Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3952: Zhao Tianluo

Chapter 3952 Zhao Tianluo

  Chen Xuan's Liaoyuan sword pierced Zhao Tianluo's body fiercely, and Lei Pojun's offensive was even more fierce, directly hitting Zhao Tianluo's head with a sword.

After    killed Zhao Tianluo, Lei Pojun and Chen Xuan sighed slowly, then turned and left here.

  Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun joined forces to be too strong, unless they met the chief disciple of the Second Star Sect, otherwise no one could pose a threat to them.

  Just after Chen Xuan killed Zhao Tianluo, a black light flashed suddenly on the desert in the distance.


  Chen Xuan then looked around.

  Not far from Zhao Tianluo and the others, there is an old blood demon sect warrior, moving fast.

  "This is a blood demon sect warrior?" Chen Xuan was surprised.

  When Chen Xuan saw the blood demon sect martial artist, he instantly understood.

   "Lei Pojun, can't let him run, let's chase him."

  Chen Xuan realized that this blood demon sect warrior secretly absorbed the blood of the Tiansen sect disciple when they killed Zhao Tianluo.

  The blood demon sect warrior can absorb the blood of the warrior, indicating that this blood demon sect warrior must have an extraordinary origin.

  Lei Pojun heard it and quickly pursued the blood demon sect warrior.

  At this time, the blood demon sect warrior was also moving fast, and he seemed very afraid that he would be chased by Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun.

  Otherwise, he will definitely be in danger.

   "This Blood Demon Sect warrior can still **** blood. He must be a high-level person, and he must be caught."

  Chen Xuan’s pupils flickered, and his speed was moved to the extreme.

  This blood demon sect warrior is so careful, it shows that the other party is definitely not at ease.

  Thinking of the people of the Blood Demon Sect, even Chen Xuan was curious, how could there be people from the Blood Demon Sect in the Demon Wind Empire?

In a blink of an eye, Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun realized that each other had disappeared.

  But they didn't give up, and finally met such a blood demon sect warrior, Chen Xuan would definitely not let it go easily.

   "He fled to the north, continue to chase, must catch him." Chen Xuan said in a low voice.

  After that, he flashed with Lei Pojun, and chased away again.

After about an hour, Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun finally stopped.

   "Strange, where did I go..."

  The blood demon sect warriors still disappeared, but after Chen Xuan exerted the power of the dragon pattern, they found that they were moving in the direction where the blood demon sect warriors escaped.

   "This **** Blood Demon Sect warrior is too fast." Lei Pojun said.

  Chen Xuan squinted his eyes.

   "Lei Pojun, I feel he is near us, hurry up and look for it nearby!" Chen Xuan said slightly.

   "But we can't find him? Should we continue to chase him? What if we don't find him and let him run away?" Lei Pojun asked in confusion.

   "I have a way." Chen Xuan said with coldness in his pupils.

Under Lei Pojun's gaze, Chen Xuan killed a monster nearby.

   Then he took out a pill from the space ring.

  Only saw the corpse of the monster beast condensed a dark red light on the empty sand.

  At this time, the earth was cracked with a big hole, and a fierce blood spirit continued to condense.

  From the corpse of the monster beast on the ground, blood continuously flowed out.

  Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun walked to a black boulder in the distance and sat down slowly.

   "Brother Chen Xuan, is your method really useful? This blood demon sect warrior is very cunning, and he must have been seriously injured. Can you really let him get the bait by himself?" Lei Pojun asked suspiciously.

   "Whether it works or not, this is the only way I can think of now. Let's try it first." Chen Xuan said softly.

  But what made Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun helpless was that the blood of the monster beasts had run out, and the blood demon martial artist did not appear. Chen Xuan wondered if the blood demon martial artist had escaped long ago.

   But he vaguely felt a breath in the air, which he had felt in the blood demon sect warrior.

   "He's gone?" Lei Pojun looked at the corpse in the distance and asked suspiciously.

   "I can't say that too." Chen Xuandao.

  As soon as Chen Xuan's voice fell, he took out the Liaoyuan sword directly.

   Immediately afterwards, with a stroke of the long sword, a sword mark appeared on his hand.

  Red blood flowed out of the sword mark.

  Chen Xuan dripped blood on the black boulder, and Lei Pojun also followed Chen Xuan's method to drip his blood and blood on the black boulder.

  Lei Bianjun has absorbed the life-long blood of the blood demon sect elder, and now his blood has changed color.

  Chen Xuan saw that Lei Pojun’s blood was black.

After seeing Lei Pojun's blood, Chen Xuan instantly felt a bloodthirsty killing intent, and he turned his head and glanced at Lei Pojun.

   "I temporarily... can still control this violent force." Lei Pojun nodded, and then addressed Chen Xuandao.

  Chen Xuan did not continue to say anything. After doing all this, he and Lei Pojun sat cross-legged on the ground.

  The time passed bit by bit, and there was no movement of the blood above the boulder.

  Chen Xuan couldn't help but wonder whether the old man of the Blood Demon Sect had left long ago.

  Chen Xuande's eyes were always very flat. He had already noticed the other party's whereabouts, but Chen Xuan did not show it clearly.

  He knew that this blood demon sect warrior would never reveal his aura.

   But Chen Xuan’s dragon mark perception has reached a very strong level. He can clearly feel that this black-robed old man is not far away, and he wants to swallow Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun’s blood.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan noticed that around the black boulder, a bug was constantly moving on the ground.

  About an hour later, the bug beside the black boulder suddenly moved.

  A strange smile appeared on Chen Xuan's face.

  An old man wearing a black robe slowly walked out from behind.

  He knew that this bug must be the black-robed old man's technique.

   "It's funny to even want to secretly absorb our blood."

  The gray-robed old man did not wait to come over, he seemed to be struggling.

  He must know that Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun are not so easy to deal with. The cultivation base that Chen Xuan broke out just now is already very strong, and this is not Chen Xuan's true strength.

The black-robed old man watched carefully nearby. He didn't know that Chen Xuan had observed all his actions. After a few quarters of an hour, he finally made a decision. He moved cautiously and approached. Black boulders.

The black-robed old man’s eyes were full of greed, and his cultivation level was only one step away. Before that, he was seriously injured. If he could absorb Chen Xuan’s blood, his cultivation level might be able to break through to the next level. .

  The identity of this black-robed old man is not simple, his real body is the soul of the blood demon.

   Chen Xuan has noticed that the origin of this blood demon sect warrior is very special, and he is not planning to kill this blood demon sect warrior

  The black-robed old man was still observing from a distance, and persisted for an hour.

  There was a dark red light in his pupils, and the old man finally couldn't help but wanted to secretly absorb the blood.

   only saw him quietly rushing in the direction where Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun were.

  The old man in the black robe just started to move, and Chen Xuan discovered it.

  He is covered with the power of dragons.

  Chen Xuan did not have any emotional changes, he remained calm, for fear of screaming.

  If the black-robed old man is allowed to stay away because of fear, Chen Xuan's previous game will be completely useless, so Chen Xuan must now pretend that he does not know, and then attract the black-robed old man over.

   Chen Xuan has reached the peak of Divine Soul, look at his soul power is already very strong, it can be said that some of the top martial artist souls of Divine Soul realm, I am afraid that Chen Xuan is no better.

  If Chen Xuan can break through to the second level of the Divine Soul realm, he can even deal with a powerful person in the Divine Soul realm triple.

   Chen Xuan showed a strange smile on his face when he noticed the black robe old man.

  He has noticed the other party's whereabouts.

  The black-robed old man was afraid that Chen Xuan and Lei Bianjun would be shocked. The black-robed old man moved slowly. He did not dare to move too fast. It took a full quarter of an hour for the black-robed old man to approach the black boulder.

  At this moment, the face of the black-robed old man was full of greed, and the flesh on his face was even squeezed into a ball.

As long as he can absorb Chen Xuan’s blood, he will be able to make a breakthrough in his cultivation. He has the soul of the blood demon in his body. Once the cultivation is promoted to the next level, even the blood demon may not be able to threaten him. .

  Chen Xuan felt very curious, because although this black-robed old man had practiced the blood demon sect technique, he was a bit different from other blood demon sect warriors.

  When the black-robed old man approached the black boulder, his hand rested on the black boulder.

  A fierce breath was immediately released. At this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly opened his eyes.


  The black-robed old man was excitedly absorbing Chen Xuan's essence and blood, and bursts of fiery red aura condensed on the palm of his hand. It didn't take long for this light group to condense on the palm of his hand.

  Chen Xuan has been paying attention to him.

  These essence and blood are only part of Chen Xuan's condensate, and it will not affect his cultivation.

  About two quarters of an hour passed, the blood was absorbed by the black-robed old man.

  Chen Xuan squinted his eyes on the old man in black robe.

  At this moment, the black-robed old man moved cautiously in the direction of Chen Xuan, his heart was full of shock.

  He felt that Chen Xuan's blood was full of terrifying power.

   "Oh, good guy, this kid's blood is so pure. If I can absorb more, my cultivation level will definitely improve a lot, and then I will be able to master the energy of the blood demon soul."

After absorbing Chen Xuan's essence and blood, the face of the black-robed old man was full of joy, just when he was about to flee towards the distance.

  He found that there was still Lei Pojun’s blood on the left side of the black boulder.

  The black-robed old man was not in a hurry to absorb Lei Pojun's blood, he even looked at Chen Xuan more.

  He was very puzzled as to why Chen Xuan's blood would explode with such terrible power.

  "Let’s absorb another kid’s blood. As long as I absorb his blood, I can definitely improve..."

  Thinking of this, the old man in black robe didn't stop.

  (End of this chapter)

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