Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3971: Lu Wen'an shot

  Chapter 3971 Lu Wen'an shot

  They didn't expect Chen Xuan's cultivation base to be so strong, it was not an enemy they could deal with at all.

   "What a strong cultivation base!"

  "It's a dead end!" Chen Xuan smiled while holding the Liaoyuan sword in his hand.

   "I'm going to kill you crap, Chen Xuan, don't be proud of you!"

Suddenly, several warriors rushed in the direction of Chen Xuan.

  They are ready to join forces to attack Chen Xuan.

  After all, one-on-one, they can't be Chen Xuan's opponent.

  At this moment, several disciples were directly burned to ashes before they even touched the Suzaku fire.

  The cultivation base of these disciples is not weak, and several of them are considered outstanding geniuses in the Tianyun Sect.

  Among the younger generation, few people are their opponents.

  But when they faced Chen Xuan, they were killed in seconds.

  The difference in strength is clear at a glance.

  Lu Wen'an discovered that their Tianyun Sect disciple couldn't even hold up a round, so he was killed by this Chen Xuan.

At this moment, Lu Wen'an squinted his eyes and looked at Chen Xuandao: "Boy, since you want to die, I, Lu Wen'an, will let you know what to do for real strength. Although your cultivation level is indeed very strong, follow me. It is destined to make a huge difference."

  Lu Wen'an's voice just fell, a fierce aura emerged in his body, and the next moment Lu Wen'an's blade appeared a little blue aura.

  As soon as these blue sword auras appeared, they immediately attacked Chen Xuan's direction violently.

  Lu Wen'an holds a long sword.

  The breath around his body is constantly improving.


  A wave of blue sword aura continued to gather in the air. When his aura reached the peak, a violent force suddenly poured down.

  In an instant...

  Chen Xuan can't even see the shadow of the sword.

  Only heard Lu Wen'an roar, the next moment his sword shot out in Chen Xuan's direction.

   Lu Wen'an's blade suddenly appeared on the blue sword light exuding thunder.

  The light wrapped his body.

Although Lu Wen'an's strength is very strong, he is not Chen Xuan's opponent.

   After all, Chen Xuan had already awakened his soul, and he had also received guidance from Long Tianpo.

  After continuous breakthroughs, even if the powerhouse at the peak of the Divine Soul Second Layer, he may not be able to take advantage of Chen Xuan's hands. It is conceivable that Lu Wen'an could be better than Chen Xuan.

"If it is Mo Yuntian, maybe I am not necessarily his opponent. Maybe I will be jealous of him, but it is only a little jealous, because he can only bring me a little threat, but your cultivation Wei is far inferior to him, and your cultivation is not strong. In my eyes, you have only a dead end."

  Chen Xuan looked at Lu Wen'an, his pupils were full of chills.

  Lu Wen'an yelled, he immediately swung his long sword and launched a menacing attack towards Chen Xuan.

   Chen Xuan whispered: "Even if you try, it's useless, you can't be my opponent."

  As soon as his voice fell, Lu Wen'an's sword also appeared in front of him.

  When Lu Wen'an's blade was about to touch Chen Xuan's body, Lu Wen'an's face was full of a grim smile.

   "Boy, do you really think you can crush me? It's so funny, no matter how strong you are, if you are hit by my sword, you will definitely be killed!"

  In his heart, as long as Chen Xuan is hit by the sword, he will definitely be killed.

  Lu Wen'an seems to have seen Chen Xuan's skull penetrated by a long sword.

  This scene was watched by the surrounding disciples.

  Their pupils are hot.

   "Ha, I was still talking big just now, I really thought his cultivation level was very strong, it seems that he is also a paper tiger, he is not able to withstand a single blow!"

   "I'm afraid your sword aura, there is no way to break my body refining defense... It is you who died today."

   Just when Lu Wenan thought he had succeeded, he found that Chen Xuan was smiling.

  At this time, a fierce breath suddenly bloomed, and then it hit his long sword.


  The sound of the sword blade handing over came into Lu Wen'an's ears.

   Immediately after Lu Wen'an was horrified to find that his sword blade opened a tiny hole, he couldn't advance even a bit.

  Lu Wen'an urged the whole body's strength, and the blue and purple auras all emerged on the blade. He wanted to gather all the strength and bombard Chen Xuan's body.

   "How is it possible? This is simply impossible, why his cultivation is so strong... how could I fail so miserably..."

  The smile on Lu Wen'an's face narrowed.

  He can infer that Chen Xuan did not explode all the cultivation base just now. The blue aura in the sky was replaced by red flames.

  Lu Wen'an's face showed a hint of fear.

  He knew that his efforts had turned into dust in the end.

  I am not his opponent at all...

  No, we must find a way to crack his offense!

   But before he could react, the Liaoyuan Sword pierced his body fiercely.


  Liaoyuan Sword instantly released the power of Suzaku.

  Lu Wen’an was directly burned by the flames. When the flame disappeared, Lu Wen’an’s body gradually disappeared.


  The pupils of all the disciples were filled with unbelievable expressions.

  They couldn’t imagine that Lu Wen’an would be directly killed by the mysterious wooden holy sword sect warrior in front of them.

   "No, the power of this flame is too terrifying, right? Isn't Senior Brother Lu Wen'an his opponent?"

In the eyes of these disciples, Chen Xuan's attack was killed.

  Lu Wen'an has no chance to fight back at all.

   "Who are you anyway?" said a Tianyun school disciple.

  Chen Xuan swung the Liaoyuan sword and directly killed the disciple.

  The Tianyun school disciple slowly fell to the ground.

   Just when this Tianyun Sect disciple fell to the ground, two disciples suddenly appeared in the distance.

  A blue light flew out of their palms, and they wanted to sneak attack on Chen Xuan.


  Before Chen Xuan swung the Liaoyuan sword, Little Firebird directly killed the disciple of the Tianyun Sect.

  A red light came out of the little Firebird's body. In the end, this Tianyun Sect disciple was directly swallowed by the little Firebird.

  Seeing this scene, Zhang Jianyun also stood on the corpse of this Tianyun Sect disciple, absorbing the blood of Lu Wen'an.

  Lu Wen'an and several disciples originally wanted to plot against Chen Xuan, but they were all killed.

  Because of Lu Wen'an's death, the disciples of the Tianyun faction were shocked from the bottom of their hearts.

  They couldn't imagine how strong Chen Xuan's cultivation is, even if Lu Wen'an is not an opponent.

   "Senior Brother Lu Wen'an is not his opponent. Anyway, will our Senior Brother Lu Wen'an be dead?"

   "How is it possible? He killed Senior Brother Lu Wen'an in just one round?"

   "Run away, we can't be his opponent!"

   Suddenly, a disciple shouted loudly: "It's over, this is completely over. Let's run quickly. As long as we can leave the unexplored realm, we can report it to the master!"

  All of the disciples of the Tianyun faction were awake all at once, and fled directly.

  But how could Chen Xuan let go of the Tianyun Sect disciples.

   "When you attacked Jianyuezong, all the disciples of your Tianyun faction have a share, and I will never let you escape."

  As soon as Chen Xuan's voice fell, the Liaoyuan sword swung out.

  Suzaku swordsmanship fourth level!

  Chen Xuan roared, and then instantly displayed the Suzaku sword technique.


In a blink of an eye, all the disciples of the Tianyun Sect were killed by Chen Xuan.

  The entire mountain is full of the bodies of the disciples of the Tianyun faction. With Chen Xuan's current strength, few people will be his opponent if he goes alone.

  Among the entire Tianyun Sect disciples, there is only one person's cultivation base, which may pose a threat to Chen Xuan.

  No one else can enter Chen Xuan's eyes.

   And even if he encountered Mo Yuntian, Chen Xuan had a way to kill him.

  Chen Xuan knew that Mo Yuntian's cultivation was very strong, but Chen Xuan was not afraid of him.

  At this moment, Mo Yuntian suddenly looked at the sound transmission jade pendant on the palm of his hand.

  The jade pendant that originally radiated blue light suddenly became dim.

   Obviously, now Mo Yuntian has already understood the news that the Tianyun Sect disciple was killed.

  Chen Xuan made a calculation. He thought that since the other party had already sent the message to Mo Yuntian, the situation here would definitely be known by the other party.

"Mo Yuntian is right... I heard that you are the chief disciple of the Tianyun Sect, but I want to ask for advice on your cultivation level." According to Chen Xuan's inference, since Mo Yuntian already knew that he was attacking the Tianyun Sect disciple, he It must be on the way here.

   Chen Xuan's true strength has reached the second stage of the realm of spirit and soul.

  Although his cultivation is only the first level of the Divine Soul Realm, his true strength is far more than that.

  Even the chief disciple of those two-star sects, geniuses like Mo Yuntian, may not be able to win when encountering Chen Xuan.

  At this time, Chen Xuan silently looked in front of him.

  It has been so long since entering Jianyue Sect, Chen Xuan has received a lot of favors.

  As for the three major sects teaming up to kill the disciples of Jianyuezong, Chen Xuan will never die.

  Now Chen Xuan's cultivation base is strong enough, even if he is not the opponent of the sect masters and elders of the three major sects, but among the younger generation of Yunxiao Mansion, basically no one can pose a threat to him.

  Chen Xuan has become a leader of the younger generation, even if he is an inner disciple, he cannot be his opponent.

   "After the Lost Secret Realm is closed, go to Li's house and look for Qiu Yu. I can't drag it any longer, otherwise Qiu Yu might be in danger." Chen Xuan whispered.

  At this moment, Mo Yuntian of the Tianyun School is rushing towards the mountain where Chen Xuan is.

   "Dare to kill my Tianyun school disciple, Chen Xuan, you are looking for death." Mo Yuntian said coldly, his pupils full of blood.

  At the same time, within the temporary stronghold of the Heavenly Soul Gate.

  Several men in black long clothes are also talking to each other.

   "What, this kid dared to kill our Heavenly Soul Gate?" A man in a black long coat was full of anger.

  (End of this chapter)

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