Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3938: Against Huang Yunlin

  Chapter 3938 Fight against Huang Yunlin

  Chen Xuan was no longer ready to talk nonsense with him, a dark red Vermillion Bird power burst out of his pupils, and the flame instantly filled Huang Yunlin's body.

  Huang Yunlin's expression was terrified.

  He felt the terrifying pressure from this flame, and he had no way to resist it. Then the flame formed an explosion in front of him.


  Huang Yunlin was directly knocked out, and blood was constantly spitting out from his mouth and nose.

   "Boy, you wait for me!" Huang Yunlin still wanted to escape, but a sword aura slashed directly on his arm, making him kneel on the ground and unable to move.

After being hit, Huang Yunlin's expression was very shocked. He didn't expect Chen Xuan's sword energy to be so fast.

  He had no defense at all, and his body was directly hit by the sword energy to the ground.

  Chen Xuan walked over slowly.

   "Huang Yunlin, now you should know what the consequences are for me, right?"

   Chen Xuan's expression is extremely plain, but he has a terrifying murderous aura on his body.

  This force directly suppressed, Huang Yunlin made the opponent immobile.

"Chen Xuan, ha ha, it has provoke our blood demon sect, your kid hasn't been alive for a few days, I advise you..." Before he could finish his words, Lei Pojun's long sword was directly lifted, and then moved towards His head swooped over.


  Huang Yunlin's head slowly fell to the ground.

After killing the elder of the Blood Demon Sect, Chen Xuan's mind was full of thoughts, and he did not expect that one day he could defeat an elder of the Blood Demon Sect.

  A strong man in the realm of spirit and soul.

  All this happened too fast.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan still had to deal with the group of snake gods in the Jiuding Inn.

   "There are fifteen people in the Serpent God Sect, among them, the strongest cultivation is Lu Tianjue." Chen Xuan muttered silently in his heart.

  He had never heard of Lu Tianjue's name. If it hadn't been for Li Dongchen to tell him, Chen Xuan would never have imagined that he could actually break through the Vermillion Bird Spirit Formation he had set up.

  Only Chen Xuan knew the power of the Vermilion Array.

  With this formation, it is very difficult for Lu Tianjue to enter the Jiuding Inn.

   "Brother Chen, since the demon of this Blood Demon Sect has been killed, let's go back quickly..." Li Dongchen said anxiously.

  The people in Jiuding Inn are all his brothers. He doesn't want to let all these brothers be killed by the people of the Zombie Cult because of himself.

  Lei Bianjun’s face was bloodthirsty. He had just avenged himself, but the blood and blood in his body were about to move.

   "Chen Xuan, I feel that Dan Tian is a bit strange, there is a breath that is devouring my mind..." Lei Pojun said softly.

  Chen Xuan walked over and said: "Don't worry, I naturally have a way to stabilize the blood demon in your body."

He knew that as long as Huang Yunlin was killed, the blood demon essence and blood would not continue to swallow Lei Pojun, but Chen Xuan had to pay attention to it. If Lei Pojun really did not control the blood demon essence and blood, his cultivation level would be more than just Will not improve, and even make him burst into death.

   "Lei Pojun, I have just refined these pills for you in the past two days. You can eat the pills first. You will come with me to the Jiuding Inn these days." Chen Xuan said slightly.

   Chen Xuan and the people in Jiuding Inn did not know each other for a long time, but he knew how important the location of Jiuding Inn was.

  Here is a great development for Sky Dragon City.

  Chen Xuan must keep the Jiuding Inn, he will never let the people of the snake gods occupy the Jiuding Inn like this.

  Once the Zombie Sect occupies the Jiuding Inn, they will definitely lead their troops to attack Tianlong City.

  At the same time, in a hidden jungle not far from Jiuding Inn, Lu Tianjue's face was full of bloodthirsty killing intent.

  In the past two days, he just transformed Liu Xiaoyun and Xiang Yuntian.

  There is no trace of blood on Liu Xiaoyun and Xiang Yuntian's faces today. They are like puppets, but their bodies always show a terrifying killing intent.

  The warrior of the Jiuding Inn is full of doubts.

   "Liu Xiaoyun, what's wrong with you? Why do you want to help these people of the Zombie Sect to deal with us?" A warrior of the Zombie Sect said.

   Liu Xiaoyun did not answer, but the long sword in his hand slew towards the warrior.


  The body of this warrior was directly knocked out, and blood began to flow out of his body.

  The other warriors of Jiuding Inn saw this scene, and their hearts were shocked.

"Liu Xiaoyun, what are you doing? Do you know that this is our brother? You killed him!" The warriors of the Jiuding Inn were all caught here by the snake gods, and they had no chance at all. get away.

  After finishing this, Liu Xiaoyun just retracted the long sword, and then quietly stood beside Lu Tianjue.

Next to    there was a man wearing a gray long coat, but his body was always covered with a layer of evil. This power confuses his mind, and this person is Xiang Yuntian.

"Xiang Yuntian, Liu Xiaoyun, there is nothing wrong with the two of you. You raised your sword against us today? I helped you do so many things before. If it wasn't because I was not your opponent, I would have Kill you!" The warrior of the Jiuding Inn was extremely desperate.

  They had been on guard for several days, but in the end Jiuding Inn was captured by the Zombie Cult.

The strongest cultivation base in Jiuding Inn was Li Dongchen, but Li Dongchen knew that he could not be Lu Tianjue's opponent, so he hurried to Yunxiao Mansion to look for Chen Xuan.

  After seeing the expressions of the warriors in the Jiuding Inn, Lu Tianjue gave a very cruel smile.

   "You rubbish, I don't believe that Chen Xuan will not come to save you." Lu Tianjue's real purpose is not just as simple as Jiuding Inn, he is just to force Chen Xuan out.

  In order to find Chen Xuan, Lu Tianjue carefully planned for several months. Later, he also sent people to find Chen Xuan, and even let people find Jian Yuezong to see if he could find Chen Xuan's traces there.

  In the end, he found that the Sword Moon Sect had become a ruin, and there was no living person.

  Since Chen Xuan was not found in Yunxiao Mansion, he could only find a way to force Chen Xuan out. If Chen Xuan came to rescue the group of warriors in Jiuding Inn, he would fall into his strategy.

  When Lu Tianjue came to Jiuding Inn, he was still a little surprised, because he found that the power of the Vermilion Array here was extremely terrifying, and he couldn’t crack the Array by himself.

  So he found a few masters of the Zombie Sect and worked with him to crack the Vermilion Array.

   "The Li Dongchen you mentioned will definitely not come to save you, hahahaha, it's a pity, you **** will eventually die here!" A warrior of the Zombie Sect laughed loudly.

After hearing this, the warriors of Jiuding Inn stopped talking, and they didn't know whether they should ask Li Dongchen to rescue them or wait for death here.

  If Li Dongchen came over, his cultivation level would not be able to deal with so many masters of the Zombie Sect at all.

  But if Li Dongchen does not come, all of them will die in this jungle.

  Time passed quickly, and it was late at night in a blink of an eye.

  The warriors of the Jiuding Inn were talking to each other.

   "Sixth, what shall we do now? The people of the Zombie Cult are guarding nearby, and there is no way for us to escape."

  "This time it was really bad. I don’t know if Big Brother Li Dongchen can find Big Brother Chen. If Big Brother Chen comes, we might still have a chance..."

   "The thing that irritates me most is Liu Xiaoyun and Xiang Yuntian. The two of them actually took refuge in the Serpent Sect, and they also helped these Serpent Sect people deal with us..."

  Several warriors of Jiuding Inn were talking in a low voice. They did not dare to make a loud noise. If the people of the Zombie Cult were brought over, they would definitely be killed.

  There was a warrior from Jiuding Inn two days ago. Because the voice was too noisy, a zombie warrior directly penetrated the skull with a long sword.

  For the people of the Zombie Sect, the lives of the warriors in the Jiuding Inn are not worth mentioning, they are lambs they can slaughter at will.

   "Speaking of which, I feel that Liu Xiaoyun and Xiang Yuntian are a bit weird. They should not have taken refuge in the Zombie Cult, but controlled by the Zombie Cult..." Suddenly a warrior said.

  After hearing his voice, the warriors of Jiuding Inn who had remained silent immediately came to their minds. They thought of something that Li Dongchen mentioned to them a few days ago.

  "Could it be that they were all taken away by the Zombie Cult and injected some inexplicable power?"

  “That’s why they were bewildered and helped these people of the Zombie Cult to get into our Jiuding Inn...”

  As soon as these words came out, several warriors from Jiuding Inn nodded and said.

   "What you said does make sense."

  In fact, Lu Tianjue and the others simply couldn't break through the Vermilion Array, it was only because Liu Xiaoyun and Xiang Yuntian were arrested, and Lu Tianjue reformed the two of them.

   Liu Xiaoyun and Xiang Yuntian mixed inside, and they opened the Vermillion Bird formation very easily.

There are a total of more than 30 warriors in the Jiuding Inn, and now there are only more than 20 people left. These people are either dead or caught by the people of the snake gods.

  Some people were even taken away by Lu Tianjue for experiments.

  Only a week has passed, and five warriors of Jiuding Inn have died.

  No one knows where they went.

  Since being caught by the Zombie Cultists, these people have disappeared.

  The warriors of the Jiuding Inn who are being held here are the only remaining power, and their cultivation has basically reached the eighth level of the Shenluo realm.

  After Chen Xuan left the Jiuding Inn, the few spirit pills he had helped them make had greatly improved the cultivation of these Jiuding Inn's martial artists.

  At this moment in a city not far away, a man in a white robe is full of sadness.

   "What you said is true?"

  A warrior hurriedly said: "Shangguan Yunhai, according to the news we have received, it is true that Jiuding Inn was captured by the people of the snake gods."

   Shangguan Yunhai's expression was very gloomy.

  Now he has taken the post of City Lord, but he didn’t know about the attack on Jiuding Inn two weeks later.

   "I definitely can't let these people succeed..." Shangguan Yunhai whispered.

  Since he has become the lord of this city, he must ensure the safety of the neighborhood, and he has also reached an agreement with Chen Xuan.

   United with Sky Dragon City.

Once the people of the    Snake God Cult invaded here, it would still be of no benefit to him and Chen Xuan.

  These zombie warriors will continue to infiltrate Sky Dragon City, as well as the eastern part of the Demon Wind Empire, which is also a very important area.

   "How did you find out about the news? How long has it been? You only came to report me!" Shangguan Yunhai said very hastily.

  He is a little worried.

  Two weeks have passed, how many people are left in Jiuding Inn? I am afraid that more than half of them have been killed by the Zombie Cult.

   Thinking of this, Shangguan Yunhai hurriedly summoned many warriors, and then they set off in the direction of Jiuding Inn.

  (End of this chapter)

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