Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3949: Amber Crystal

  Chapter 3949 Amber Spirit Crystal

   "Of course, this is definitely not a problem..." The shop owner said with a smile on his face, excited.

  For him, whether it is a high-grade spirit stone or an ordinary spirit stone, as long as it is a spirit stone, it can absorb the aura in it.

  It’s all money, it doesn’t make any difference to him, he is just a little troublesome, and he has to exchange these ordinary spirit stones for high-grade spirit stones.

  Chen Xuan took out the ordinary spirit stones and handed them to the shopkeeper. Then he said, “How about? Although my spirit stones are of ordinary quality, the spiritual energy contained in them is not that simple.”

   is exactly the same as in Yunxiao Mansion...

  "Five hundred ordinary spirit stones, exchange for a high-grade spirit stone." The shopkeeper said.

  Chen Xuan himself has millions of high-grade spirit stones, plus the spirit stones he just earned, and the price of these amber spirit crystals is not much different.

  However, Chen Xuan was not ready to use the high-grade spirit stones to buy.

  It takes millions of ordinary spirit stones to convert into high-level spirit stones.

  If it were before, Chen Xuan would definitely not spend so many spirit stones to buy two amber spirit crystals.

  Although he wanted to get so many spirit stones when he was in Yunxiao Mansion, it was still a bit difficult.

  But now it is different. Chen Xuan has already made a decision and he wants to quickly improve his strength.

  Chen Xuan handed all the ordinary spirit stones to the shopkeeper, and then took away two amber spirit crystals.

   "Thank you brother." The shopkeeper's face was full of sneer smiles.

  His amber spirit crystals have been placed here for a long time, and no one has bought them. Unexpectedly, they have sold them all at once.

  After Chen Xuan purchased the Amber Spirit Crystal, he also left Motian Town with Lei Pojun.

  Just after leaving Motian Town, Chen Xuan threw the Amber Lingjing to Lei Pojun.

  Immediately, Chen Xuan also swallowed the amber spirit crystal.

In a short while, Chen Xuan completely digested the amber spirit crystals, a stream of red aura floating around his body, and now the aura in his Dantian Qi Sea, a dark red aura in his Qi Sea. Constantly tumbling.

  In an instant, Chen Xuan discovered that his cultivation had reached the first level of the realm of spirit and soul.

   "Finally broke through, very good, my cultivation level has improved very quickly."

  So long time passed, Chen Xuan's cultivation level has not been improved, and now he has finally broken through a large level.

  Chen Xuan smiled slightly, he was stuck at the nine peak of the Shenluo realm for a long time.

  Now finally broke through to the first layer of the realm of spirits.

After reaching the first stage of the Divine Soul Realm, Chen Xuan believed that he could fight the warriors in the late stage of the Divine Soul Realm and even the peak of the first stage of the Shenluo Realm.

   and it is easy to crush.


   Just after Chen Xuan broke through, Lei Pojun also broke through.

  Lei Bianjun’s previous cultivation was the first level of the Divine Soul Realm, but because of the powerful blood demon essence in his body, it broke through the future Lei Bianjun and was very powerful.

  This time, Lei Pojun actually jumped two small realms in a row, reaching the first stage of the Divine Soul Realm.

  Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun made continuous breakthroughs. Before he could test his cultivation level, he felt a strange breath coming from a distance.

   "Lei Pojun, be careful, I seem to feel someone coming." Chen Xuan said hoarsely.

   Hearing this, Lei Pojun nodded faintly.

  Chen Xuan’s pupils flickered and his face was murderous.

  He looked at the warrior who rushed from afar, and said with a sneer: "It just happens to be able to test, what realm my current cultivation base has entered, these people, all of them are going to die!"

  He is going to test his abilities.

  Chen Xuan’s face was full of murderous intent.

  He knew that many people nearby were staring at him.

   "Just come out if you have something to do, don't hide your head and tail, what a hero!" When the two people were talking, a group of warriors surrounded them.

"Boy, I think you seem to be a disciple of Jianyuezong? Hehe, your cultivation is pretty good. If you hand over the treasures and spirit stones on your body, maybe I can let you jump in." A man in a black robe walked out from behind the crowd, his body exuding a terrifying black aura.

   This breath directly suppressed Chen Xuan, who was an outstanding disciple of the young generation of the Mu Sage Sword Sect, named Zhou Lingtian, whose cultivation was at the second level of the realm of Divine Soul.

After hearing his words, Chen Xuan's face was extremely calm.

  He can perceive what realm the opponent's cultivation base has entered.

  For him, there is no threat at all.

  While in Motian Town, Zhou Lingtian brought a few disciples of the Wooden Sacred Sword Sect to besiege other Sword Moon Sect disciples.

  At the same time, he quietly noticed Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun.

In fact, he did not conclude that Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun were the disciples of Jian Yuezong, but he could see that Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun must be very rich masters, especially after seeing the two people buy Amber Spirit. When she was Jing, Zhou Lingtian's face was very excited.

  He knows that Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun have many magic weapons, especially the amber spirit crystals, which can improve his cultivation and even make him surpass his senior brother, Chen Yungui.

  At the moment, he decided to find a chance to kill Chen Xuan when they left Motian Town, and then intercept them to see how many magic weapons they had.

"Not only the spiritual stone, there are also two amber spiritual crystals, right? Hahaha, there are definitely more magic weapons in your two boys. I advise you, it is best to hand over all this treasure, otherwise you are one Can't leave." Zhou Lingtian said coldly.

  Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun looked at each other, and then said: "Someone wants amber spirit crystal from me, will this person have a problem with his head?"

   After hearing his words, Zhou Lingtian's face was very dim. He knew that Chen Xuan was deliberately irritating himself.

   "Chen Xuan, don't be proud!"

   "Brother Chen Xuan, since these people want to die, we will kill them directly!"

  Lei Bianjun's voice was hoarse, and there was a shocking black atmosphere in his words.

   Immediately after that, a dark red blood mist spiritual power was released, and rushed toward the opponent's body.


   The fierce aura was released directly, and after Lei Pojun’s voice fell, a majestic aura swept the entire land in an instant.

   Then the whole space began to tremble constantly.

  Lei Pojun’s cultivation level has been improved by two small realms. In the first stage of the Divine Soul Realm, his cultivation level is definitely considered to be very strong.


  Where the long sword in Lei Pojun’s hand passed, many warriors of the Wooden Sacred Sword Sect suddenly screamed.

   "Do you know who we are? We are disciples of the Wood Sacred Sword School, **** it!"

  "You two are not crazy, right?"

   "That's right, you are looking for death! Dare to do it to us?" Zhou Lingtian's face was very dim, and he had already noticed Chen Xuan's cultivation.

  He originally thought that Lei Pojun's cultivation base was not strong, but after he noticed the strength of Lei Pojun, he was in a panic now.

  The other disciples of the Wood Sacred Sword faction also hurriedly said: "Brother, what shall we do now... They are all so strong, we definitely cannot be opponents!"

  He wanted to use the Wooden Sacred Sword Sect to squeeze Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun, but obviously, Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun didn't eat this set at all.

  Chen Xuan can only say that you really think too much.

  It's just a wooden holy sword faction, Chen Xuan really didn't pay attention to it.

  The most important thing is that the Wood Sacred Sword Sect was involved in destroying the Sword Moon Sect, and Chen Xuan couldn’t let him go.

  Especially this week Lingtian even wanted to **** the magic weapon from him.

   "People of the Wood Sacred Sword Sect, hehe, I want to tell you, today I killed Zhou Lingtian, you should know the Sword Moon Sect."

  As soon as Chen Xuan's voice fell, a fierce Suzaku fire suddenly condensed in his body.

  The flame roared, and a terrible force was released instantly.

  He didn't give the Mu Sacred Sword Sect disciples any chance at all.

  I have to say that Chen Xuan's current cultivation base is already very strong.

  In addition, he joined forces with Lei Pojun, and it didn't take long to solve the disciple of the Wooden Sacred Sword faction.


  Chen Xuan’s Liaoyuan sword released a dark red sword aura.

   Thousands of swords are displayed.

   Immediately afterwards, a shocking sword aura stabbed into Zhou Lingtian's body fiercely.


The body of Zhou Lingtian, the devourer of the Vermillion Bird Fire desperately, only two quarters later, Zhou Lingtian's breath of life quickly dissipated.

  Then his body lay softly on the ground until the breath of life completely disappeared.

   "The Wooden Sacred Sword Sect will not let you go." Zhou Lingtian roared, and finally fell to the ground.

  After killing the disciple of the Wood Sage Sword Sect, Chen Xuan stared at the left and right, no one of the Sage Sword Sect disciple dared to trouble him.

  Lei Pojun quickly killed several disciples of the Wooden Sacred Sword faction who wanted to escape.

  The cultivation base of these disciples was not strong, and after being hit by the Lei Pojun, they were quickly injured.

  This scene made many warriors of other sects hiding in the dark dare not act rashly.

  They all could see that the cultivation base that Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun broke out was really too strong.

  They can't be opponents at all.

The strength of Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun is too strong.

  In short, after eating the amber spirit crystal, Chen Xuan's current cultivation level has completely broken through to the realm of Divine Soul.

  If there were no invincible warriors in the Divine Soul Realm, they would simply not be able to beat them.

  Besides, before that, Chen Xuan's cultivation base could crush many cultivators of the same realm.

   "Let's go, don't waste time with them here." Chen Xuan said softly.

  He still has more important things to do, and he can’t continue to delay here.

  After hearing his words, several disciples of the Wood Sacred Sword School were shocked.

   just left?

  Zhou Lingtian couldn't hold up even a round.

When Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun heard that Jian Yuezong's disciple had been killed, they were very angry.

  In addition, Chen Xuan is still very worried about the safety of Sect Master Zhuge. After all, Sect Master Zhuge helped him a lot during that time.

  Whether it was the people of the Three Martial Arts who destroyed the Sword Moon Sect, or someone else,

  In short, since the Wood Sacred Sword faction fell into the ground, Chen Xuan would never give them good fruit.

  It’s just that Chen Xuan didn’t expect that the disciples of the Wood Sage Sword faction would come here at this time.

  (End of this chapter)

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