Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3924: Magic Wind Town

  Chapter 3924 Magic Wind Town

  Chen Xuan nodded thoughtfully, thinking that this Demon Wind Town was really weird.

  With so many disciples gathered here, it is inevitable that there will be a fight.

  Sure enough, after Chen Xuan just walked two steps, he heard a crackling sound from a distance.

  There are two men in a duel.

"Hehe, I gave you those things just now, it's already a shame to you, but you actually want to take advantage of me again and again, are you looking for death?" A man dressed in a long red dress Said the warrior in clothes.

   "You are too much, you just gave me a little fur, you really think I will like these things, besides, you just wasted me so long, shouldn't you compensate me?"

  Two warriors fight against each other.

  It didn't take long for one person to win.

  The defeated warrior was killed directly.

  Seeing this scene, Chen Xuan thought to himself.

   "Unexpectedly, the biggest danger in this Devil Wind Town is the monks of various martial arts."

  At the same time, Lin Tianhun and Zong Yunguang also rushed towards the town.

   is about to arrive at Motian Town, so Lin Tianhun is also a little moved.

"We have robbed so many space rings, and there are a lot of things in them that we don't need. The two of us happened to go to Motian Town to sell them, replace them with spirit stones, and then buy the heaven and earth spirit materials we need?" Lin Tianhunman The face said in surprise.

"Okay, what you said is exactly what I think, but we still have to be more careful. I heard that there are some warriors in this Demon Wind Town who have reached the realm of spirits. Once we meet them, we might also There will be danger." Zong Yunguang said.

  The two of them talked to each other.

  Especially Lin Tianhun, he had already begun to think in his heart, after he got the inherited treasure, his cultivation level would definitely be able to kill Chen Xuan.

   But when the two people were talking, suddenly a figure appeared in the distance.

   "Who is it?" Lin Tianhun's expression was extremely ferocious.

  "Should we go over and take a look?"

  "Look at who he is in the past. Maybe he is a disciple of the sect. If you can kill him, you will be able to **** the treasure from him." Zong Yunguang also said.

  In a short while, they appeared in front of a disciple wearing a white robe.

   "Hehe, Xiongtai, where do you want to go?" Lin Tianhun said with a smile on his face.

  This white-robed disciple was full of doubts. He didn't know why these two people had to stop in front of him.

   "Who are you? Anything wrong?"

  Lin Tianhun did not speak, but his long sword had already exploded with a murderous aura, and this was his reply to the other party.

  This disciple originally wanted to resist, but Lin Tianhun's speed was too fast.

  In an instant, he rushed directly in front of the opponent, raised the knife in his hand and fell, and the head of this sect disciple fell to the ground in an instant.

After killing this sect disciple, Zong Yunguang followed.

  "Look if there is any magic weapon on him."

   While they were talking, Chen Xuan and Li Dongchen left Demon Wind Town, and they had already bought the magic weapon.

   "Brother Chen, I feel their breath is not far away." Li Dongchen said.

  Chen Xuan nodded slightly, he also felt the breath of two blood soul door killers.

"I also feel that their breath is coming. You must be more careful. These two are the killers of the blood soul door. Their cultivation has reached the realm of spirits and souls. If I meet them, I will take the lead in dealing with one of them. , The other person, hold on temporarily." Chen Xuan said.

He knew that his cultivation was enough to deal with two killers, but Chen Xuan was a little worried. These two blood soul gate killers must have some mysterious technique. If they were to assassinate in a hidden corner, Chen Xuan might not be able to assassinate them. react.

   Lin Tianhun and Zong Yunguang had just killed this sect disciple, they saw two dark shadows flashing past in the distance.

   "Did you see the two figures just now?" Lin Tianhun said.

  Zong Yunguang's body was condensed with a layer of light red light. After a while, he opened his eyes and said: "This must be the kid Chen Xuan, let's go over."

   The speed of these two figures was very fast, and soon appeared before Lin Tianhun and Zong Yunguang.

  Chen Xuan and Li Dongchen had already discovered them.

   "It seems that before going to Motian Town, they can be killed." Seeing these two men rushing straight, his face was full of madness.

  For a period of time before, Lin Tianhun always wanted to attract Chen Xuan and Li Dongchen into his formation.

  It's a pity that Chen Xuan had already prepared. He knew what Lin Tianhun's calculations were.

  Chen Xuan's dragon pattern perception is very keen, although he followed Lin Tianhun and Zong Yunguang immediately, Chen Xuan clearly sensed that Lin Tianhun and others had a spiritual formation nearby.

  Lin Tianhun grinned grimly: "This kid really has the courage to come over, and we will kill him directly later!"

After seeing Chen Xuan and Li Dongchen, Lin Tianhun and Zong Yunguang simply stopped.

   "Since we are here, let's not show mercy. This Chen Xuan definitely has a treasure of inheritance, and we must avenge Elder Liu!" The two of them stopped and looked at Chen Xuan from a distance.

  Lin Tianhun is waiting for the arrival of the two of them.

  For Lin Tianhun, he believed that after his cultivation level was improved, he would surely be able to easily kill Chen Xuan.

   "Brother Lin, let's be more cautious. Chen Xuan's cultivation level may have reached the peak of the Divine Soul Realm, and the cultivation base of the kid next to him is not weak."

  Chen Xuan and Li Dongchen had bloodthirsty expressions on their faces. After a quarter of an hour, the two of them came to Lin Tianhun and Zong Yunguang.

  Chen Xuan is ready to fight.

Lin Tianhun and Zong Yunguang instantly recognized Chen Xuan, and their pupils were full of crazy looks.

   "Boy, today you will be killed by us!"

   But when they saw Li Dongchen, there was a puzzled expression on the faces of these two people.

   "What's the matter? Didn't he get our poison in the first place? Why is he still alive?"

  Although they felt that there was a warrior beside Chen Xuan, Lin Tianhun didn't think it was Li Dongchen.

  At the beginning, they worked together to plot against Li Dongchen, causing Li Dongchen to be extremely poisoned.

  Unexpectedly, Li Dongchen was still alive.

   "How is it possible? Aren't you dead?" Lin Tianhun and Zong Yunguang cried out silently.

   "Is this kid breaking through his cultivation base? Why has his current cultivation base reached the realm of souls?"

   Their expressions are very surprised.

  Lin Tianhun and Zong Yunguang have already investigated Chen Xuan’s news. He only knows that there is a master named Dugulun next to Chen Xuan. Although his cultivation is not too strong, he has barely reached the Ninth Level of the Shenluo Realm.

  They originally thought that the strong man in the spirit realm who was following Chen Xuan was Dugulun, but when they saw Li Dongchen, they realized that they were wrong.

   Their mission on this trip is to kill Chen Xuan, and they also want to avenge Elder Liu.

  It's just that these two people are very puzzled, why has Chen Xuan's current cultivation level improved again?

  They clearly felt a stronger aura from Chen Xuan's body just now. This can only explain one problem. Chen Xuan's cultivation base has become stronger than before.

   "Thanks to your mercy at the time." Li Dongchen said in a cold voice.

  His words were full of mockery. If it weren't for Lin Tianhun to look back and leave suddenly, Li Dongchen would definitely be killed.

  Lin Tianhun believed that the toxin on the tip of his knife could kill Li Dongchen, so he left the Jiuding Inn without cutting off Li Dongchen's head.

  Since the sneak attack, Li Dongchen has not died in a catastrophe.

  Chen Xuan hurried back from the Demon Wind Desert, and then he healed Li Dongchen's injuries.

  In the past two months, Li Dongchen’s injuries have not healed. He later took a few warriors from the Jiuding Inn to the nearby Monster Beast Mountain Range to find the treasure of inheritance, but in the end he was attacked by the warriors of the sect.

   "Where did they come from..." Li Dongchen thought secretly in his heart.

  "No matter where you are from, today you will die in my hands.

  "Have you been saved by Chen Xuan?" Lin Tianhun whispered.

  Lin Tianhun and Zong Yunguang also realized their carelessness.

  He originally thought that he would definitely be able to kill Li Dongchen, but Li Dongchen now not only stood in front of them intact, but his cultivation level seemed to have improved.

  Lin Tianhun's expression was extremely shocking, his pupils flickered, and his whole body exuded a terrifying killing intent.

   "Even if you survived, what can you do? Now your cultivation level has only reached the first stage of the Divine Soul Realm. Wouldn't it be very simple for me to kill you?" Lin Tianhun said bloodthirsty.

Zong Yunguang also took a step closer. He chuckled and said, "Hehe, it seems that you were not killed by the snake **** martial artist. Your luck is really good, but unfortunately you can only It's rampant now."

"Unexpectedly, this will allow you to escape from the dead. My toxin is refined by the hard work of many monsters and beasts. I didn't expect you to be able to escape. Your kid's luck is really good. It's a pity yours. My life is about to stop now. Today you are destined to die in my hands." Zong Yun said with a smile.

  A fiery red light was released from his body.

  Zong Yunguang’s cultivation base was stronger than Lin Tianhun, and he had already made enough preparations for battle.

  Lin Tianhun stood beside Zong Yunguang, and the long knife in his hand released a purple mist.

  "Brother, you must be careful, he has a very poisonous knife tip, don't be hit by him!" Li Dongchen said loudly.

  Chen Xuan snorted coldly. Now that his dragon pattern refining body has reached a very high level, he believes that the poison of the opponent will not have any effect on him.

   "I didn't expect you to refine the toxins yourself. It's a pity that my dragon pattern refining has already improved two levels. You can't help me at all." Chen Xuan and Zhang mouth said.

"You are really naive, you really think that my toxins can't deal with you, even if your dragon pattern refining body reaches the third level, but if you meet me, I will let you today Look, you can't resist the toxin I cultivated myself!"

   "Today is doomed you will die in my hands." Lin Tianhun said coldly.

  His voice drifted further and further, and then a fierce breath was released, and Lin Tianhun's body floated in the air.

  He has locked Chen Xuan's body.

   "Chen Xuan, you can't be my opponent, I think you should hurry up and grab it!" Lin Tianhun said loudly.

  Chen Xuan wanted to laugh very much in his heart. He thought that his cultivation was about to approach the second level of the realm of spirit and soul.

  In the first stage of the Divine Soul Realm, Chen Xuan's cultivation is basically invincible, and he can enter the Divine Soul Realm only one step away.

  If the killers of these two blood soul gates were beheaded, they would surely be able to get a lot of treasures from them.

  Lin Tianhun sneered: "If you hide secretly, we will definitely not find out. Unexpectedly, you kid dare to appear in front of us. Do you know that I have been waiting for you?"

   "With your cultivation base, how could it be the opponent of our brothers? It is really unfortunate. In the past two days, my cultivation base has just broken through. It is too easy to kill you."

  Zong Yunguang agreed and said: "If it was half a month ago, we would not necessarily be your opponents, but now you should see the strength of the two of us blooming?"

  Chen Xuan laughed loudly. He thought to himself that it was not too easy for his cultivation to deal with these two blood soul killers.

  (End of this chapter)

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