Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3903: Sword Moon Great Sword

  Chapter 3903 Sword Moon Great Sword

  Zhuge Yun held the Jianyue Great Sword, and the blood slowly overflowing from the corner of his mouth, the blood was sprayed on the Jianyue Great Sword.

Then a red halo lit up in the center of Jianyue Great Sword, and a wave of fierce sword aura was released instantly. The wild aura stirred up a storm, and the bodies of the six powerful men immediately retreated two times. step.

   "A strong power, worthy of the sword moon giant sword!"

   "Ahahaha, if I can get this sword moon giant sword, my cultivation level will definitely improve a lot!"

   "Hehe, I didn't expect this to be the treasure of your Sword Moon Sect!" The man in black also showed surprise on his face, his face was slightly startled, and then he showed greed.

   "Indeed, after all, your Jian Yuezong was once a three-star sect before. It is not surprising that you have such a profound background!"

  Any strong person is unwilling to take the initiative to provoke the three-star sect, let alone the strength of Jianyuezong in the three-star sect.

  Sword Moon Sect has the treasure of Zhenshan and did not make these six powerhouses feel surprised.

   Seeing the wild aura released from Jianyue Great Sword, all the strong immediately joined hands and prepared to resist Zhuge Yun's attack.

This Jianyue Giant Sword is the treasure of Jianyuezong’s mountain, Zhuge Yun couldn’t watch Jianyuezong being destroyed in his own hands, so he opened the formation without hesitation, and then thought about it. Fa Jue directly took out the Jianyue Giant Sword.

   "You still want to turn the tide with the sword of the sword, Zhuge Yun, what you think is so simple, today you are destined to be killed by us!" A warrior said with a laugh.

  The sword aura immediately surrounded the air, and a fierce sword aura broke through the clouds.

  All the strong are attentive, they are staring at Zhuge Yun, for fear that they will be killed by Jianyue Giant Sword's power accidentally.

  The six powerhouses all stayed in place.

  At this time, the body of the warrior headed by him suddenly bounced in the air, a fierce aura exploded from his body, and then he slammed into Zhuge Yun fiercely.

   Zhuge Bai's expression is very scared now, he knows that this level of battle is not something he can participate in at all.

  "What shall we do now, brother?" Zhuge Bai said loudly.

Hearing this, Zhuge Yun said in a cold voice: "You quickly run away with the surviving disciples. There is still a large formation in our inner gate that has not been opened. As long as this formation is opened, they will definitely not be able to get in."

   Zhuge Yun is very sad now, he has already felt the crisis before, but he has not opened the Zhenshan formation.

  If this formation is opened, there is absolutely no way for the six powerhouses to get in easily.

   Zhuge Yun and others can resist at least a few points.

  It is precisely because of his negligence that the six powerhouses came to Jianyuezong safely and even forced Zhuge Yun to activate the power of Jianyue Giant Sword.

  As the power of Jianyue Great Sword constantly seeped out, the body of a strong man was immediately repelled by two steps.

   "So strong, it won't be Jianyue Giant Sword, but it's a pity, you are only one person now, you can't be our opponent!" The strong laughed, and he felt that he was sure to win.

  The man in black also showed a cruel smile: "They are right, Zhuge Yun, you have no way to resist us now, but it is a pity that Jian Yuezong will be destroyed in your hands."

   Zhuge Bai took advantage of the six powerhouses not paying attention, plus Zhuge Yun escorted him, he hurriedly walked towards the back mountain.

  There are still many disciples in the back mountains who are cultivating. They all feel the crisis. Fortunately, all these disciples are hidden.

  Most of the sects will save some inner gates, just to avoid the sects from being kicked by a pot, if they encounter a strong enemy attack, they can temporarily hide in the refuge, and they can make a comeback one day.

  At this time, Zhuge Bai took a few inner and outer disciples and hurried to the refuge in Houshan.

  The expressions of these Sword Moon Sect disciples were terrified. They didn't know what happened.

   "Elder Zhuge, what happened outside?" a disciple asked loudly.

Zhuge Bai is too lazy to explain now, he said hurriedly: "Don't say so much, the six powerhouses have killed our Jianyue Sect. They are all Wuhou of Yunxiao Mansion, and any one's cultivation level has reached Divine Soul. In the realm, you guys can't be their opponents, don't hide for me as soon as possible!"

  Many Sword Moon Sect disciples have tears on their faces. They have been in Sword Moon Sect for a long time, and they have already had feelings for this place.

   "But the elder, we can't let the lord face them alone."

   Zhuge Bai coldly snorted: "Is this something you should take care of? Let's take care of your life first, let me go in quickly, one day we Sword Moon Sect will definitely get revenge."

   Zhuge Bai's mood now is as dead as death, he knows that he can't help his brother against the six powerhouses.

  Only as the Sect Master of the Sword Moon Sect, can he master the art of controlling the Sword Moon Giant Sword, he has no way to control the Sword Moon Giant Sword.

   Even though Zhuge Yun had a strong cultivation base, he still had no way to control the Jianyue Great Sword, and he would definitely be backlashed by the Jianyue Great Sword's power at that time.

  "Brother, don't worry, I will definitely not let them go..." Zhuge Bai vowed secretly in his heart.

  "Elder, where are you going?" A disciple asked loudly. He saw Zhuge Bai rush out of the refuge and fly directly into the sky.

"Don't worry about so much, just remember it for me. Everyone will stay here honestly for me. There is a lot of food and water in it, and the aura of heaven and earth is also very abundant. If this crisis is not over, you will be absolutely sure. Can't come out!" Zhuge Bai said.

After    finished speaking, there was a word in his mouth, and then bursts of light red light condensed from his hands.

  A seal suddenly got stuck on the gate of the refuge.

  Then the formation opens.

  Zhuge Bai frowned: "As the elder of Jianyuezong, the old man can't just watch them destroy Jianyuezong..."

  After finishing speaking, Zhuge Bai rushed in the direction of Zhuge Yun, he wanted to help his brother.

   Just when Zhuge Bai was about to launch an attack, a strong man spotted him.

   "Zhuge Bai, don't come to join in the fun just based on your cultivation base, it only takes two rounds at most, and I can kill you!" The strong man laughed frantically.

   Zhuge Bai snorted and said: "Okay, it seems that you are very confident in your cultivation, but I will not be killed by you so easily. Come here if you have the ability!"

  Suddenly, Zhuge Bai fought a strong man for two rounds.


  His body was instantly knocked to the ground, and Zhuge Bai spit out a mouthful of blood.

   "No, I am not their opponent!"

   Zhuge Yun's expression was extremely anxious, he turned around and said to Zhuge Bai: "Junior Brother, you can't be their opponent, hurry up and find a way to escape from here!"

Zhuge Bai could not escape, otherwise it would violate his beliefs: "Brother, I vowed to coexist and die with Jianyuezong. Now Jianyuezong has been destroyed like this. There must be no way with us old guys Renaissance Sword Moon Sect, we can only pin our hopes on the next generation..."


  A fierce sword aura suddenly fell on Zhuge Bai's body, and one of the old man's arms was directly cut off.

   Zhuge Bai covered his arm and let out a scream, while the long sword in his hand fell to the ground, and Zhuge Bai fell into a coma.

   "Kill him, don't waste time!" said another strong man.

  The warrior who cut off Zhuge Bai's arm just now fell on the ground, and he showed a cruel smile at Zhuge Bai's body.

   "Very good, but it's a pity that you are still going to die in my hands!" The next moment, he swung his long sword and instantly pierced Zhuge Bai's body.


  A stream of blood flowed out of Zhuge Bai's body, and Zhuge Bai let out a scream.

   A clear sound rang.

  This strong man didn't think too much, he only felt that Zhuge Bai had been killed by himself, and then he got up and started to join the melee, fighting Zhuge Yun with other strong men.

   Zhuge Yun’s pupils are full of bitterness, but his heart is very painful.

  Although he is a few years younger than Zhugebai, Zhugebai has always respected him as a senior.

  After all, Zhuge Yun has been in Jianyuezong a little longer, and his cultivation is stronger than Zhuge Bai.

  The two of them have lived for nearly a hundred years. At the beginning, the Blood Demon Sect had attacked Jianyue Sect. Since then, Zhuge Yun and Zhuge Bai have forged a deep friendship.

   "Zhuge Bai, I will avenge you!" Zhuge Yun laughed miserably, and he screamed up to the sky, and then the Jianyue Great Sword in his hand suddenly exuded a burst of terror.

  This sword aura suddenly slammed into the direction of the six powerhouses!

  The six powerhouses couldn't resist the attack of Jianyue Great Sword head-on, so their bodies quickly moved backwards.

  At the same time, a sneer appeared on the face of the black warrior, his body slowly disappeared in place, and when he appeared again, a fierce palm wind suddenly bombarded Zhuge Yun's body.


   Zhuge Yun suddenly vomited blood, but he abruptly held the attack, and then he swung the sword moon giant sword, and once again attacked the black-clothed man.


  The body of the black-clothed man was immediately repelled by a few steps, but when he stabilized his figure, he raised his long sword again and slew towards Zhuge Yun.

   "Zhuge Yun, today you are dead!"

  At this moment, Chen Xuan had already searched the Black Cloud Peak, and he vaguely felt that there was danger nearby.

  But Chen Xuan didn't know exactly where this danger came from.

   "It's really strange, it seems that there should be a lot of powerful monsters nearby..." Chen Xuan whispered.

  The area near Heiyun Peak was foggy, and there were many poison ivy growing around. Chen Xuan had already been attacked by many poison ivy in the swamp. He knew that poison ivy was carrying very poisonous poison in the swamp.

  Chen Xuan's dragon pattern refining body has reached a very high level, even if he is hit by the poison ivy, he will definitely not be poisoned to death.

  But he needs to consume part of his true qi to resist the spread of toxins.

The area of ​​  Heiyun Peak is very large, which can be described as having the universe inside.

  When Chen Xuan was observing Heiyun Peak outside, he had not yet thought that the inside of Heiyun Peak would be so huge.

  Walking among the Black Cloud Peak, Chen Xuan remained vigilant at all times. He could not tell how many powerful monsters would live in the Black Cloud Peak.

  In case you provoke this group of monsters, I am afraid Chen Xuan will not be able to escape from it alive.

  His footsteps suddenly stopped, and Chen Xuan stared at the front nervously.

   "It seems that there is a three-fan Ganoderma lucidum in front. I didn't expect my luck to be pretty good!" Chen Xuan's face showed joy. If he could get a Ganoderma lucidum, he could refine the magic cloud lingzhi pill.

  Chen Xuangang was about to walk in the direction of the Three-Vatican Ganoderma lucidum, but suddenly saw that there was a dark leopard near the Three-Vatican Ganoderma.

   "It seems that this underworld Leopard also wants to get the Three Vatican Ganoderma lucidum, I must deal with it carefully..." Chen Xuan thought secretly in his heart.

  Sanfan Ganoderma is a very rare spirit grass, and it is already considered the top-level existence in the spirit grass. He was just about to look forward to the past, but suddenly found that the body of the Yinmo Leibao moved.

   Could it be that this monster has found me?

  Chen Xuan immediately stopped, and he looked at the Yin Demon Thunder Leopard coldly from a distance.

  Yin Demon Thunder Leopard did not come to attack.

  At this moment, the demonic Leibao stared at Chen Xuan with blood red eyes.

  Chen Xuan knew that the monster beast was ready for battle.

"Okay, you beast, you still want to **** the Ganoderma lucidum from me, do you not want to live!" Chen Xuan cursed secretly, and then he raised the Liaoyuan sword and slowly approached in the direction of Ganoderma lucidum. Past.

  When it was two meters away from the Sanfan Ganoderma lucidum, the body of the Yin Demon Leopard stood up instantly, completely different from Chen Xuan's imagination. The height of the Yin Demon Leopard even reached about six meters.

  Just now, the Demon Thunder Leopard had been lying on the ground. Chen Xuan thought that the Demon Thunder Leopard was not that huge.

   "It seems that I underestimated you..." Chen Xuan whispered.

  (End of this chapter)

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