Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3944: Wang Qiangyun

  Chapter 3944 Wang Qiangyun

  The situation in front of him made Wang Qiangyun very desperate.

  Even though he has a strong cultivation base alone, it is still very difficult to face so many strong people at the same time.

   Among these sects, Zhao Tianjiu of the Tiansen faction has a very strong cultivation base.

   Once upon a time, the Tiansen faction had always been suppressed by the Sword Moon Sect, but now they have found a chance, a chance to completely destroy the Sword Moon Sect.

The   Tiansen faction is only the bottom of the two-star sect. Although they are not very famous in the Yunxiao Mansion, they also have unique skills.

"Wang Qiangyun, although your Sword Moon Sect was once the strongest among the nine big and two-star sects, there is no need for it to exist anymore. Hahaha, I really think you are very pitiful. Now you have completely become. Sword Yuezong’s garbage, no one will come to pity you,” said Zhao Tianjiu of the Tiansen faction.

  His laughter is very arrogant.

  Behind Zhao Tianjiu stood many disciples of the Tiansen faction. Except for Zhao Tianjiu, these disciples were not strong in cultivation.

  The cultivation base of the strongest person has just reached the mid-ninth stage of the Shenluo realm.

  But Zhao Tianjiu's cultivation base is different. Among these disciples, he is the chief disciple. As for his cultivation base, he has reached the second stage of the Divine Soul Realm.

  Not only were these three sects besieging Wang Qiangyun in the eastern part of the Demon Wind Empire, the chief disciples of the other sects were all eager to try, and even the disciples of the Wood Sacred Sword Sect had already rushed over.

  Among these disciples of the Wood Sacred Sword Sect, there is a person named Chen Yungui, his cultivation is the strongest, and he has also entered the realm of Divine Soul.

  Wood Sacred Sword Sect was originally the sect of the Demon Wind Empire, but after hearing the news of the destruction of Sword Moon Sect, they hurriedly led people to besiege them here.

  On a huge boulder not far away, several middle-aged men dressed in black smiled coldly.

   "I don't know if they can kill him if they join hands."

"Hahahaha, these people all want to get the treasure of Jianyuezong's inheritance, don't worry, and the chief disciple of these sects is not low, especially that Chen Yungui, I think Jianyuezong is this time There is no good fortune," said a man in black.

   "Let's report the news to Master Wuhou as soon as possible." After the man finished speaking, he then turned into a black light and disappeared into the Demon Wind Empire.

Above the desert, Wang Qiangyun stared at the men in front of him. The long sword in his hand burst out with a black spirit.

   "Your Sword Moon Sect this time, the whole army is destined to be destroyed." Chen Yungui of the Wooden Sacred Sword Sect said.

  He is the chief disciple of the Wood Sacred Sword Sect, and his cultivation is also very strong, and he has reached the realm of Divine Soul.

"Haha, we can't be blamed for this! The blame is that you Sword Yuezong usually offends too many sects. The most important thing is that you must have Sword Yuezong heritage treasures on your body. I'm going to have a look, you What are these magic weapons on the body!" Lu Yunwen, the chief disciple of the Fire Spirit Sect, smiled.

  Fire Spirit Gate is one of the two-star sects of Yunxiao Mansion, and its practice methods are basically fire spirits.

  As the chief disciple, Lu Yunwen's cultivation base is also very strong, at least among this group of people, his cultivation base is relatively strong.

  The three big two-star sects and several sects of the Demon Wind Empire have temporarily united.

   Their strength should not be underestimated, and Wang Qiangyun alone cannot be their opponent.

  These people also knew that if Wang Qiangyun was pushed into a hurry, it would not be good for them.

  So these disciples did not act rashly, but locked Wang Qiangyun firmly in the distance.

  Wang Qiangyun's cultivation base is very strong. He just stood here, so that the disciples of several major sects would not dare to act rashly, and no one wanted to be that early bird.

  These sects had conflicts with Jianyuezong a long time ago. Of course, the wood holy sword sect had the greatest conflict with Jianyuezong.

  It was not because of anything else, but because Chen Xuan had killed many disciples of the Wood Sacred Sword Sect before.

  Chen Yungui, as a major disciple of the Mu Sacred Sword Sect, has a very high status in the sect, and he can become an elder of the outer sect with almost one step.

  The chief disciple of the Wood Sacred Sword Sect who was killed by Chen Xuan was not a disciple of the Mu Sage Sword Sect headquarters.

  After that incident, the Mu Sacred Sword faction knew the news that Jian Yuezong had killed the disciple of this sect, so that several elders united to search for Chen Xuan's whereabouts.

  Finally, they finally found out that Chen Xuan came from Jianyuezong, and happened to meet someone from Wuhou Mansion.

   Wuhou told the person in charge of the Wooden Sacred Sword faction that as long as they could kill the disciples of the Sword Moon Sect who had escaped to the Demon Wind Empire, they would be able to give them a lot of magic weapons.

   Besides, killing the disciple of the Sword Moon Sect, there is no loss to the Wood Sacred Sword Sect.

  Chen Yungui led his men and hurriedly came here to kill Wang Qiangyun and others.

After entering the Demon Wind Empire this time, under the contact of Chen Yungui, he even temporarily united several schools of the Demon Wind Empire to attack the group of disciples who survived Jian Yuezong.

  They have been observing in secret for a long time, and finally decided to attack on this magic wind desert.

There are only fifteen disciples of Sword Yuezong left, and all the other disciples are dead.

  As for the Six Great Wuhous, they did not put the disciples of this group of Jianyuezong in their eyes. They are now focusing on searching for the lord of Zhuge.

  Sect Master Zhuge escaped, but he was also seriously injured.

  Even if other Jianyuezong disciples are very talented, they cannot pose a threat to Wuhou Mansion in the near future.

  Furthermore, these are still six Wuhou, all of whom are strong in the realm of Divine Soul.

  They only knew that there were two geniuses in the Sword Moon Sect, but they disappeared before they made their mark.

  They didn’t even know that Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun were still alive, and they happened to be in the Demon Wind Empire.

   can be regarded as Lei Po's fate. He just performed the mission and left Jianyuezong, so he escaped the crisis.

  As for Chen Xuan, the same is true. He had already left Jianyuezong two months ago.

   "Hehe, you want to be beautiful, even if I die, I will pull one to die with me, you don't want to run out of my hand alive!" Wang Qiangyun roared angrily.

  Wang Qiangyun is the chief disciple of Jianyuezong after all, and he is also an extremely talented genius. Everyone in the entire Yunxiao Mansion is discussing him.

  Some people even said that the strongest warrior of the younger generation in the future will be Wang Qiangyun or Chen Xuan.

   After all, Chen Xuan showed superhuman talent in Jianyuezong. Although his cultivation is not as strong as Wang Qiangyun, Chen Xuan will definitely become stronger in the future.

  At the same time, Chen Yungui is also a sword repairman, after all, he is a member of the Wooden Sage Sword Sect.

  As the Swordsman Sect, although the Wood Sacred Sword Sect is far away in the Demon Wind Empire, they have more connections with the Sect of Yunxiao Mansion.

  When the previous magical sea mystery was opened, the Wooden Sacred Sword Sect also had a lot of conflicts with the Sword Moon Sect.

  A long time ago, Chen Yungui fought Wang Qiangyun once, and that time was in a secret realm.

  Although Chen Yungui has a strong cultivation base, the Jian Yuezong of the Jian Xiu sect has always suppressed other Jian Xiu sects.

  Wang Qiangyun was victorious in that battle. Chen Yungui was very upset about this incident, so he had always been brooding about it, thinking that he could win.

  He believes that the reason why he loses is because of his bad state. Rather than being inferior to humans.

  He finally has a chance today.

  He wanted to kill Wang Qiangyun and shame himself.

  (End of this chapter)

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