Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3922: Lin Tianhun and Zong Yunguang

  Chapter 3922 Lin Tianhun and Zong Yunguang

  At this time, above the desert, Lin Tianhun and Zong Yunguang were walking slowly.

The two of them have been in the Demon Wind Empire for a long time. The purpose of coming here is to assassinate Chen Xuan. At the same time, they heard that the heaven and earth in the eastern part of the Demon Wind Empire are full of aura, and they can also find a lot of heaven and earth here. treasure.

  It's a pity that the two of them have been shopping here for nearly a month, but they still haven't found any magic weapon.

   "Lin Tianhun, it has been more than a month since entering the Demon Wind Empire, why have we still not found those treasures of heaven and earth? Didn't it mean that the Demon Wind Empire has many magic weapons?" Zong Yunguang said very puzzled.

   Although the land of the Demon Wind Empire is relatively barren, there are many very ancient ruins and even some rare treasures.

  These rare and exotic treasures are not inherited treasures. Under the desert that can be seen everywhere in the Demon Wind Empire, it is possible to see a ruin. At the same time, this also requires luck.

  Not everyone can discover these ancient ruins.

  The gate of the ancient ruins is not accessible to anyone. Only those who successfully break through the restrictions and break the seal can enter the ancient ruins.

   "Our cultivation base cannot be improved for a long time, this Chen Xuan's cultivation base is very powerful, if we can't find the treasure of inheritance, it is very likely that he will run away!" Lin Tianhun said.

  The two of them are obviously very anxious.

  According to Lin Tianhun's inference, Chen Xuan's cultivation has approached a great achievement in the realm of spirits.

  This kind of cultivation is very scary, even if the two of them work together, they may not be able to win.

"That's right, we have to find the treasure of inheritance before we can deal with Chen Xuan. This kid's cultivation is very likely to have reached the second level of the realm of spirits. As long as we find the treasure of inheritance, you and mine will have further cultivation. Upgrade, will it not be easy to deal with him at that time?" Zong Yunguang said with a laugh.

  He originally thought he could meet an ancient ruin in the Demon Wind Empire, and then get the treasure of inheritance inside.

  Who would have thought that a month has passed, they still have not found any ancient ruins under the desert of the Demon Wind Empire, and they have not found any rare treasures.

   "Our luck is really bad."

   "Yeah, we have been searching for so long, and we still haven't found any inheritance."

   "Isn't it said that this magic wind empire is inherited everywhere?"

"I look like a place with a vain name. Since there are so many inheritance treasures here, why can't we get it? Could it be that our luck is already so bad? Why can't we get it if Chen Xuan can get it? "Zong Yunguang said a little dissatisfied.

  He originally wanted to discover an ancient ruin in the Demon Wind Empire. If their cultivation level could not break through a small realm, they would encounter more danger when dealing with Chen Xuan.

  As the killers of the Blood Soul Gate, they must first guarantee their lives.

   "Haha, by the way, in the past few months, many Jiuding Inn warriors have died in our hands. These people are really rich, and they have a lot of treasures."

   "Hehe, what you said, there are already many warriors killed by us alone."

"But these Jiuding Inn martial artists have no inherited treasures. Although there are many treasures in the space rings on their bodies, these treasures cannot allow our cultivation base to break through. If we want to avenge elder Liu, we must Find the heritage treasure among those ancient ruins." Lin Tianhun said.

  He has a good understanding of heritage treasures. There must be heritage treasures in the ancient ruins in the Demon Wind Empire.

  If inheritance can be obtained, it will allow his cultivation to break through.

   "Unfortunately, we only killed five in total. Although they have some valuable things on their bodies, these treasures have not brought any improvement to our cultivation level at all." Lin Tianhun shook his head slightly.

  His expression is very disappointing. It stands to reason that he can definitely get the treasure of inheritance. As a result, after shopping here for so many days, he still did not find the shadow of the ancient ruins.

  During this period of time, as long as Lin Tianhun and Zong Yunguang encounter a warrior from the Demon Wind Empire, or a weak warrior, they will attack and then **** the magic weapon from them.

  Many warriors of the Demon Wind Empire were miserable. Many of them passed through here, and some were even monks in nearby cities, but they were killed by two blood soul gate killers on the way.

  One morning, Lin Tianhun and Zong Yunguang appeared in a corner of the Demon Wind Desert.

  Zong Yunguang’s face was full of bloodthirsty murderous aura. With a light wave of his palm, the red breath was immediately released.

  The two warriors of the Demon Wind Empire suddenly wanted to walk past when they saw a strange breath coming from behind them.

  A force suddenly smashed towards his body.


  The body of the warrior of the Demon Wind Empire was instantly knocked into the air, his body rolled down several times, and then he stood up from the ground.

  It's just that his body has begun to shake constantly, indicating that he is now seriously injured.

   "Who are you?" the warrior of the Demon Wind Empire asked loudly.

After hearing his words, Lin Tianhun and Zong Yunguang slowly walked out from behind the tree, bloodthirsty expressions on their faces.

"You care who we are, you just need to know that we will die in our hands today." Lin Tianhun laughed grimly, his body was filled with a layer of fiery red aura, as the aura released , The fierce power instantly hit the body of this Demon Wind Empire warrior.

  The two warriors of the Demon Wind Empire were ultimately not opponents. They were killed by Lin Tianhun and Zong Yunguang one after the other.

After    killed the two, Lin Tianhun smiled coldly, he immediately walked forward, and finally picked up the space ring of the two Demon Wind Empire warriors from the ground.

   "I want to see if they have any good things in their hands." Lin Tianhun said.

  When he opened the space ring, he discovered that there was nothing valuable in it.

"These people are really too poor. If we want to get a treasure, we still have to kill Chen Xuan. This kid has already obtained a lot of treasures before. I heard that he has also obtained the inheritance treasure in the secret realm. If he can be killed, these magic weapons will be ours." Zong Yunguang said with a smile.

   "It's a pity that we still can't deal with Chen Xuan. Let's hunt down the pedestrians here to see if there is anything good on them." Lin Tianhun said.

  Because of this, the two of them have been hunting down the warriors who passed by here.

  The strongest cultivation base of the warriors of the Demon Wind Empire passing by is only the first stage of the Divine Soul Realm.

  These warriors who have just reached the realm of Divine Soul are not the opponents of Lin Tianhun and Zong Yunguang at all.

  The two of them stayed here for a long time, so that they got a lot of treasures.

  Now they have piled up a lot of space rings in front of them, these are from the many warriors who entered the Demon Wind Empire.

   "There is nothing valuable in their space ring, the most pretended are low-grade spirit stones, but we two want so many spirit stones, it is of no use at all." Lin Tianhun said.

  The cultivation base of the two of them is already very strong, they are absolute first-class killers in the blood soul gate, and they are also the strongest cultivation bases besides Elder Liu.

  They have no shortage of tasks at all.

  In these years at the Blood Soul Gate, Lin Tianhun and Zong Yunguang have accumulated millions of high-grade spirit stones.

  The total assets of the two of them can even be close to 10 million high-grade spirit stones. In Yunxiao Mansion, Lin Tianhun and Zong Yunguang are already very wealthy.

  They would never come out to perform tasks in normal times, unless it was some very difficult bones, Lin Tianhun and Zong Yunguang would do it together.

  They usually acted together by two, because Zong Yunguang and Lin Tianhun could display a spiritual formation, and in this formation, few people were their opponents.

  At the beginning, Elder Liu asked Lin Tianhun and Zong Yunguang to go out on a mission to kill a sect elder in Yunxiao Mansion.

  Lin Tianhun and Zong Yunguang went out for nearly a month before they finally completed the mission.

  The sect elder who was killed was an inner sect elder of a two-star sect. His cultivation base was very strong, otherwise Elder Liu would not let them pass together.

  It's a pity that Elder Liu has now died under Chen Xuan's sword.

  The entire blood soul gate was used as a bird and beast dispersal, and only the two senior killers of the blood soul gate, Lin Tianhun and Zong Yunguang, would choose to avenge elder Liu. The other killers had already escaped.

  "Look at whether there are other treasures in these spatial rings. If we want to deal with Chen Xuan, we must improve our cultivation level." Lin Tianhun said.

   "Look, there seems to be a few thousand years of Ganoderma lucidum in it, let's eat these." Zong Yunguang said with joy.

  Because of these ganoderma, their strength has improved a lot.

  Although the cultivation base has not been improved, they are much stronger than before entering the Demon Wind Empire.

   "How long has passed since then, my cultivation level has improved to a small level..." Lin Tianhun's expression was extremely joyful.

   "These people from the Demon Wind Empire are too rubbish. I killed them before I could do my best. Haha, this is a really good place!"

  Although they have never encountered a magic weapon of inheritance level, Lin Tianhun and Zong Yunguang have already discovered a lot of Ganoderma lucidum here for thousands of years.

   Although these Millennium Ganoderma can not be regarded as the top treasures, they have also brought a huge effect to their cultivation.

   "By the way, why hasn't Chen Xuan passed by here? We have been waiting here for a long time!"

  Chen Xuan didn't chase him for so long, which made Lin Tianhun and Zong Yunguang also very dissatisfied. They originally wanted to set up a spiritual formation here to kill Chen Xuan.

  If Chen Xuan were to let Chen Xuan know their inner thoughts, he would definitely laugh at these two people for not knowing the heights of the world.

  Although the two of them had improved their cultivation to a small level, only Zong Yunguang's cultivation had reached the top level of the Divine Soul Realm. He could not be Chen Xuan's opponent at all.

  Lin Tianhun has just entered the first stage of the Divine Soul Realm. The cultivation of these two blood soul door killers is very strong, but it is nothing compared to Chen Xuan.

"I heard that in the Demon Wind Empire, there is a Demon Heaven Town? Should we go there to see? I heard that this Demon Wind Town sells many valuable items. If we can encounter some precious treasures, the two of us The cultivation base can make a further breakthrough." Zong Yunguang asked suddenly.

  They also knew that it would be very dangerous to deal with Chen Xuan.

  When they followed Chen Xuan, they found that Chen Xuan easily killed a warrior of the Zombie Cult.

  Moreover, the cultivation base of the snake **** martial artist has reached a great accomplishment in the realm of spirits and souls.

   "By the way, what is the origin of this Devil Wind Town? I heard that there are many vendors selling natural materials and earth treasures. Are they all sect martial artists?" Lin Tianhun said.

  Zong Yunguang nodded and said: "Yes, some warriors get a panacea that they can't use, and they will just want to trade out."

  "These pills have no effect on them. Rather than putting them on their own body to get moldy, it is better to sell these natural treasures, which may bring a lot of income."

"The geographical location of this Demon Wind Town is very critical. In addition, there are many monster deserts here, so Demon Sky Town is gradually taking shape. This Demon Wind Town is still relatively dangerous. Otherwise, let's go and take a look. Right." Lin Tianhun said.

  The two of them came to the Devil Wind Empire for the first time, and they didn't know the terroir here.

  But Zong Yunguang knew more than Lin Tianhun, because he had learned about the customs of the Demon Wind Empire in the book before.

  In this magic wind town, there are many powerful masters, and they are also mixed with dragons and snakes.

  The geographical location of this place is very similar to the Sun Moon Fortress. They are both in the center of the major forces. The most important thing is that there are many masters in this magic wind town.

  Nowadays, the scale of development of this magic wind town has become larger and larger, and it is still in the southwest of the magic wind empire.

  (End of this chapter)

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