Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3932: Lei Pojun was arrested

   Chapter 3932 Lei Pojun was arrested

  In the jungle, the face of a man in a white robe was full of blood.

He has been waiting here for a long time, just to search for Chen Xuan’s news, but when he saw Chen Xuan walking towards him, he realized how strong Chen Xuan’s cultivation is. Deal with the enemy.

   "Unexpectedly, this Chen Xuan's cultivation base has reached such a terrifying state. I knew that his cultivation base was so strong, so I would report it to Master Huang as soon as possible." Having said that, this warrior was still not ready to retreat.

  As he was about to move forward, a burst of blood-red light suddenly gathered in the air, and two warriors of the Blood Demon Sect appeared out of thin air.

   "Have you found any useful information here?" a blood demon sect warrior asked.

Hearing their question, the warrior immediately replied: “We haven’t found any useful news yet, but Chen Xuan is rushing towards us. You are ready to fight. I heard about Chen Xuan’s cultivation level. Still very strong..."

  After hearing his words, several warriors showed expressions of disdain. They didn't think Chen Xuan's cultivation was so strong.

   "We, Lord Huang, said that Chen Xuan's cultivation is only about the level of Divine Soul Realm, and he will not pose any threat to us at all!"

After hearing the words of these blood demon sect warriors, the white-robed man replied very uncomfortably: "You are really naive. Chen Xuan is coming towards us. You will know his cultivation level after a while. How strong."

   "Don't blame me for not warning you. According to my calculations, this Chen Xuan's cultivation is likely to have reached the realm of Divine Soul, and his cultivation is much stronger than we thought.

   "If we meet Chen Xuan, we are probably not their opponents."

While talking with the warriors of the Blood Demon Sect, Chen Xuan was already ready to fight, but he still has to find out where these warriors come from, and he also needs to confirm. Is he an opponent of the other party?

  The expressions of the blood demon sect warriors became very surprised. They felt that the danger was coming, but these warriors calmly looked at the direction in the distance.

   "Chen Xuan is here, you are ready, this time we must kill Chen Xuan, we must not let him escape back!" a blood demon sect warrior said loudly.

  After hearing his voice, Chen Xuan's face was full of bloodthirsty expressions, and then a long sword appeared on the palm of his hand, and an extremely terrifying aura was condensed on his body.

  When Chen Xuan was about to attack, several blood demon sect warriors were just dead bodies in his eyes.

The warriors of the Blood Demon Sect showed a horrified expression. They felt a terrifying killing intent from Chen Xuan's body, and this aura was still continuously increasing.

  In just a quarter of an hour, the aura emanating from Chen Xuan's body had increased several times, which was simply not a force they could resist.

  Chen Xuan has not yet exerted his full power, otherwise he could instantly kill these blood demon sect warriors.

  A warrior of the Blood Demon Sect looked at Chen Xuan from a distance, his body was shining with a layer of light red, and at this time he had already performed the Blood Demon Technique.

   "I still want to fight with me, it's almost reckless!" Chen Xuan snorted, and then bursts of fiery red aura gathered around him.

  Under the attack of aura, the two warriors of the Blood Demon Sect instantly turned into a mass of ashes.

After killing these blood demon sect warriors, Chen Xuan's eyes rested on the last man wearing a white robe.

   "I seem to have seen you before."

The expression of the white-robed man was very panicked. He knew that he could not be Chen Xuan's opponent. The strength that Chen Xuan had exploded just now was too strong. If it hadn't been for his preparation, he would have been burned to death by the Suzaku fire.

   "Chen Xuan, now our Lord Huang already knows where you are, if you dare to kill me, our adults will definitely come..."

  Chen Xuan sneered, he thought to himself that he had already made enemies with the people of the Blood Demon Sect.

  What if Huang Yunlin comes over.

In a short moment, Lei Pojun also gathered aura and rushed over. His speed was not as fast as Chen Xuan's, so when he rushed to the scene, he only saw the corpses of the blood demon sect warriors in one place, and the others. Can't see anything.

   "Did you kill them all?" Lei Pojun asked.

  Chen Xuan nodded lightly and said: "These people's cultivation base is not strong, but the person in front of me has a pretty good cultivation base. He has reached the Ninth Major Consummation of the Shenluo Realm. You can kill him."

  As soon as he said this, a long sword suddenly appeared in Lei Pojun's hand, and finally he coldly looked at the white-robed man opposite.

  The white-robed man looked left and right, he didn't want to fight Lei Pojun and Chen Xuan here, otherwise his chance of escape is very slim.

   "Chen Xuan, let's see you if you have a chance!" The white-robed man yelled, and then a fierce spirit gathered on his body.

  In an instant, his body disappeared in place.

  Chen Xuangang was about to chase him, but suddenly saw fierce beams of light coming from a distance, the light instantly landed beside him, and then knocked his body away.

   "Very well, don't want to run away from under my nose!" Chen Xuan coughed lightly, and a fierce Suzaku fire gathered on his body.

  The flame burned directly in front of the white-robed man. Even though his body turned into a cloud of blood, the Suzaku's fire was like a big mountain, which instantly stopped his body.

  The man in the white robe is very entangled in his heart. He doesn't know whether he should run or not.

   "No, if my body touches the Suzaku fire, I will definitely be burned to death by this flame..."

  How Chen Xuan killed the blood demon sect warriors just now, the white-robed warriors all saw in his eyes, he knew that the fire of the Vermillion Bird could burn the soul.

  Even the blood demon sect warriors could not resist. This white-robed man knew that his cultivation level could not be Chen Xuan's opponent. Whether he walked forward or backward, his fate was the same.

   "Chen Xuan, don't be proud, I have already reported the news to Master Huang Yunlin, and the adults will come in a while, can't be his opponent!" The white robe man said loudly.

   Hearing this, Chen Xuan walked over coldly, the Liaoyuan sword in his hand flew out, and then surrounded the white-robed man.

   "It's a pity, no matter whether Huang Yunlin will come or not, you will die in my hands now."

  "Don't talk so much nonsense to him!" Lei Pojun roared, and the long sword in his hand suddenly rushed towards the white-robed man.


  The head of the white-robed man fell to the ground.

   Then the power of the soul was released from Lei Pojun's body. Under the suppression of this power, even if the white-robed man practiced the blood demon technique, his soul was gradually burned out in the end.

   "Unexpectedly, you have already awakened the soul, Lei Pojun, should your cultivation reach the middle stage of the first stage of the soul realm?" Chen Xuan asked curiously.

Lei Pojun nodded silently, and replied: "Just two days ago, I just broke through to the middle stage. I don't know what level of Huang Yunlin's cultivation level has reached. The two of us joined forces. Can I kill him? "

  Chen Xuan shook his head and said, "Since this Huang Yunlin's cultivation has reached the second level of the Divine Soul Realm, no one knows what small realm he has reached!"

   "In case he is the second peak of the Divine Soul Realm, even if the two of us join hands, it is impossible to defeat him!" Chen Xuan whispered.

  After hearing his words, Lei Pojun's heart was also thinking.

   "Brother Chen, what shall we do now?" Lei Pojun said.

  Chen Xuan looked at the corpses of several blood demon sect warriors in the distance, then he walked over and picked up their space ring.

"Let’s see if there are any valuable things in them. If you can refine some spirit pills, you can improve the cultivation base of both of you and me. Huang Yunlin's cultivation base is still very strong, and there is no full confidence. You must not act rashly, otherwise you will most likely be caught in his ambush. I think Huang Yunlin has already set up several spiritual formations nearby..." Chen Xuansi asked.

  Lei Pojun also knew that Huang Yunlin, as the elder of the Blood Demon Sect, was definitely not so easy to deal with.

   But when he encountered the blood demon sect warrior, he still couldn't restrain the killing intent in his body.

   "I must kill him..." Lei Pojun secretly swore in his heart.

  Their expressions are very hideous.

  Chen Xuan sighed slightly, he knew that he could not dissuade Lei Pojun now.

   "Lei Pojun, you must be cautious when you act." Chen Xuan said.

   "Chen Xuan, you don't need to worry about my safety, I just go to check the news, do you want to come with me?" Lei Pojun asked.

  Chen Xuan still refused. He thought that if he rushed to inquire about the news in the past, he would definitely fall into Huang Yunlin's ambush.

  Seeing that Chen Xuan was not going to go with him, Lei Pojun didn't say much.

   "Well, as long as I find Huang Yunlin's news, I will come back to tell you. In other words, if Huang Yunlin's cultivation is very strong, let's retreat temporarily." Lei Pojun said abnormally.

  Chen Xuan nodded slightly: "Okay, just do as you say."

  Time flickered, and two days passed in a blink of an eye.

  Chen Xuan is still cultivating in the nearby Monster Beast Mountain Range, and he has not received any news about Lei Pojun.

  At this time, Chen Xuan didn't know that Lei Pojun had been caught by Huang Yunlin of the Blood Demon Sect.

  In a cave, the face of an old man in a red robe was full of blood.

"Boy, your courage is really big, you dare to break into my territory alone, hahaha, I found you as early as when you came here, don't you think you can cross my track? "

   "I have never seen such an arrogant person." Huang Yunlin smiled very gloomily.

  Lei Bianjun’s expression was a bit desperate. The only sound transmission jade pendant on his body had been destroyed by Huang Yunlin, which meant that he had no way to send the news that he had been caught to Chen Xuan.

   "Huang Yunlin, kill me if you have the ability. If you don't kill me, I will definitely come to you for revenge in the future!" Lei Pojun said.

  Huang Yunlin asked several warriors of the Blood Demon Sect to carry Lei Pojun to her, and then he stepped on Lei Pojun's body.

   "Boy, I'm not in a hurry to kill you right now, you should know the blood demon essence, right?"

"As long as you infuse you with blood demon essence and blood, you will become a part of me, hehe, don't you hate our blood demon sect very much? Then I want to see, when you become a blood demon sect warrior, you What kind of expression will it look like!" Huang Yunlin laughed loudly.

   "What did you say?" Lei Pojun's expression was extremely anxious. He didn't want to let himself become a blood demon warrior.

   "I tell you, if you dare to do this, I will never spare you!"

Hearing this, Huang Yunlin curled her eyebrows and said: "Boy, you have no room for resistance now, and you have no way to reject me, hahaha..."

  In an instant, Huang Yunlin began to meditate on the law, and then a drop of blood condensed from his forehead.

  Huang Yunlin struggled constantly, but he could not break free from the rope at all.

  The blood gradually fell on Lei Pojun's body.

  This is the blood of the elder of the Blood Demon Sect. When Lei Pojun was covered by the power of the blood, he suddenly let out a scream.


  Lei Pojun's body began to tremble constantly. He wanted to break free from this power, but Huang Yunlin firmly grasped his shoulder.

  A fierce aura instantly permeated Huang Yunlin's body.

  At the same time, Chen Xuan who was cultivating noticed something strange, and his pupils opened slightly.

   "It's a bit strange, why has Lei Pojun gone for so long and still hasn't come back? Could it be that he has been caught by Huang Yunlin?" Chen Xuan thought to himself.

   "If Lei Pojun is really caught by Huang Yunlin, I am afraid I am really not his opponent..."

   At this moment, he suddenly saw several warriors rushing over in the distance, and after a fixed glance, Chen Xuan recognized that it was Li Dongchen.

   "Li Dongchen, why do you have time to come here?" Chen Xuan asked in surprise.

  It was half a month ago when he and Li Dongchen parted, when Li Dongchen was cultivating in Jiuding Inn.

"Brother Chen, the big event is not good. I want to tell you the bad news. Liu Xiaoyun and Xiang Yuntian were caught by the people taught by the snake god, and they were modified by them. Now their bodies are full of violent blood. I am not their opponent alone." Li Dongchen said hurriedly.

  (End of this chapter)

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