Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3967: Inheritance in the Blood Demon Coffin

  Chapter 3967 Inheritance in the coffin of the blood demon

  Zhang Jianyun thought for a moment, and then said: "I don't know who it is, but I can tell you accurately that the inheritance in the blood demon coffin possesses very terrifying power."

"He is called Lei Pojun, right? This kid's current cultivation base is not strong, but once he can get the inheritance in the blood demon coffin, maybe his cultivation base can continuously break through several small realms. The inheritance in the demon coffin is very important to that kid, and only he can absorb that inheritance."

  Zhang Jianyun said word by word.

  Chen Xuan nodded slowly, he was also guessing in his heart that the blood demon coffin might be the sovereign of the blood demon sect.

Seeing Chen Xuan staying silent, Zhang Jianyun suddenly opened his mouth and said, "Boy, I will definitely not harm you. This inheritance will definitely improve his cultivation level. Maybe when we meet next time, his strength will increase many times, maybe. Will be better than you."

   "But you don't need to worry now. The inheritance you got just now is also very precious. It's a pity that you didn't swallow that spiritual stone..." Zhang Jianyun rolled his eyes and watched Chen Xuan secretly.

  He is obviously still brooding about what happened just now.

  Did Chen Xuan explain to him.

  Time flickered, and three days passed in a blink of an eye. At this time, Chen Xuan suddenly felt that the entire independent space was constantly shaking.

  "Didn't you say that you can directly pass through the missing secret realm from here?"

  The vibration just now shows that the secret realm has been opened.

  Zhang Jianyun smiled and said: "This kid may take a while to get the inheritance magic weapon. We two don't need to wait here. After the kid accepts the inheritance, I am afraid it will be a week later."

   "And then?" Chen Xuan said, "When will Lei Pojun come out of the blood demon coffin? You are not lying to me, are you?"

Zhang Jianyun said immediately: "You kid has been framing me. How could I lie to you? I'm talking about it. Without your help, the old man would be in danger alone. Now my cultivation base is very weak. Protect, I will feel more at ease."

  Chen Xuan nodded quietly. In the past few days, he has already got a certain understanding of Zhang Jianyun.

  His real body belongs to a very precious category of monsters.

  Nine-footed gold worm, also known as nine-clawed gold worm.

  There are many human monks who regard them as treasures.

"Okay, let's not continue to waste time here. This kid will go out from other places after he gets the inheritance, and he will also go directly to the Secret Realm of Lost. If you want to enter, we can go directly from Past here..."

  Zhang Jianyun took the lead in walking over.

  Chen Xuan glanced at the front of the blood demon coffin, he suddenly discovered that there was an entrance above the blood demon coffin.

  Chen Xuan nodded silently, he wanted to enter the secret realm, probably next to the blood demon coffin.

  "Do you know now? He will definitely pass by here, and he can also hear what you say, but he can't reply to you." Zhang Jianyun said

  Chen Xuan nodded and said, "In that case, let's leave here and find a way to enter the secret realm."

  If you want to leave, you still have to rely on Zhang Jianyun.

  After all, he has been living here for several years. If he wants to leave here without his help, it must be very dangerous.

  Under the leadership of Zhang Jianyun, an hour later, Chen Xuan suddenly looked behind him in surprise.

  A fierce breath was released instantly, and then Chen Xuan's body was slapped to the ground fiercely.

   "What a strong breath!" Chen Xuan said with a look of horror.

  Zhang Jianyun also stared behind him in a daze: "Boy, you have to find a way to get out of here as soon as possible!"

  Chen Xuan roared, and a very terrifying aura immediately condensed from his body, and then violently compressed it towards the space in front of him.


   Chen Xuan's body was suddenly knocked back.

  Chen Xuan and Little Firebird came out of the space, but the next second, Chen Xuan looked around him suspiciously.

   "It's strange, didn't you say that we can come directly to the secret realm? Why is the place where we came out is the entrance of the mountain range?" Chen Xuan looked at Zhang Jianyun next to him and said.

   is exactly the same as the mountain range where he chased Zhang Jianyun before, there is no difference at all.

   Zhang Jianyun said with a mysterious face: "You don't know this, it's just a blind trick."

   "What kind of blindfold?"

   "I met your chase at the beginning, so I set up a blindfold. This is the mountain in the secret realm. Don't worry, now you have come to the secret realm."

After hearing this, Chen Xuan observed his surroundings again, and he found that there were many spiritual grasses growing nearby.

  "It's really a bit different. It's a magical place. I didn't expect that there are so many spiritual grasses growing here. It seems that it is indeed a lost secret realm. There is nothing wrong with it." Chen Xuan glanced at the mountains and then said.

   "You should have been here, right?"

  Zhang Jianyun nodded: "I did come before, but don't underestimate this place. This place is very dangerous."

   "What shall we do now?" Chen Xuan said.

   "Don't worry, just follow me."

  After negotiating with Zhang Jianyun, Chen Xuan and Zhang Jianyun walked forward.

  At this time, Zhang Jianyun suddenly said: "Boy, I have a request that I don’t know whether to talk or not."

   "What do you want to say?" Chen Xuan said.

   "It's true that I was going to survive the catastrophe, but I was seriously injured. Can I hide in your space ring now?"

  Chen Xuan laughed after hearing it.


After receiving Chen Xuan's affirmation, Zhang Jianyun's face was full of joy.

  The next moment, Zhang Jianyun turned into a real body, a bug exuding a red aura, and instantly penetrated into Chen Xuan's spatial ring.

   After Zhang Jianyun received the space ring, Chen Xuan immediately looked ahead.

   "It seems that there are still a lot of dangers nearby. Now that I have entered the secret realm, I have to look for it and see if there is any magic weapon here..."

  At the same time, Chen Xuan can also infer that several nearby schools have definitely gathered in the secret realm, and they must also want to find a magic weapon for inheritance.

After Chen Xuan put Zhang Jianyun into his space ring, he suddenly heard Zhang Jianyun's voice coming over.

   "Boy, why are there so many bottles and cans in your space ring? Are you trying to kill me?" Zhang Jianyun yelled.

  Chen Xuan originally wanted to put him in the space ring that contained the pill, but Zhang Jianyun refused to agree, saying that the space ring was not suitable for him to practice.

  When Chen Xuan asked him where he wanted to go, Zhang Jianyun's answer was very simple. He only wanted to be with Little Firebird.

  Chen Xuan did not refuse at the time either. He had two spatial rings on his body.

  One space ring is specially used to store items, and the other space ring is specially prepared for little firebirds.

  This space ring not only can store living things, but also has a huge space.

  Chen Xuan can even transform this space.

  After putting Zhang Jianyun in another spatial ring, Chen Xuan quickly left here.

  He knew that this place was very dangerous, because there was a very terrifying breath nearby, which was constantly blooming.

  Chen Xuan stared forward.

   Immediately after, he saw a bottomless gorge appeared in front of him. This gorge was so deep that he couldn't even see the bottom at a glance.

  Chen Xuan glanced into the distance, he resolutely bypassed this canyon, he just felt that terrifying breath, which came from the canyon.

  Time flew by, and now Chen Xuan embarked on a journey to find the treasure of inheritance in the secret realm.

  He wanted to see where he could find the heritage treasures in the secret realm.

  There must be very precious treasures in secret realms around the world.

  Walking on the road, Chen Xuan couldn't help but began to recall his experience in the independent space.

  Chen Xuan's cultivation level has been improved a lot, the most important thing is that Chen Xuan's spirit level has also been improved a lot.

  Although Chen Xuan's spirit has not reached the peak of this realm, from the perspective of Chen Xuan's current cultivation level, he can fully contend with the level of a dual warrior in the spirit realm.

  Second Level of Divine Soul Realm, he is already a top powerhouse.

  Except for the chief disciple of the various sects, it is completely impossible for other people to pose a threat to Chen Xuan.

  The dual cultivation base of Soul and Soul is already a very terrifying existence in the two-star sect, and only some elders of the sect can reach this state.

  Since he got the inheritance of Long Tianpo, this has allowed Chen Xuan's strength to improve in an all-round way.

  Not only the spirit has improved, Chen Xuan even feels that his defense power has also increased a lot.

  At this time, Chen Xuan squeezed his fist, and then slammed a punch forward.

  A fierce breath burst out instantly

   Seeing the huge mountain in front, he was directly destroyed by his own punch, Chen Xuan smiled coldly: "It's time to avenge the dead Jianyuezong disciple."

   "These three sects dare to kill our sects. I will never let them go."

  Chen Xuan believes that when this mystery is opened, people from the three major sects will definitely rush over.

  Chen Xuanhan said: "I must kill you all!"

  His words are full of fierce killing intent.

  I have to say that if Chen Xuan really meets the chief disciple of the three major sects, he certainly cannot be the opponent of the three by himself, but if Chen Xuan defeats one by one, he can definitely kill all of the opponents.

  The people of these three sects do not know Chen Xuan.

  So Chen Xuan can just change his surname and see if he can disintegrate the three martial sects from within.

  The alliance of these three sects is very unstable. Just looking for an opportunity, Chen Xuan can definitely make their alliance fall apart.

  "Let’s see which way to go first..."

  Chen Xuan found a correct direction and walked quickly on the mountain.

  (End of this chapter)

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