Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3930: Zombie Sect Attacks Jiuding Inn

  Chapter 3930 Zombie Sect Attacks Jiuding Inn

  Time flickered, half a month passed in a blink of an eye.

  One night, three zombie warriors in red robes appeared near the Jiuding Inn. Their purpose was very simple, they were to find Liu Xiaoyun and Xiang Yuntian.

  Because Liu Xiaoyun and Xiang Yuntian have the value of transformation.

"Lord Lu Tianjue has already said that we must capture the two of them alive this time. The blood flowing in the bodies of these two people is not easy. If we can inject violent blood into the bodies of these two people, we will have a chance to kill them this time. Chen Xuan is here." said a warrior of the Zombie Sect.

  His expression is very joyful.

   "But the two of them don't know where, we can't find them at all." said a warrior of the Zombie Sect.

  The others sneered, their faces full of murderous intent.

   "Don't worry, this time we will definitely find out where the two of them went. I guess these two have already hid in the Jiuding Inn." Another warrior of the Zombie Sect whispered.

  At this moment, Liu Xiaoyun and Xiang Yuntian are staying in the Jiuding Inn in the middle of Mofeng Town.

  The cultivation base of the two of them has broken through, thanks to the pill that Chen Xuan refined.

  At this time, Chen Xuan was already heading towards Yunxiao Mansion.

  He had just entered Yunxiao Mansion, and he saw a familiar figure in the distance.

   "Isn't this Lei Pojun?" Chen Xuan thought secretly in his heart, he did not expect Lei Pojun would come here.

   "Lei Pojun!" Chen Xuan greeted loudly.

  Lei Pojun turned around in doubt, and then his gaze was fixed on Chen Xuan's body.

   "Chen Xuan, I never thought I could meet you here, why did you come here?" Lei Pojun whispered.

  Chen Xuan wondered if it was normal for him to come here.

   "Lei Pojun, I am really curious why you came to the western edge of Yunxiao Mansion, which is very far from Jianyue Ancient City. What are you doing here?" Chen Xuan said.

  Lei Bianjun knew nothing about the news that Jian Yuezong was destroyed. Before that, he was also looking for magic weapons in the surrounding Monster Beast Mountain Range.

   "I just happened to pass by here. It seems that it was really a coincidence that I could meet you here." Lei Pojun said with a smile.

  Chen Xuan did not speak: "Lei Pojun, I feel that Jian Yuezong is in danger right now. By the way, have you encountered anyone from the Blood Demon Sect in the past few days?"

After hearing Chen Xuan's words, Lei Pojun thought in his heart: "I did meet a few blood demon sect warriors before, and I am also following them. Did you meet them too?"

   Then Chen Xuan pondered for a moment and said, “It’s true that I saw a few blood demon sect killers around, but the breath they released was very weak, and I’m not sure where they are currently.”

  When Chen Xuan just stepped into the Clouds Mansion, he felt a breath of Blood Demon Sect.

  According to Chen Xuan's inference, people from the Blood Demon Sect must have appeared nearby.

  Here is very close to Sky Dragon City, Chen Xuan does not want these Blood Demon Sect people to do anything to Sky Dragon City.

  Yu Wenqiu and Dugulun have both returned to Sky Dragon City.

  With the two of them defending Sky Dragon City, Chen Xuan is still relieved for the time being.

Before Dugulun left Demon Wind Town, his cultivation had reached the ninth level of the Shenluo realm. As a descendant of the Dugu family, his talent was indeed very strong. It took only three months to directly break through two. A great realm.

   As for Yu Wenqiu's cultivation base, he is not weak, and Yu Wenqiu's perception is very strong. If someone from the Blood Demon Sect comes to Sky Dragon City, Yu Wenqiu will definitely find it.

   "Let's search it quickly and see if we can find their whereabouts." Chen Xuan said.

"Since the Blood Demon Sect has appeared in Yunxiao Mansion, it means that this person feels very strong in cultivation. He may be an elder of the Blood Demon Sect. We must be careful this time." Lei Pojun's pupils were full. It is a bloodthirsty killing intent.

  He hates the people of the Blood Demon Sect very much.

Chen Xuan knew Lei Pojun’s inner thoughts, so he immediately said, “Lei Pojun, you must not act rashly this time. If he is really the elder of the Blood Demon Sect, it means that his cultivation level has reached the soul. Above the second level, once we meet him, we must be more careful."

  Lei Pojun snorted and said, “I don’t need to worry so much. After all, Brother Chen, your current cultivation base has actually become so strong. It’s been a long time since I haven’t seen you.”

Chen Xuan laughed and said, "Fortunately, your cultivation is about to break through to the realm of Soul and Soul? By the way, let's stop talking here. Go nearby and see if we can find the people of the Blood Demon Sect. Where did you go."

  According to Chen Xuan's inference, since the elders of the Blood Demon Sect were dispatched personally, this shows that the other party must have been prepared long ago, and Chen Xuan will never pity the blood demon Sect warriors.

  When he sees one, he kills one.

  At the same time, in the vicinity of Jiuding Inn.

  Li Dongchen smiled and said to several warriors: "Liu Xiaoyun, do you still have the medicine that Brother Chen gave you before?"

After hearing what he said, Liu Xiaoyun hurriedly protected her space ring: "Brother Li, this is given to me by Brother Chen."

  Li Dongchen chuckled, "No... I just ask, because I'm very curious about what kind of medicine he gave you."

   "I don't know either." Liu Xiaoyun replied directly.

   Before leaving the Jiuding Inn, Chen Xuan had refined a few spirit pills to give to Liu Xiaoyun and Xiang Yuntian, so that the two of them could recover from their injuries.

  Although Liu Xiaoyun's arm was cut off, his current cultivation base has made a further breakthrough, and he has reached the eighth major consummation of the Shenluo realm.

  I have to say that Liu Xiaoyun broke through very quickly.

  Since his arm was broken, he has worked harder while practicing.

  Xiang Yuntian, on the contrary, was very slow to improve his cultivation level. After all, one of his legs was broken and his movement was severely blocked.

   "Brother Li, let's visit Xiang Yuntian, I don't know how he is now," Liu Xiaoyun said.

  Li Dongchen did not refuse. As the leader of Jiuding Inn, it is indeed necessary for him to visit Xiang Yuntian.

  Xiang Yuntian even broke his leg, and now it is basically equivalent to a handicap. If it were not for his cultivation level to reach the eighth level of the Shenluo realm, I am afraid that Xiang Yuntian would have committed suicide long ago.

So after hearing Liu Xiaoyun’s words, Li Dongchen very simply took out some heaven and earth spiritual materials from the space ring, and then he said to Liu Xiaoyun: “Let’s pass now, Xiang Yuntian’s previous character was relatively dull, I hope he is now Can recover some."

  The two of them set out in the direction of Yuntian.

  At this moment, in a hidden jungle not far away, several warriors of the Zombie Sect had killing intent on their faces.

   "Their cultivation level has improved so much, we must be more cautious."

   "Is there any way?"

   "If you rashly shoot, you will probably be killed."

   "Should we report to Master Lu Tianjue? It is impossible for the three of us to capture Xiang Yuntian and Liu Xiaoyun back."

Among the three, there was a man wearing a gray long coat. After thinking about it, he said to everyone: "Oh, don't worry, I heard that Xiang Yuntian's leg has been broken, although his cultivation level is very good. Strong, but he will never pose a threat to us."

   "And this Liu Xiaoyun broke one arm, we only need to break one by one."

  In a flash, time passed, and it was evening in a blink of an eye.

  In a room in the Jiuding Inn, a man was desperate and his eyes were very dull.

  He just stared at his leg blankly, this is his only leg left.

"Brother, I am now a disabled person. You don't need to continue to comfort me." Xiang Yuntian's expression was very depressed. He thought that he is basically the same as the disabled person now, if it weren't because of the Jiuding Inn. The brothers had been helping him all the time, and Xiang Yuntian had no motivation to live.

After hearing Xiang Yuntian's words, several other people came over and said, "Brother Xiang, you can't be so downhearted. Brother Liu has also been abolished, but he hasn't survived now."

"Both of you have been favored by Brother Chen Xuan, and now your cultivation level has improved a lot, the eighth level of the Shenluo realm... You must know that my current level of cultivation has only just entered the sixth level of the Shenluo realm. In the future, your cultivation base will definitely improve faster."

  Xiang Yuntian’s expression remained the same: "That said, but if I break a leg, my mobility will be hindered. When fighting the enemy, it will definitely not be the same as before."

"This group of people of the Zombie Cult is really hateful. He even instigated those disciples of the sect to deal with us. If it weren't for being betrayed by the warriors of the Zombie Cult, we would never have been discovered by them." Liu Xiaoyun said.

  Although Liu Xiaoyun was very desperate when he broke his arm, he has completely recovered now.

  This is due to Liu Xiaoyun's relatively optimistic personality.

  After Xiang Yuntian recovered, he felt the loss of a leg more and more, which brought him much obstacle.

  Not only did Xiang Yuntian lose a lot of combat power during the battle, but it also caused Xiang Yuntian to encounter a lot of trouble in his daily life.

  As a monk, although Xiang Yuntian lost a leg, it would not affect his daily life, but it still dealt a great blow to his heart.

  Others have legs, but Xiang Yuntian has lost a leg.

  Chen Xuan originally wanted to help him get his leg back, but in the end Chen Xuan gave up this plan.

  Even an alchemist of Chen Xuan's level could not help him create a leg out of thin air.

After hearing the comfort of these brothers, Xiang Yuntian's mood improved a lot.

   "Brothers, it's not too late now, or you should all go back and rest." Xiang Yuntian said aloud.

  The other warriors of Jiuding Inn did not continue to delay time here, and they soon left here.

After everyone had gone, Liu Xiaoyun and Li Dongchen stayed.

Liu Xiaoyun looked at his broken arm, and then he whispered: "Brother, I can appreciate your feelings now, but we must take revenge. The sect that caused us to be seriously injured in the first place has now been given to him by Brother Chen. It's gone."

   "You should also know that our whereabouts were discovered because of the warriors of the Zombie Sect, right?"

   Xiang Yuntian nodded with a sullen face: "Of course I know, but unfortunately the power of the Zombie Sect is too strong, and it is simply not realistic for us to take revenge."

  Li Dongchen said in a low voice: "Brother Chen also wants to destroy the people of the Snake God Cult. You don't need to worry so much. After this happens, Brother Chen will definitely help us get revenge."

  As soon as this word came out, the room continued to be silent.

"Okay, that's all I have to say today. You still need to adjust your mood yourself. Recovery from your injury is the most important thing. As long as your cultivation level can reach the realm of spirit and soul, this leg is not very important to you. "Li Dongchen said.

  Xiang Yuntian smiled bitterly and shook his head. He thought that the person who lost this leg was not Li Dongchen, and the other party would never understand his current psychological thoughts.

Xiang Yuntian could only smile bitterly, and then he said to everyone: "Brother, I know you are all for my good. Don't worry, I will definitely figure it out in the last few days. After all, it's a done deal now, even if I'm bored, There is no way to change the facts."

Hearing this, Li Dongchen smiled and said: "Hey, it's good if you can think that way. By the way, I will let a few people serve you in two days. After your injury is fully recovered, you must step up your practice. Relax your guard!"

   Now the Demon Wind Town is safe, and the people of the Zombie Sect retreat from the Demon Wind Empire.

  The most important thing is that several cities of the Demon Wind Empire have been completely connected with here.

  (End of this chapter)

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