviously knew that Chen Xuan's cultivation was very strong, so he had been observing him from a distance.

  "The little beast dared to come to me for trouble. You are almost reckless. I gave you a chance just now, but you don’t know for sure. If you dare to come, don’t blame me for being impolite."

  Chen Xuan was not going to waste time here. Although the Tiansha Demon Wolf had been transformed, they still seemed to retain their sanity.

  After hearing Chen Xuan’s threat, the Tiansha Demon Wolf did not move forward, but the beast’s eyes were still looking at Chen Xuan. As long as he found an opportunity, he would definitely attack.


  A burst of soul fire ignited from the body of the Tiansha Demon Wolf. This monster obviously wanted to use the power of the soul fire to launch an attack on Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan has now fully grasped his offensive trends.

  The most important thing for him now is to catch the warrior of the Snake God Sect and kill him. Chen Xuan definitely can't let this warrior escape.

  This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If this opportunity is allowed to slip in front of his eyes, it will be difficult for him to find the whereabouts of the Zombie Cultist in the future.

  The most important thing is that the status of the Zombie Sect sacrifices is self-evident. Their status in the Zombie Sect is extraordinary, and many Zombie Sect warriors respect them very much.

The power of these monsters, researched out by the Great Sacrifice of the Snake God Sect, has increased several times.

  Chen Xuan has been searching for the whereabouts of the Serpent Gods sacrifices, but he finally came to the Demon Snake Temple today and had the opportunity to kill these Serpent Gods sacrifices.

  Chen Xuan could not let these people escape.

  Tiansha Demon Wolf stared at Chen Xuan with blood-red eyes, apparently looking for an attack opportunity, Chen Xuan had always remained vigilant.

  He knows that the power of the Tiansha Demon Wolf is very powerful, and if it goes head-on, it may only cause damage to his body.

The defensive power of    dragon pattern power has reached a very strong point, but when the Tiansha Demon Wolf attacks, it will still create a burst of soul fire.

  If Chen Xuan didn't get a lot of energy, he would definitely be hit by the attack of the Tiansha Demon Wolf.

  The strength of the Tiansha Demon Wolf has probably reached one hundred thousand catties. If he is hit by the claws of the Tiansha Demon Wolf, Chen Xuan is likely to be injured no matter how strong his defense is.

  Chen Xuan glanced at the Tiansha Demon Wolf coldly, he didn't want to continue to delay with the Tiansha Demon Wolf.

  "Wan Jian Jue......"

  Chen Xuan let out a low roar, and his body suddenly filled with a light red aura. With this increase in power, his cultivation level has been greatly improved.


  A sword aura suddenly slayed in the direction of the Tiansha Demon Wolf, and the Tiansha Demon Wolf roared towards Chen Xuan.

   Then Tiansha Demon Wolf rushed over.

  The blade slammed into the body of the Tiansha Demon Wolf, and after a clear voice came out, the body of the Tiansha Demon Wolf was immediately repelled by several tens of meters.

  Tiansha Demon Wolf had another hole in his skin, but at this time, a sword field had gathered around Chen Xuan, and a long sword was continuously floating around his body.

  The power of the Thousand Thousands of Sword Art has been fully displayed.

  Chen Xuan believes that with thousands of swordsmanship, he can definitely kill the Tiansha Demon Wolf.

  Although Chen Xuan's current cultivation is only in the early stage of the ninth stage of the Shenluo realm, even a warrior in the middle stage of the first stage of the Godsoul realm is unlikely to pose a threat to Chen Xuan.

  The long sword in Chen Xuan's hand suddenly condensed a burst of fiery red aura. Under the ray of light, the body of the Tiansha Demon Wolf was repelled by more than 20 meters again.

  Tiansha Demon Wolf had several wounds cut out of his body. This monster had already realized how terrifying the human cultivation in front of him was, so he just wandered in front of him.

  Don't dare to come over and trouble Chen Xuan.

   "Afraid?" Chen Xuan smiled faintly.

  The Tiansha Demon Wolf shrank his neck in fear. This monster had clearly sensed that Chen Xuan was not easy to provoke. The Tiansha Demon Wolf was still desperately launching an attack on Chen Xuan, but now the beast has not launched an attack.

  Chen Xuan smiled coldly. Now is his best chance to attack. From the long sword in his hand, the fierce Suzaku aura is condensed under the entanglement of sword aura.

  Chen Xuan was surrounded by fierce light clusters.


  Sword Qi suddenly slammed into the direction of Tiansha Demon Wolf.

  Tiansha Demon Wolf wailed. Although he was hit by the sword energy, the beast rushed towards Chen Xuan...

   Chen Xuan’s attack obviously aroused the brutality of this beast.

  In the room not far away, the face of a zombie warrior wearing a red long coat was full of shock.

  He originally thought that the Tiansha Demon Wolf could easily kill Chen Xuan, but after so long, Chen Xuan's body was not injured at all, and the Tiansha Demon Wolf was knocked out.

The priests of the   Snake God Sect know how strong the cultivation base of the Tiansha Demon Wolf they have created is.

  A strong person in the Divine Soul Realm might not be able to kill the Tiansha Demon Wolf he created, but Chen Xuan was able to repel the Tiansha Demon Wolf so easily.

  This can only show one problem, that is, Chen Xuan's cultivation is far beyond his imagination.

Even Chen Xuan’s cultivation level is very likely to have entered the Divine Soul Realm. This is completely different from what Zhao Zhiyun told him. Zhao Zhiyun mentioned that Chen Xuan’s cultivation level only reached the Ninth Level of the Shenluo Realm, so he has the confidence to make it himself. The Tiansha Demon Wolf who came out was able to kill Chen Xuan.

  When he saw Chen Xuan, he realized that the intelligence was full of water.

  The power that Chen Xuan has just exploded can directly kill the Tiansha Demon Wolf, and he also saw that the sword technique that Chen Xuan displayed was the sword technique of Wanjian Villa.

  Wanjian Villa is famous in Leizhou, many warriors of the Zombie Sect are very afraid of the people of Wanjian Villa.

When the   Snake God Sect was in Leizhou, basically no one dared to provoke them, but there was only one exception: Wanjian Villa.

  Wanjian Villa does not care if you are a member of the Zombie Cult.

  As long as you see a zombie warrior, the people of Wanjian Villa will kill them directly.

  Even the leader of the Zombie Sect is not necessarily the opponent of the Master of Ten Thousand Swords, but this is already two hundred years ago.

  So many years have passed, and no one knows who the two of them are better than the other.

The owner of Wanjian Villa is a hermit. Under normal circumstances, he basically won’t show up in secular matters, and basically won’t take part in the affairs between the major sects, which will kill the people of the Zombie Sect in Leizhou. Regarding the common people, the attitudes of the senior management of Wanjian Villa were very consistent.

  The elders of Ten Thousand Swords Villa even personally killed several Zombie Sect warriors who endangered the world.

Since then, Ten Thousand Swords Villa and the Snake God Sect have had a deep hatred, but the people of the Snake Sect have never dared to take the initiative to go to the Ten Thousand Swords Villa. Not only did the plan fail, but all those strong in the Zombie Cult were killed.

  Not for other reasons.

  But because Wanjian Villa has an extremely powerful formation, its name is called Wanjian Great Formation.

  In this big formation, no one from the Zombie Cult can survive. They have realized the gap between themselves and Wanjian Villa.

  So this group of snake **** martial artists were very honest when they met the people of Wanjian Villa. Not only did they not have the arrogance of the past, but their attitude was also very respectful.

  It’s a pity that things have reached such a field now. The people of the Snake God Cult will never open up to Chen Xuan just because he is a member of Wanjian Villa.

  They must kill Chen Xuan, otherwise they will not be able to avenge their brothers.

  The people of Wanjian Villa naturally don't care about Demon Wind Nation. They basically turn a blind eye to this matter.

"Unexpectedly, he was actually from Wanjian Villa. It's not easy to handle this time!" The Serpent God Sect priest secretly thought, suddenly a silver needle appeared in his hand, and then he turned the silver needle towards Tiansha. The body of the demon wolf threw it over.


  The silver needle suddenly fell on the body of the Tiansha Demon Wolf.

  (End of this chapter)

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