Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3881: Approaching the first peak of Divine Soul Realm

  Chapter 3881 Approaching the First Peak of the Soul Realm

  After an hour passed, Chen Xuan turned his hands toward the front, and bursts of fierce auras were immediately released, and then they continued to revolve around his hands.

  Suzaku's fire surrounded Chen Xuan's body.

  Although the chair on which Chen Xuan sat was made of wood, the flame did not burn the chair.

  Chen Xuan can control the temperature of the Suzaku fire at will.

   "Since I have reached the first peak of the Divine Soul Realm, it means that I have the qualifications to fight Zhao Zhiyun..." Chen Xuan smiled coldly, and after waiting for such a long time, his cultivation level finally broke through.

  If Zhao Zhiyun knew that Chen Xuanxiu had broken through to this state, he would also be very surprised.

   "Very good, I have to stabilize my cultivation in the last two days, and then deliberately set a gap to let Zhao Zhiyun rush into the Demon Wind Town. He will definitely be killed by me." Chen Xuan thought fiercely.

  If he were to rush out to fight Zhao Zhiyun directly, Chen Xuan might not be able to win.

   After all, Zhao Zhiyun’s Po Yuan Spirit Snake is extremely terrifying.

  Poyuan Spirit Snake is also highly poisonous.

  If Chen Xuan is bitten by the Po Yuan Spirit Snake, although Chen Xuan will not be poisoned, he will also be disturbed by the Po Yuan Spirit Snake's power.

The soul-breaking spirit snake cultivated by the snake gods teaches warriors, and the cultivation base of their host is not much different.

  A soul-breaking spirit snake in the realm of spirits, Chen Xuan is definitely not so easy to deal with.

  Fortunately, his current cultivation level has broken through. Even if he really meets Zhao Zhiyun, Chen Xuan will not deal with such haste.

  Time passed in a hurry, and two days had passed in the blink of an eye. Chen Xuan had been staying in Devil Wind Town in recent days to defend the attack of the Zombie Cult.

  Zhao Zhiyun seems to be unable to wait any longer.

  At this moment, Zhao Zhiyun was just about to launch an attack on Mofeng Town, but suddenly saw a red figure flashing in the distance.

  A fierce breath was released.

  Zhang Lingfang fell to the ground. When he heard that Chen Xuan was in the Mofeng Town of the Mofeng Empire, Zhang Lingfang and Li Yuru immediately rushed over here.

  Only one day was spent in the middle.

  He must kill Chen Xuan as soon as possible in order to avenge his brothers.

   But Zhang Lingfang just came here, but saw a few blood demon sect warriors Zhao Zhiyun killed.

  Zhang Lingfang naturally knew that Zhao Zhiyun's cultivation had reached the first level of perfection.

  But he believes that the opponent is absolutely impossible to be his opponent, after all, Zhang Lingfang and Li Yuru have reached the realm of spirit and soul.

  Zhang Lingfang's current cultivation base is even close to the second level of the Divine Soul Realm.

  Zhao Zhiyun had just killed a few warriors of the Blood Demon Sect, and he felt a shocking breath coming from a distance. He knew it must be Zhang Lingfang of the Blood Demon Sect.

   "Everyone, be careful, people from the Blood Demon Sect are here!" Zhao Zhiyun said loudly.

  Several blood demon sect warriors gathered together quickly, their expressions were very excited.

   "Hehe, you tribes of the Zombie Sect, all of you will be killed by our Lord Zhang Lingfang today!"

  A warrior of the Blood Demon Sect took the lead in attacking, and he quickly slashed a sword aura towards Zhao Zhiyun.


  This sword aura formed an explosion in front of Zhao Zhiyun, but it did not bring any influence to Zhao Zhiyun.

  Zhao Zhiyun’s expression was very savage, he thought that even a blood demon sect would dare to attack him, and he simply did not put him in his eyes.

  So Zhao Zhiyun rushed over immediately and cut off the head of the blood demon sect warrior with a knife in his hand.

After seeing Zhao Zhiyun killing his own person, Zhang Lingfang's face showed a fierce expression: "It seems that you people of the Zombie Cult don't want to live anymore!"

  Even if the Blood Demon Sect is not comparable to the Snake God Sect, Zhang Lingfang's cultivation is stronger than Zhao Zhiyun.

  The next moment, Zhang Lingfang's body suddenly rushed out, his left hand turned into a cloud of blood, and he grabbed Zhao Zhiyun.

  Zhao Zhiyun was also unwilling to show weakness. Two yuan-breaking spirit snakes appeared on his body, quickly winding towards Zhang Lingfang.

   Suddenly, the two of them were on the same level. Although Zhao Zhiyun was a little lower than Zhang Lingfang's cultivation base, the broken soul snake he released actually entangled Zhang Lingfang's body.

   After feeling the power of this soul-breaking snake released by Zhao Zhiyun.

  A puzzled look appeared on Zhang Lingfang's face. It was the first time he had fought against a person of the Zombie Cult.

  The Po Yuan Spirit Snake was not swallowed by his blood mist, but the Po Yuan Spirit Snake resisted bursts of blood mist.

  Seeing this scene, Zhang Lingfang wanted to kill Zhao Zhiyun even more. He thought that Zhao Zhiyun was a guard of the Zombie Sect, but he couldn't kill Zhao Zhiyun directly.

  All this went beyond Zhang Lingfang's expectation. He was very confident of his own cultivation base. He was not even prepared to let Li Yuru take the action, only relying on his own cultivation base to kill Zhao Zhiyun.

  Zhao Zhiyun was also unwilling to show weakness. He thought that his cultivation had reached the highest level of the Divine Soul Realm, not to mention, and he also possessed the Po Yuan Spirit Snake.

  At this moment, the two Po Yuan Spirit Snakes have entangled towards Zhang Lingfang, Zhang Lingfang's body is completely controlled by the Po Yuan Spirit Snake, and he is desperately running True Qi to resist the Po Yuan Spirit Snake.


   The two bodies smashed into each other fiercely, but Zhao Zhiyun's cultivation was still lower after all, so his body was directly knocked out.

  Zhao Zhiyun’s face was full of hideousness, he got up and said to many Zombie Sect warriors: “Hurry up and don’t stay here for a long time!”

  These zombie warriors have heard Zhao Zhiyun’s tone very anxious, indicating that Zhao Zhiyun is not Zhang Lingfang’s opponent.

   Zhang Lingfang yelled, his body once again condensed a burst of **** aura, and then hit Zhao Zhiyun's body.


  Zhao Zhiyun's back was shot out of a blood pit, but Zhao Zhiyun's life was very tenacious, even if he was seriously injured, it did not affect his speed.

After seeing Zhao Zhiyun escape, Zhang Lingfang did not pursue him.

  A woman in red appeared soon after.

   "Brother Zhang? Did you win?" Li Yuru asked.

  Zhang Lingfang smiled confidently: “Don’t worry, he is seriously injured now, I’m afraid he will be poisoned to death soon, let’s just leave him alone.”

  After Zhao Zhiyun escaped to the Demon Snake Building, he panted with big mouths. At the moment of the moment of the moment, he was almost killed by Zhang Lingfang.

   "This Zhang Lingfang's cultivation is indeed very strong. It seems that I must be careful, and I must never get caught in his trap anymore." Zhao Zhiyun thought secretly in his heart.

  After he arrived at the Demon Snake Tower, he noticed that the snake pattern formation near the Demon Snake Tower had loosened.

What happened……

  Zhao Zhiyun's heart was full of shock, he hurried to the direction of the Demon Snake Underground Hall, but when he walked into the Demon Snake Underground Hall, he found the bodies of countless snake gods.

No way!

  Zhao Zhiyun stayed in place, as if he had been petrified. He didn't expect that in the past few days when he was out, someone would have gotten into the Demon Snake Temple and killed so many people of the Snake God Cult.

   "Did someone sneak in quietly?" Zhao Zhiyun's heart was full of shock.

He hurriedly came to the place where the core of the serpentine formation was located, and then checked whether the serpentine formation was complete, but when he came here, he discovered that the serpentine formation had long been cracked by someone. .

   "Did Chen Xuan do it? Or is it that the people from the Blood Demon Sect came here..." Zhao Zhiyun couldn't help thinking about it.

  At this moment, he saw traces of being burned by the Suzaku fire on the wall.

   Could it be that Chen Xuan had been here before?

   Thinking of this, Zhao Zhiyun’s face was full of bloodthirsty murderous intent: "Damn Chen Xuan, he knows he was caught in Chen Xuan's plan to move the tiger away from the mountain!"

   When Zhao Zhiyun reacted, it was already too late, and all the Zombie Sect warriors he had left in the Devil Snake Earth Temple had been killed.

  Even a few sacred sacred priests have died.

   "Chen Xuan, you wait for me, I absolutely want to kill you, you will never escape from my palm!" Zhao Zhiyun thought viciously, but he still couldn't leave the Demon Snake Tower.

  Now there are only less than ten Snake God Sect warriors left in the Demon Snake Building, and all the others have been killed.

Zhao Zhiyun knew that it was impossible to stop so many people from the Blood Demon Sect with his own power. If the people of Jiuding Inn came to attack now, Zhao Zhiyun might even be defeated by Chen Xuan, because he is already seriously injured. .

  Zhao Zhiyun knew that all this was Chen Xuan's strategy, but he couldn't understand why Chen Xuan knew his whereabouts.

  Until now, Zhao Zhiyun thought of some key things. He vaguely felt that Chen Xuan possessed the power of dragon patterns, otherwise he would never notice his whereabouts.

   Chen Xuan can react in time every time Zhao Zhiyun wants to attack Mofeng Town in the past.

  This shows that Chen Xuan must have a way to know his location, and then make a corresponding plan.

"Okay, Chen Xuan, you killed so many people. If I don't repay this enmity, I won't be called Zhao Zhiyun!" Murderous aura splashed out of Zhao Zhiyun's pupils, killing so many snake gods at once. Martial artist, the power of the Demon Snake Tower is greatly reduced.

Several warriors of the Blood Demon Sect had already killed near the Demon Snake Building, but they felt that there was a large snake pattern in the Demon Snake Building, so this Blood Demon Sect warrior did not anxiously attack, but hovered at the door. Ready to attack the Demon Snake Tower at any time.

  At this moment, Zhang Lingfang's body slowly fell to the ground. As the leader of these blood demon sect warriors, Zhang Lingfang's cultivation was recognized by everyone.

   "What's wrong? Why are you stunned in front of the Demon Snake Building? Did something happen?" Zhang Lingfang had just landed, and he didn't know that there was a large snake pattern inside the Demon Snake Building.

A blood demon sect warrior immediately said: "Master Zhang, the Demon Snake Tower is much more dangerous than we thought. This is the home base of the Zombie Sect warriors. If we attack rashly, it will definitely cause a backlash from the Serpentine Array. "

After hearing what he said, Zhang Lingfang immediately squinted his eyes and looked at the Demon Snake Tower: "There really is a serpentine formation. I have never dealt with people from the Serpent God Cult before. Let me ask about their serpentine great. How is the formation."

  In spite of this, Zhang Lingfang was still a little afraid of the serpentine formations of the Zombie Cult, so he just wandered around and didn't rush into it.

  About two quarters of an hour later, there was a burst of thunder in the sky, and a fierce thunder and lightning directly smashed in front of Zhang Lingfang.


Zhang Lingfang's body was immediately knocked out for two steps. Although this thunderbolt brought danger to Zhang Lingfang, Zhang Lingfang's cultivation base was already close to the second level of the Soul Realm, so this thunderbolt did not kill Zhang Lingfang, but rather angered him. Up him.

   "Damn, you people of the Zombie Cult can't escape!" Zhang Lingfang said angrily.

  At the same time, in the Jiuding Inn in the magic wind town.

  Dugu Lun laughed: "Hahahaha, I didn't expect that the people of the Zombie Sect and the Blood Demon Sect actually fought together. This is a golden opportunity for us."

   "Chen Xuan, shall we go in for a kick now? We just went to persuade him to fight?"

Chen Xuan shook his head. He said, "Don't be so anxious. Since the Zombie Sect has a conflict with the people of the Blood Demon Sect, we happen to be watching the excitement nearby. If the two tigers fight against each other, one will die. Hurry up and find a way to leave this magic wind town."

   "If the people of the Zombie Sect win this battle, we will kill it directly." Chen Xuan said.

  At the beginning, Chen Xuan still felt very curious about why the people of the Zombie Sect did not attack the Blood Demon Sect in the past.

  (End of this chapter)

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