Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3942: Liu Xiaoyun under control

  Chapter 3942 Liu Xiaoyun controlled

   Liu Xiaoyun’s arm has been attached, but it is very inconsistent with his body.

  As for Xiang Yuntian, although one leg was still broken, it did not affect his speed at all. After all, Xiang Yuntian's cultivation base had reached the peak of the Divine Soul Realm.

After entering the Divine Soul Realm, he can completely rely on the power of the Divine Soul to reshape his body.

   "Master Lu Tianjue, what are we going to do now? Shall we send a few people over to kill Chen Xuan and the others?"

   "Yeah, since Chen Xuan, this kid has already followed here, it means that he must have been prepared for a long time. Let's kill him as soon as possible, otherwise it will definitely bring us a lot of trouble..."

  Several warriors of the Zombie Sect began to talk to each other.

  They don't want to cause trouble to the upper body, and they also know how strong Chen Xuan's cultivation is. If they continue to delay, they will inevitably encounter danger. It is not so easy to defeat Chen Xuan.

   "Don't worry, I will let these two people go to kill Chen Xuan tonight, I believe he definitely can't be my opponent!"

  Time flickered, and it was wee hours in a blink of an eye.

  Chen Xuan and the others temporarily lived in Motian Town, and he also set up two spiritual formations here.

  Chen Xuan believed that as long as there was a Vermillion Bird Spirit Formation, it would be very difficult for Lu Tianjue to get in.

   But he counted thousands of dollars, but he didn't count that the people who got here this time were not Lu Tianjue, but two puppets created by him, namely Liu Xiaoyun and Xiang Yuntian.

   At this time, Xiang Yuntian’s face was bloodless, like a killing machine, he and Liu Xiaoyun quietly mixed into the hiding place of Chen Xuan and others.

  Chen Xuan did not notice the breath released to Yun Tian, ​​because he was practicing wholeheartedly at this time.

  Only seeing the light red aura condensed on the palm of Chen Xuan's palm, and the light suddenly condensed on his forehead.

  Swipe it!

An extremely fierce aura slowly gathered in his dantian. About half an hour later, Chen Xuan slowly opened his eyes, but then he saw a black light flashing in front of him.

  "Is anyone nearby?" Chen Xuan immediately took out the Liaoyuan sword, his face was full of guard, if the people of the Zombie Cult rushed in at this time, others would definitely be in danger.

  The next moment, Chen Xuan heard many screams, and it was exactly the same as he thought. Many warriors had already been killed.

   Shangguan Yunhai's expression was very anxious, his gaze fixed on a figure in front of him, and then he quickly followed the past.

  Li Dongchen also raised the long sword, his face guarded and looked at the distant direction.

  "Damn it, this should be Xiang Yuntian..." Seeing that his former brother had been confused by the people of the Zombie Cult, he would never sit back and wait for death.

  The next moment, Li Dongchen hurried over.

  When Chen Xuan reacted, he realized that many people in the camp had been killed.

  Chen Xuan’s face was full of murderous intent.

   "These people of the Zombie Cult are really hateful, I absolutely can't let them continue to ramp up..."

  To Chen Xuan’s surprise, Li Dongchen and Shangguan Yunhai rushed out alone.

  He felt danger.

"Didn't Li Dongchen and Shangguan Yunhai realize the plan of the Snake God Sect? They just rushed out, it is very likely that they will be caught in the trap of the Snake God Sect. I must hurry over..." Chen Xuan whispered. Judging, in the end a layer of dragon pattern power rippled across his body.

  Under the blessing of this power, Chen Xuan's speed was reflected. After a few quarters of an hour, he felt the sound of fighting coming from the front.

   But when he rushed here, he found a mess on the ground, and there was still a lot of blood flowing on the ground.

  Li Dongchen has disappeared.

   "Damn..." Chen Xuan's brows were tightly locked, and he vaguely felt bad.

  At the same time, he also felt that Lu Tianjue's breath was radiating, while Li Dongchen's breath was weakening little by little.

   "No, I have to go over and take a look..." Chen Xuan didn't stop, he turned into a black shadow, and then quickly rushed towards the east.

When    came to the back of a house, Chen Xuan suddenly stopped, and he saw a corpse on the ground.

   "Li Dongchen?" Chen Xuan was full of anger.

   "Li Dongchen was actually killed..."

  Seeing this situation, Chen Xuan's heart was filled with terrible anger, and a dark cloud was constantly filling the sky at this moment.

  A fiery red light was released from Chen Xuan's body, and the light ball instantly shone on the entire sky.

   "I will never let you go, Lu Tianjue, you will wait for me..." Chen Xuan rushed forward in an instant. He had to find Lu Tianjue and then kill him.

   Chen Xuan and Li Dongchen have known each other for a long time. They dealt with the Snake God Sect together at the beginning, and Chen Xuan could not forget this experience.

  Now that Li Dongchen is killed, Chen Xuan must avenge him.

  In a room not far away, Lu Tianjue's face was full of bloodthirsty smiles.

   "The snake **** taught me so much trouble. Today he was finally killed by us, and the Shangguan Yunhai, I will kill him later!"

  Lu Tianjue did not act rashly. He knew that Chen Xuan's current cultivation had reached the second stage of the realm of spirit and soul.

  Although he was also very puzzled in his heart, why Chen Xuan could defeat the masters of the Soul Realm by relying on the cultivation of the Shenluo Realm.

  For these, he did not continue to think about it.

   Now Lu Tianjue's plan is to kill Shangguan Yunhai as soon as possible. He knows that the few people with high cultivation skills beside Chen Xuan are Shangguan Yunhai and Li Dongchen.

  He has never heard of Lei Pojun’s name, nor does he know how strong Lei Pojun’s cultivation is. He thinks that as long as he can kill Shangguan Yunhai and Li Dongchen, he will definitely be able to defeat Chen Xuan.

  Time flew fast, and an hour passed in a blink of an eye.

  Out of a room not far away, Shangguan Yunhai suddenly stopped. He heard Lu Tianjue's voice coming from the room.

   "Damn it!" Shangguan Yunhai didn't stop, he immediately walked towards the room, but before he came to the front, he felt an extremely fierce aura emanating.

  This force immediately rushed his body out, even though Shangguan Yunhai's cultivation base was very strong, but when this force burst out, his body still couldn't help trembling.

  Lu Tianjue's cultivation level had reached the second level of the Divine Soul Realm, far surpassing Shangguan Yunhai, and no one except Chen Xuan could defeat Lu Tianjue.

   "Hehe, you are finally here!" Lu Tianjue led a few warriors of the Zombie Sect out of the room. They had been waiting here for a long time.

  At this moment, Liu Xiaoyun’s face was full of murderous intent.

Shangguan Yunhai met Liu Xiaoyun before, but when he saw Liu Xiaoyun, he still showed a surprised expression.

   "Liu Xiaoyun?" He didn't expect Liu Xiaoyun to turn to the Serpent Sect.

   Liu Xiaoyun has no expression on her face.

  In a short moment, Liu Xiaoyun took out a long knife from his waist, and then rushed towards Shangguan Yunhai fiercely.


  A fierce breath was released instantly, and Shangguan Yunhai's body took two steps back.

   Shangguan Yunhai stared at Liu Xiaoyun, and then he looked at Lu Tianjue behind Liu Xiaoyun.

  He knew that he could not be Lu Tianjue and Liu Xiaoyun's opponent, he hurriedly ran away to the distance.

"I still want to run. Today you can't escape from the palm of my hand. It's a pity, your talent is still very strong, hahaha, but I still want to die in my hands today!" Lu Tianjue laughed, his There was a horrible breath rippling over his body, and the last spirit snake emerged from his body.

  This spirit snake directly entangled Shangguan Yunhai's body.

No matter how strong Shangguan Yunhai's cultivation base is, the gap with Lu Tianjue is still very large. When this spirit snake entangled him, his body suddenly couldn't move.

   Shangguan Yunhai cursed loudly: "Damn Lu Tianjue, you absolutely can't control me, let me die!"

  A purple thunder power was released from the long sword in his hand.

  The thunder kept flickering, and finally hit Lu Tianjue directly.


  Lu Tianjue's body was knocked back a step, but when the thunder dissipated, his body was not injured at all.

   "Hehe, haven't you noticed the difference between us? You can't be my opponent based on your cultivation base. Hehe, as long as you kill you, I can deal with Chen Xuan..."

   Shangguan Yunhai’s face was full of shock. He thought to himself that he was going to die here?

A sharp sword aura fell directly in front of Shangguan Yunhai. Fortunately, Shangguan Yunhai displayed the power of refining his body in time, and was not directly killed by this sword aura. However, his body was directly knocked into the air by Lu Tianjue. It went hundreds of meters and hit a distant wall.


   Shangguan Yunhai lay on the ground, his body unable to move.

"Today you will eventually die in my hands. I can even refine you into a puppet. I don't know how much your cultivation level will be improved after you inject violent blood..." Lu Tianjue's face was full of sullen smiles. .

  At this critical moment, a burst of fire suddenly gathered in the sky.

Chen Xuan regretted the killing of Li Dongchen, and he absolutely couldn't let Shangguan Yunhai be killed by Lu Tianjue.

  The red light instantly hit Lu Tianjue's body.

  Lu Tianjue didn't react at all. When the Vermillion Bird's fire was burning, he realized that Chen Xuan had already killed him.

  At the same time, he also expected a problem, his cultivation is far stronger than he thought.

   "How is this possible? This Chen Xuan's cultivation is not only the nine-fold perfection of the Shenluo realm, why can he burst out such a terrifying aura..."

  Chen Xuan's body lightly fell to the ground, with a light touch on his toes, the long sword in his hand rushed towards Lu Tianjue.


  The long sword suddenly fell in front of Lu Tianjue, and a surge of sword aura continued to flicker. No matter how strong Lu Tianjue's cultivation base was, there was no way to resist the power of thousands of swordsmanship.

  The fifth step of the Thousand Thousand Sword Art!

   Chen Xuan let out a low roar, and Jian Guang immediately surrounded him.

  While the sword shadows continued to flicker, the Liaoyuan sword in his hand once again released a violent flame.


   Jian Qi directly cut off one of Lu Tianjue's arms.

  Lu Tianjue's face was full of fear.

   "How is this possible? How could his cultivation level be so strong? Could it be that I am not even his opponent..." Lu Tianjue was extremely anxious, and he hurriedly issued an instruction to Liu Xiaoyun.

  After seeing Liu Xiaoyun, Chen Xuan could only shook his head helplessly. He knew that Liu Xiaoyun had completely lost his sanity and became a puppet of the Zombie Sect.


  Chen Xuan sighed, but he still had to get rid of Liu Xiaoyun, otherwise he would have no way to kill Lu Tianjue.

  After a flash of sword energy, Liu Xiaoyun's body broke into two halves. Under the burning of the Suzaku fire, Liu Xiaoyun's body quickly disappeared.

  (End of this chapter)

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