Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3914: Vs. Lu Tianrun

  Chapter 3914 Battle against Lu Tianrun

   Chen Xuan’s only advantage now is that although Lu Tianrun is extremely aggressive in his attacks, he has lost consciousness.

  After two sticks of incense, Chen Xuan directly got rid of Lu Tianrun's attack.

  But then, Chen Xuan encountered something even stranger.

  "This is Li Dongchen?" Chen Xuan looked at a man in front of him, and he found that this person looked exactly like Li Dongchen.

   "No, he must be Li Dongchen..."

   Chen Xuan thought that he wanted to send Li Dongchen to Mofeng Town, but Li Dongchen refused.

  That’s why Chen Xuan asked Little Firebird to protect Li Dongchen and the others back to Mofeng Town, but then the Little Firebird suddenly came to Chen Xuan's side halfway.

   "Could it be that Li Dongchen and others were taken away by the snake gods when Little Firebird was leaving?" Chen Xuan thought to himself.

   There was no blood on Li Dongchen's face, and his body suddenly rushed towards Chen Xuan.

  Faced with Li Dongchen's attack, Chen Xuan seemed a little hesitant.

   "Li Dongchen, it's me. Look carefully, I'm Chen Xuan!" Chen Xuan said loudly.

  While he wanted to wake up Li Dongchen, he was desperately running his sword energy to resist Li Dongchen's attack.

  Li Dongchen’s expression did not change at all, as if he had fallen into a coma. Li Dongchen now is exactly the same as Lu Tianrun that Chen Xuan had encountered before, but he launched a violent attack on him, but there was no emotional change on his face.


  At the moment when Li Dongchen attacked Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan directly displayed Thousands of Sword Art, and a sword aura instantly rushed to Li Dongchen's body.

  Li Dongchen's body was instantly repelled.

   "Li Dongchen, what's wrong with you? Hurry up and wake up, I am Chen Xuan!" Chen Xuan said very anxiously.

  He did not expect Li Dongchen to be controlled by the snake gods.

  "Why do these Zombie Cultists appear here? Could it be that they are also looking for magic weapons?" Chen Xuan was shocked.

   Thinking of this, Chen Xuan rushed over immediately, he did not kill him.

   After all, Chen Xuan and Li Dongchen had known each other for a long time, and Chen Xuan couldn't bear to kill him.

  One after another sword aura shot in the direction of Chen Xuan, and in the sky, Chen Xuan's pupils released a terrifying light.

  A fierce sword aura was released instantly.

  Chen Xuan and Li Dongchen collided violently.

  After Li Dongchen was controlled by the people of the Snake God Cult, his cultivation became much stronger. Although Chen Xuan did not exert his full power, he could not even subdue Li Dongchen for a while.

  The more he fought with Li Dongchen, the more surprised Chen Xuan was.

  Because he discovered that Li Dongchen's current cultivation base has basically reached the realm of souls.

   "This is unlikely..."

  According to the Lu Tianrun that Chen Xuan met before, Lu Tianrun's original cultivation was the realm of Divine Soul. After he was controlled by the people of the Zombie Sect, his cultivation was basically close to the second stage of Divine Soul realm.

  But Li Dongchen's previous cultivation base itself did not reach the realm of Divine Soul, as a result, his current cultivation base has surpassed several major levels.

  Chen Xuan was puzzled.

  He didn’t know what the snake gods did to Li Dongchen.

  Why did Li Dongchen’s cultivation become so strong?

  If Chen Xuan didn't guess wrong, Li Dongchen's current cultivation level is even about to reach the great consummation of the Divine Soul Realm.

  When he was fighting the previous enemy, Chen Xuan basically showed his full strength.

One very important reason why Chen Xuan was able to defeat Lu Tianrun was because Lu Tianrun underestimated the enemy. He did not think Chen Xuan was his opponent. Therefore, when Lu Tianrun neglected to defend, Chen Xuan seized the opportunity to do it. One hit kill.

  But now Li Dongchen has been completely controlled by the snake god. His attack is not only unstructured, but also very overbearing.

  Li Dongchen has already exerted his full strength.

  Faced with Li Dongchen's crazy attack, Chen Xuan actually felt threatened.

  After a battle, Chen Xuan gradually gained the upper hand.

  The long sword in his hand and the long knife in Li Dongchen's hand blasted in the air.

   A clear voice came out, and then Li Dongchen's body flew out.

  Li Dongchen was finally defeated.

  Chen Xuan now has the upper hand completely, his soles slammed on the ground, and then Chen Xuan's body turned into a mass of red light and appeared directly in front of Li Dongchen.

  He blasted out a palm wind, and instantly hit Li Dongchen's body.

  Li Dongchen's body instantly fell to the ground.

  Chen Xuan grabbed Li Dongchen's neck directly, and then he said something in his mouth, and a burst of Vermillion Bird's power instantly filled Li Dongchen's mind.

  He wants to see if Li Dongchen is dead.

  Exactly as Chen Xuan thought, Li Dongchen was only under control now.

  As the power of the Vermillion Bird penetrated into Li Dongchen's dantian, Li Dongchen let out a scream.

  Li Dongchen desperately resisted Chen Xuan's soul power, but at this moment, a **** light was released in Chen Xuan's pupils.

  Suzaku's soul instantly filled the top of Li Dongchen's head.

  At this critical moment, Li Dongchen casually touched a long knife next to him, and then stabbed it in the direction of Chen Xuan.


  The long knife in Li Dongchen's hand flew out suddenly, and then inserted into a tree in the distance.

  Chen Xuan's palm was also cut out by Li Dongchen's long knife, and blood was slowly flowing out.

  Chen Xuan is really a little angry now, he clenched his fists, and slammed his fist towards Li Dongchen fiercely.


  Li Dongchen's body was directly knocked out, and then hit a tree in the distance.

  Chen Xuan immediately followed, he grabbed Li Dongchen's body, and then used the power of the soul to check Li Dongchen's body.

   "It's really terrifying..." Chen Xuan thought secretly in his heart. He discovered that Li Dongchen still had a breath of snake **** teaching martial artist in his body, and this power was extremely terrifying.

   is exactly the same as the sacrifices of the group of snake gods that Chen Xuan encountered before.

   "Could it be that he has been controlled by the sacrifice of the Zombie Sect?" Chen Xuan frowned tightly, and he felt that the situation was developing in the most unfavorable direction.

   "I have to think of a way..." If Li Dongchen is forcibly waked up, it is very likely that the opponent will die directly.

  Chen Xuan could not do that, he didn't want Li Dongchen to die because of it.

  After Chen Xuan thought carefully, he decided to use the power of the soul of the Vermillion Bird to absorb all the breath of the snake **** teaching warrior in Li Dongchen's body.

   "I don't know if it will work..." Chen Xuan didn't know whether this method could bring Li Dongchen back to life, but he had only this method for the current plan.

  Chen Xuan's hands were slowly placed on Li Dongchen's forehead, a wild breath immediately began to pull Li Dongchen's body, and finally Chen Xuan's consciousness also entered Li Dongchen's body.

  Li Dongchen let out a scream, he obviously felt pain.

After about a stick of incense, Chen Xuan slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

  The evil aura in Li Dongchen's body has gradually disappeared.

  Chen Xuan’s pupils were full of killing intent, his hands were pressed on Li Dongchen’s head, and then Chen Xuan silently read a sentence of tactics. As time passed, Chen Xuan slowly raised his arms.

  A red ball of light appeared in the palm of his hand.

  This light is exactly the spiritual formation set up by the zombie cultivator, and now he has been caught in the palm of his hand by Chen Xuan.

"Damn it, these snake gods are so cruel, it seems that they also want to experiment with Li Dongchen!" Chen Xuan thought secretly in his heart, just when he was about to destroy this breath, Chen Xuan Suddenly, he felt an extremely fierce breath coming from behind.

  He immediately turned around, only to see a man in a red robe walking slowly towards him.

   "Are you Chen Xuan?"

  Chen Xuan nodded coldly: "You should be a member of the Zombie Cult, right?"

"Hehe, whether I am a member of the Zombie Cult has nothing to do with you, but you actually broke my good deeds, and today you will die in my hands!" The man yelled, and then he lifted the machete in his hand. , Rushed towards Chen Xuan fiercely.

   Chen Xuan smiled coldly, because he knew that the other party must be a person of the Zombie Cult.

   "I also said that I am not a member of the Zombie Cult. I didn't expect that I would meet you here. I am curious about what conspiracy you have. Why are you experimenting with so many people one after another?" Chen Xuan asked loudly.

   Seeing that the other party was about to rush to him, Chen Xuan's body swayed slightly to the side, directly causing the snake **** martial artist to jump into the air.

  Faced with his attack, Chen Xuan seemed very comfortable.

   After all, Chen Xuan's current cultivation level has reached the realm of Divine Soul, even if the opponent's cultivation base is strong, it is impossible to threaten him.

   "Your cultivation level is not very good!" Chen Xuan mocked.

  The snake **** martial artist was obviously very angry: "Okay, Chen Xuan, you dare to taunt me, did you kill Zhao Zhiyun before?"

  "Do you know Zhao Zhiyun?" Chen Xuan was puzzled for a moment, and then he said, "Zhao Zhiyun is already dead in my hands."

   "Hehe, you can kill Zhao Zhiyun, but you can't necessarily kill me!" The Zombie Sect warrior screamed, and then he quickly rushed towards Chen Xuan.

  A fierce palm wind suddenly fell in front of Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan quickly swung his long sword.

  Suzaku swordsmanship sixth!

  A fierce sword aura was instantly released from Chen Xuan's Dantian, and then he slew towards the snake **** martial artist.

  This zombie warrior can't resist at all.

  His body was directly knocked out hundreds of meters, and then hit a distant stone wall.

  Seeing that the opponent was easily defeated by himself, but Chen Xuan was not overwhelmed. He knew that the snake **** warrior had a killer skill that he had not used.

  Since he has the strength to deal with Lu Tianrun, it shows that the cultivation base of this zombie warrior is definitely not just as simple as it seems on the surface.

   "Who are you on earth?" Chen Xuan asked sharply.

   "Hehe, who I am has nothing to do with you!"

  He got up from the ground in an instant, then swung the scimitar in his hand and dived towards Chen Xuan.


  The two punched each other.

  Chen Xuan's body stepped back slightly, but he was not injured.

   Chen Xuan felt that something was wrong. The opponent's cultivation base was not very strong. Every time he fought Chen Xuan, he basically ended in failure.

  Why is Lu Tianrun defeated by him?

  Although Lu Tianrun was already injured at the time, he was after all a perfect powerhouse in the Divine Soul Realm, and it was impossible to lose to this snake **** sect warrior.

  At this time, Chen Xuan felt that the true energy in his body was fading a little bit.

  He then discovered the reason.

   "I finally found out. It turns out that you used this method to defeat Lu Tianrun. I really underestimated you before!" Chen Xuan smiled faintly.

   "It's a pity, I have discovered your conspiracy!"

  This zombie cultist obviously wanted to consume Chen Xuan's true energy, and then control his body.

  All this is in Chen Xuan's grasp.

   "I won't let you control me!" Chen Xuan yelled, and a dark red flame suddenly appeared on his body.

  Continuously burning with the Suzaku Fire.

  This technique of secretly absorbing the true qi in Chen Xuan's body is constantly being cracked.

A shocked expression appeared on the face of the   zombie warrior.

   "This is impossible!" He stared at Chen Xuan in disbelief.

  I have to say that the exercise he demonstrated just now is extremely strange and mysterious. If it weren't for Chen Xuan's sudden whim, he would definitely not feel that his dantian vitality was constantly being lost.

  When fighting, everyone will consume zhenqi, and it is impossible to detect this loss of power.

  Lu Tianrun obviously underestimated the opponent, so he was controlled.

  In an instant, the Liaoyuan sword in Chen Xuan's hand was shot out, and after a burst of red light flashed, the body of the Zombie Sect warrior was immediately pierced.

After killing the zombie warrior, Chen Xuan saw a red halo light up in the space ring, and then the little firebird ran out of his ring quickly.

  The little Firebird opened its mouth wide, and instantly swallowed the zombie warrior.

  After devouring the opponent, a dark red flame appeared on the little Firebird's body, but the light group disappeared in an instant.

   "What happened..." Chen Xuan looked puzzled.

  Little Firebird made a full hiccup with great satisfaction, and then threw his wings on Chen Xuan's shoulder.

  (End of this chapter)

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