Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3898: Make a conclusion

  Chapter 3898 Make a conclusion

   Shangguan Yunhai is no longer ready to talk nonsense with Song Yunmin.

  He is ready to make a close.

  Song Yunmin stared at Shangguan Yunhai with bright red eyes: "Shangguan Yunhai, if you have the ability, kill me, don’t say so much nonsense here!"

   Before he finished speaking, Yu Wenqiu's body turned into a red light, and the autumn wind was dancing, and then his head fell to the ground.

  And Shangguan Yunhai looked at Yu Wenqiu hesitantly, as if saying that this man was clearly mine.

  Yu Wenqiu smiled: "Don't talk nonsense to him, can you just kill him directly?"

The   Snake God sect finally came to an end, and Chen Xuan also breathed a sigh of relief. In the past few days, he had been tense and worried that the Zombie Sect’s people would suddenly be killed.

  Time flickered, and two months passed in a blink of an eye.

  Now that Shangguan Yunhai's status is very high in Tianling City, Huang Guowu has no guts to provoke Shangguan Yunhai. He even voluntarily cedes his position as the lord of Tianling City to Shangguan Yunhai.

  I am afraid that Huang Guowu also knows that he had already let Chen Xuan know about his poisoning in Shangguan Yunhai’s food.

  If Shangguan Yunhai and Chen Xuan were to investigate, Huang Guowu would definitely be killed.

  Huang Guowu’s character is very cautious, and he feels that Chen Xuan will eventually do something with him.

It's just that Huang Guowu was just an ant in Chen Xuan's eyes. In fact, Chen Xuan was indeed planning to kill Huang Guowu, but not now.

  Chen Xuan will never let any threat slip out of his eyes. The incident that Huang Guowu poisoned his food at the beginning was remembered by Chen Xuan.

  If Chen Xuan kills Huang Guowu now, the matter will definitely spread to the upper levels of the Demon Wind Empire, and Chen Xuan does not want to cause too much trouble.

  He knew that Shangguan Yunhai would not kill Huang Guowu.

  This matter can only be done by Chen Xuan.

  One night, Chen Xuan was dressed in black, and then he slowly walked towards Huang Guowu’s residential area.

  Huang Guowu had already vacated the City Lord’s Mansion. Now he is no longer the City Lord of Heavenly Spirit City, so naturally he is not qualified to continue living in the City Lord’s Mansion.

  At this moment in the room, Huang Guowu is holding a cup of tea in his hands, but his eyebrows are firmly pressed against the corners of his eyes, not knowing what he is thinking.

  At this moment, Huang Guowu suddenly heard the wind coming from outside the door, and then he got up and sighed: "It seems that you are still not going to let me go."

   "You can't blame others for this!"

   Chen Xuan's voice passed.

  The next morning, a few warriors in Tianling City found the body of the former city lord in the room, but they were not too public, but carefully reported the matter to Shangguan Yunhai.

  Shangguan Yunhai, who learned of the incident, just nodded quietly, indicating that he already knew about the incident, and then he did not continue to say anything.

   Shangguan Yunhai can guess that this must be done by Chen Xuan, and no one except Chen Xuan would kill Huang Guowu.

  There are many treasures in the Demon Wind Desert, and there are even rumors that there are dragon stone steles in this desert, so Chen Xuan did not rush to return to Jianyuezong to practice.

  He is going to look for it in the Demon Wind Desert, maybe he can find a dragon stone stele.

If you want to get a chance in the Devil Wind Desert, you must have the guarantee of strength. If the strength is too weak, even if you encounter a magic weapon, you will definitely not be able to keep it. After all, there are many powerful masters in the Devil Wind Desert, and they also experience in the desert. .

  The Demon Wind Empire is a very evil place.

  The entire Demon Wind Empire does not have a particularly famous monster beast area, and most of the places where monster beasts are hunted are concentrated in this huge desert.

The level of the monster beasts in the easternmost part of the Demon Wind Desert is even better, and there are no monsters with too strong power, so Chen Xuan has killed many monsters of a lower level in recent days.

  At this moment, somewhere in the middle of the desert.

  The face of a man covered in blood is full of madness, and there are many people behind him who are chasing him quickly.

   "Boy, where do you think you can go? You are dead today!" The warrior behind shouted loudly.

   "Ahahaha, he is destined to be killed by us today!"

  This warrior was covered in blood, his toes stepped heavily on the ground, and he showed all his strength to escape, but he was finally hit by the sword aura of a warrior.


  He finally couldn't stand it anymore, and one of the arms of this warrior was directly cut off.

After being hit by Jian Qi, his body fell heavily to the ground.

   "If you have the ability, just keep running, I want to see where you can run!" A blood-stained warrior said with a smile.

  The breath of the warrior whose arm was cut off was very weak. His body lay staggered on the ground, and there was no way to stand up anymore.

"If you have the ability, just keep running. I want to see where you can go. Hehehe, you really can run. You ran so far in one breath. It's a pity that you are still going to die with us. Hand!" the warrior said.

  Seeing that the other party fell, the two warriors held long swords in their hands and looked at the warrior on the ground with a cold expression.

  The warrior who fell down could no longer stand up. He lay on his back to the sky, and he could hardly even open his eyes.

   "Hehe, if you have the ability, you will kill me. If you don't kill me, I will report the news to our elder brother, and he will definitely avenge me!"

"Even if your eldest brother comes over, it is impossible to be our opponent. If you provoke our Wood Sacred Sword Sect, you will have only one fate, and we will kill it!" The wooden Sage Sword Sect warrior sneered, then fiercely. Raised the long sword.

   Then he thrust into the warrior on the ground, as long as the sword falls on his head, the warrior will undoubtedly die.


  A wave of fierce swordsman suddenly engulfed him over his head.

  He thought he was bound to die.

  But at this moment, a fierce aura radiated from a distance, and two warriors of the Wooden Sacred Sword faction flew out directly, and the long swords in their hands even split into two pieces.

The expressions of the warriors of the Wooden Sacred Sword Sect were extremely shocked, and the sudden scene made them both open their eyes.

"who are you?"

  The warrior on the ground also opened his eyes, his heart was full of joy, because he saw a familiar figure.

   "It seems I can't die today!"

  He knew that as long as this person came here, the two warriors of the Wooden Sacred Sword faction would definitely not be able to kill him.

   "Great!" This warrior struggled hard to get up from the ground. When he saw Chen Xuan, he knew that the other party would definitely save him.

   There was a bright smile on his face.

  The expressions of the two warriors of the Wooden Sacred Sword Sect were very surprised. They looked at the broken sword in their hands with some doubts, and then stared at Chen Xuan with surprised eyes.

   "Who are you on earth?" the warrior said.

"You dare to stop us from the Wood Sacred Sword Sect. Do you know what consequences this will bring to you?" He just wanted to rush towards Chen Xuan, but suddenly found a burst of release from Chen Xuan's body. The fierce aura immediately knocked him out.

   Chen Xuan's expression is very plain.

  After this warrior was knocked into the air, he immediately stood up from the ground: "Who are you? Did you know that if you provoke us, you are likely to be killed in the Devil Wind Desert!"

The expressions of the warriors of the Wooden Sacred Sword Sect were extremely ferocious, he did not expect that someone would dare to provoke them.

  The pupils of the two were full of anger.

   "I advise you to hurry up. If it irritates us, I will kill you later!"

  "Who on earth are you kid? You can sign up if you have the ability!"

  In Chen Xuan's eyes, they are already a corpse: "You don't need to know so much!"

After   's voice fell, his body suddenly turned into a red light, and the Liaoyuan sword aura shot out, and a fierce sword aura rushed directly to the two warriors of the Wood Sacred Sword Sect.


  The bodies of the two warriors suddenly fell to the ground, losing their breath of life.

   "Brother Chen, we are in danger..." The breath of this warrior is very weak.

  Chen Xuan knew that he was from Jiuding Inn.

  He originally wanted to continue to question, but the Jiuding Inn warrior immediately fell into a coma.

   "Could it be that Li Dongchen is in danger?" Chen Xuan thought secretly in his heart.

  After seeing the Jiuding Inn martial artist unconscious, Chen Xuan gently picked up his body, and then took him to a safer place.

There was a burst of light red light from the space ring, and then the little firebird ran out of the space ring. Chen Xuan pointed to the Jiuding Inn martial artist on the ground, and then he whispered to the little firebird. Said.

   "You are here to take good care of him, don't let anyone come over, notify me immediately if there is any danger." Chen Xuan said.

  Little Firebird chirped twice, and then took care of the Jiuding Jiuding Inn warrior in the cave, and Chen Xuan rushed in the direction of Jiuding Inn.

  Li Dongchen and others had also done something to Chen Xuan, but Chen Xuan had known Li Dongchen for quite a while.

  Now that Li Dongchen is in danger, Chen Xuan certainly can't let it go.

  Chen Xuan immediately displayed his body skills, his speed is very fast, Chen Xuan is now rushing in the direction of Jiuding Inn at the fastest speed.

  With only a quarter of an hour left from Jiuding Inn, Chen Xuan suddenly stopped.

  The person who just chased and killed the warrior of the Jiuding Inn was a member of the Wood Sacred Sword Sect. They were a sect of the Demon Wind Empire.

  Wood Sacred Sword School is an ordinary sect.

  The cultivation base of the strongest disciple in this sect is only about the nine levels of the Shenluo realm, and the cultivation bases of the other disciples are even less worth mentioning.

  In Chen Xuan's eyes, he could easily kill all disciples of the Wooden Sacred Sword Sect. Unless the elder of the Wooden Sacred Sword Sect came, it was possible to threaten Chen Xuan.

  At the same time, somewhere in the Demon Wind Desert, a large group of disciples of the Wood Sacred Sword faction were besieging two warriors.

  If Chen Xuan was here, he would definitely be able to recognize him, and one of them was Li Dongchen.

  It is reasonable to say that Li Dongchen’s cultivation level definitely cannot resist so many disciples of the Wood Sacred Sword Sect.

  The number of disciples of these Wood Sacred Sword Sect is very large, and with their cultivation base, Li Dongchen can definitely be killed easily.

  As a result, Li Dongchen persisted for so long.

  The place where Li Dongchen fought with the warriors of the Wooden Sacred Sword Sect was near Leizhou.

  There are many swamps in this area.

  And there are many poison ivy in the swamp.

  These poison ivy slashing vines carry very poisonous poison, and it is through these poison ivy that Li Dongchen can reach the siege of the disciples of the Wood Sacred Sword Sect.

  In the very center of this swamp, there is a very huge boulder.

  At this moment, Li Dongchen and a brother beside him were standing on the boulder, their expressions were very panicked.

   "Brother Li, what should we do now? We definitely can't keep going!" The warrior of Jiuding Inn said with a panic expression.

Li Dongchen's expression is also very nervous. He has been here for several hours, but he vaguely feels that he can't continue to defend here. If the people of the Wood Sacred Sword faction attack, even if they hide above the boulder, they are sure Will be killed by them.

   "Wait for a while, we have no other choice now!" Li Dongchen said.

  (End of this chapter)

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