Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3919: Enter the Zombie Cult

  Chapter 3919 Entering the Zombie Cult

  Li Dongchen also nodded: "Brother Chen, this snake **** demon has a very strong cultivation base, shall we do it?"

  The snake **** warrior on the opposite side did not rush over, and Chen Xuan simply stopped where he was. He had to inquire carefully about what kind of technique is to reorganize the soul.

  "You explain to me, what is the reorganization of the soul?"

   "Among the Serpent God Sect, there is a very domineering technique."

   "Brother Chen, I think you should have also heard of the clone displayed by the Blood Demon Sect. This is a technique that can only be released by a strong person who has reached the realm of Divine Soul."

   "This technique allows the martial artist to reorganize the soul, and the reorganized soul can make them stronger, and at the same time, it can also make one more life."

"Once the soul is reorganized, the cultivation level can be improved a lot, but not everyone can reorganize the soul. Every sect has a method to cultivate the soul. Some sects just continuously temper the strength of the soul, but there are also some sects like It is the power of the Zombie Sect that is more inclined to the magic door, and they will reorganize their spirits."

  "After the reorganization, the spirits not only become stronger, but they can also display their clones."

   "Look, the one next to them is their clone." Li Dongchen kept saying.

   "I've seen people from the Blood Demon Sect display the clone before, but these people of the Zombie Sect can also master the clone spirit, which is really weird."

After hearing Chen Xuan's voice, Li Dongchen smiled and said, "Big Brother Chen, why would you say that? As long as you can condense the soul, you can practice the method of avatar, but the reorganization of the soul can not be practiced by anyone."

"You see, his spirit is exactly the same as himself. The most important thing is that he is injured, but after reorganizing the spirit, he will not suffer much injury. Even at critical times, the reorganized spirit can help him block the opponent. Attack." Li Dongchen explained.

   Chen Xuan was shocked when he heard this.

  He didn't expect that the Zombie Sect had such a magical technique.

  "Since they can reshape the soul, does this mean that it is very difficult for us to kill the zombie warrior in front of us. After all, why did the zombie warrior we met before have not mastered the incarnation of the spirit?"

  According to Li Dongchen’s explanation, Chen Xuan is somewhat clear now.

  After reaching the realm of Divine Soul, many warriors have already awakened Divine Soul, and they can use Divine Soul to do whatever they want.

  There are also some cultivation methods that specialize in improving spirits. As for the reorganization of spirits, it is just one of these cultivation rules.

  If you want to reshape the soul, you must first master the clone of the soul.

  Chen Xuan has just come into contact with Divine Soul now. He hasn't had much feeling for the power of Divine Soul. After Li Dongchen's explanation, Chen Xuan knew that once the other party reorganized Divine Soul, his cultivation level would definitely improve.

  If the warrior of the Zombie Sect is allowed to reorganize the spirit, the consequences will be unimaginable.

  Chen Xuan’s pupils were full of killing intent: "Let’s kill him as soon as possible. We must not leave this scourge outside to harm the world."

  He is already intent on killing.

  No matter what, Chen Xuan couldn't let this snake **** cult warrior escape back. If the snake **** sect's base camp knew about this, they would definitely send more powerful men over.

  A snake **** teaches martial artist Chen Xuan can deal with it, but if there are too many people who teach the snake **** martial artist, Chen Xuan is definitely not their opponent.

While talking, Chen Xuan was ready to attack.

  He released a dark red light on his face, and the Suzaku fire instantly burned.

   "Brother Chen, if you attack his soul incarnation is useless, we must attack the deity first." Li Dongchen said.

  Chen Xuan nodded and said, "Of course I know."

  The Liaoyuan sword in Chen Xuan's hand immediately released a dark red light, and then the monstrous heat filled the long sword in his hand.

  Suzaku swordsmanship sixth!

  Chen Xuan’s pupils were full of fierce fire, and when the light gathered on the Liaoyuan Sword, a burst of stronger power was released.

  A raging sword aura instantly pierced one of the figures.


  The body of this figure flew out several hundred meters, but he did not suffer much injury.

   "Hehe, I never thought I would meet you here. If I guessed correctly, your name should be Chen Xuan." The shadow said suddenly.

  Chen Xuan did not expect that he would recognize his name, but Chen Xuan was not surprised. He knew that he was now on the blacklist of the Serpent God Cult.

The people of the Zombie Cult have long wanted to put Chen Xuan to death. Before that, some people of the Zombie Cult came here to look for Chen Xuan, wanting to kill him and avenge the warriors of the Zombie Cult. .

  Unfortunately, they all ended in failure. Some of the Serpentine Sect’s guards weren’t Chen Xuan’s opponents at all. If there were some masters, they could only last three rounds at most.

   "Are you here specifically to find my revenge?" Chen Xuan asked with a smile.

   "Hehe, you can't control that much!" The figure laughed, and his body instantly rushed in Chen Xuan's direction.

Seeing that this figure was about to rush to him, Chen Xuan's mouth raised slightly: "Aren't you trying to kill yourself? How can you be my opponent by yourself?"

  The next moment, but his body was filled with a dark red light.

  Chen Xuan held the Liaoyuan Sword tightly in his hand. After a sharp sword light drew over, the Liaoyuan Sword pierced into the body of this figure.

   "Ah!" The man let out a scream, and his body was directly knocked out.

The power of   Liaoyuan Sword was revealed.

  He could not be Chen Xuan's opponent at all.

   A miserable cry came from the warrior of the Zombie Sect.

  After his body fell on the ground, Chen Xuan instantly flew over and ran over, and then gathered the palm of the wind, and a fierce aura directly slapped him on the body.


  The body of the zombie warrior was knocked into the air once again, and his expression was extremely hideous.

   "How is this possible? Why are you so fast?" He couldn't imagine why Chen Xuan would come to him in an instant.

  He was already ready to fight against Chen Xuan, but the power that Chen Xuan had just exploded seemed to be beyond his ability to resist.

  The pupils of the snake **** teach martial artist slowly opened, and his expression was extremely shocked.

  "You will die for me!" A burst of dark red aura gathered on his body, which was extremely evil.

"Hehe, I don't believe it. I can't kill you after performing this exercise. Today you are destined to die in my hands!" After he performed this exercise, the snake **** The martial artist seemed to be ten years old in an instant.

  His eyes were full of bloodthirsty murderous intent, and several spirit snakes appeared on his body instantly, entwining him.

   Seeing this scene, Chen Xuan's expression was a little surprised.

  But he didn't take it to heart, because Chen Xuan was confident that he would be killed directly when the opponent rushed over.

"Your cultivation base is not my opponent at all, it's just reaching the middle stage of the Divine Soul Realm. I want to kill you is too easy!" Chen Xuan said disdainfully, the moment he was fighting the opponent , I have already sensed what realm the snake **** teaches martial artist's cultivation level has reached.

The    Snake God warrior obviously doesn’t believe that Chen Xuan can defeat him. He smiled grimly: “Chen Xuan, you are really too confident in your own strength. Today you will die in my hands!”

After   's voice fell, the Zombie Sect warrior immediately charged towards Chen Xuan.

   Before he could take out the weapon, he saw the long sword in Chen Xuan's hand swiping slightly, and then a storm gathered, and bursts of flame power instantly rushed in his direction.

"Do not!"

  The snake **** warrior was full of shock. He did not expect the power of the Vermillion Bird Fire released by Chen Xuan to be so powerful.

   Just when the zombie warrior was preparing to resist, a sharp sword aura had already hit him.


  His body was instantly knocked back.

The snake **** teaches the warrior slowly got up from the ground, he has already been hit hard: "Chen Xuan, wait for me, as long as I reorganize my soul, my cultivation level can be further improved, and then you will become mine. Under the sword!"

  How could Chen Xuan watch the other party regroup his soul.

   "It's so simple to think!" Chen Xuan sneered.

   Seeing that the reorganization of the soul is about to succeed, the snake **** teaches martial artist's heart is very tangled, he feels a terrifying murderous aura from Chen Xuan's body.

  When reorganizing the spirits, it is also when they are weakest.

  He originally thought that he could easily defeat Chen Xuan even without reorganizing the soul, but when he and Chen Xuan fought for a round, the snake **** martial artist realized how weak his cultivation level was.

   is not worth mentioning in front of Chen Xuan.

  The most terrible thing is that before he had time to completely release his spirit, he saw Chen Xuan had rushed over.

  A sharp sword aura instantly hit his forehead.


  The body of the Snake God Sect warrior was knocked into the air again, and blood was constantly flowing out of his body. After a short time, the blood had already stained the earth.

   "No... I can't die here!"

  The warrior of the Zombie Sect was full of unwillingness, but he could not resist the burning of the Suzaku fire.

  A torrent of flames continuously broke his power of refining, even though his cultivation had reached the middle stage of the first stage of the Divine Soul Realm, the power of the Vermillion Bird's fire was not something he could resist.


  Finally after a quarter of an hour, the body of the zombie warrior slowly lay on the ground.

  He has not been completely burned to death by Suzaku Fire.

  Chen Xuan is not going to waste time anymore.

   "It seems that you are not my opponent after all. It's a pity that you are going to die here today. Go and die for me!"

After   's voice fell, Chen Xuan drew out the Liaoyuan sword, the fierce aura was completely released, and then the sword aura directly blasted towards the snake **** cultivator.

The warriors of   Snake God Sect were killed directly.

  Li Dongchen had been dumbfounded. He didn't expect Chen Xuan to kill the snake **** teaching martial artist in just three rounds.

"Brother Chen, your current cultivation base is really too strong, I didn't expect that you absorbed the energy in the condensed ancient jade, and the cultivation base directly reached the threshold of the second-tier powerhouse of the Divine Soul Realm. I really admire it!" Li Dongchen said with a look of admiration.

  Although he was a blessing in disguise and his cultivation reached the first level of Divine Soul Realm, the gap between him and Chen Xuan was still very wide.

  He knew that he had absolutely no way to defeat this zombie warrior so easily, but Chen Xuan only took a few short rounds to directly win.

   "Let me see what good things are in his space ring." Chen Xuan said.

  He walked in the direction of the zombie warrior, and then slowly picked up the ring on the ground.

  After killing the zombie warrior, the soul that was about to reorganize was also shattered.

  The soul represents his own soul. After seeing the other's soul shattered, Chen Xuan knew that the snake **** cultivator had completely disappeared from this world.

   "Let's leave here as soon as possible." Chen Xuan turned his head and said to Li Dongchen.

  Li Dongchen nodded slightly: "Okay, Brother Chen, it's really not appropriate to stay here for a long time, let's go quickly."

  Then the two of them set off in tandem.

  Along this road, Chen Xuan could always feel the bloodthirsty killing intent in Li Dongchen's body.

  Chen Xuan was thinking that if a few warriors from Jiuding Inn broke into the serpentine spirit formation without authorization, they would be killed by Li Dongchen.

  After all, Li Dongchen had already fallen into madness at first, and no one except Chen Xuan could stop him.

  Li Dongchen's current cultivation has reached the realm of Soul and Soul, breaking through two major levels at once.

  This is something that Chen Xuan could not even imagine.

   "Li Dongchen, let's go east and leave here as soon as possible." Chen Xuan said.

  Li Dongchen did not refuse, now his consciousness has almost recovered, he knows whether he can get out of here, he must rely on Chen Xuan.

  (End of this chapter)

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