Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3883: Zhang Lingfang and Zhao Zhiyun

  Chapter 3883 Zhang Lingfang and Zhao Zhiyun

  Time flickered, and more than half a month passed in a blink of an eye.

  Chen Xuan squinted his eyes tightly in the room, his cultivation level had reached the late stage of the ninth stage of the Shenluo realm.

  A half-month retreat can raise a small level, which is simply unimaginable in the eyes of other monks.

  I have to say that the spirit pills refined from the Tianhong Lingjing have brought tremendous help to Chen Xuan. If it weren't for the power of the spirit pills, Chen Xuan's cultivation level would definitely not be able to improve so quickly.

"It's almost reached the nine-fold peak of the Shenluo realm." Chen Xuan's expression was very excited. This is the moment he dreams of. As long as he can reach the nine-fold peak realm, then Chen Xuan will have to compete with Zhang Lingfang. Strength.

Not only did he want to kill Zhang Lingfang, Chen Xuan was also looking for revenge on the people before him. At the beginning, many people tried to kill Chen Xuan secretly. As long as his cultivation could break through a small level, when Chen Xuan returned to Yunxiao Mansion, he would Kill all these people.

  He said at the beginning that if he didn’t take revenge, he would change his name and surname.

  Only a few years have passed, and Chen Xuan's cultivation is almost close to the realm of Soul and Soul.

  No wonder Elder Li was so jealous at the time.

  If Elder Li knows that Chen Xuan's current strength is almost close to the realm of the soul, he will definitely kill Chen Xuan at all costs.

  Otherwise, as long as Chen Xuan's cultivation base breaks through, he will be killed.

  Chen Xuan's body was filled with a dark red aura, and he had gradually realized the power of the soul.

  The power of Divine Soul is extremely strong. As long as he can comprehend Divine Soul, Chen Xuan's soul strength can be increased by hundreds of thousands of times, and the gap between him and the strong in Divine Soul realm will be further narrowed.

  Time flew fast, and more than a month passed.

  During this time, Chen Xuan was still in retreat, and he didn't know anything about the outside world.

  Finally, one morning, Chen Xuan slowly opened his eyes. He felt that the aura in his dantian was about to explode, and then Chen Xuan began to guide the aura in his acupuncture points.

  The sound of explosions continued from his body.

  Two quarters later, Chen Xuan's body exuded a terrifying aura.

  All the warriors in the Jiuding Inn showed horrified expressions.

   "Did you hear that voice just now?"

   "I seem to have heard it, isn't it because Master Chen's cultivation level has broken through?"

   "There will be such a loud voice. What realm has Master Chen's cultivation reached? Has he already realized the spirit?"

  In fact, Chen Xuan had already understood the power of Divine Soul long before, otherwise he would not be able to deal with a master of Divine Soul Realm when he was in the Ninth Level of the Shenluo Realm.

  The Ninth Peak of the Shenluo Realm...

   Chen Xuan’s face was full of joy.

  He originally wanted to break through two small realms within a month, but Chen Xuan didn't know how long it had been since his retreat and the outside world.

  He slowly opened the door of the room, and then walked out of it.

  Chen Xuan felt that his stomach was extremely hungry.

  "Is there anything to eat!"

  His voice came out.

  The corners of the mouths of all the warriors in the Jiuding Inn raised slightly.

  They knew that Chen Xuan's cultivation had reached the nine peaks of the Shenluo realm.

   "Master Chen, there is something to eat, wait a minute!" Li Dongchen suddenly called out several warriors and asked them to prepare a few plates of beef for Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan's appetite is surprisingly good.

  Li Dongchen did a careful calculation later. On the day Chen Xuanxiu had just broken through, he ate a cow in total.

  This appetite is really scary, because many monks won’t let them die even if they don’t eat for a month.

  Many monks basically eat once every two or three days, and even some monks do not eat a meal for a few months because of cultivation.

  Chen Xuan has practiced for two months.

  In these two months, he did not eat a grain of grain, so Chen Xuan only felt so hungry when he came out of retreat.

   "Chen Xuan, has your cultivation reached the ninth peak of the Shenluo realm?" The first question was Dugulun.

  Chen Xuan nodded, with a confident expression on his face: "Now that I have reached the peak of the Ninth Layer, I am sure to deal with Zhang Lingfang."

   "Great!" Dugu Lun laughed loudly: "I was worried that it was not Zhang Lingfang's opponent. Since your cultivation has reached the ninth peak of the Shenluo realm, we have a high chance of winning this time."

  Yu Wenqiu also said: "Chen Xuan, your retreat has lasted for more than two months, do you know that someone from the Blood Demon Sect has come over in the past few days."

   "What?" Chen Xuan asked immediately. He felt a little itchy in his hands now. Chen Xuan, who had just reached the ninth peak of the Shenluo realm, had to find Zhang Lingfang to test two tricks.

  Chen Xuan wanted to see if he could defeat him after his breakthrough.

Shangguan Yunhai came out and said: "I don't know who they are. The origins of these people are very mysterious. Anyway, Master Chen, I will be back to Tianling City in two days. I'm afraid I can't help you here anymore. ."

After learning that Shangguan Yunhai was going back to Tianling City, Chen Xuan immediately asked, "Do you need me to go back with you?"

   Chen Xuan vaguely felt that the city lord of Tianling City had a conspiracy, and the other party suddenly wrote to Shangguan Yunhai asking him to return to Tianling City. It must be a fraud.

  Chen Xuan still has a good impression of Shangguan Yunhai. He didn't want Shangguan Yunhai to fall into the plan of the City Lord of Heavenly Spirit.

   "Did Huang Guowu write to you?" Chen Xuan said.

   Shangguan Yunhai nodded and said, "Yes, I received the voice transmission jade pendant from Huang Chengzhu. He told me to return to Tianling City as soon as possible. I don't know what happened."

Chen Xuan said: "Don't worry, you guys will go out with me to see if the blood demon sect people are making trouble here. When I remove the blood demon sect crisis, I will accompany you to the past. ."

  Hearing Chen Xuan's words, Shangguan Yunhai's heart was a little moved: "Okay, let's go over now."

   Outside the Demon Wind Town, two blood demon sect warriors dressed in red have killing intent on their faces.

   "Why hasn't this Chen Xuan come out yet? Our Lord Zhang is already impatient."

   "I heard that he is going to retreat, hehe, even if this kid has been in retreat for more than ten years, it is impossible to reach the realm of spirit and soul. Our Lord Zhang will win this time."

   "I don't believe he won't come out!" a blood demon sect warrior said loudly.

  At the same time, Zhang Lingfang coldly observed the town of Mofeng from a distant mountain peak.

  The battle two months ago caused him a slight injury, but he defeated Zhao Zhiyun.

  Now Zhao Zhiyun can only hide in the Demon Snake Tower and dare not come out, just like a turtle with a shrunken head.

  Zhang Lingfang did not continue to persecute Zhao Zhiyun.

  He didn't want to force the Zombie Cult to die too much, otherwise he would definitely be blacklisted by the Zombie Cult.

   can even cause a battle between the Zombie Sect and the Gorefiend Sect.

  Zhang Lingfang has negotiated terms with Zhao Zhiyun of the Snake God Sect.

  The people of the Serpent God Sect will not provoke the Blood Demon Sect, and the warriors of the Blood Demon Sect will not kill the Serpent God Sect.

  In the past two months, Zhang Lingfang’s injuries have recovered from his injuries, so he immediately searched for Chen Xuan’s information and found that he was hiding in the Jiuding Inn in Mofeng Town.

  Zhang Lingfang was not in a hurry to attack Mofeng Town, he knew there was a Vermilion Array near Mofeng Town.

   "This kid has been staying in Mofeng Town recently, I really can't help him." Zhang Lingfang said secretly.

  Li Yuru came over at this time, and said with a charming face: "Brother Zhang, don't worry so much. This kid can't be better than you. He is only in the 9th realm."

After hearing Li Yuru’s words, Zhang Lingfang nodded softly: "That’s what you said, but I’m still a little worried. At the beginning, this kid found the treasure of inheritance in the secret realm. What if his cultivation reached the realm of spirits and souls? ?"

"Ha ha!"

Before Li Yuru could answer, a warrior of the Blood Demon Sect said: "Master Zhang? You don't need to worry so much. We have already fought against Chen Xuan. His cultivation is only the Ninth Level of the Shenluo Realm, and he cannot be your opponent. ."

After hearing the words, everyone nodded.

   "That's right, he can't be Master Zhang's opponent!"

   "Our Lord Zhang can kill him in only two rounds at most!"

  When these blood demon sect warriors are discussing.

  A figure walked out of Mofeng Town, it was Chen Xuan.

  Following Chen Xuan were Shangguan Yunhai, Dugulun and others.

   "Look, this kid has come out now!" A blood demon sect warrior pointed to Chen Xuan and said.

  Chen Xuan glanced at the blood demon sect warrior, and then his body was trembling constantly.

  This warrior asked in his heart, has Chen Xuan's cultivation level broken into the realm of souls? How else could it radiate such terrifying power?

   "Master Zhang, Chen Xuan is here!" The Blood Demon Sect warrior said.

Zhang Lingfang's body suddenly fell from the top of the mountain, and his expression was very hideous: "Chen Xuan, I have been looking for you for a long time. I didn't expect you to hide in the small town of Demon Wind Nation. Haha, you are now Did you come out to surrender?"

  Chen Xuan thought to himself, even if his cultivation base cannot crush Zhang Lingfang, he can definitely win the battle with Zhang Lingfang.

  The Ninth Peak of the Shenluo Realm...

  In addition, Chen Xuan possesses the power of Vermillion Bird's Fire and Dragon Mark.

   These two powers can bring Chen Xuan's strength to the next level.

  Zhang Lingfang only practiced the gorefiend magic technique. Although this technique is equally powerful, it cannot be compared with the Suzaku Fire.

   "Zhang Lingfang, it seems that you are very confident in your cultivation." Chen Xuan said slightly.

   "It's more than self-confidence. I have the confidence to kill you before you don't react." Zhang Lingfang smiled.

   Hearing this, Chen Xuan's body slowly floated into the air, a dark red light appeared on the palm of his hand, and then the Liaoyuan sword appeared out of thin air.

"Chen Xuan, do you really think you are my opponent? Since you want to die, I will do it for you!" Zhang Lingfang roared, his body suddenly turned into a blood-red light, and then moved quickly towards Chen Xuan Rush.


  Zhang Lingfang changed his palm into a fist and smashed it down in the direction of Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan raised the Liaoyuan sword, and blasted a sword aura towards Zhang Lingfang's fist wind.

The sword aura and fist wind violently collided in the air. After a fierce aura was released, Chen Xuan's body immediately took two or three steps back.

   "Sure enough..." Chen Xuan sighed secretly.

   Fortunately, Zhang Lingfang's cultivation level did not reach the second level of Divine Soul Realm, otherwise Chen Xuan might not be his opponent.

  There is no Vermillion Bird Spirit Formation here, and it is not the territory covered by Vermillion Bird Spirit Formation.

  So Chen Xuan could only kill Zhang Lingfang by means of swordsmanship.

  All the warriors of Jiuding Inn were dumbfounded. They didn't expect that Chen Xuan would have only spent more than two months in his cultivation level to be able to compete with Zhang Lingfang.

   "I’m not mistaken, Master Chen’s cultivation is only the nine levels of Shenluo Realm, why can he take Zhang Lingfang’s sword?"

   "Indeed, how did Master Chen's cultivation become so strong? I remember that he was still the eighth level cultivation of the Shenluo Realm..." said a Jiuding Inn martial artist.

  Amidst these warriors’ discussions, Chen Xuan’s speed continued to accelerate, and his aura was getting stronger little by little.

  Chen Xuan's pupils released a terrifying killing intent, and a swift sword energy instantly slammed into Zhang Lingfang.

  The power of the Thousand Thousands of Sword Art was gradually displayed, and the sword light continued to float around his body.


  Sword Qi thrust into Zhang Lingfang.

  Zhang Lingfang also gave a sharp roar, a red barrier filled his body, and all the sword energy disappeared without a trace when it hit the barrier.

   "Good boy, your cultivation level has improved so fast. If you don't kill you today, you will definitely pose a threat to me in the future!" Zhang Lingfang has already felt danger from Chen Xuan.

  Li Yuru watched indifferently from the side, a red silver needle suddenly appeared in the woman's hand, and then quickly shot in the direction of Chen Xuan.


  The speed of the silver needle is extremely fast, and Yu Wenqiu has already noticed Li Yuru's movements.

  (End of this chapter)

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