Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3960: Reasons for the formation of space

  Chapter 3960 Reasons for the formation of space

   "I said, you humans are really too greedy, if it weren't for you to get the power inside, no one would be killed here, ha ha!" The black robe old man said softly.

  Lei Pojun was about to teach him a lesson, Chen Xuan gently pulled his robe, let the old man continue.

The black-robed old man glared at Lei Pojun, then he looked at Chen Xuan and said: "This little brother, when you came in just now, you felt this murderous aura. Half of it was released by the mysterious strong man, but there was also a part of it. , Should be released by those warriors who died here."

   "It is precisely because of these strong murderous aura that after death, these humans turned into blood cloud corpses."

"I have to say that these blood cloud spirit corpses have a certain energy that is very suitable for me to improve my cultivation base, so I have always lived here, but now it is different..." The black robe old man's eyes suddenly Time condensed on the little Firebird on Chen Xuan's shoulder.

  Chen Xuan snorted and said, "Alright, after listening to your explanation, I almost already know the ins and outs of this place, but I am curious, why did we come to the Luokong Secret Realm?"

   "You know something. Although this secret realm is connected to this independent space, there is not only one entrance. When you came with me just now, I happened to be brought into it."

   "But why these blood cloud corpses can survive, and they also have previous memories..."

   "These human warriors continue to survive in the form of blood cloud corpses. Although they still have this part of their memories, these memories are very vague."

"I have been here for so long, and indeed I have seen that some blood cloud corpses have more memories. They can even go back to some of the things they encountered before they were alive, and even some blood cloud corpses want to learn from Leave here."

  Chen Xuan nodded slightly: "No wonder they can still have some memories from before they are alive. I feel a little strange, because the blood cloud corpses I met before don't have memories at all..."

   "So that's it." Lei Pojun also said suddenly.

  Chen Xuan whispered: "Since you said that, I am very curious about your identity, why can you turn into a human form?"

"what do you?"

   Hearing Chen Xuan's words, the old man said: "I was a monster monk, but my body was changed a lot because of the murderous erosion."

   "You have seen it too. The one just now is my real body. Having said that, my original appearance is not like this. My body is called a nine-foot golden bug. I think you guys have heard of it too?"

  Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun shook their heads one after another.

  The black-robed old man snorted and said: "You don't even know, forget it, since I entered here, I have felt the murderous intent here constantly released, so I want to use this power to improve my cultivation."

"In the beginning, I was trying my best to block the murderous intrusion because the power of the artifact was too powerful, but then one day, I found that I could fully integrate the murderous aura, and after absorbing this power, I was able to pass theirs. The blood has improved my Taoism."

   "How long have you lived?" Chen Xuan asked.

   "It's been too long, I can't remember it anymore."

  "You should also have a name, all the people of the monster race have a name, I think you should have a name, too." Chen Xuan said.

   Hearing this, the black-robed old man's face suddenly showed pride: "To tell you the truth, I am the strong man of the demon clan back then, Zhang Jianyun."

  Zhang Jianyun?

After hearing this name, Chen Xuan suddenly showed a surprised expression.

   Chen Xuan did not expect that he turned out to be Zhang Jianyun.

  The origin of Zhang Jianyun is very difficult. Although he is a monster warrior, his swordsmanship is very mysterious.

  In other words, even some of the sword repairing powers of Yunxiao Mansion, I am afraid that they are not comparable to Zhang Jianyun in terms of swordsmanship.

   "Zhang Jianyun? I didn't expect you to be Zhang Jianyun." Lei Pojun was also surprised.

  The name Zhang Jianyun still resounded throughout the entire Yunxiao Mansion a thousand years ago, and was even famous throughout the Kamikaze Dynasty.

  Because he did not appear as a monster, but as a human being resounded in the Kamikaze Dynasty.

   "I didn't expect you to be a monster..." Chen Xuan's face was full of shocked expressions, which far exceeded his imagination.

  When Chen Xuan saw Zhang Jianyun, he thought it was just an ordinary monster warrior who wanted to make a breakthrough through his murderous power.

  As a result, after the other party said his name, he realized that this was Zhang Jianyun, who had already become famous a thousand years ago.

   "What's the matter? I didn't expect you to be Zhang Jianyun, are you not a human?" Chen Xuan continued to ask in confusion.

  Zhang Jianyun laughed and said: "Oh, this is already an old calendar. I did walk the rivers and lakes as a human before, but I encountered a few people who attacked me before, and the old man’s current cultivation base has been completely lost..."

  Lei Bianjun was surprised for a long time before he slowly said: "It really surprised me. I didn't expect you to be Senior Zhang Jianyun more than a thousand years ago."

   Hearing Lei Pojun calling himself Senior Zhang Jianyun, Zhang Jianyun's face suddenly showed a haughty look.

  But right after that, Lei Pojun said: "Although you say that, I definitely won't believe it."

  Zhang Jianyun almost jumped up angrily: "What do you mean, kid? Is it necessary for the old man to lie to you?"

   Chen Xuan smiled slightly: "Okay, can you tell us, what is the origin of the blood cloud corpse just now?"

   Speaking of the blood cloud corpse, Zhang Jianyun's pupils showed a look of surprise.

Chen Xuan noticed that his body trembled obviously, and then Zhang Jianyun said heavily: "This blood cloud corpse is the mysterious powerhouse who once fell here. The cultivation base of this powerhouse is really powerful, it is because of him. The several spirit formations that have been set up here have become what they are now."

   "You have also seen the murderous intent here. It is terrifying. If it weren't for my strong cultivation base, there would definitely be no way to withstand the attack of this force." Zhang Jianyun explained.

  Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun looked at each other.

   "It turns out that this is the case. This strong man has set up two spiritual formations here. Do you know how to find the traces of these spiritual formations?"

   Zhang Jianyun said: "How do I know? Anyway..."

  His gaze was once again placed on Little Firebird's body.

Chen Xuan paused, and the long sword in his hand immediately radiated a fierce light: "You should hurry up and say it is better for you. Although you have been famous for the entire Yunxiao Mansion a thousand years ago, you After all, he is a member of the monster race!"

   "Well, well, I said, I said, after you killed those blood cloud corpses, you alarmed the strong man."

   "Although the strong man is dead, the two spiritual formations he set up are equivalent to his brain. Every move here can be monitored by him, that is, he has not been completely killed."

   "He didn't completely die. Could it be that he is still alive?"

   "You can't say that. Anyway, he has been watching here. When you are fighting with the blood cloud corpses, these two spirit formations sucked all the murderous aura in the entire space because they felt the danger."

   "You mean he felt our existence?"

  Zhang Jianyun replied: "You are right, I think he should have already felt your presence, otherwise these murderous auras will definitely not be taken back by him."

"Fortunately, I have been absorbing his blood before. When he was condensing murderous aura, I had been absorbing the spiritual power in his body. I am afraid that he will not be able to wake up for a while." Zhang Jianyun is bad. Said with a smile.

After seeing the smile on his face, Chen Xuan nodded slowly: "So that's it, that means you can't keep absorbing aura in his blood cloud corpse?"

  Zhang Jianyun nodded: "Yes, it can only absorb a few years at most. If he wakes up, you will definitely absorb me."

  Chen Xuan was a little surprised, he did not expect that the blood cloud corpse was actually left by a mysterious powerhouse.

  He recalled the scene just now, Chen Xuan felt the cold sweat steadily coming out of his back.

  If it weren’t because the blood cloud corpse that Zhang Jianyun bitten contains terrifying aura, I’m afraid this mysterious blood demon sect powerhouse will be awakened.

  Once the opponent wakes up, Chen Xuan will definitely be killed by him.

   Such a powerful enemy, with Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun's current cultivation base, it is certainly impossible to be his opponent.

   "You did a good job just now, but then again..."

  The breath made Chen Xuan also feel a tremor.

  I have to say that this power is really too powerful. If it weren’t for Zhang Jianyun’s sudden absorption of the opponent’s breath, they would definitely die here by then.

  Chen Xuan now finally understands that this blood cloud corpse is the strong man who once fell here. According to Zhang Jianyun's explanation, he also knew very well in his heart that this was definitely a warrior of the blood demon sect.

"But what surprises me most is that when other people enter here, they will be more or less affected by the surrounding breath, but you have not been affected at all. This is really weird." The black robe old man said to himself. Gu Zi said.

  (End of this chapter)

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