Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3934: Elder Gorefiend

  Chapter 3934 Blood Demon Elder

  The level of the Blood Demon Sect is very strict, and above the elders are the eight blood demons.

  Under the blood demon elders, it is the guardian of the blood demon sect.

  Chen Xuan had dealt with many blood demon sect guardians before, and the strongest cultivation level of this group of blood demon sect guards was the Soul Realm. Although their cultivation level was difficult, Chen Xuan could still deal with it.

  As for the elders of the Blood Demon Sect, they are not so easy to deal with. Many of the blood demon elders' cultivation bases have reached the second level of the Divine Soul Realm.

  There is no one below the realm of Divine Soul.

  At the same time, Chen Xuan outside the cave was ready to go in.

  Li Dongchen's expression is very flustered, he is not ready yet.

   "Brother Chen, if we go in, we will definitely encounter the tribe of Blood Demon Sect, how confident are you now that you can win?" Li Dongchen asked.

  Chen Xuan really didn't dare to say that he could wipe out this group of Blood Demon Sect. He was also betting now.

   "I can't tell you clearly, let's go ahead and talk about it." Chen Xuan whispered.

  At this time, Chen Xuan had completely released the dragon mark perception, and he could perceive any aura nearby. Before a few blood demon sect warriors approached, Chen Xuan walked into the cave.

  As soon as he walked into the cave, Chen Xuan felt an extremely strange breath released from a distance.

   "It seems something is not right..."

  Just after the voice fell, he saw a black figure coming from a distance.

  Chen Xuan thought he was wrong...

"What's going on? The figure just now seems to be Lei Pojun, is it true that Lei Pojun was really caught by the people of the Blood Demon Sect..." Although Chen Xuan guessed that Lei Pojun might have been really by the blood demon elder. Catch, but he is just guessing.

   After all, Lei Pojun’s cultivation base has reached the realm of Divine Soul, even if he is not the opponent of the blood demon elder, there must be a way to escape.

   Chen Xuan's expression was very flustered, the figure he saw just now was very similar to Lei Pojun's appearance, but there was no breath radiating from his whole body.

   To be precise, there is no breath of life.

  Suddenly, Chen Xuan felt a burst of scarlet aura gathered around him, and this light immediately surrounded his body.

   "Be careful, the people of the Blood Demon Sect must have discovered us!" Chen Xuan said loudly.

  Li Dongchen nodded desperately, and at the same time there was an extra long sword in his hand.

  As Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun were preparing to move forward, he suddenly saw the dark shadow in front of him quickly killing him.

  The speed of the black shadow is very fast, and there is a long sword in his hand that exudes the breath of thunder.

   "So fast..." Chen Xuan sighed.

  If it hadn’t been for his perception that had far surpassed that of a warrior in the same realm, he might have been stabbed by this shadow just now.

  Chen Xuan backed away a few steps continuously, and then he watched the dark shadow coldly.

   "Sure enough, as I thought, this person is really Lei Pojun..." Chen Xuan whispered.

  It was the first time Li Dongchen saw Lei Pojun, but when he saw Lei Pojun, his expression also became very surprised.

   "Brother Chen, how come I feel that this person feels a little different to me, whether he has lost consciousness now."

Chen Xuan squinted his eyes and looked at Lei Pojun: "I don't know clearly. He may have been controlled by the people of the Blood Demon Sect by now. You must be cautious. I feel that his cultivation has reached the realm of Divine Soul. "

   "Hahahaha, it's not just the realm of souls!" A blood demon sect warrior slowly walked out from the depths of the cave, with an arrogant smile on his face.

  After seeing this blood demon sect warrior, Chen Xuan's heart was already clear. He knew that Lei Pojun was definitely under control now, otherwise his cultivation would not be able to break through to the realm of souls overnight.

When Chen Xuan met Lei Pojun, he discovered that the opponent's cultivation was only the nine major consummations of the Shenluo realm. Although it was already very close to the spirit realm, there was still a certain way to go between the spirits.

   "What the **** did you do to him?" Chen Xuan asked.

"It doesn't matter to you. It's better for you to take care of yourself now. I don't think you can get out of our cave. Hahaha, Master Huang Yunlin already knows that you have come in, Chen Xuan, you Let's enjoy a feast, I am curious if you can deal with him." A blood demon sect warrior said.

  Chen Xuan squinted his eyes at the several warriors of the Blood Demon Sect in front of him.

   "I'm really sorry, I'm afraid you will be disappointed today..." Chen Xuan said slowly.

  He was just about to start his hand, but found that the long sword in Lei Pojun's hand released a black and purple thunder, and the light ball instantly landed on him.


   Chen Xuan's body was suddenly repelled a few steps.

"What a strong power..." Chen Xuan sighed. He just felt a terrifying force from Lei Pojun's body. If it weren't for his preparation, I'm afraid this sword aura would penetrate his body directly. .

  Chen Xuan was surprised that Lei Pojun’s cultivation level improved so quickly, but his cultivation for such a long time was not in vain.

   "Brother Chen Xuan, do you need my help?" Li Dongchen said.

   Chen Xuan thought, do you still have to ask? He can only deal with Lei Pojun now, but the warriors of the Blood Demon Sect are still watching the excitement.

   "Go and kill those people from the Blood Demon Sect." Chen Xuan said.

  Li Dongchen responded, then he gently raised the long sword and looked at the blood demon sect warriors.

   "Our Brother Chen said, today you are all going to die!"

  The two blood demon sect warriors smiled coldly, they did not put Li Dongchen in their eyes.

   "Smelly boy, who do you think you are? Our brothers can easily kill you!" The warrior smiled, and then they waved their long swords and rushed directly towards Li Dongchen.

Suddenly, Li Dongchen released a terrifying aura, and the bodies of the two blood demon sect warriors were instantly knocked out.

   "How is this possible..." This warrior had a look of horror. He originally thought that Li Dongchen's cultivation base was not that strong, but when he fought with Li Dongchen, he discovered that the opponent's cultivation base was much stronger than he thought.

   "He has actually entered the realm of spirits..."

   "This is impossible, why is this kid's cultivation so strong? I originally thought he only had the eighth layer of the Shenluo realm..." said another blood demon sect warrior.

  This was not because they felt wrong, but because Li Dongchen possessed violent blood in his body. In normal times, Li Dongchen did not release violent blood, and the only displayed cultivation base was around the eighth layer of the Shenluo realm.

   But once Li Dongchen's blood of violent blood is activated, his cultivation will be greatly improved, and he can even reach the middle stage of the first stage of the Divine Soul Realm.

  The two blood demon sect warriors were not opponents at all, and the two of them were instantly killed by Li Dongchen.

  After finishing all this, Li Dongchen smiled faintly, and then he retracted the long sword, looking coldly at the only remaining Blood Demon Sect warrior.

   "It's a pity, you miscalculated my cultivation base, today all three of you will die under my sword!"

Hearing this, the blood demon sect warrior was full of fear, but he still pretended to be calm and said: "Don't be so confident. We Lord Huang is nearby. What if you kill me? You guys? Two people still can't get out of here!"

  Chen Xuan said loudly: "Don't talk nonsense with these people, hurry up and kill them!"

  At this time, Chen Xuan still needs to deal with Lei Pojun.

  Lei Bianjun seemed to have completely lost consciousness, his face was expressionless, but the long sword in his hand slammed into Chen Xuan fiercely one after another.


   Chen Xuan's body was shaken back again.

   Seeing that someone he knew before suddenly changed into this appearance, Chen Xuan's heart was still quite angry.

   "The people of the Blood Demon Sect actually made Lei Pojun completely unconscious, I absolutely can't let them go..." Chen Xuan thought secretly in his heart.

  The terrifying blood mist released from Lei Pojun's body, even Chen Xuan could hardly resist.

   After feeling this terrifying power, Chen Xuan lightly thought of Fajue, and then he immediately displayed the Thousands of Sword Art.

  Sword light emerged one after another.

  Then these sword lights continued to float around Chen Xuan's body.


  A sword gas hit Lei Pojun’s body instantly.

  Lei Pojun’s body retreated a few steps, but he still rushed towards Chen Xuan frantically.

   "Lei Pojun, look carefully, I am Chen Xuan." Chen Xuan said loudly...

  Lei Pojun did not hesitate, as if he had not heard what Chen Xuan said. At this time, Lei Pojun’s face was full of madness, and he directly held his long sword and stabbed him in the direction of Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan squinted his eyes slightly: "It seems that he has been completely controlled by Huang Yunlin now. I must find a way."

  The next moment, Chen Xuan's body was filled with the power of Vermillion Bird.

  The flame suddenly burned to the ground in front of him.

  When the Vermillion Bird's fire was burning, Lei Pojun suddenly stopped. He just looked at Chen Xuan from a distance, but did not rush over.

   "Lei Pojun, are you still conscious now?" Chen Xuan continued to say aloud.

  Lei Pojun still did not answer, his pupils were full of blood, and his whole body was full of terrifying killing intent.

   After feeling the murderous aura released from Lei Pojun, Chen Xuan knew that no matter how much he said, it was superfluous. The other party had already lost consciousness. The only thing he could do now was to suppress Lei Pojun as soon as possible.

   And he wanted to minimize the damage caused to Lei Pojun, because Chen Xuan felt that Lei Pojun could still be saved.

   "Li Dongchen, have you killed all those Blood Demon Sect members?" Chen Xuan asked aloud.

After hearing Chen Xuan's question, Li Dongchen nodded dumbly. He felt incredible about what happened before him.

  Because of the fact that Lei Pojun is controlled by the powerhouse of the Blood Demon Sect, it is similar to the violent blood in his body.

   "Brother Chen, is this person still saved?" Li Dongchen asked softly.

However, Chen Xuan frowned tightly: "I can't tell. There is a very violent blood in his body that is controlling his soul, and this is still a soul. If I want to crack the soul in his body, I must Let him be quiet for a while."

   Hearing this, Li Dongchen didn't know how to answer.

  He didn’t know much about Divine Soul, he just forced his cultivation to reach Divine Soul realm through violent blood.

  "What shall we do now?"

   "First think of a way to control him." Before that, Chen Xuan had to defeat Lei Pojun.

  Lei Pojun is now like a violent beast. If Chen Xuan relaxes, Lei Pojun will definitely rush over.

   Seeing that the long sword in Lei Pojun's hand was about to kill him, Chen Xuan remained motionless.

   "Brother Chen, what are you doing?" Li Dongchen asked in a panic. He immediately swung his long sword, and then quickly rushed towards Chen Xuan.


   A crisp voice rang, and Li Dongchen's body was immediately knocked out. He had just reached the realm of Divine Soul, and it was not easy to block Lei Pojun's attack.

After    was successful, Lei Pojun’s long sword swept to the side.


  Chen Xuan directly stretched out his palm, and then grabbed Lei Pojun’s long sword.

After    was hit by a wave of thunder, Chen Xuan immediately condensed the dragon-patterned body, and his defense was strengthened.

  A dark red flame burst out of Chen Xuan's eyes.

  The flame immediately burned to Lei Pojun's body.


  Lei Pojun's body was immediately repelled.

  "Successful!" Chen Xuan laughed, he immediately walked over, grabbed Lei Pojun's body, and then silently thought of Fa Jue in his heart.

  A burst of dark red aura suddenly penetrated into Lei Pojun's body.

  After half an hour passed, Lei Pojun opened his muddy eyes.

  He first looked at Chen Xuan’s direction, and then said in confusion: "Brother Chen, what happened just now."

  "Don't worry, now your injury has just recovered. Do you know what happened before you went into a coma?" Chen Xuan asked in a low voice.

  (End of this chapter)

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