Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3879: Xiao Liuzi was killed

  Chapter 3879 Xiao Liuzi was killed

  Lin Nanyun vomited blood, several of his ribs were broken, and he couldn't move while lying on the ground. There was no way to attack Chen Xuan.

  Lin Nanyun was very shocked. He didn't expect Chen Xuan's cultivation level to improve so quickly in just a few days.

  When he first saw Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan's cultivation was only at the eighth level of the Shenluo realm, but now Chen Xuan has directly reached the ninth level of the Shenluo realm and crushed him directly.

   What surprised him even more was that the aura exuding from Chen Xuan's body was even equivalent to a powerhouse in the realm of Divine Soul.

Lin Nanyun knew that he couldn't escape. With blood in his mouth, he smiled sternly: "Chen Xuan, if you have the ability, don't run away. As long as our Lord Liu comes, he will definitely kill you, he Will give me revenge!"

"Did I say that I would run? You people in the blood soul gate are simply looking for death. I will not trouble you, but the blood soul gate sends people to kill me one after another. Haha, if I don't destroy the blood soul gate I am not called Chen Xuan." Chen Xuan said.

  If it had been before, Chen Xuan would definitely not be able to say such cruel words, after all, there were many powerful assassins in the Blood Soul Gate.

  Even some of the blood soul gate elders have reached the middle stage of the first stage of the soul realm, but it is different now.

  It is said that the Blood Soul Sect had a conflict with a sect. This sect was not the Sword Moon Sect, but a one-star sect of Yunxiao Mansion.

  The strength of the blood soul gate is not that strong, they can only play a role in the assassination.

  The head of the Blood Soul Gate had already fallen. Now the person in charge of the Blood Soul Gate is Elder Liu.

   "If he dares to come over, I will directly kill him..." Chen Xuan vowed secretly in his heart.

  He will never let Lin Nanyun go.

  At this moment, Li Dongchen rushed out directly, holding the long sword in his hand and instantly cut off Lin Nanyun's arm.

  Blood splashed out.

  Lin Nanyun let out a scream: "Damn it, kill me quickly!"

  Li Dongchen grinned at him grinningly: "You thought I would kill you so quickly, it's so simple for you!"

  I have to say that Li Dongchen is very angry in his heart now, he is going to kill Lin Nanyun bit by bit, so that the other party will feel what is pain.

   "Master Chen?" Shangguan Yunhai looked hesitant to say something. He obviously felt that Li Dongchen's actions were too cruel.

  And Chen Xuan did not reply.

   Chen Xuan thought, Lin Nanyun had been assassinating herself.

  He originally wanted to kill Lin Nanyun.

  Li Dongchen's actions were in line with Chen Xuan's wishes, so he didn't stop it.

  Li Dongchen took a dagger in his hand, and suddenly nailed Lin Nanyun's arm to the ground, then he raised the long knife and slashed it on Lin Nanyun's stomach.

  The blood ran down and the intestines flowed all over the place.

  This scene caused some Jiuding Inn warriors to turn their backs.

   "It's cruel, but it's really relieved!"

   "He actually killed Xiao Liuzi, I must kill him today!" Another warrior rushed over, and he kicked Lin Nanyun's body fiercely.

  Lin Nanyun was already cold, and there was no aura from his body.

   "Already dead?" Chen Xuan asked Li Dongchen.

  Li Dongchen nodded, the meaning is self-evident.

  A red light flashed in Chen Xuan's pupils, and then Lin Nanyun's body was burned to ashes.

  Elder Liu, who was rushing towards the direction of Mofeng Town, suddenly saw the light of the jade pendant in his hand dissipate.

"Could it be that Lin Nanyun has been killed..." Elder Liu's heart was full of despair: "This Lin Nanyun, I have reminded him before, and told him not to act rashly. I didn't expect that he would dare to rush to Mofengxiao alone. In town..."

   After this incident happened, Chen Xuan did not dare to relax his defense of Mofeng Town. If Lin Nanyun can get in, Zhang Lingfang and Zhao Zhiyun are very likely to get in.

  The reason why Lin Nanyun was able to enter the Demon Wind Town was because the blood soul gate had a special technique. They could master an invisibility method, which was equivalent to the invisibility spirit pill refined by Chen Xuan.

  The pill he refined is also a technique inspired by the blood soul door.

   "You must cheer up in the last few days, and don't let it go. We can hold on for a few more days." Chen Xuan said.

  Time flew fast, two days passed in a blink of an eye.

  Chen Xuan had been guarding the Mofeng Town during this period of time, until one day, he felt a fierce murderous aura coming from a distance.

   "Unexpectedly, they came so soon." Chen Xuan said.

  The visitor is no one else, it is Elder Liu from the Blood Soul Gate and several killers.

  At this moment, in a dense forest not far from Mofeng Town.

  Elder Liu pushed aside the bushes, his gaze was placed on the top of Mofeng Town: "There is a Vermilion Array here, it seems we are not easy to attack."

   "Elder Liu, what do you care about so much? Chen Xuan's cultivation is only the eighth level of the Shenluo realm. Wouldn't it be too easy to kill him with your cultivation?"

  After hearing their words, Elder Liu shook his head bitterly: "This is not as simple as you think. Chen Xuan's cultivation is very powerful. Now he has reached the Ninth Level of the Shenluo Realm..."

  Through Lin Nanyun's sound transmission jade pendant, he already knew Chen Xuan's cultivation level, so Elder Liu would observe here, and was not in a hurry to assassinate Chen Xuan.

   "You guys are going to prepare. We must bring Chen Xuan out and kill them, otherwise there are other people in this magic wind town. We will surely shock them when we do it." Elder Liu said.

   "Is there any way to draw him out?"

   "You go to make movement, and then lead him into this jungle. All you need is the old man's hands, and he can definitely be killed..." Elder Liu said confidently.

  He thinks that his cultivation level can crush Chen Xuan.

  In fact, when Elder Liu and others arrived here, Chen Xuan had already noticed the aura emanating from them, but he did not rush to attack.

  Because there are people from the Blood Demon Sect and the Zombie Sect outside Demon Wind Town.

  In case they found out, Chen Xuan would definitely be in danger.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan already felt a blood soul door killer hovering nearby.

  He just smiled faintly, and didn't do anything.

   Chen Xuan knew the idea of ​​the blood soul killer, didn't he just want to attract him out, and let Elder Liu kill him?

  He is not afraid of Elder Liu.

   After all, Chen Xuan's current cultivation level is basically equivalent to a monk in the first stage of the Divine Soul Realm.

  After arriving in Devil Wind Town, Chen Xuan used the bones of the Sky Armored Ghost Dragon to refine a few spirit pills. Now that he has eaten the flesh and blood of the Sky Armor Ghost Dragon, his cultivation has reached the next level.

   is also the mid-ninth stage of the Shenluo realm.

  He didn't believe that Elder Liu could escape from his own hands alive.

  The reason why Chen Xuan didn't do it was because he was afraid of Zhao Zhiyun and Zhang Lingfang.

   "Let's wait a moment..." Chen Xuan thought secretly in his heart.

  Time is fast, and two days have passed in a blink of an eye.

Elder Liu and the killer of the Blood Soul Gate were already waiting impatiently. They still wanted to kill Chen Xuan when he came out. As a result, Chen Xuan stayed in the Devil Wind Town all the time and didn't give him a chance to do anything. .

   "Why isn't Chen Xuan coming out yet." said a killer from the blood soul door.

   "I feel that there are still a few very powerful auras nearby, shall we quickly withdraw?" The killer of the Blood Soul Gate said.

  Elder Liu thought for a while: "Don't worry, Chen Xuan will definitely come out."

  As a killer, he is very patient.

  This wait is one week.

  Finally one day, Chen Xuan rushed towards the Moshui Lake.

  Elder Liu had already noticed Chen Xuan's breath, he immediately called a few blood soul door killers, and then hurried towards the direction of Moshui Lake.

  The reason why Chen Xuan went to Moshui Lake was because a warrior from Jiuding Inn mentioned an ancient ruin below Moshui Lake, which seemed to contain a magic weapon.

  No one has been to this ruin, naturally no one knows what this magic weapon is.

  When Chen Xuan arrived around the Moshui Lake, he had already noticed a breath radiating from the bottom of the Moshui Lake, indicating that there was definitely a treasure in the Moshui Lake.

  Elder Liu didn't know that there was a Vermilion Array near Moshui Lake. When he came here, he was spotted by Chen Xuan in an instant.

  At this moment, Shangguan Yunhai walked over and said, "Master Chen, if I didn’t guess wrong, there must be a Heavenly Great Spirit Crystal under Moshui Lake."

  "Tianhong Lingjing?" Chen Xuan asked with a look of surprise: "What is this?"

"Tianhong Lingjing is a relatively rare spiritual material. Someone said before that there are magic weapons under Moshui Lake. I was planning to come and look for them. Unfortunately, one thing was delayed." Shangguan Yunhai explained: "Speaking of which, we have already It’s two miles away from the town of Demon Wind, what if someone from the Zombie Cult is killed?"

  Chen Xuan smiled faintly: "I have already set up a Vermilion Array nearby, don't worry, come with me and take a look."

  Dugulun curled his lips next to him: "The people from the Blood Demon Sect are also nearby, what if they kill them together?"

  "Don't worry." Chen Xuan didn't want to explain so much. He believed that the people of the Blood Demon Sect would never find Demon Water Lake, and would not break through the Vermilion Array.

After arriving around the Moshui Lake, Chen Xuan looked at the golden Moshui Lake.

   "You said there is a Tianhong Lingjing inside?"

   Shangguan Yunhai replied, "Yes, because I sent someone to explore Moshui Lake before, there should be a Tianhong Lingjing inside, because I found a Tianhong Lingjing residue in the Moshui Lake."

"It turned out to be like this..." Chen Xuan thought secretly. He didn't know what the Tianhong Lingjing was, but according to Shangguan Yunhai's words, Tianhong Lingjing could not only be used to refine the spirit pill, but also After the monk swallowed it, his cultivation could break through instantly.

   Chen Xuan now urgently needs to improve his cultivation level. As long as he can reach the nine peaks of the Shenluo realm, he will be able to deal with Zhang Lingfang at that time.

After arriving near the Moshui Lake, Chen Xuan took out the Liaoyuan Sword.

   "Someone is here."

  In a flash, there was a burst of red air in the sky above Moshui Lake, and three men in black long clothes fell around Moshui Lake.

The person headed by    is a middle-aged man, and this person is Elder Liu.

   "Chen Xuan, I didn't expect Lin Nanyun to die in your hands. Today I see where you can run..." Elder Liu gave a low cry, and he immediately waved his sharp blade and killed him in the direction of Chen Xuan.

  The fierce sword aura suddenly rushed in front of Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan just raised his head, a flash of fire burst into his eyes, and a fierce flame instantly burned in front of Elder Liu.

  Elder Liu's body was repelled several steps, his face was full of horror: "What a strong power."

   Chen Xuan immediately rushed out, a dark red light burst out from the long sword in his hand, and this sword aura directly hit Elder Liu's body.


  Elder Liu was cut in half by Jian Qi.

  The other warriors of the blood soul door let out an exclamation one after another.

   "It's impossible, why isn't even Elder Liu his opponent!"

   "Hurry up!" The warriors of the Blood Soul Gate were terrified in their hearts. They thought that Elder Liu could easily kill Chen Xuan, but the situation developed in the opposite direction.

  (End of this chapter)

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